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Grey: The Encounter (Spectrum Series Book 1)

Page 38

by Allison White

  “What did you get?” I put my notebook to the side and watch as she sits up and put a hand in the bag, eyebrows raised.

  “Are you ready, Bambi?” she drawls, waggling her eyebrows.

  I glance at Julia, who looks uninterested as she scrolls through her phone, and sigh. “Not sure I am, but you’re going to show me anyway, so go ahead already.”

  She yanks out a short, frilly white dress and a bunched-up veil. I don’t know how to react. I have so many questions. Are she and Julia getting married? If so, I doubt she’d wear…well, that. Wait…no…she’d definitely wear that.

  “Well…what do you think?” she asks after a long pause.

  “I don’t…why did you buy a wedding dress?” I’m kind of offended they wouldn’t invite me to something as important as their wedding.

  She lets out a confused laugh and looks at me like I lost my mind. “Um, because it’s my costume…”

  “Costume?” I question. Why would she buy a costume in the middle of September?

  “Because it’s Halloween, silly!” she says and starts laughing at my ignorance.

  My jaw drops. “It’s Halloween?” I fumble my hands in the sheets before grasping my phone and yanking it toward my face. The date on the lock screen boldly states: October 31st. How did I not notice this until now?

  “This is worse than I thought,” she says and shakes her head. “You’re coming with us tonight. That fucker got you so wrapped up in bullshit that you nearly missed a holiday. A holiday, Bam. That’s just not right.”

  “Where am I going exactly?” I ask with a laugh.

  “To a costume party, of course.” She rushes to her feet and pulls out two costumes. They both cause my jaw to fall to the ground. She has to be insane if she thinks I’d wear either of those in public. I wouldn’t even dare try them on in private, much less where everyone can see me.

  “Today’s Monday, and there’s school tomorrow,” I remind her. “How can people go partying knowing there are classes the next day?”

  She shrugs. “Teachers allow tardiness since most of the class will be coming in hungover, though most won’t even be going tomorrow. It’s just one day. Now…sexy maid…or seductress of the night?” Jaimie asks, shaking both costumes with a jittery smile.

  “I’ll go with neither,” I say with a smile before picking up my notebook.

  She rushes over to my bed and wraps her arms around my waist, muttering, “Please, please, please, please,” over and over in my ear.

  “Fine, fine! I’ll go one condition.” I hold up a finger to get her attention.

  She squeals and pulls back with puppy eyes. “Name it.”

  “We leave before twelve o’clock.”

  She scoffs with a disgusted expression. “That’s when the party starts!”

  “Then I guess I’ll have fun reading my books.” I look away and pick up my pen.

  She slaps it away, and I can’t help but chuckle. “Fine. But you have to let me dress you. I will not let two of my people attend this party looking like their ordinary selves.”

  “Julia’s not wearing a costume?”

  “Nope. Never has. Never will,” Julia answers without looking up from her phone.

  Jaimie rolls her eyes and holds up the outfits and tries to persuade me to choose one, but I absolutely refuse to wear either one of them. They’re demeaning and over-sexualized.

  I rather wear a simple sweater and khakis, but at the mere mention of my planned outfit, she dramatically gasps and almost has a panic attack. While she tries to catch her breath like the drama queen she is, I begin to think.

  While away from the toxic guy that is Grey, I promised myself I would get on the straight and narrow and only focus on the reason I’m here. Also, I wouldn’t attend anymore parties and rather study and maybe even read for luxury. But I doubt Grey would be at a costume party when he can be destroying people’s houses with eggs or toilet paper.

  I guess there’s nothing wrong with one more party.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Halloween is a pretty big deal for fraternities. I noticed the double amount of cars lined up against the streets, some even double parked in the street, which was a pain to get around without knocking over a herd of pre-drunk girls wearing kitten ears and short skirts. The flood of red cups littering the lawns was ridiculous to the point that I would be glad to not see another Solo cup again in my life. Nearly every fraternity we passed was overrun with people and blasting music.

