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Page 2

by Jodi Olson

  “Hey, I might suck at cleaning but at least I can cook, unlike you,” Kevin laughed.

  Without missing a beat, Mike continued, “There is one other way you could work off the money you owe us.”

  Amelia relaxed a bit as the ice started to numb the pain. She silently studied the two handsome men before her. “I’m not the best of housekeepers, so what’s the other option you’ve been considering?”

  Mike paused for a moment, and looked at Kevin, and then back at Amelia. “We’d like you to consider being our sex slave for one week. The earning potential should give you enough to finish paying off the house, if that’s really what you want to do.”

  Amelia’s shock was evident. She remained silent for several seconds before she dared to speak. “Are you two crazy? Sex slave?” She looked at both Mike and Kevin, and realized they were serious. The suggestion made her panties wet. Surely they’re kidding, but I sure hope not. She smiled seductively as she made eye contact with Mike and then Kevin. I hope they don’t expect an immediate answer on this one. If I were smart, regardless of the pain in my ankle, I’d just walk out the door. But I can’t because I owe them money and I have to pay off the debt if I want the house. Damn, what a mess.

  “How long do I have to think about this?” Amelia nibbled on her lower lip, contemplating their answer. Hell, her ex-husband, on their wedding night, had told her she had no clue how to make a man happy in bed. His comments echoed in her head.

  “You can have the rest of tonight to consider our offer. We’d like an answer first thing tomorrow,” Mike smiled.

  Leaving her to think about their offer, Mike and Kevin walked to the kitchen to start dinner. From time to time Amelia made eye contact with one of them seeing only anticipation in their eyes. Hell what will it be, I know they want an answer but I don’t know what to do. I’m an okay housekeeper but that’s no fun. Sex slave, now that’s a profession I haven’t tried. I just don’t want to be humiliated when all is said and done. Hell what if my ex-husband was right, what if I don’t know what a man wants? I need to get out of here. She tried to stand, but the pain that shot from her ankle up her leg was excruciating. She sat back down with a plop. I can’t even walk out of here, what am I going to do?

  “You need to stay off that foot at least for tonight,” Kevin offered. “We’ll make dinner. We have a spare room that you can stay in and after dinner one of us will help you up the stairs. If you need to use the facilities just ask, we’ll help you.” He was more than willing to carry her anywhere she wanted to go in the house.

  “I’m sure I can do it myself, I’m not that helpless.” She hobbled into the kitchen and ate like she hadn’t eaten for days. It seemed funny actually as lately she didn’t have much of an appetite, but then again you can only eat so many peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before you make yourself sick. After dinner she hobbled back to the sofa and sat down.

  Kevin and Mike cleaned up the kitchen and when they walked into the living room they found her sound asleep, like Goldilocks, thought Mike. He lifted her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to the spare room. Her perfume swirled around him, enveloping him in roses and cream. She felt right in his arms, and Mike realized how much he truly wanted to be with her. Just having her close tugged at his heart strings. He realized he wasn’t the only one with those thoughts, as he hadn’t missed the fact that Kevin couldn’t take his eyes off of her during dinner. They both had it bad and in some ways that was good. Now all they had to do was figure out how to get her to agree to take care of both of them…at the same time, he smiled to himself.


  Amelia was having the most wonderful dream, or was it real? She was lying naked on her bed; a strange man was kneeling between her legs, his tongue licking her clit, the other man stood next to the bed watching, while he stroked himself. As she pulled herself from the dream, she noticed the pale green walls realizing she wasn’t in her own bed; she was in a stranger’s bed. Her ankle was still wrapped, and she gingerly placed it on the floor and stood. Though still a little painful, she managed to get to the bathroom on her own. When she walked back into the bedroom, she didn’t notice Mike and Kevin standing just inside the door.

  ”So, Amelia…” Mike asked and she screamed as she twisted to get away, falling to the bed, and then to the floor. Kevin and Mike were there immediately. “Are you okay?” Mike asked as he picked her up and placed her back on the bed.

