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Finding Home (Breaking Free Series Book 1)

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by Becca Taylor

  My breath is coming in short bursts from the roller coaster ride I was just on. Caleb rolls off me, covers his eyes with his hands, “Shit, baby, you’re going to kill me.”

  I laugh, “I could say the same.” After cleaning up, he kisses me gently before we both fall asleep.


  IN THE MORNING, I wake up to Caleb’s lips on my forehead. I have no clue what time it is, but I am pretty sure it’s early. “Gotta go baby. It’s my day to open up shop. Stay and sleep, the room’s yours till eleven.”

  I slowly open my eyes. “Ok. Nice to meet you, Caleb. You made my weekend.” Hell, he made my week, month, and year. He turns, smiles, and walks out of my life.

  I feel great. Better than great. I crank up the music station on the TV, and get in the shower. After I finish, I grab my phone, preparing myself for the “walk of shame.” You know, when you have to leave someone else’s place wearing your clothes from the night before? Deciding that it only should be considered a shame if the night was a bust, I decided to rename my walk, to the walk of I just had hot sex. I hold my head up with a smile on my face. Guess who got laid last night? This Girl. I drop the keycard at the desk, catching a cab to my car, which I left at the club. I turn on my phone and see I have both missed calls and texts from Aly.

  Aly- You good?

  Aly- HELLO?

  Aly- You getting busy?

  Aly- Lucky you!

  Aly- Ok then, call me in the am to let me know you’re ok.

  I call Aly, “What’s up? Where we getting our food on? I’m starving.”

  She laughs, “Yeah, I bet. You work up an appetite or did it get satisfied last night?”

  “Oh my appetite was more than satisfied. Now, I’m hungry. Let’s hit the diner. I’ll see you guys in 30. I’m out.”

  I get to my car, making sure no one could see inside. I quickly change to my shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops that I was fortunate to have in my trunk. Heading out for breakfast, I crank some Stone Temple Pilots on the stereo. The diner is a few short blocks away, just one of the many things I love about being downtown. Everything is right there. I decided I really needed to start thinking about relocating.

  My girls are all seated in a booth. Once they see me walk in, they stand on the seats giving me cheers for my hook up. “Thank you, no applause please.” I try to act cool, but I am furiously blushing. Moving into the seat next to Aly, I grab a menu. Everyone is looking at me. “What? Is there something on my face?”

  “You mean besides the afterglow of hot sex. Nope.” Lexi says as she studies my face closely. “Are you going to enlighten us on your sexcapades? Because enquiring minds want to know. How was it?”

  Once again, I blush, “It was good.” Not wanting to offer much more information than that.

  Aly says, “Just good? I told him he better take good care of you.”

  “Oh, he took care of me just fine.”

  “How fine? We need details girl. Little, big, average? Come on give us something.” Dani says positing her fingers to indicate size. None were correct.

  “First, I desperately need coffee.”

  Lexi, being Lexi, runs up to the coffee station saying to the waiter, “You don’t mind do you. My friend really needs a steamy cup of coffee after a night of hot sex.” Seriously, she has no filter. To cover my embarrassment, I wave at the waiter.

  Now Jade takes her turn to start in on me. “Spill it, slut. You got your coffee.”

  I smile mischievously. “Fine, definitely well above average. His body is sick. I mean I have never seen a six-pack up close and personal. Now I understand what the hype is about.”

  “More! He was gorgeous! Did you get your happy ending?” Aly asks cheekily.

  “Oh, I got more than one happy ending. Let’s just say there were body shots involved. Mouths, hands and other body parts everywhere. Let’s eat, I need food.”

  High fiving me, Lexi says, “You go girl. Lucky bitch.”