  Seeing all of that made me ten times more hesitant to attend one of these raging parties, but it’s a good thing we’re leaving before twelve, so that leaves us two hours to party. More like two hours for the girls to party while I find a room to read the novel I brought along.

  The minute we stepped through the front door, I found out just how much these people were dedicated to Halloween. Girls wore ridiculous costumes ranging from sexy firefighters to playboy bunnies, while the boys were draped in vampire capes and lobbing around big clubs like cavemen. Stringy cobwebs lined the door, and mist flowed over the lawn and the floors of the house. The walls vibrate from the low, spooky music and fake thunder clapping throughout the smoky air; spiders dangled and popped down from time to time to give heart attacks.

  They really go all out for Halloween, and it is freaky.

  Even in this lacy corset-like top and white lace kitten ears Jaimie forced me to wear, I still feel as if all the werewolf-clad boys were eying me like I was a piece of meat. I pushed for the almost see through shawl despite her pleas that it would ruin the look, but I’m glad I did. Otherwise, I would feel too exposed to walk through the house by myself.

  We’ve been here for thirty minutes now, and I have been sitting on the tattered couch, headphones plugged in, though they are no match to the huge sound systems blasting music, with a novel in my hands. I am turning the page, uninterested in the party scene around me, when I feel my shoulder being tapped.

  I look up and see Sam beaming down at me, drink in hand. I pull out my headphones, shocked but delighted to see him. I’m not even sure he goes to this school…

  “You look like you could use a drink,” he says, a charming smile coating his full lips.

  I give him a smile in return and put my book down. “Not really. Gotta have a clear mind to read.”

  He makes a dismissive sound and nudges it toward me. “Come on, it’s a party. A Halloween party, at that. Have some fun. Your book isn’t going anywhere.”

  “This book is quite fun, I assure you,” I say, tapping the hardback of my book.

  He squints his eyes. “What book is it?”

  I pause and toy with a charm on my wrist. “Catcher in the Rye.”

  “No, no, no—I read that in the sixth grade, and I still have nightmares about it. Take it,” he insists, laughing. What is it with people dissing my novels? Sometimes I swear I am the only person who reads, and we’re in a university.

  I laugh too and hesitantly take the cup from him. “Catcher in the Rye is not that bad.” I mindlessly run the tip of my finger around the cup’s edge. The drink is a soft pink, and I wonder if there’s alcohol in it. Most likely, about ninety-nine percent of the drinks served in this house has alcohol laced in them.

  “Isn’t it, though?” He takes a seat next to me and raises a questioning brow.

  “No…it’s a classic. You can’t just diss a classic. You have to have respect for it.” I glance at him and find him already staring at me. I shy away and take a small sip of the drink. Oooh, I like this. Sweet and a noticeable hint of vodka. But besides the liquor, it’s quite nice on the tongue.

  “I’m not saying I don’t respect it,” he says and shrugs. “It’s just not my cup of tea.”

  I take a sip of the sweet drink. “And what is your cup of tea?”

  He pauses for dramatic effect and leans into me. I stiffen but smile when he says, “Talking to pretty girls with cat ears.”

  “Then you must be drunk off your tea, because this whole house is p
ractically filled with girls with cat ears. You would think at least some would go for dog ears, but no, just cats. It’s kind of insulting to us dog people.”

  “There’s a reason for it, baby girl,” he drawls with a sort of dangerous glint in his eyes. It makes me squirm with a tingling sensation shooting down my back.

  “And what reason is that?” I ask, playing into his seductive tactic. It’s working—trust me. I take a larger gulp of the drink and nearly choke when he speaks.

  “The cat exudes a sense of fierceness, primal actions…sexiness. But none of these girls quite understand that it can also be endearing and sensual at the time. You, on the other hand…you are the embodiment of a pussycat.”

  My eyes nearly bulge out of my head. “That is…um, w-where’s your costume?” I try to change the subject. He has me flustered, and he knows it.

