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The Broken H

Page 3

by J. L. Langley

  “Bedroom, Grayson.” Shane leaned forward and brushed a quick kiss against him. “Now.”

  Gray’s mind protested, telling him to make a break for it, to get out while he could before he did something they’d both probably regret. His cock had other ideas, it told him to keep his mouth shut and get his ass in the bedroom. Naturally, his cock won the argument.

  He sat down on the end of Shane’s big mahogany four-poster and yanked off his sneakers, then his socks. By the time he was completely nude, Shane was with him again. The other man walked right up to him, standing between his spread legs. Those warm brown eyes looked up and down.

  “Very nice.” Shane leaned forward, resting his hands on Gray’s shoulders and flicked his tongue across Gray’s lips.

  He melted, opened right up and let Shane in. His hands encircled the other man’s taut waist, fingers inching the waistband down. The kissing was great, but he was dying to get a hold of Shane’s cock. He leaned back, separating their mouths, to untie the drawstring and pulled the pants the rest of the way off. Oh, God, yes!

  Shane’s prick came free. For some strange reason Gray had always thought Shane would be uncut, but he was glad to see that he was wrong; he liked the look of a circumcised prick much better. It was long, had a deep red tint to it as well as a really pronounced vein down its length. The head was nice and thick. His mouth watered just staring at it. Wondering about how Shane would taste was one of the things that had driven him crazy for years. Now he enveloped the base of that fat prick with his hand, moved it forward, and closed his lips around it.

  He loved sucking cock; it had always been one of his favorite things to do and he was damned good at it. But the fact that it was Shane’s dick made it even more enjoyable. He slid all the way down, taking the wide shaft deep into his mouth, then back up. On the next descent, he swallowed as the head lodged in the back of his throat.

  Shane’s fingers flexed on his shoulders and hoarse, sexy groan filled the air. He reached down and tipped Gray’s chin up, those brown eyes half lidded and filled with lust. “Damn, you look pretty with your lips wrapped around my dick, but I don’t want you to do this right now. Scoot up on the bed, Grayson.”

  Gray thought about arguing, but no way was he going to give Shane a reason to call a halt to their fun. He didn’t know what had gotten into the man, but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak. He wanted him too badly and was certain he’d only have the memory of this to last him forever, so he gave the sweet prick one last good suck and pulled away.

  “Oh, damn, you’re good at that.” Shane tapped Gray’s leg and flipped his own chin toward the headboard. “Come on, up in the middle of the bed.”

  Gray slid back as he was told and watched as Shane crawled up on the bed after him. Damn, the man was beautiful! He moved so gracefully, always had, but watching him move across the bed naked was something else. Shane looked like a tiger stalking his prey and Gray’s belly tensed from the sight. His lover’s long dark hair parted on each side of his head and trailed over Gray’s limbs, tickling in a sensual way. Gray’s cock leaked more fluid. Fuck, he wanted Shane so bad!

  Shane reached Gray’s cock and stopped, still on his hands and knees, his hair now brushing Gray’s hips. He sat up enough to pull his hair back over his shoulder, out of his face, then he held Gray’s gaze and slowly licked the drops off the Gray’s dick. “Mmmm ...”

  Gray’s eyes squeezed shut and his back arched off the bed. “Oh, fucking shit, Shane!”

  Shane’s hand pushed on his stomach. “Lie down and relax, love.”

  Yeah, right. Relaxing was a little hard to do when the man of your dreams -- Oh, God!

  Shane’s hot mouth surrounded his dick. Gray’s eyes flew open and his neck lifted; he had to see. Shane worked his cock in and out, going deeper every time, those tanned cheeks hollowing out when he came up. His hand gripped the base of Gray’s prick and moved in tandem with Shane’s lips, pumping up and down. It was the hottest thing Gray had ever seen in his life. Hell, it was the hottest thing he’d ever felt in his life. His balls pulled tight. He was so damned close to coming, it was almost funny. He normally had great stamina and good staying power, but Shane had him so wired he was ready to blow in less than five minutes. He moaned, and it sounded like a whimper.