  “You scared me to death. Don’t you two ever knock?”

  Mike ignored the comment; it was after all, his house. He didn’t feel he had to knock on doors in his own house. With a heated stare, he questioned, “So what’s it going to be? Clean my house for six months, or be our sex slave for a week?” Mike’s impatience was obvious as he stood over her waiting for an answer.

  Amelia stared out the window, watching the rain come down. She turned slowly and smiled, “I’ll be your sex slave, on one condition.”

  Mike had been sure she would talk herself out of it, but she was considering it, definitely a step in the right direction, “And your condition?”

  “If I don’t want you doing something to me, you’ll have to stop.”

  “Honey, you won’t want us to stop, you’ll beg for more I promise you,” Kevin said with a smirk on his face.

  Amelia grunted thinking they were both too cocky and over confident for their own good.

  “So, have you decided Amelia?” they asked her in unison.

  ”Yes, I’ll be your sex slave. You didn’t really leave me with a lot of options. I sure don’t want to be anyone’s housekeeper for six months.” The three looked at one another in silence. Now what? she wondered. Who makes the first move? Sex really wasn’t on my agenda, I’m hungry. “I’m starving, what’s for breakfast?

  Kevin turned to leave, “I’ll make scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Go ahead and get out of those clothes since you did sleep in them. There’s a white robe, just like ours, hanging on the door in the bathroom. You don’t need to put anything on underneath it. In fact it would be better if you were naked under the robe.” Smiling, he left the room.

  Amelia mumbled as she hobbled towards the bathroom to change. She looked back at the two men who had propositioned her. From the way their robes clung to their bodies she could tell they too were naked underneath. She locked the door and took her time in the bathroom, not really sure she could go through with this; she had never been with two men before. Her confidence in sex wasn’t what it should’ve been for a divorced woman. Her ex-husband’s comments still lingered in her mind and all the baggage that came with that type of cruelty.

  “Amelia honey, what’s taking so long? Your breakfast is getting cold,” Mike said as he tried to open the bathroom door.

  “I’ll be down in a few minutes; you go ahead and start without me,” She said from behind the door. After she heard their groans and was sure they’d gone, she came out of the bathroom and started down the stairs, still slowed by the pain in her ankle.

  Breakfast was a silent affair; Mike and Kevin sensing Amelia’s nervousness. When they reached across the table to grab her hands, she pulled away from them as if she’d been burned. Kevin again took her hand and ran his thumb softly over her wrist. Mike leaned over, tracing the soft curve of her upper lip with his tongue. Amelia was shocked, but her body yearned for more.


  In her peripheral vision she saw Kevin approach. Still holding her hand in his, he gently pulled her up. In the arms of men she’d only met yesterday, she allowed herself to be escorted to her bedroom. Once there, Kevin untied her robe and slowly lifted it from her shoulders. She felt the tingling of her skin, from the coolness of her nudity or excitement of her impending pleasure, she didn’t know.

  Kevin turned her slowly and pulled her close, his velvet erection rubbing against her ass. One strong arm snaked around her waist, as the other coiled over her shoulder, his hand finding her nipple and gently taking it between his fingers.

  Amelia s
huddered at his touch. Her eyes closed to the thrill and excitement; it was pure heaven. She could only imagine what else he could do with those fingers.

  “Amelia,” Mike asked as Amelia slowly gazed in his direction. He smiled and placed his rough hands on her hips, giving her a gentle kiss.

  His kiss left her breathless and wanting more but she didn’t know who to ask for what. Kevin’s hands skillfully, masterfully, intimately massaged her breasts, sending currents of desire through her entire body as Mike’s hand slowly moved from her hip down to the center of her thighs. His hand touched her swollen labia, wet with her desire to have one of them inside her.

