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by Zenina Masters

  Table of Contents

  Take Me Now

  Knocked out, caged and dumped at a bride auction, Raeda was not expecting to meet her wolves, but they were waiting for her.

  Raeda has lived her adult life traveling from world to world, seeking the men who were designed just for her. Kenvin is the world where she is knocked out and dumped at a bride auction, caged to wait her turn.

  Her clone set has followed orders and has waited patiently on Kenvin, but when they get the message that their mate is about to go on the block, they are done waiting. Dorn, Taro and Renner take their mate into their custody and rescue her from the hands of lustful colonists. Their hands will soon be the only ones she needs to be concerned about.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Take Me Now

  Copyright © 2011 Zenina Masters

  ISBN: 978-1-77111-039-6

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Take Me Now

  Four Ever More Book 6


  Zenina Masters

  Chapter One

  "Play it again." Dorn was scowling down at the com unit and frowning as he tried to figure out if he knew the voice.

  Your mate is going to be auctioned off at the Tenyara House at midnight.

  Taro asked, "When did it come in?"

  "Ten minutes ago. What do you think?" Renner cocked his head.

  Dorn grinned, showing his pointed canines. "I think that as good lawmen, we should look into it."

  * * * *

  Raeda shivered as the sound of the crowd reached her cage.

  The leer from the guard didn't help matters. "Your turn is coming, blender."

  She snarled and rattled the bars in front of her. Her pointed teeth were readily visible in the dim light. Mentally she snorted, every part of her was visible in the dim light. The excuse for a wrap that she was wearing was nearly transparent and only highlighted her curves.

  The cries of women coming from the floor above were enough to give her a sense of unease that was overtaking her fury.

  This tiny backwater world should have been safe. Raeda had landed, begun to refuel and then blacked out. The lump at the back of her skull when she woke had told her what she needed to know, but her state of undress had freaked her out.

  "What do you mean, my turn? What the hell is going on here?"

  The guard went from leering to surprise. "This is the Kenvin colony. The world is wild and we have a helluva time getting women here. So, when unattached females wander by, their friends or family can sell them to the colony. The men of the colony have the right to bid on the women using either labour or money to get a female. They are limited to one female per man, so they had better not choose the wrong one."

  Kenvin. She hadn't even asked the name of the colony, simply requested docking rights and a refuelling pass. Women disappeared onto Kenvin like ships nearing a black hole.

  Raeda sat back in her cell without wondering how the men went about choosing. That was a place her mind really didn't want to go.

  There was a ton of scents flying around in the air. The masculine scents were the strongest. Male arousal, anger, excitement and a heavy dose of alcohol coupled with body odour. The women's scents were more interesting.

  There were ten women on the same level as Raeda and they were being removed from their cells one by one. Some started with fear, some excitement, even a bit of confusion, but when they got to the upper level, arousal was their overwhelming attitude. Their scents changed to aroused excitement and Raeda could not shut it out.

  She stifled a groan as she waited, biting at her nails with her protruding canines. When her senses had gone insane, she had taken her boss's advice and left Shekhar for travel in the stars. Since most of the space stations had air processing, the scents were more muted than they were on living, breathing worlds. Being a dancer always managed to find her work, even on the smallest station. If not for the sudden drop in fuel, she would never have stopped on Kenvin.

  As she leaned back and absently braided her hair, she became suspicious that there was someone behind her landing here.

  Time ticked past and more and more of the other women went up for auction. When it was just Raeda and the guard, he stood in front of the bars with the leer back on his face.

  "Time to go, blender."

  "Who told you I was a blender?" She kept her tone calm.

  "It was on your detail sheet. I have to tell you, this is a big deal for us. We have never seen a female blender before." They were walking to the doorway that contained stairs going up.

  "Really? Well, I suppose that you are unaware that we can do this." She slammed him into the wall and used her senses to find the exit. There.

  A few sharp punches to the torso of the guard with one shot to his head and he was down for the night.

  She ran along the hall and when she found the door, it was locked from the outside. She grabbed onto the joist of the ceiling above her and kicked at the door with both feet. It moved, but not enough. There was steel involved.

  Cursing, she quickly ran back the way she had come and froze when two guards came down the stairs, stopping to look at their companion.

  "What did you do?" One of the men was approaching her and she struck out at him. He snarled and she suddenly felt her muscles jerk in spasms of pain.

  Her words hissed through her teeth. "I tried to escape. I don't belong here."

  "This could have been easy for you, but now, it will be our pleasure to see your pain." The guards grabbed her by her arms and dragged her up the stairs. Her earlier victim was sitting upright and looking wounded.

  Light blazed into her eyes as she was hauled up the steps. At a guess, she would say that she was facing four hundred men. An attractive scent caught her attention and she turned her head, but the guards jerked her along.