  It briefly crossed his mind that Shane seemed to know what he was doing, but then he couldn’t think anymore, only feel; he dropped his head back and closed his eyes again, concentrated hard on not coming. It wasn’t working; it felt beyond incredible and he knew it was Shane. It was all too much. “Shane ... Stop!”

  Cool air hit his wet prick as that wonderful mouth withdrew. The bed shifted.


  Gray nodded, then lifted his lids. Oh, shit! Shane’s lips were red and swollen from sucking him. He’d also sat up and that gorgeous hair was falling over his shoulders and down his chest again. His lover’s abs flexed slightly as he breathed and his prick was still erect, arching up toward his dark belly. It was --

  “... top drawer of the nightstand.” Shane kissed the inside of his thigh and settled back on his feet.

  Gray had totally zoned; he had no idea what Shane was saying. What was in the top drawer?

  Shane grinned at him, knowingly. “There you go again, thinking too much. There are condoms and lube in the top drawer. Get them, Grayson.”

  Lube? Condoms? Gray blinked. Yeah, he could do that. He scrambled up the bed and opened the drawer. Sure enough, there was a tube of KY and several foil packages. He tore one off the row, grabbed the lube and shut the drawer. Somewhere in the back of his mind a little voice was once again asking why Shane was doing this. Shane wasn’t gay ... was he? Gray himself had been with women when he was younger, trying to convince himself he didn’t prefer men, but now he just couldn’t imagine himself going to a female. That’s why he couldn’t figure out how a straight man could just all of a sudden decide --

  “You’re doing it again.” Shane pressed up close behind him and took the KY and condom from his hand. One arm moved around Gray’s chest and kisses trailed down Gray’s neck to his shoulder.

  Oh! That hard body aligned against his was heaven. He wiggled, rubbing that solid prick against his lower back. “Doing what?”

  “Overanalyzing.” Shane released him and leaned back.

  Gray started to protest, but he heard foil tear and turned around in time to see Shane roll it on. Brown eyes caught his once the condom was in place. “This okay?” For the first time, Shane looked unsure of himself.

  Well, that’s interesting. But now was not the time for questions. Gray reached up and caressed one of those high cheekbones and smirked. “If you are asking if you can fuck me in the ass, then, yeah, it’s okay.”

  Shane leaned forward and nipped Gray’s bottom lip. “Don’t be crude, Grayson.” But he was smiling and pushed Gray forward, giving him no choice but to catch himself with his hands. Which apparently was what he’d intended, because he touched Gray’s thigh, then popped the top on the lube. “Raise up.”

  “Bossy bastard,” Gray mumbled.

  Shane swatted him on the ass. “What was that?” The tube of KY landed on the bed beside Gray and Shane’s slick fingers skimmed down his crease and over his anus.


  Gray gasped as one blunt finger pressed inside. Shane forged deeper, his long finger grazing Gray’s prostate. Goddamn! Gray dropped to his elbows, resting his forehead on the bed between his forearms.

  Shane groaned behind him, then his mane tickled the backs of Gray’s legs as he bent and pressed his lips to the base of Gray’s spine. “You’ve done this before, right?”

  Shit! When was the last time he’d done this? Gray nodded, wiggling back, wanting more. He got it, too, as Shane started to move his finger in and out. He barely managed to get the words out. “Yeah. Have you?”

  A second finger joined the first and another kiss landed on his back. “Shh ...”

  He was
so damned turned on that that second finger hadn’t even stung. He’d never felt more ready in his life. “Shane, please. Now!”

  The fingers left and the silken heat of Shane’s cock pressed against him, rubbing around his hole. Shane’s other hand caressed his back. “Push out.”

  Gray did, knowing that it would make things easier, but how did --

  Oh! The head of Shane’s huge prick pushing in had stung a bit. Not badly, but he’d definitely felt that. Slowly, Shane glided all the way in, his thighs moving against Gray’s. “Okay?”

  Fuck yeah; it was more than okay. It felt so sublime he could barely get his mind together. His body had already adjusted to the invasion and, damn! Had he ever been this needy? That thick cock head brushed his gland again ... this was not going to last long. Not at all.