  Mike dropped to his knees, his tongue tracing a line down her torso, his face so close now he could smell her desire. Slowly he teased her clit, making her quiver with unreleased excitement. He spread her legs further apart, his tongue continuing the long slow strokes, bringing her to the edge, then sucking her clit, his teeth teasing, his tongue exploring every inch.

  Kevin watched Mike as he brought Amelia to her peak. There was no way he was going to be left out. He circled to her front brushing his lips across her breasts, first one then the other. He took a hard nipple in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue, nipping at it gently with his teeth, moving from one breast to the other. He pulled back, releasing her breast, and Amelia let out a soft cry. Kevin teased her, leaving her wanting more.

  As he stepped back Amelia focused her eyes on his erection. It was huge; it scared and excited her at the same time.

  Her hands reached for his cock; her fingertips tracing the length of it. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, slowly moving her hand up and down its length. Amelia stopped to caress his balls, tight and swollen. She was happy to know he was in the same condition as she. Kevin groaned loudly as her tiny fingers danced across his swollen member, playing him like a musical instrument; he was losing control.

  Mike felt the tension rise and yielded his position, if only momentarily.

  Amelia lowered her head to place her lips around Kevin’s cock, her tongue gliding along his shaft as he moved in and out of her mouth. Kevin closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

  As Kevin erupted into her mouth, Amelia stood up and Mike once again moved so his tongue could fuck her. She’s just satisfied Kevin with her pretty little mouth and Mike wanted to bring her to orgasm as well. He continued to lick and suck her clit as he placed first one, then two fingers in her dripping pussy. Adding one additional finger he circled her swollen passage, going deeper then pulling out again. Amelia moaned and Mike continued his aggressive assault. She moved with him, falling into a rhythm with his fingers: in and out, in and out. Mike felt her shiver and heard her moan. Amelia started bucking into Mike’s hand; she wanted to scream “don’t stop” but was afraid if she spoke he would. No one had ever given her so much attention and pleasure before, not even her ex husband. In fact he thought it was disgusting to slip his fingers inside her, let alone use his tongue.

  As Kevin regained his composure he moved behind Amelia and started kissing the back of her thighs, moving up towards her round ass. Slowly he kissed a trail up her back, stopping at her neck, gently caressing her body. He’d never felt this way before, his heart never raced this fast. Kevin realized this day would always be one he’d remember, in fact he knew just from this one experience that he wanted to know Amelia better. If only I can get her away from Mike.

  Mike pressed his thumb against Amelia’s engorged clit, his fingers inside her wet slit, still penetrating her, fucking her faster. The sounds of her moaning filled the quiet room. The bucking of her hips and the tensing of her pussy told Mike she was just about to cum.

  ”Go easy Mike,” Kevin cautioned.

  “Please don’t stop,” Amelia pleaded.

  Mike circled her clit a little harder and a little faster easing her over the edge.

  She screamed with her climax. Breathless she watched as both men, put condoms on their shafts. She didn’t want to think about how many times they’ve done this, or how many women they’ve shared. All she could think about was how aroused she was. Amelia felt the tip of Mike’s cock between her legs. She needed him, she didn’t care about ‘Mr. Right’, only about Mr.. ‘Right NOW!’

  They touched her everywhere, using their hands, mouths and fingers. Mike and Kevin took turns driving her over the edge. Amelia let out a moan, moving her hips to first one and then the other’s even thrusts. Her thoughts drifted to the one time she’d had sex with her ex, it was nothing like this. It wasn’t erotic or even slightly enjoyable. These two definitely knew how to please a woman in every possible way

  Mike growled, as he drove deep into her pussy again and again. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  Amelia’s body shuddered, every muscle tensed and her moans grew louder, she climaxed for a second time. Mike’s release came shortly after. Giving her no time to recover, Kevin placed his engorged cock into her dripping pussy. She cringed and whimpered but knew she wanted this too. She moved with Kevin, in out, in out, and at the same time he kissed her passionately, rubbing her nipple between his fingers. Slowly Kevin eased his hand between them and even though he continued to enter her body, his fingers played with her engorged and very sensitive clit. Again Amelia shuddered as she began to orgasm and within minutes Kevin’s release matched hers. Exhausted, completely depleted, she closed her eyes and was instantly asleep.