  As soon as our food arrives, the conversation ends. At least the one about my night with Caleb. After our bellies are stuffed, and all the coffee is consumed we all head home. I love to drive. Whenever I need to work things out in my head, I jump in the car and go. It’s cathartic for me. The ride home gives me time to think about the changes I want to make in my life. While all my friends are in the Naples area in Florida, I live in Cape Coral. I think about my work. For years, I kept the job title, doing the same thing every day. I skipped out on experiences that other people my age have done. I lived a quiet life for so long, it was time to come out of my shell.

  In college, I was out going. My life changed the most during those years. Instead of being the quiet, shy girl I was in high school, I opened myself up. I went to parties, talked to people. Singing helped me with that. At a party one night, my roommate’s boyfriend brought out his guitar. When I started singing along, everyone seemed surprised. To get over my stage fright, they made me sing karaoke, and it worked. Every weekend we sang, and each week I grew more confident.

  All that changed when I met Travis. I became more and more withdrawn from life. This is one of the reasons I stayed with the same job title for so long. I lacked the confidence I once had, for the short time I did have it. Travis was less than encouraging, saying things like. “You wouldn’t be good at that Katerina. Just stick with what you know.” After this weekend, I am ready for some changes. So while behind the wheel, I mentally add to my adventure list—things I am hoping to change currently and in the future. Wardrobe, check. Go out with friends more, check. Caleb was a big check on my list. He even added some items I didn’t know were on it. Next, finding a new home, that will depend on my job. I add job promotion to my growing list, hopefully Monday that will happen. I think change is just what I need.


  MONDAY MORNING, I awake feeling ready to start my day. I step into the shower to get ready for the interview I set up with my district manager. Dressing in my most professional black pencil skirt, pinstriped shirt, and heels I am ready to go.

  Stepping out of my car, I walk into work with that confidence song in my head. The same one that Maria von Trapp sang, and seriously, that shit works. I have been at my job for almost eight years, working at a local pharmacy as a technician. I love it here. The people I work with are more than just co-workers, they are my friends. However, it’s time to move on to bigger things. I want more responsibility. Our district manager has been asking me to step up to a training position. While Lorraine, our district manager, meets with Danica first, I wait outside the office for my turn. Danica is our pharmacist, but outside work, she’s my friend, Dani. It’s not long before they both exit the room, with Dani giving me the thumbs up.

  Lorraine is a great leader. She’s professional, but very personable with everyone. Getting straight to it, she leads me towards the office. “Katerina, it’s nice to see you again. Let’s go in the office and talk.”

  “Thanks for seeing me today.” I say while shaking her hand. An hour later, I walk out with a big check on my list, a new job title and a pay raise to go with it. Score one for team Katerina. I started working in a chain pharmacy while in my first year of college. My original plan was to be a teacher, maybe run my own preschool one day. Just as I finished my bachelor’s degree, I decided I really enjoyed my job. For that reason, I stayed at my position in the pharmacy. In my new position, I will finally get to apply my degree. I will be teaching classes, training all new hires. Lorraine and I went over my responsibilities. Part of the job is all the paperwork, making sure people are completing tests online, keeping up with licensing, restocking supplies for the classes. This means on Fridays, I get to go to the district office in downtown Naples. This will be perfect. Since I plan to spend most weekends with my girls, I’ll be that much closer to them.

  As I exit the building, I give a fist pump. What I really want to do is jump up and click my heels together! I resist the urge, not wanting to risk a broken neck. I walk to my car and immediately call Aly. Of
course, she answers right away. I blurt out, “Hey girl, Nailed it. Booyah! Start next week.”

  She lets out a whoop whoop, “Guess we have an excuse to celebrate this weekend. What do you want to do?”

  My mind wanders back to the sexy green/hazel eyed man, wishing for a repeat with Caleb. “Why don’t we call the girls, go all out? I’ll hire a driver. We can get crazy at a club. Maybe even dinner beforehand. You think your man will mind you stayin’ out all night?” I ask because Aly’s been with Mike for a long time, but something has been off between them lately. She hasn’t said anything to me yet, but she will when she is ready to talk it out.

