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Uncovering You: The Contract (Uncovering You, #1)

Page 4

by Edwards, Scarlett

  J.S., (hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”) and,

  Lilly Ryder, (hereinafter referred to as “the Employee”)

  WHEREAS the Employer desires to obtain the services of the Employee as remittance for debt(s) owed, and,

  WHEREAS the Employee agrees to render all such services on the terms and conditions set forth in this document (“THE CONTRACT”).

  Employment: the Employee shall at all times and to the best of her abilities perform all duties required by the Employer.

  The Employee shall comply with all policies and procedures, written and oral, as announced by the Employer and described henceforth.

  Compensation and Accommodations The Employee agrees to waive her right to monetary compensation. Instead, all services rendered will count against debt owed to The Guarantor.

  The Employer agrees to provide the Employee with all accommodations necessary for the maintenance of current health. This will be done at the Employer’s expense, and includes essentials such as food, water, shelter, etc.

  Length of Term: THE CONTRACT shall automatically expire after five (5) years, or,

  Until such time that The Guarantor deems the services rendered by the Employee to be equivalent to the worth of monies owed to the Employer ($180,000), subject to the following condition: Premature termination of THE CONTRACT must be mutually accepted by both parties.

  Work Schedule: The Employee agrees to make herself available for the performance of contractual obligations at any time of the day, seven days a week, including weekends and holidays.

  The Employee shall be entitled to forty-two (42) hours of cumulative sleep over any seven day period.

  Description of Duties: The Employee shall be employed in the capacity of a “Personal Assistant,” the current duties and responsibilities of which are set out in “Schedule A” annexed hereto and forming a crucial part of this agreement.

  These duties may be amended from time to time at the sole discretion of the Employer, subject to formal notification of the same being provided to the Employee. However, they can be summed up in the following broad guideline:

  Ensuring the complete and utter personal satisfaction of the Employer.

  I, __Lilly Ryder__ (again, my name is filled out for me) herby consent to the conditions laid forth in this agreement, henceforth known as “THE CONTRACT.”

  By signing this document, I declare that I have done so by my own free will. I have in no way been coerced or otherwise manipulated into signing THE CONTRACT. As a free citizen of the United States of America, I understand that THE CONTRACT is not in violation of my constitutional rights, in particular The Thirteenth Amendment. I waive all future right to challenge the legality of this document, including, but not limited to:

  As ordered by a court

  Under power of a defense attorney or attorney general.

  By signing this document, I also declare that I am:

  Free of venereal diseases and in good health.

  Signature: _x____________

  Date: _x________________

  At the bottom of the contract, I see a small written note:

  In short…

  (I flip the page over)


  Disgust and revulsion billow up inside me, tinged by a strong sense of disbelief. I don’t have to look at “Schedule A” to understand what he wants. Personal satisfaction can only mean one thing.

  He wants me as his sex slave.

  Still, curiosity gets the better of me. I flip to “Schedule A”.

  Schedule A: Duties and Responsibilities of a Personal Assistant

  To be available at any time to satisfy any desire, sexual or otherwise, of J.S.

  That’s it. There’s nothing more.

  Why me?

  Who is J.S.?

  How did he find me?

  One thing is obvious. The kidnapping has been planned for a long time. I am not a random victim.

  This is someone I know.

  Or, someone who knows me.

  Chapter Ten

  (Present day)

  I never talk about my student loans. Hell, I knew they were enormous. But, they were essential for me to attend school. They were the reason I accepted the offer to extend my summer internship into a full-time job and took a year’s sabbatical to make it work. Unfortunately, when the client pulled out and left me jobless…


  An uncomfortable shiver runs down my spine that has nothing to do with the vile collar around my neck. This person—J.S.—has been watching me. Following me. Waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

  For how long?

  “Show yourself!” I scream, bolting up. “Goddammit, show me who you are!” I wave the contract angrily through the air. “You want me to sign this? I’d rather die first! Here’s what I think of your goddamn conditions!”

  In one move I rip the paper in two, then ball the pieces up, stalk to the edge of my prison, and hurl them as far as I can. I spin around—furious, angry, confused, defiant—and stomp back to the pillar.

  Halfway there, the lights go out.

  “Mother fucking goddammit!” I curse when I collide with the serving tray in the dark. Pain shoots through my knee. In one violent bust, I sweep all the plates of food onto the floor. I earn some measure of satisfaction when I hear the porcelain shatter.

  I find the marble beam and sit against it. I feel around until my hands come across the cloth, and I tug it over my shoulders.

  So, J.S. thinks he’s stripped me of all my power, does he? He’s taken away my sight, my freedom, and thinks that will be enough for me to give up my body?

  Tough fucking luck. He’ll have to kill me first.

  He can never take away my willpower, my defiance.

  “I deny you, you fucking asshole!” I scream. I’m shaking with adrenaline. “Do you hear me? I DENY YOU!”

