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Expedition (Galactic Neighborhood Book 1)

Page 8

by Alexander Elliott

  As the stasis pod began to open, everyone stepped back to give Tholon and Crawford room to work. After a moment, Thriss began to stir and the pod realigned itself to a standing position. A flurry of clicks, whistles and hisses could be heard as Tholon leaned in to say something. Thriss stopped moving while a handheld scanner was passed over the Governor’s head and thorax. Dr. Crawford studied the final set of readouts on the pod’s dataplate, and then spoke softly to Tholon.

  Each physician offered support, and Thriss used the middle set of limbs to latch on for balance, easing out and onto the floor. The Vingah’s wings trembled and then slowly unfolded to their open position. The colors were vibrant and sharp, reflected in the sheen of the abdominal chitin. Once Thriss was steady, the other Councilors were allowed to approach.

  The Vingah began a conversation among themselves while Perry and Mosis observed from a distance.

  “You look very pleased, Captain.”

  Perry, still smiling, turned towards his friend and spoke quietly.

  “No more than you, I expect. You have grown close to our good Governor in the last few weeks. I almost gave up hope we would be able to help them. This is a great day, not only for Thriss, but for the entire collective. I anticipate a long and cordial relationship between us.”

  “That makes two of us, Sir. Of course, this treatment is also very personal for Thriss. She is looking forward to having children.”

  Perry’s eyes widened, as surprise took over his features.

  “She? Children? I assumed, incorrectly it seems, all the Councilors were male. I was also under the impression at least some of the eggs in stasis would have belonged to them. What else might I need to know?”

  Mosis looked contrite, realizing he was partially to blame for Perry’s lack of information.

  “My apologies, Captain; I should have briefed you much sooner. Thriss, Tholon and Thute are all female, and their pheromone signatures are distinct and easily detected among themselves. Humans, however, must rely on visual clues such as color and pattern placement, as well as limb length and abdomen size. I will put together an informational packet on the subject and upload it to the ship.

  Thriss has governed her people for all of her adult life, and never found a suitable mate. By the time the egg collection project was launched, she was no longer able to produce them. The treatment has reset her biological clock to early adulthood, and she is looking forward to a family of her own once the new colony has settled.”

  Their conversation was interrupted as Dr. Crawford approached.

  “Excuse me, Captain, but Thriss would like to speak with both of you before retiring to her quarters.”

  Perry nodded to Mosis.

  “Go ahead, Commander, while the Doctor provides me with an update.”

  Crawford’s smile was a positive indicator the news was good.

  “We want to monitor her for another twenty-four hours, just to be sure, but the treatment seems to have worked as predicted. All our scans show normal readings for a young adult. She is experiencing some temporary fatigue and weakness, but her mind is sharp, and she is anxious to return to her duties.”

  Perry’s expression softened as he shook Crawford’s hand.

  “I am delighted to hear it, Lance. I am both impressed and proud of your achievements. What do the other Council members have to say?”

  Crawford laughed softly.

  “Whatever reluctance they may have had is gone now, Sir. We plan to treat the others two at a time and should be finished by the end of the week. Afterwards, we will introduce the protocol to the other adults in stasis and lastly to the eggs. By the time we leave Khrusos space, the entire population will have been treated.”

  At the approach of Thriss and Tholon, Dr. Crawford excused himself to give them some privacy.

  It is good to see you, Captain. On behalf of my people, may I express my gratitude for the wonderful gift we have been given. I was afraid I would never feel the breeze on our new home, but it seems my work has just begun.

  “I am more grateful than you can imagine, Governor, that we will enjoy a much longer friendship. Your people are most fortunate indeed, and I cannot envision the new Vingah home world without your guidance. Dr. Crawford has informed me of your need to rest, so I will delay you no further. I am prepared to speak with you at your earliest convenience.”

  Thriss’ antennae swept forward in acknowledgement, and she was guided gently away by Tholon to her quarters.


  With construction nearly complete, Engineering was in the process of conducting a deck by deck inspection of the new vessel. The last few weeks were extremely productive, and except for minor touches, the ship was almost finished. All the major systems were now active, and so far, everything was within normal operating parameters. Once the contents of the caverns were transferred over, the final exodus from Khrusos could begin. Both peoples yearned to find and settle into their new homes, eager to enjoy wind, sky and sun once again. It was also time to embrace the next generation and see what else the Universe had in store. With their goals so close to being realized, excitement ran high among both Human and Vingah alike.


  Already aboard ship, Thriss waited patiently for Perry’s incoming shuttle on the main hangar deck. With her newfound gift of health and vitality, she could personally oversee the completion of the crystal forest. Today, she was prepared to share it with her human friend and give him a little taste of what the cities on Khrusos were like. It surprised her to find the strange Human creature so similar in thought, temperament, and leadership style.