  “I’m not wearing a costume,” he says and looks around the party with a mysterious aura clouding his body. “There’s no point to this—dressing up as someone you’re not.”

  “I didn’t want to exactly dress up, either.” I pick at the sheer fabric cloaking my chest.

  “Hmm,” he hums, staring ahead.

  “What is it?” I ask him after taking a large gulp of the drink. It tastes really good; I have to ask him what it is. “Is this like a strawberry drink or—?”

  “Don’t look now, but I’m pretty sure they’re fucking on the dance floor.”

  An intoxicated giggle breaches past my lips. “That sounds like a song lyric.”

  “No, no—I’m serious. Seriously, don’t look.” He turns to me with a grim expression.

  “Well, now I have to look, don’t I?” I give him a wink and scoot over onto him, looking ahead at what caught and soured his mood. I don’t get it. All I see are people dancing. I almost chalk it up to him being drunk…and then I see it myself.

  In the middle of the dance floor is Grey and three others grinding against each other, one of those girls being Diana. She is dressed as a full-on sexy kitten, eyeliner drawn whiskers and everything. And Grey…he’s dressed as usual—an asshole. If he really wanted to embrace himself, he’d have stapled a freaking dildo to his head, then he’d be the true dickhead he is.

  “You okay?” Sam touches my thigh, and I snap my head at him.

  My scowl softens, and I nod. “Perfect as ever. I just thought he wouldn’t be here, seeing as he’s too cool or whatever.” I laugh despite it sounding forced and sad. I swivel my eyes to meet Grey’s. Time stops as he smirks at me before leaning down and grabbing Diana’s ass. Rage spreads through my body.

  How dare he? I know I should just shake it off and go back to reading my book, but I can’t. Not when he’s dancing on her to get a rise out of me! Well, if he wanted a rise, he fucking got it. I’ll show him I’m not hung up on him.

  “Do you want to—” Sam starts.

  “Dance with me, Sam,” I demand after downing the rest of the cup’s contents before slamming it onto the coffee table in front of us. He looks at me with a mixture of amusement and worry.

  “Are you sure?” he asks.

  “Yes, I love this song.” The song is tragic. I swipe my hand across my mouth and stand, holding out my hand. He looks at it for a split second before sporting a smirk and grabbing it. I grin from ear to ear and drag him to the middle of the room.

  Whatever he gave me is working, because I feel less hung up and more carefree. I swing my hips from side to side and bop my head around in time to the upbeat music. His eyes scan my body up and down as I dance, and I soak in the attention and clasp my hands on his shoulders. He rocks himself side to side and pulls me into his chest. I let out a laugh when he whispers something about the girls dancing next to us looking like a herd of cats with rabies. I throw my head back and close my eyes from laughing so much.

  This is more fun than I expected. Why can’t I do this without the influence of alcohol and a certain snake near me? I came to college with priorities that I am perfectly maintaining, but ever since I found the bittersweet effect partying and drinking can have, I’ve been enjoying myself more than I ever have. I already lost my mother’s trust. Why not go all out and forget about the consequences? I can afford to enjoy myself as long as I am still focused on my education. There’s nothing stopping me anymore.

  “Can I get some more of that drink you gave me?” I shout over the music, in Sam’s ear.

  He pulls back and nods. “I’ll go get it. Stay here.”

  “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere.” I watch as he winks at me before pulling away and weaving through the throbbing crowd. I don’t stop moving. I jump from side to side and avoid eye contact with any guys that look at me weirdly.

  A small part of me is paranoid, wondering if that guy who tried to take advantage of me twice is here. But I doubt he’d be here. Grey nearly beat him to death the last time he tried anything with me, and even though he most likely is a part of this frat, I think Grey scared him enough that he wouldn’t even leave his room or attend another party.

  I didn’t know I was smiling until I chewed on my bottom lip. To think that Grey would nearly beat a guy to death only to shatter my heart weeks later.

  A tap on my shoulder makes me jump around with a wide smile, expecting to see Sam with my drink, but my smile is shot down and replaced with a snarl.