  Thus marks day one of my protest.

  Chapter Eleven

  (Present day)

  They say solitary confinement is the worst kind of hell.

  They’ve never been in my situation.

  It had been seven days since I awoke in this room. Seven days since I was kidnapped and thrown in this God-forsaken dungeon.

  I only know that by the amount of meals I’ve received. Seven. There have been seven meals brought to me. Each time, the lights go on for an hour. After that, I’m plunged back into darkness.

  I refused to eat the first two. My weakening body could not resist the third. It came with a note from J.S. :

  Your strength is failing. You will give in.

  I found it only after devouring the meager plate of food.

  Even calling it a “plate” is too generous. The meal was two eggs, a piece of burned toast, and one stalk of celery.

  Succumbing to my desire to eat was a mistake. The tiny amount of food awoke a ravenous hunger in me that left me unable to sleep. Whereas before, my hunger had just been a dull ache, the moment my tongue tasted bread, it became a wild fire that could not be put out.

  The next day, when my food came and the lights turned on, I found a new contract sitting beside the plate. There was another note:

  You may sign when ready. Know that my patience is wearing thin. I am displeased with the state of your body. Your malnourishment is troubling. Until you sign and come under my care, I can do nothing to help.

  - J.S.

  PS: Please note the amended guideline at the end of Schedule A

  The guideline read like this:

  Schedule A: Duties and Responsibilities of a Personal Assistant

  To be available at any time to satisfy any desire, sexual or otherwise, of J.S.

  To maintain a constant body weight and shape, consistent to what it was on October 1st, 2013, allowing for a 2-3% deviation in such measurements to account for natural weight fluctuations, hormonal cycles, etc.

  Ignoring the note, I nibbled on my pathetic provisions.

  After that, it became a battle of pure will

  My captor knew I was starving. He knew the food he provided was barely enough to sustain essential body processes. He knew that one tiny bite would awake that insatiable hunger.

  So, the next day, I discovered an entire tray of food. It was like the one that had arrived the first time, but even larger. There was a single spotlight shining on it.

  I did not need the light to know it was there. My nose picked up the mouthwatering aroma the moment I woke up.

  There were pastas and soups, cakes and tarts, glazed fruits and chopped vegetables. There was seafood—lobster, salmon, shrimp and clam—drenched in buttery sauce. There was scrumptious corn on the cob, glistening with cream, and steaming plates of veal, steak, and a half-dozen other meats. There were bowls of rice and rolls of sushi, teriyaki chicken, and pulled pork. There was even a whole bowl full of my absolute, biggest weakness: caramel-dipped chocolate truffles.

  It was enough to feed a village. The smells were so rich that they would send the strictest dieter onto the biggest binge of her life.

  When I stood up on trembling legs, my mouth salivating, the rest of the lights came on. I blinked through the pain that the sudden brightness always caused, and saw that my path to the food was blocked by a single sheet of paper.

  The contract.

  There was another message:

  You are hungry. The food you see is two feet beyond the range of your collar. Sign, and you will earn your first freedom:

  Twenty-four inches.

  I collapsed onto the floor and cried.

  It was the illusion of freedom that got to me most, not the promise of food. In that moment, I saw just how desperate my situation had become. Every aspect of my life was governed by a madman. He would continue feeding me, barely enough to live, while tempting me with the relief that would come when my signature scratched on the empty line of that filthy piece of paper.

  I crawled back to the pillar and hugged the balled-up cloth to my chest. The lights went out.

  That day, I did not even receive my allotted breakfast.

  Chapter Twelve

  (Present day)

  Two weeks. Two weeks I’ve spent like this.

  I have not felt the sun on my face or the wind in my hair for half a month. I have not seen another human being or heard any voice but my own for fourteen endlessly long days and nights.

  Sometimes, I sing to myself, just to break the oppressing silence. It is quite likely I am going insane.

  Every day since the promise of twenty-four inches I have woken to a freshly-stocked tray of food. I receive my daily allotment of eggs, toast, and celery, too. I eat that on the far side of the pillar to temper temptation.

  My body is shriveling up. I am always cold. The smallest movement is a burden. I reek.

  At this point, I am starting to doubt the wisdom of my resolve. The battle that goes on deep inside my mind is one of my own making. The clarity of purpose required to resist is becoming muddy.

  If I sign the contract, I sign my life away. But, if I do nothing, am I not giving my life away, too?

  I am so lonely. My only friend is the crater in the pit of my stomach.

  Hunger, at least, lets me know I’m still alive.

  What a sad existence this is. Grime and sweat is caked upon me like a second skin. Sometimes, I crawl to the edge of the border and stare at the food. If I stretch out my hand, I can almost touch it.

  The only thing standing between me and it is that one piece of paper.

  One little piece of paper, requiring one little signature.

