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Part-Time Lover [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Tara Rose

  Once Kirstie left the table, Jagger leaned close and addressed Kai. “I’m pulling the Dom card. You’ve had enough to drink tonight.”

  “Why? Because you don’t like hearing the truth about your family?”

  Ian cringed.

  “No. Because I don’t want you to say something you’ll regret.”

  They stared each other down for long, uncomfortable moments, and finally Kai began to eat. The atmosphere at the table had turned cold, and Ian struggled for the right words. “I don’t think any of us would disagree that there are enough dirty secrets in each of our families to keep a reality show going for about ten seasons. And it’s got to be especially awkward for the two of you since you share family members who are at such odds.”

  “True,” said Jagger.

  “But you haven’t let it affect you. That doesn’t have to change. Jagger isn’t Asa, and Kai isn’t Jesse or Wendy. You’re each your own person. You must have seen that in each other or you wouldn’t have come this far in your relationship.”

  Jagger shot him a look that made Ian wish he’d kept his mouth shut, but then the expression softened. “I guess this is never going to be easy. I didn’t know about the bargain Jesse and my father had struck with Emilio and Daniel.”

  “I only told you because I want you to understand that this fight between them goes back to before we were born.”

  “I get that, Kai.” Jagger glanced at Ian. “And you’re right. This will never be easy. But right now I’m more concerned with the three of us. I don’t want this to blow up in our faces before we even have a chance to see if it can work.”

  “I agree,” said Ian.

  “I want this to work,” said Kai. “I never meant to cause any harm. This is hard for me, too. Wendy and Jesse raised me like their own daughter, and yet I don’t trust them. You know they wanted me to work for them. They pushed me to get a business degree instead of going to school to become a radiology tech. But I didn’t want to be part of their company. They may not have started out with an agenda, but they certainly have one now. I didn’t want to get mixed up in all that.”

  “And they shouldn’t expect you to be,” said Jagger. “This isn’t your fight.”

  “It’s not anyone’s fight. This entire thing is ridiculous. Jesse and Davis made a bargain, and Jesse didn’t hold up his end. That doesn’t make Asa the bad guy.”

  “I think we all agree on that,” said Ian.

  “So what do we do about it?” asked Jagger.

  Kai shrugged while she chewed the food in her mouth. “I sure would like to find out who set those fires.”

  “Even if it ends up being one of your family members?”

  She and Jagger locked gazes, but there was no anger on their faces. “I don’t think anyone on this island will rest until the truth comes out.”

  “So how do we find out?” asked Ian. “Even the police have no leads. There was no usable physical evidence at the scene, and Nando can’t identify the man who knocked him out. Jesse and Davis employ over two hundred people, and no one seems to know anything that can help the cops track down the guilty party.”

  Kai eyed both of them in turn. “Maybe they’re looking in the wrong place?”

  “Where should they look?” asked Jagger.

  “They dug around in the company’s computers, right?”

  Jagger raised his brows. “I’m sure they did. Why?”

  “My uncle has a personal computer at his house. The cops haven’t asked to look at it yet, as far as I know.”

  “They asked to look at Asa’s.”

  Kai looked surprised by that. “I didn’t know that.”

  Jagger nodded. “Yep. And they asked to poke around in the computer system at Phoebe’s Playthings, too.”

  “Did Asa let them?”

  “Yes on both counts. He said he has nothing to hide.”

  Kai shook her head slowly. “No wonder he’s holding his head high and saying very little about this. He really is innocent.”

  “I know that. But what I’m hearing is that you aren’t sure your uncle is.”

  Kai glanced around, and even though no one was listening to them, she leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Do you two know anyone who’s really good at hacking into laptops?”

  They exchanged an amused glance.

  Ian shook his head. “Um, even if I did know someone, Kai…we can’t do that.”

  “Yes we can. Do you want to find out if Jesse had anything to do with it or not?”