  “Grayson! Are you all right?” One hand massaged his back, the other stroked his hip.

  How the hell could Shane sound so calm? “Yes, oh, God, yes! Would you fucking move already?”

  Holy shit, did he move! The hand on Gray’s hip grabbed hold, gripping tightly as he set up a steady rhythm, thrusting smoothly in and out. Shane’s dick rubbed just right on every. Single. Damned. Stroke.

  Oh, it was good! So freaking good! Gray’s hands fisted the comforter and he bit his bottom lip. He was whimpering, but he couldn’t care less. Shane’s dick felt fucking wonderful! If only he could see his lover. The sound of Shane moaning and panting, the heat of Shane’s body against his ... it was too much. Gray was on sensory overload! His balls pulled impossibly tight and his spine actually began to tingle .

  Shane’s hand left his back and grasped Gray’s cock, squeezing, pumping.

  “Oh, fuck, chief!” Gray rocked back and forth between the hand on his cock and the dick in his ass.

  Shane’s hand clamped onto Gray, his other hand moving faster in time with the snap of his hips. “That’s it, Grayson. Come for me!”

  He did. His hole clasped Shane rhythmically as he shot his load all over Shane’s fingers and the comforter. And, fuck, if his eyes couldn’t focus, he’d come so hard. He felt damned good, his body actually shaking. Quivering. Hell he was still spurting.

  Shane suddenly stiffened behind him and let out a low, ragged groan. It was sexy as hell! Then he fell over Gray’s back, his hair draping over his sides as he kissed Gray just below his shoulder blades. He pulled out bit by bit and lay down next to Gray before reaching over and pulled Gray into his body, spooning him. His top arm snaked around Gray’s waist, hand pressing flat against Gray’s stomach.

  Gray lay there dazed and confused, but so relaxed he couldn’t move his limbs if his life depended on it. What the hell had just happened? And how was it going to affect them from this point? He’d wanted the two of them to be friends again. Was Shane going to freak out on him once he got his breath back? Was he already regretting what they’d done? What if --

  “Cut it out and go to sleep.”


  “I can practically hear your brain spinning, Grayson. Go to sleep.” His lips brushed Gray’s shoulder.

  Fuck it! He’d deal with the fall out when he woke up. “Night, Chief.”

  “Night, love.”

  Gray sighed. Too bad Shane hadn’t really meant that.

  § § § §

  Gray lay in the dark, blinking, trying to awaken fully. What in the holy hell had he done? He was no longer on top of the covers, but his back was still snuggled against Shane’s front.

  Boy, when he fucked up, he fucked up but good! No screwing up a little at a time for him, oh no! He just jumped right in, head first! Exactly the way he’d done when he was seventeen. What the hell was Chief gonna say about this? Never mind that Shane had actually started it. Somehow this was going to be Gray’s fault; he just knew it. Fuckin’ A! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

  Gray scooted forward out of Shane’s embrace, hoping like hell he still slept like the dead. Shane rolled onto his back, thankfully sound asleep. God, he was gorgeous, even with his hair all over the place. Those luscious lips were parted slightly, and his luscious black lashes lay against his cheeks.

  Gray closed his eyes. He’d always loved Shane and had missed him incredibly. Yesterday, Shane had seemed pretty willing to accept him back into his life; had Gray destroyed that? He hoped not; he’d be willing, albeit reluctantly, to settle for a platonic relationship just to be near the man.

  He gathered his clothes and dressed in the living room, then picked up his bag and left. Once he got to the big house, he left the lights off and went straight to his room, which appeared exactly the way he’d left it eleven years ago. He’d been in here a time or two over the years, but this was the first time he’d actually sleep here again since then.

  Gray dropped his bag in a chair by the door, then stripped and crawled under the covers. He rolled over and glanced at the picture on his nightstand, able to make out the image in the moonlight filtering through his blinds. His dad, Shane, and he were all laughing. He had his arm around Shane’s shoulder, and his dad was on Shane’s other side. His mom had taken the picture at a Fourth of July celebration one year before Gray’d left.

  He traced a finger down the glass over Shane’s smiling face, then his dad’s. It had been a great day, the four of them one big happy family. If he was lucky, all of them would pose for a similar picture this Fourth of July.