  One of them whispered to the master of ceremonies and his face went flat. "Gentlemen, we have in our possession the first female blender that I have ever seen. She is a fighter, so let's see if we can't wear down her resistance a little, shall we?"

  The nasty laughter coming from the audience warned her that she was not going to like what came next.

  A table was wheeled from the back and a mechanism that Raeda had heard of in whispers was locked into position above the flat expanse.

  She was regaining her independent movement, but the guard on her left had a stunner in her ribs. She was either going to get on that table or they would put her there.

  With a limited amount of dignity, she got on the table and fought the furious tears that pricked her eyes. They locked her wrists down and her knees were bent so that her thighs parted. Her feet were fastened at the corners of the table and a series of vid cameras swung into place.

  The master of
ceremonies cackled. "One more thing. The unit needs all of your skin accessible to work."

  He groped her breasts as he untied the wrap, sneering at her helplessness. He removed the wrap with a flourish and his sneer froze on his face.

  There was a low growl coming from the audience and as Raeda looked up at the monitor blowing the image of her breasts twenty feet high, she could see the wolf head on the inside of her left breast and it seemed the image was freezing the crowd in a way that few things could.

  "What are you doing with our mate, Nathan?" The voice was deep and barely audible behind the growl that came with the voice. The lights were focussed on her, so she could not see who spoke.

  "Unfasten her now, Nathan." The next voice was calmer but the tone was sharp.

  "Of course, lawmen. We didn't know she was yours." The master of ceremonies' hands were shaking as he unbuckled her wrists first, allowing her to sit up and see the three silhouettes that had the entire assembly silent.

  When he released her left ankle, she pressed her thighs together. "I want my wrap back."

  The guard that she had beaten grabbed the puddle of fabric and returned it to her, his left eye swollen almost shut. She thanked him quietly and he nodded before backing away. With her legs free, she swung them over the edge of the bed and put the wrap on. It didn't hide her, but it was better than nothing.

  One of the shadows reached out a hand. "Come here, mate."

  She scented the air nervously. The masculine lust had shifted into fear. The more pleasant scent of pure wild male was coming to her from the three men in front of her.

  With one last look around the stage and the crowd, she moved cautiously to take the hand of the man standing in the darkest shadow.

  As she left the pool of light, her males came into focus. Black leather pants and boots covered them from the waist down, but from the waist up, they wore nothing but their clone tattoos. Wolf heads, that matched the one on Raeda's breast, howled on their chests.

  When she slid her fingers along his palm, the man with the chestnut hair and eyes so dark she couldn't see their colour, smiled. He pulled her against him tightly and threaded his hand through her hair, holding her for his kiss.

  His taste sent her pulse hammering under her skin. Every man she had ever kissed in her life had been missing something and whoever this man was, he had that something in spades.

  He growled and she whimpered, arching her neck in supplication. He set his teeth on her neck and she felt the prick of teeth, twins of her own. His low, satisfied growl eased something inside her and when he lifted his head, a peculiar expression was on his face.

  Without a word, he lifted her in his arms and his two companions guarded their backs. Settled on a skimmer in front of her rescuer as they shot into the night, she knew what the expression had been. She saw it in the mirror every time she dreamed of her set. It was hope.

  Chapter Two

  Renner kept his prize in his grip during the one-hour ride to their home. He gave the colonists credit for recognizing the mark that they saw every day. Dorn and Taro were on single skimmers beside them as they accelerated through the darkness.

  Two years ago, they were offered the position of lawmen on this world and aside from their home, they had requested one thing. When their mate was in the vicinity, she would be theirs. That they had not notified the law office that there was a female clone on their world was a glaring error that would be addressed in the morning. For now, they had her with them and they could keep her safe.

  She trembled against him and he couldn't help the hardening of his cock. The image of the pink lips of her sex parting and trembling as she fought the restraints would stay with him for a while. The only thing that would expunge it was to sink his tongue into those delicate folds and learn her taste.

  Dorn's skimmer wavered. Damn it, Renner. Keep those images of her to yourself for now. Not everyone had such a clear view.

  Sorry, Dorn. She just smells so good. My mind wandered and I projected without intent.

  Taro glanced back at him over one shoulder. Your projection almost landed me in the ditch. We agreed that you would claim her, but that was only to minimize a public spectacle. She has been through enough tonight without all of us taking a turn to paw her in front of an audience.

  Renner grinned and hugged his prize a little closer. They were approaching their home and as they skidded into the yard, the lights came on, illuminating the exterior and showing their mate the home that they had built with her in mind.

  * * * *

  Raeda was getting a tremendous amount of heat from the man at her back, but she still trembled in the aftermath of what had almost happened.