  “I’m sure Asa would love to find out who really set the fires, whether that’s Jesse or someone else,” said Jagger. “But I’m also sure he would not condone one of us hacking into your uncle’s personal computer, or asking someone to do it for us. And how on earth would you even get that close to it without him knowing about it?”

  “He leaves it at home, and the house is empty all day. Wendy goes to the office with him, and they both work long hours.”

  Ian shook his head. “Kai, it’s too risky. Not to mention illegal.”

  “And if he did this, how illegal is that?”

  “Why don’t we talk to the cops instead?” asked Jagger. “Let them get a search warrant for Jesse’s computer.”

  “If they thought there was anything worth looking at on there, wouldn’t they have already done that?”

  “I don’t know. I guess so. I’m not a cop.”

  “But Santos is,” said Ian, giving Jagger a pointed stare. “And he’s Jade’s sister. The same Jade who is now a sub to Estevan and Liam. And it just so happens that Estevan and Santos are now good friends.”

  Jagger looked at him like he’d gone mad. “Are you suggesting we involve our friends in pressuring Santos to obtain a warrant to search Jesse’s computer?”

  “Well, he’d need the DA to find a judge who would issue the warrant. But I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem. Not if Santos really pushed for it.”

  “So basically we’re going to do what Asa does. Use the cops, the DA, and judges for our gain.”

  Ian grinned. “I didn’t say that.” He glanced at Kai. “Did you say that?”

  She laughed softly. “I don’t know what you’re taking about.”

  Ian reached for her hand. “Seriously…are you okay? This has got to be tearing you up inside.”

  “Thank you for acknowledging that.” She took Jagger’s hand with her free one. “Both of you. I want the truth as much as anyone in your families do, even if that means Jesse or Wendy put this in motion or set the fires themselves. This entire island needs to know the truth, no matter what it is.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Kai woke up, still fully dressed except for her boots, and couldn’t remember where she was. Then it all came back to her. Jagger had finally let her finish the second Hurricane, but even with all the food she’d eaten, she’d clearly had too much to drink last night. However, justifying that in her mind because of what they’d discussed at dinner didn’t help right now. Guilt consumed her as she sat up and hugged her knees, letting the memories wash over her.

  They’d gone to Ian’s house this time because Kai had never seen it, and Jagger said she’d probably enjoy the view. It offered one of the western portion of the island as opposed to the ocean view from Jagger’s home. It had been too dark to see much by the time they returned, and Kai could barely keep her eyes open. Jagger and Ian had shown her to a guest room and told her they were going to stay up for a while. That was the last thing she remembered.

  She found a lamp on the nightstand by feeling around, and once she switched it on, she took in the neutral décor and bland furnishings. Was the rest of his house this boring? She didn’t remember. After she used the bathroom, she walked down the hall and passed two closed doors. She assumed the guys were sleeping in those rooms, but she honestly had no idea where they were right now.

  There were two additional bedrooms up here, but they were empty and decorated the same as the one where she’d been. She made her way downstairs, turn
ing on a light in the stairwell as she went, and then grinned as she stepped into the great room. The difference down here was staggering, but it was also beautiful.

  One entire wall was covered in windows from floor to ceiling. Even though it was still dark outside, she caught enough lights from the town below to imagine how breathtaking the view was from up here. Most of the Durantes and Raleighs had built homes on the hillsides overlooking the town. Jesse and Wendy owned a modest home on flat ground, and Kai had grown up listening to them make fun of the homes on the hills. They called them the castles.

  Kai lit a couple of lamps and walked around the room, admiring the leather furniture and natural woods. It was so Ian, and not at all what she would have chosen. But it suited him, and was very tasteful and classic. When she spotted a painting of a shipwreck on the far wall, she drew closer to take a better look.

  “That’s the wreck of the Copeland.”

  She whirled around at the sound of Ian’s voice.

  “Painted in 1861 by Joseph Newington Carter. I have others, too, all over the house.”