  When she began to stir and hour had passed. She looked up and found both men sitting close by watching her sleep.


  “I’m starving,” she said with a smile.

  “It’ll be a while before lunch Amelia. I’m hungry too but not for food,” Kevin said with a wink.

  Amelia chose to ignore Kevin’s innuendo, as she reached across the bed to get her purse. “I think I might have a candy bar in here. I usually have a few just in case I get a craving.” She dumped the contents onto the bed. She didn’t find any candy bars, but she did find a glow-in-the-dark penis sucker. She unwrapped the sucker and began to slowly lick it. With both men were watching her every move Amelia circled the top of the sucker with her tongue. She licked the back of it the way she’d licked Kevin’s cock not long ago. By the looks of Mike and Kevin’s erections, her sucker teasing was getting them ready for another round.

  Mike glanced at the items she dumped from her purse to see what other kinds of candy she had. He picked up what looked to be a candy necklace. Seemed like everyone wore those necklaces back when he was a kid, “I remember candy necklaces as a kid, got sick one time from eating too many. Never did touch them again.”

  Amelia’s feminine giggle caught Mike’s attention.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She circled the sucker around her lips. “That’s not a candy necklace, it’s a candy thong. I have the matching bra somewhere.”

  “Fuck, are you trying to kill us!” By the glazed look in Kevin’s eyes, Amelia could tell he was picturing her wearing the candy thong.

  “Hope you’re going to model it for us later.”

  “Maybe I will.” Amelia inserted the full length of the sucker into her mouth, then slowly removed it. She didn’t know why, but she wasn’t self conscious sitting naked on the bed with two gorgeous men. Her fingers began to caress her nipple. She raised her eyes to find Mike and Kevin watching her hand as it slowly moved down her stomach to her core.

  Kevin couldn’t stand the teasing anymore. It’s bad enough she teased us with that sucker, now this. He was hard and ready to take her again. He grabbed his cock and pulled her to him. “Do you want this? Do you see what you did to me watching you lick that damn candy?” He pressed his very erect cock against her lips.

  “Yes, I want you again Kevin, in fact I need you to fuck me right now, right this minute, what are you waiting for?”

  Kevin tore the wrapper off a condom and pulled it over his swollen cock. Not taking his time he shoved it deep inside her pussy. He shuddered and began to move pumping his hips rapidly against her
. Amelia arched her back. ”Faster, please.”

  Mike enjoyed watching the two of them, but silently wished he was the one inside her. He groaned and started to stroke his cock. His desire made him tremble, he needed her so badly. He leaned forward and took both her breasts into his hands.

  Amelia groaned at his touch, his hands were rough, but his touch was gentle.

  Mike let his robe drop to the floor. He took his cock in his hand and placed it to her lips; he needed those sweet lips around his cock.

  Kevin’s body tensed as he let out a growl on reaching orgasm. Finishing with a final thrust, he pulled out.

  Amelia’s hands went around Mike; she grabbed his ass pulling him closer to her lips, opening her mouth for him. Mike slipped his cock inside; she took him deep, taking his cock in all the way.

  Kevin groaned as he watched Mike and Amelia together. He was still hard, wanted more of her and impaled her again.

  Amelia, near her peak, started to tremble. Her pussy squeezed Kevin’s cock, moving her hips, riding him, as she continued to please Mike.

  A groan came from Mike, his balls tightened and he threw his head back, his release sliding down her throat, Amelia swallowed every last drop. She gave another shudder as Kevin’s finger rubbed her pussy.

  Mike pulled out of her mouth, Amelia rocked back and forth on Kevin’s lap, squeezing his erection. Her orgasm came with very little warning, slamming through her hard and fast. Kevin followed shortly with his release.


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