  “No way, He’ll be too busy at some car show this weekend. Spending some quality guy time with his friends.”

  “Then I guess we’re on. I’ll text the girls and get the ball rolling. Peace out, my sister.” She laughs and hangs up.

  I send out a blast text Saturday: limo, dinner, drinks, clubbin.’ Ya in bitches? Quickly, I get responses of “Hells Yeah,” and the party is on.

  When I get home, I immediately fire up the computer to check out some clubs online. I book a limo, deciding on a Hummer tricked out with lights and a fully stocked bar. Yeah, maybe it’s a little much, but it is a celebration . . . go big or go home. Last, I tackle the restaurant, deciding on one that offers a happy hour. Usually, I am a saver, but this time I plan to spend some money on my ladies.

  After dinner, I kick back to watch a movie. While cuddled under my favorite blanket watching a chick flick, my phone starts to ring. Travis the Douche’s number pops up on my screen. I haven’t talked to him since we broke up. I decline his call. At this moment, he’s not someone I want to talk to. When my phone rings again, I was ready to turn the damn thing off until I saw Lexi’s face pop up on the screen. I don’t hesitate to take this call. Before I can even say hello, she’s yelling out. “Yo dog, what up? Want to get hit the gym on Friday?

  “I’m in. I could use some quality workout time.” I started back at the gym a few months ago, as a way to feel better about myself. I chose to go with a popular chain gym, that way I can go either close to home, or where my friends go. What surprised me the most is I discovered that I actually enjoy going. When I saw my body changing in a good way, I stuck with it. Plus, there is the added bonus of hot, sexy, shirtless men working out.

  “I’ll meet you after work at the gym. Before I forget, I told the girls we can get ready here on Saturday. If you want, everyone can crash here after. We can nurse the hangover on the beach.” Lexi has a pretty sweet set up. Her parents built a house on the beach with a separate apartment for her on the lower level. They live up north so she watches the place. Instead of rent, she just pays utilities.

  “Sounds good to me. Let everyone know the plan. I’ll tell the limo to pick us up there. Night, sweetie.”

  I have a voice message notification, and it keeps flashing like a neon sign. For some reason I listen to it instead of deleting the damn thing. Travis’ voice fills my ear, it does nothing but irritate me. “Hey, Katerina. I guess I missed you. I just wanted to check on you, and see how you are doing. Give me a call back when you can.”

  I don’t know what to think about that. I choose not to return his call. Instead, I fall asleep thinking of a different voice. One that sent shivers down my spine.


  I SPENT THE WEEK training my replacement. Since Dani is also my friend, I wanted to make sure she was set up without me being there. We worked together for a long time, since the beginning. We have a flow when we work together. Getting our jobs done without even needing to verbally communicate. The last day at my store, Dani surprised me by baking a cake. Everyone chipped in to buy me a gift card for a spa I liked. Did I mention I love the people I work with? After all the goodbyes, even though we will still see each other, I head to the gym.

  Lexi texted me during the week about a new kickboxing class they were offering. The room was filled with mostly woman. When I get a look at the instructor, I understand why. Mr. Tall, Dark and Tattooed is teaching tonight. Dressed in only gym shorts, the man is a fine specimen. Dark hair, shaved close to his head, a short beard on his cute baby face. He was a big guy too, all muscles. Tattoos covered most of his arms, legs, back and chest. I knew immediately he was Lexi’s type. “I may have to play dumb so I receive some extra attention,” Lexi says. She is the most athletic of all of us. So, for Lexi to look like she had no clue about what she was doing would be impossible.

  I barely made it through the class, even Lexi was winded. We both fall to the floor to catch our breath. I am tempted to dump my water over my head, but decide to drink the thing instead.

  Mr. Tall, Dark and Tattooed walks over to where we crashed. “You ladies kept up pretty well tonight. Was this your first class?”