  After years of being on her own and calling her own shots, she had almost been sold to a colonist on a world she should have avoided to begin with.

  The touch of naturally born males had always made her slightly uneasy, despite the pleasure she got at the time, but the arm wrapped around her on the journey had done nothing but ease something deep inside.

  She had felt alone since the act of terrorism that had taken her adoptive parents while leaving her intact. Two years from majority, a family friend took her in. Their family had been relieved when she left the moment she turned eighteen.

  Her body had always enjoyed moving to music, so dancing in taverns around the sector had paid the bills. Eighteen months ago, in addition to her enhanced senses, a restlessness had set in and her employer had helped her use part of her considerable savings to buy a small ship to seek out what she felt was missing.

  In the arms of the man on the skimmer, she felt an almost-physical click that she was in the right place and that the hole in her soul would be filled.

  It was ridiculous, of course, and in the morning, she would ask them to return her to her ship, but for now, everything in her vicinity felt right.

  The house was a longhouse. The yard immaculately kept but bordering on enough wilderness to make her uneasy.

  Her companion allowed her to dismount from the skimmer, but the gravel under her feet made her wince. She didn't think she had made a sound, but she was swept up in the arms of one of the other males in less than two seconds.

  They moved in eerie silence, one opening doors and the other setting the skimmers to charge.

  She didn't make a sound. It seemed wrong to intrude on the silence of the surroundings.

  The door opened to a biometric scan, a peculiar function on such a rustic-looking abode.

  Once they were all inside, the man carrying her put her down and she took a few steps back to look at her new friends in the motion-sensitive light of their home.

  Huge. That was one word. Feral was another. One blonde with eyes so pale blue, they were almost white. The brunette that she had first seen with eyes a brown so dark, they seemed black and the third had silky black hair caressing his shoulders and eyes a deep forest green.

  Their features were as perfect as the gene techs could make them. Their skin tones were all in the medium to deep brown range, showing plenty of exposure to the sunlight of Kenvin.

  She deliberately kept her gaze above their hips. That view was dangerous enough to send her pulse hammering. Looking lower might make her faint.

  "Hello, miss. Do you have a name?" The man with the chestnut hair smiled gently.

  "I am Raeda Deiner. And you are?" She raised her eyebrow politely.

  The man with the dark brown eyes smiled, "I am Renner."

  The blonde nodded, "I am Taro."

  And the man with the eyes so green she could see the forest in them said, "I am Dorn."

  She shivered at Dorn's tone. He had done the first speaking at the auction. "Thank you for saving me from the auction. I don't even know how I ended up there."

  She rubbed at her head and found the lump once again.

  "Someone near you sold you to the auction. It is the only legal way on Kenvin to get women imported against their will." Dorn's voice rumbled through her.

doesn't make sense. I don't travel with anyone. No one is authorized as my guardian." She looked around and found a table with four chairs situated around it. "Do you mind if I sit down?"

  Renner nodded. "Of course not. I will get you some water."

  She moved toward the table, but Taro was ahead of her, pulling the chair out for her. Bemused, she took her seat and when Renner slid the water in front of her, she took it with a grateful sigh.

  As she drank, she kept one hand in her hair, rubbing at the lump.

  Taro's soft voice asked, "What is wrong with your head?"

  Raeda grimaced. "I don't know. I was refuelling and then I was in the cages with this lump on my head."

  Taro pulled her hand away and slid his fingers through her hair, seeking out the spot. "You were struck."

  "Oh. Good. Because it felt like it." She jumped as she felt him nuzzle her scalp. "What are you doing?"

  Renner and Dorn held her hands down.

  Dorn informed her, "He is going to heal you. We can do it via licking."

  "Why are you holding me down?"

  Renner was grim. "When we have administered first aid to colonists who need it, they feel a burn."

  She braced herself for the back of her head to explode and instead, the wet heat being laved on the back of her skull had a different effect. Her breathing increased in pitch and Taro stopped.

  "Are you all right?"

  She trembled in their grip and tried to calm her breathing. "Yes. I am fine. How much more?"

  "It is almost finished." He resumed the slow, delicate licks that started on her neck and worked into her hairline.

  Her skin went from cool to hot in a matter of seconds. When he ran his fingers through her hair, the spot that had been swollen and aching was gone.

  "All done."

  She let her breath out on a rapid exhalation. "Thank you." Her body was aroused and she was hoping that the men next to her didn't notice.

  Grinning, Dorn and Renner let her go.

  Damn. They noticed.

  Her neck had always been the most sensitive part of her body. Each minute touch on it sent a ripple of response through her system. It had gotten her into trouble during puberty when it started, but few men bothered to do an in-depth study of her triggers, so it had remained a fairly well-kept secret. Until now.


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