  Is this what a prisoner of war feels like? Is this the same sense of hopelessness that rules the lives of those at Guantanamo Bay?

  Or, is this something much worse?

  My stubborn refusal to wield a pen is killing me. I must have fantasized about what I might do a thousand times:

  I scratch my signature on the paper. The lights come on. My captor reveals himself, and congratulates me for accepting fate. In my mind, he has no face. The range of the collar is extended. I get my food, and then—


  The idea of being someone else’s property, someone else’s pet, and continuing to wear this horrible collar is nauseating. It is the sticking point that my conscience cannot overcome. I will not serve as the passive vessel to the perverted fantasies of some sick freak.

  It is quite ironic. The collar is the object that keeps me bound. But, were it not for the collar, I am certain that I would have signed the contract days ago.

  A sharp stab of hunger pulses through my body, triggered by one unintentional breath drawn through my nose. I shiver and hold myself tight.

  How much longer can I resist? My blood sugar is dangerously low. The slightest movement leaves me desperately dizzy.

  I close my eyes and think back to the circumstances that brought me to California in the first place….

  Chapter Thirteen

  (Seven months ago)

  It is March. The death-grip that winter has held over New Haven for the last three months is finally showing signs of relenting.

  I’m sitting with my legs tucked under me on the red, circular rug in the common room of the dorm I share with two other girls: Fey and Sonja. We met during orientation week of our freshman year, when all three of us got stranded in the middle of a rainstorm and took shelter under the same willow tree. While our heavy workload and extracurricular commitments keep us from being inseparable, we are as close to it as anyone is going to get at Yale.

  I have half a dozen textbooks spread out in front of me. Every page is marked up by my personal blend of pink, yellow, orange, red, and blue highlighter. Sonja calls my studying style OCD. I call it, “having a system”… although the specifics of that system seem to change every day.

  I smile at the thought and get back to my books. Unlike Sonja or Fey, I’m on the hook for full college tuition. Sonja got a full ride; Fey has rich parents. I am in possession of neither, so every semester I spend here costs me dearly.

  That’s why every term so far, I’ve taken the maximum four courses, then petitioned the administrative board to add a fifth. I was denied first term freshman year, but granted every term after. Since I managed to keep my GPA respectable, I finagled the administration into letting me add a sixth course this year.

  While course number six has not exactly been the straw that breaks the camel’s back, it’s come damn close. I’ve been surviving on less than five hours of sleep for most of my junior year. Fey and Sonja have expressed their concern, even going so far as to stage an intervention—by smuggling me onto a bus and taking me with them to the largest party of the year for the annual Harvard-Yale football game. But, I think I’ve managed pretty well.

  Sure, I might not have any semblance of a social life. The last time I had sex was with my ex more than eighteen months ago. (What they say about athletes, by the way, is patently false. He may have excelled on the court, but in bed he had the stamina of an octogenarian.) However, if it means getting my diploma faster, and for less money, I’m all for it.

  The door bursts open and sends a gust of wind that picks up my papers. Fey darts into the room, followed by her boyfriend, Robin. He’s been following her like a shadow since she agreed to a date after meeting him in her study group last Thanksgiving. Sonja and I both think he’s going to propose soon. While I do see how good Fey and Robin are together, I think Fey is too young to get hitched. Then again, I’ve always been a romance cynic.

  “Ohmygod, I’m so sorry!” Fey exclaims when she sees me scrambling for the sheets. “Here, let me help you.”

  She squats down. Robin is right there beside her. He gives me a shy smile and then focuses on the floor.

  I’ve never been able to figure out why he’s so afraid of me. Sonja once told me that I give off “intimidating vibes.” But just because I have a backbone and am not afraid to stand up for myself does not make me a scary person! In fact, both my roommates have laughed and said they consider me the nicest girl they�
�ve ever met—after they got through my tough exterior.

  That week, I made a point of smiling at every single stranger I saw. The end result was no different.

  “So, what’s with all the excitement?” I ask after we clean up.

  Fey blows out her hair. “Didn’t you hear? Tomorrow’s Daily News just went to print. They’re announcing this year’s finalist for the Barker Prize. Robin got us an advanced copy.”

  I tilt my head to the side. “So?”

  “So? You’re one of them, sweetheart!”

  My eyes go wide. “What?”

  The Barker Prize is the most prestigious award given to students in the faculty of psychology. Every year, the professors submit one name from their entire enrollment as a nominee. Dozens of students vie for each precious spot. They have to write a paper that brings to light issues connecting the study of psychology to society at large.

  It’s mostly an exercise in creative writing—not dissimilar to a college admissions essay. Nearly all the submissions end up being wasted work. There are only twenty professors in the faculty. That means twenty nominated spots.

  From those, a selection committee picks the five most promising entries. These are then publicized and voted on by the faculty members of the entire college.

  “…But I didn’t even apply!” I protest. “How is that even possible?”


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