  “How appropriate.”

  He grinned, and her pussy grew wet. “Yeah. Isn’t it, though? I’m fascinated by shipwrecks. Can’t imagine why.”

  “If I grew up knowing I could never leave this island I’d be freaked out.”

  “The curse applies to Jesse, too. Didn’t he ever talk about it?”

  “No, not really.”

  He moved next to her, and she breathed in the scent of shampoo and soap. “You showered. I wish I’d done that. I must smell terrible.”

  He leaned close and took a loud sniff. “Not at all. But how are you feeling? Did the rum wear off yet?”

  She lowered her gaze. “I am so sorry. I’m really embarrassed about how I acted at dinner. You both were so wonderful about coming together on this, and then I blew it.”

  He pulled her close. “No you didn’t. I’m only teasing you. If I had those secrets in my heart, I wouldn’t be able to walk around giving off the impression you do. You’re stronger than you know.”

  She pulled away slightly to look into his eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, by all outward appearances, you have it all together. No one would guess the pain you keep locked inside.”

  She’d never thought of herself in those terms. Every family had secrets, especially his and Jagger’s. But what else should she do? Wear her angst on her sleeve? That wasn’t her way. “I’m so glad you’re not both upset with me.”

  “Not even close. But we also weren’t about to take advantage of you, so we put you to bed alone.”

  She stared into his eyes, wishing things had turned out differently last evening. “Then you truly are a gentleman, just like Jagger.”

  “Thank you for saying so.”

  “So what happens now, Ian?”

  “Well, while you slept, Jagger and I talked to Liam and Estevan. They’re going to talk to Jade and Santos and see if we can’t get Jesse’s personal computer included in the police investigation.”

  She blinked a few times. “How much did you tell them?”

  “Everything you told us. We all have a stake in this.”

  “Wow. I only hope I’m wrong about Jesse.”

  “I hope you are, too, but the reality is that someone set the fires. Someone is the mastermind behind all this. It wasn’t an accident. The cops know that much.”

  “You’re right. I just don’t know what I’ll do if I find out my gut is right. That my aunt and uncle are at least partly behind this.”

  “I get that. Believe me. The shit in our families’ pasts is enough to keep anyone from sleeping again. And those of us whose livelihoods depend on Phoebe’s Playthings have double duty to contend with. We have to field the crap we hear every day, and we have to stay loyal to Tim and Asa.”

  She shook her head. “I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t walk in there every day and play that part. How do you do it?”

  He shrugged. “Well, for one thing, I love what I do. It’s nerdy, but I like crunching numbers. And Jagger is fabulous at PR work. You should see him in action. We both believe in the company, no matter who is running it. One day, Arizona and Dallas will take over, and I firmly believe things will be a lot more relaxed inside those walls. But for now, we stay focused on our jobs, and try like crazy to keep that separate from the personal shit.”

  “It’s got to be hard.”

  “Every single day.”

  “What’s hard every single day?”

  She laughed at the suggestive tone in Jagger’s voice, and then Ian released the embrace so she could face Jagger. “That sounded perverted, didn’t it?”

  He moved closer and stroked her hair. “Just a bit. But I liked it.”

  She laughed softly. “We were actually talking about the dichotomy between what you two do at work, and what you put up with outside of it.”

  He glanced at Ian, his brows raised.

  “I told her what Liam and Estevan said.”

  “Good. And now that we’ve set all that in motion, we don’t have to think about it for a while.” Jagger gazed into her eyes. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes. How long did I sleep? It’s still dark.”

  “Only a few hours.” He leaned closer and kissed her neck. “Are you tired still?”

  She giggled. “Not really…”

  “Then I have a wicked idea.”

  Kai moaned as Jagger kissed her neck again and slipped one hand into her cleavage. “Ian has this amazing bathroom upstairs. Would you like to see it?”

  “Oh, I’d love to, Sir. You know how sexy I think bathrooms are.”