  Ultimately, it was very rewarding to find such a friend among the people who came to their rescue. Her attention was refocused by the buzzing alarm which warned of the opening of the external hatch. She watched from the enclosed control station as the sleek shuttle touched down gently. The huge doors closed, and the environmental controls refilled the bay with breathable air. By the time Perry stepped on the deck, Thriss reached the small vessel to greet him.

  Perry, always immaculate in his uniform, was today also wearing a modified environmental unit strapped to his back. Along with a breathing mask and built in communications link, the unit was equipped with a light thruster pack. He raised a hand in greeting as her antennae twitched in amusement.

  I see I shall not have to carry you through the ship after all, Captain. If you will follow me, I have something I wish to show you.

  Perry graced her with a rare smile, and then lifted off to follow the amused Governor. The new ship was designed to allow the Vingah to fly as much as possible, and he found himself in the large transit tube which connected all the decks. After rising two levels, they emerged in the enormous room dubbed the Crystal Forest. As they did on the planet’s surface, the tall graceful spires rose into the air like groups of flower stalks pressed closely together. Some were clear while others were pale yellow, blue, green, and pink.

  Each stalk included multiple openings, staggered at different heights, which led to small private quarters. Feeding stations with attached perches were sprinkled throughout the structure, while one whole corner of the room contained a floor to ceiling column of heavy mist. A specially designed shield kept the water from flying everywhere in the gentle breeze, yet met with no resistance to those coming or going. Numerous perches and platforms were scattered within for those who wished to rest while bathing. Indirect lighting and artful decoration made the entire space feel so open and welcoming, one might never realize they were on a spacecraft.

  Thriss took Perry on a general tour through the forest, and then landed on the lip of a lovely rose-colored stalk near the center of the room. Perry followed her inside the structure and listened as she described the simple features. Designed primarily for sleep, the quarters were neither large nor ornamented. One wall contained a small storage area for personal items, next to a screened waste cubicle. The other side of the room contained a darkened cocoon-like vertical cylinder for sleeping. The only
other ‘furniture’ to be found was a cluster of three slim perches for guests. Perry took one more glance around and then faced his host.

  “I envy the simplicity of your lifestyle, Thriss. Humans seem to have an innate need to collect things we don’t really need. I can only hope your habits will wear off on us.”

  Antennae twitching, Thriss paused a moment before responding.

  Once we are settled on our new home, you will find our dwellings become much more like yours. The austerity of these rooms is necessary while we are in space, but I can assure you my desire to “collect things” is well developed. Tell me, Perry, your impression of what we built here.

  “Most striking, Thriss, and hopefully as comfortable as it appears. I know you are looking forward to living groundside soon, but I’m sure these accommodations will be appreciated while the planet is being prepared for colonization. In fact, we will have a similar…”

  Both Perry and Thriss startled when the overhead speakers suddenly came to life.


  Chapter 6

  The formation of six box-like vessels blinked into existence almost a lightyear from the alien system. It wasn’t as close to the planet as promised, ruining Overlord Gotogg’s surprise approach. His displeasure was quickly made known by sinking several claws into the scaly hide of the careless thrall.

  “Fool! Fail me again and I will gut you where you lie! Make for the planet at full speed.”

  The Overlord’s vessel took the lead in a diamond-shaped attack formation while the other ships acknowledged orders. It would take them the better part of a sonn to reach their destination, leaving too much time for the round ship to prepare. He growled ominously in frustration before climbing onto his padded dais in the center of the bridge.

  “Message to all ships: Remember your orders! I want no mistakes when we reach the planet. Acknowledge!”

  Responses were received quickly from all ships as they moved closer to their prize.

  Gotogg’s furious program to refit their ships with new technology left them with little time for the careful planning and drills he normally required. Their failed entry into the Khrusos system already made it obvious, but they could afford no further errors if they wished to succeed. The strange looking craft the newcomers constructed was likely already filled with treasures which rightly belonged to his people. Once the round ship was disabled, he would claim both vessels and the planet itself. He had been groomed his entire life for this moment, and the thought of a clear victory filled his hearts with anticipation of future glory. Nothing could stop him now, and he would finally take the highest place of honor among his people.

  As they drew nearer, Gotogg wondered what kind of defenses the great ship might have. He needed information if he were to be victorious, and at present they knew nothing about their enemy. Deep in thought, Gotogg’s powerful tail twitched from side to side as he considered his next move.

  “Full power scan of the system.”

  He waited impatiently for the results, long forked tongue dripping and quivering as it flicked out over his powerful jaws and teeth. At last the data appeared on his viewer, revealing only the two vessels in orbit around the planet. The ships themselves must have been surrounded by powerful shields, as the scan revealed nothing of their interior or the nature of their enemy. The large devices which encircled the dusty world were nowhere to be seen, apparently destroyed by the silver ship after it assumed orbit. The enemy must have a formidable weapon of some sort, but Gotogg believed it would be no match for his six ships.