  The phone woke Shane. He rolled over and glanced at the clock as he grabbed the phone. 6:02 a.m. “Hello?”

  “Shane, honey, this is Aunt Tara.”

  He sat up, trying to wake fully. Why was Ted’s sister calling him? “Hi, Aunt Tara.” Shane glanced around the room, heated memories of last night coming back to him. Where was Grayson?

  “Listen, honey, Kaitlyn called me last night to let me know about Ted and I was wondering if I could ride up to the hospital with you. I tried to call Gray but there was no answer. I can drive out to the Broken H and meet you; it’s just I don’t really want to drive all the way to San Antonio by myself.”

  “Sure, that would be fine. Grayson is here, too; he’ll ride up to the hospital with us.”

  “Oh, good! All right, Shane, let me get ready and I’ll see you in about forty minutes.”

  “Okay, Aunt Tara, see you then.”

  “Thanks, hon.”

  Shane hung up the phone and leaned back against the headboard. He’d always slept soundly, but to not feel Gray get out of bed ... he must have been really out of it. But then, that wasn’t surprising; yesterday had been one of the longest -- and yet best -- of his life.

  Warily, he waited a few minutes for regret to creep in, but it never came. Being with Gray had felt ... right. He hadn’t planned it, but the younger man had stared at him with such intensity he hadn’t been able to help himself. When Shane had taken a look into that handsome face and seen those bright green eyes focus hungrily on him, he’d known exactly what Gray felt. It had been written all over his face, the longing, the lust ... the love. Suddenly, it had all become quite clear why Gray had left and why he’d stayed away. Almost as remarkably, Shane found that he himself was no longer afraid of his own feelings. In that moment before he’d called Grayson to come to him, everything had clicked.

  Grayson still deserved someone better than Shane, but Shane admitted he was a selfish man. Making love to Grayson had been like nothing he’d ever experienced. Just being near the younger man made him feel good. In fact, Gray sort of always had been a salvation to him. More than once those bright green eyes had kept him going and showed him what life should be about: joy, love, enthusiasm, and more. The fact that he’d watched Gray grow up had constantly been an issue. Thirteen years had seemed an insurmountable gap back then, but now it just didn’t seem that big a deal.

  Shane wanted him. He’d always desired Gray in different ways, of course, but he’d always loved having the boy around. Gray had gone from being Shane’s protégé to his friend ... and now his lover.

  He got out of be
d and checked the house. Empty. He looked out the window and saw that Gray’s truck was still there. Good. The man must have gone to the big house.

  He had no idea why Gray had left his bed, but he wasn’t going to let him put distance between them again. Not this time. He and Gray weren’t through, but if Gray thought otherwise, he had another think coming. Unfortunately, he knew the stubborn cuss well enough to understand that he was going to have his work cut out for him. Shane looked forward to straightening his lover out.

  Shane got ready, then checked the clock one last time. 6:27 He closed the door behind him and headed to the big house. It was still quiet on the ranch; the hands wouldn’t be arriving for about another thirty minutes, just in time for him to give them their orders for the day and leave for the hospital.

  He grinned. He had some time with Gray all to himself. Ted’s surgery was set for 10:00 a.m. They all would have just enough time to get a bite to eat and get there before Ted was prepped for his operation. After Shane and Gray had spoken with the doctor the night before, they’d felt better about the surgery, but Shane knew he wasn’t the only one who wasn’t willing to not see Ted beforehand. The man had been in Shane’s life far longer than his own father had.

  A slight breeze blew some strands of his hair into his face. Crap. Somehow or another he’d lost that last damned rubber band. He thought Gray had put it on the kitchen counter, but naturally he couldn’t find the blasted thing. Hell, maybe he’d go to the barber shop after Ted’s surgery was over and he was sure the man was fine.

  He entered the house and strode quickly to Ted’s office, grabbed a handful of rubber bands out of Ted’s top drawer, then stuffed all but one into the right front pocket of his jeans before climbing the main stairs to find Gray. As he took the stairs, he finger-combed his hair and separated it into three sections.


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