  “What do you want?” I cross my arms and glare at Grey, staring down at me with a deep frown. “Didn’t I tell you to stay the hell away from me?”

  “Why are you with Sam?” he asks, and I burst into laughter. He looks at me like I lost my mind, but it’s the other way around. Who is he to ask me something like that? “Did I say something funny?” The muscles in his neck flex, and I nod my head frantically as I try to suppress my laugh enough to speak.

  “Sure did; you thinking you can dictate who I can’t be with tickles my funny bone.” I turn around and begin dancing again. He walks around me and grabs my wrist. I use my free hand and slap his hand away.

  “Do not touch me like that. Matter of fact, don’t touch me at all!” I am two seconds away from punching him. “Don’t you have a kitty to dance with?” I ask childishly, referring to Diana.

  He smirks widely. “Yeah, she’s right in front of me.”

  “Haven’t you done your job already?” I ask, exhausted. He looks confused, so I break it down for him. “You played me, Grey, and then when you roped me in enough, you threw me to the side for a redhead, which I’m convinced is your thing, and got your dick sucked, fucked—I couldn’t care for the term. But you got what you wanted. Your sadistic need to hurt me has been fulfilled.”

  “That isn’t—I didn’t…” He trails off and pinches his nose. Why can’t he ever just say what’s on his mind? Why is he still stringing me along? He got what he wanted, and I don’t want to deal with this or him anymore. Is he really this cold-blooded?

  “Either you finish that sentence, or I will never—and I mean never—associate myself with you ever again. I don’t care if we’re partnered up or you visit for a quick fuck and decide to drop by for a chick chat; I don’t care anymore! I will not allow you to tear me apart any more than you already have!” I am panting for breath by the time I finish. I meant every word I said.

  “I—I did care about you. I still do…but then…Rose—I…” he sputters, his eyes glistening with tears.

  Before he can struggle any longer, Diana comes along and makes everything clear as day. She steps in front of him with her hand on her hips, a taunting smile lingering on her red-painted lips.

  “My earring, please,” she says, holding out her hand with a wicked glint in her electric blue eyes. I look at her, confused, before my gaze shift to her ears. One of them has a golden hoop, similar to the one I found in my bed…wait…no. The lipstick stain on his lips, the earring, her gloating—it all makes sense. He did leave me that night to be with Diana, and then he came right back and acted like nothing happened. He’s been going behind my back and lying about it, getting me in bed.
  I opened myself up to him for the first time ever. I was vulnerable, I trusted him—how did I not see this coming?

  “Liv—I—” He steps forward and gently takes my hand. I am not aware that I’m crying until I feel the warm tear slide down my cheek.

  “I hope you choke on your words,” I seethe and snatch my hand from his. I turn around and push through the crowd, not caring about the complaints or the guy who broke my heart screaming my name behind me. All I care about is getting away from this toxic house.

  I’ve had my innocence battered by the same guy in this house. The same guy who urged to see the grey, but I don’t want to. If this is the middle ground, I don’t want anything to do with this. I don’t want anything to do with him. The Grey.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Friday morning, I woke up covered in sweat. I attempted to catch my breath and laid back down with my hand clutching my moist forehead. I had just woken up from a nightmare that was Monday night’s events in a loop.

  I can still feel how winded I became when I learned he slept with Diana right after he and I shared something and then slipped right back into bed as if he didn’t just betray my trust in the worst way possible. I can still hear the music and the chaotic mess of strangers screaming and cheering as a layer of haziness concocted around my ears, leaving me to listen to the rapid heartbeat pounding in my ears.

  It’s been four days without even acknowledging Grey. He’s made it extra easy seeing that I haven’t seen him around; he hasn’t been coming by, and he hasn’t come to Psych this entire week. And I thank him for giving me space, if that is what he’s doing. If not…well, I couldn’t care less. He stopped caring about me when he went behind my back and screwed Diana, so why should I start caring about him? That wouldn’t exactly be fair, would it? No. It most definitely wouldn’t be.


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