  Without warning, a powerful beam lanced out through space and passed through his formation. So! His enemy also acquired the winged ones scanning technology. It was likely, then, the other vessel and his own ships shared the same weapons. Even so, his opponent was outnumbered, and could never match the skill and cunning of Lydokk warriors. Just as Gotogg was relishing a future victory, his communications thrall announced an incoming transmission from the enemy ship.

  “On my viewer!”

  Gotogg choked as the hideous alien image appeared, apparently speaking the Lydokk tongue.

  “Incoming vessels, this is Captain Perry of the Expedition. Break off your attack and we will spare your lives. This is the only warning you will receive.”

  The crew began to thrash in panic and confusion at the ominous message, and it took several tolls for Gotogg to quiet them down and regain command.

  “Transmit to all ships: We do not heed the warnings of the enemy vessel. They wish to take our prize without struggle, and it will not be allowed! We are Lydokk! We outnumber them. They will all die, and we will be victorious! Prepare for battle.”

  The other ships obeyed their Overlord and moved into attack formation. Gotogg watched as the silver orb moved to protect the newly constructed vessel. It did not matter. Both would belong to him as soon as the larger ship was disabled.

  “Fire weapons…now!”

  The missiles impacted the heavy shielding of the enemy vessel, but to no effect. Puzzled, Gotogg was about to fire again when four of the huge orbiting devices suddenly appeared, surrounding his ships. A powerful beam stopped his craft dead in space, and the other five simply vanished. While he and the crew struggled to make sense of what happened, another alien transmission appeared on his viewer.

  “The other ships have been fed into the black hole. You and your crew will be returned to Grazill, but your ship will be destroyed. All knowledge of the technology you have stolen will be erased from your home world, and Sentinels will be placed in orbit to ensure you pose no threat in the future. If you wish to survive, you will obey our instructions without delay.”

  Gotogg, captured by his enemy and left without honor, did what any warrior in his place would have done. An unobtrusive compartment in the base of his dais opened to reveal the razor sharp Gechikk – the weapon of honor. He placed it against his body and leapt from the dais, spilling his entrails onto the command deck.


  With the immediate threat neutralized, Perry, Arlington and Mosis met with the Vingah council on board the new vessel. The deep scan they performed on the enemy ships revealed important information about the reptilian Lydokk and their home planet. The six ships which attacked them were the only fighting craft they possessed, and, so far, the only ones using the fold space drive. Unfortunately, there would be records or other evidence on their home world enabling them to build new ones in the future.

  It was clear - a trip to Grazill was essential to neutralize the threat permanently. Even before the attack, it was agreed to keep the existence of the Vingah a secret, and allow the Lydokk to assume the ‘winged ones’ died out long ago. It was decided to address the problem immediately, and a plan of action was devised which would keep the aggressive Lydokk planet-bound where they belonged. If there were other intelligent species in this sector of space, the last thing they needed was a bloodthirsty neighbor, bent on domination.

  All the Sentinels were recalled from hiding, and six were selected to make the journey to Grazill, along with a dozen buoys. With the blessing of the Council, both Thriss and Threen were transported to the Expedition to oversee the implementation of the plan. To keep them comfortable and out of sight, Captain Perry’s ready room was modified to enable the Vingah to monitor the events as they happened. The Sentinels surrounded Expedition and waited while the ship attached a powerful tractor to the alien vessel. With the coordinates gleaned during the scan, the entire entourage entered fold space and appeared moments later in orbit above Grazill.

  The grey-green planet was a strange conglomeration of shallow wetlands and extensive sandbars, populated with low odd-shaped structures. Upon arrival, the Sentinels were dispatched into orbit and deep scans of the planet and surrounding space were initiated. After several minutes, ground based weapons were trained on the Expedition, and several missiles exploded harmlessly against the shields. Undeterred, the planet commenced a scan of their own which P
erry allowed. They would gain little information about Expedition, but would see one of their own ships was clearly being held.

  After several more moments of silence, Lynn Tuttle turned to Perry with an amused expression.

  “Incoming message, Captain. An individual named Premier Gornott is quite anxious to speak with us.”

  Perry waited until Mosis and Arlington stepped away from the visual pickup, leaving only a limited view of his head and shoulders. With a confirmed lock on the Premier’s location, Perry asked to see the message on the main viewer. While the crew already knew what the Lydokk looked like, the unfortunate being on the planet below was clearly shocked by the alien human image appearing on his screen. With bulging yellow eyes and jaws agape, it took several moments of saliva dripping grunts and growls before he spoke.


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