  He gave her ass a hard smack. “Watch it, Kai. You have no idea what devious plans we have for you in that bathroom.”

  She giggled again as a crazy rush of endorphins washed over her. “I sure would like to find out, Sir.”

  Jagger pulled her into his arms and kissed her roughly, shoving his tongue into her mouth. She groaned loudly and clung to him as if he were a life raft. She needed him so badly right now. She craved the feeling of safety she’d always felt in his presence. And she wanted Ian to be part of that as well.

  When Jagger finally released her, Ian pulled her close and kissed her. Her pussy was soaking wet now, and every fiber of her being ached for these two. She wrapped her arms around him, and when he ended the kiss, she gazed into his beautiful blue eyes. “I think I should take a shower. What do you two think?”

  Ian gazed at her with lust and tenderness. “Ah, sure. As long as we get to help you.”

  “That’s what I was counting on, Sir.”

  They led her to Ian’s room, which was decorated like the great room, but she only had time to admire it for a few seconds. His bathroom was as large as two rooms in her apartment and boasted a shower that three or four people could comfortably fit into. Ian turned on the water while Jagger slowly undressed her, caressing every inch of her skin as he did. Kai shivered at his touch.

  Everything was different now. Different, but better with Ian here. They were a ménage, at least for now, and Kai hoped Jagger was as happy about that as she was. And all this time Jagger had wanted things to be more serious between them. She held that beautiful secret inside her heart like a treasure. Right now, as she gazed into his incredible eyes, and watched the emotion in them as he removed the last of her clothing, she could easily believe that all this would somehow work out.

  Jesse and Asa both would be cleared of these horrible accusations, and they’d learn to get along. Their constant fighting would no longer affect her, Jagger, and Ian, and they’d be able to simply live their lives without interference or bullshit from their families. That moment, as Jagger led her under the spray where Ian waited for them, Kai believed her fantasy would come true.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jagger watched Ian kiss Kai again, gently washing her back with shower gel as he did so, and it struck him that all these months she’d been right there, waiting for him to say he w
anted more from their relationship. She’d had the same misgivings and fears as him, and they were tied to the same fucked-up family branch that he was part of. All this time. But how could he have known that? He’d been too busy hiding from his past.

  And now in order to keep her, he’d have to share her with Ian. That was obvious in the way she looked at him. It wasn’t jealousy he felt now, but regret. Would things be different if he’d said something earlier? But if he had, they wouldn’t have this with Ian right now. It never would have happened this way.

  He liked having Ian here, as bizarre as that sounded in his own mind. Kai was different with him as part of this. She seemed more relaxed, and it was obvious how much she enjoyed having another man in the mix. He and Kai were both such intense people and had been so hell-bent on keeping things casual for their own reasons. But Ian balanced them out. He leveled the playing field, and together the three of them were better for it.

  It was the same way at work when he and Graham put together a PR campaign. If there wasn’t enough balance between the marketing angle that Arizona and Dallas contributed and the sales goals that Sallyanne or Alaina provided them, the results weren’t as effective. They had to fine-tune it until they found the magical combination that trickled down to all departments and made more money for the company. Because that’s what it was all about for Asa and Tim. The bottom line.

  But what was the bottom line here? Kai wasn’t a column on a spreadsheet or a demographic they could target. She was a human being, with a family that might very well have conspired to commit arson. And that arson had unintentionally led to murder, or at least involuntary manslaughter, depending on what a jury would decide.

  If he and Ian weren’t careful with what they did and said to her, or how they played this with Santos and others, they could easily drive her away. She was more fragile than she let on. How could she not be, with such a crazy-ass family?

  “Your turn.”

  Ian’s words snapped him back to the present. He poured shower gel into his palms and lathered Kai’s curvy body, paying special attention to her breasts and pussy. He loved her body. It was so lush and warm. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, hands overhead in a gentle arc, and it was all he could do not to just fuck her right then and there until neither of them could move.


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