  Lexi looks up. “Yeah, we barely survived thanks to you, but in a good way. You might be seeing us more often. You’re a great instructor. The scenery is pretty nice too.” He laughs as he reaches down to grab her hand to help her stand. I’ll just stay on the floor, no big deal.

  “Tyler, and you are . . . ?” His voice trailing off, still not letting go of her hand.

  “Lexi and this is Katerina.” Oh, they remember me, still lying on the damn floor. Much to my muscles’ protest, I get my sorry ass up.

  Tyler says to us both, “Hope to see you next class.”

  Tyler makes his way to the door, but Lexi stops him. “Hey, a bunch of us are going to the beach Sunday. Got any more friends that look like you that would want to grill and chill?” Lexi is not shy at all. She’s a red head and definitely full of fire.

  “Give me your number. I’ll see what I can come up with. I might know a few guys. Saturday night we’re goin’ to check out Redemptions, if you’re interested.” She gives him her number before smacking his ass goodbye. Totally Lexi—she does what she wants when she wants.

  “Jesus, girl. You are crazy. You don’t know that guy and you invite him to your place? Are you flippin’ crazy?” I ask Lex.

  “Like you should talk, slut. Didn’t you go home with some dude the other night? Besides, now we know what club to hit Saturday night.” My hook up totally was different.

  “Um, we danced for an hour before we left. I could tell he was normal by then. Besides we went to a hotel, not my house.”

  She laughs, “Yeah, after dancing at the ultimate pick up place for psychos, you could tell he was a nice guy? And what did you do at that hotel? Read the free bible they leave in the drawer? Or did your horny ass continue the dirty dancing lessons you were giving, maybe a lap dance or two?”

  “You know I’m an angel. Come on, let’s order pizza or better yet wine and calzones and watch some sexy superhero flick. I’m starved after that class.” We head back to the house for our calorie fest for the night.


  MY DOORBELL RINGS as I am getting ready to leave for Lexi’s place. Tonight is my celebration dinner and club night out. Looking through the peephole, there is a delivery boy on the other side. I open the door and ask, “Can I help you?”

  He takes in my dress and softly mumbles, “Flowers for Katerina Sisti.”

  I smile at him excitedly. No one ever sent me flowers to my house before. “That’s me! Thanks.” I hand him a tip, then close the door. I read the card attached to the bouquet. Congratulations on the promotion! My girls are so good to me.

  After putting the flowers on the coffee table, I grab my overnight bag, heading out to Lexi’s place. When I get there, everyone is crowded into one bathroom finishing their makeup, laughing and having a good time. Dani forces me in a chair to do my makeup first. Next, Lexi does my hair in waves, giving me what she calls the sexy messy look. Is that even a style? I check myself out in the mirror. They did an amazing job. I barely recognize the girl in front of me. I actually feel sexy, which is such a foreign feeling to me.

  When I was with The Douche, I always dressed casual. I never cared about dressing up. Why bother? He never made me feel attractiv
e. He would always compare my body to a freakin’ pornstar that lived off a can of diet soda and a grape per day. That was not me. I gave up on myself. I didn’t care about feeling good, just getting through the night out with him. I never thought I was ugly, more like an average girl with curvy appeal. Travis’s friends showed me more attention than he did. I got more compliments from them then I did from him in the time we were together.

  I lost all my confidence being with him. When we first started dating, I would sit at home not knowing if we were going out. Everything was according to his time. I would wait for him to call and say we were leaving. Aly would tell me just to come out with her, but I wanted to be around, in case he did call. Instead of taking me out on dates, he would come home drunk from the strip joint expecting to get some lovin.’ What the fuck, right? Who wants to touch your man after some girl was grinding on him?

  Since Travis left, I have dropped two sizes, wear dresses that are appropriately skimpy, and have gone back to my natural chocolate brown hair. My personality is finally making a comeback, and I am proud to say I like this chick. She is fun, open to new adventures, and looking pretty good too.


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