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The Broken H

Page 11

by J. L. Langley

  “Oh, my God! Suck it!” Gray’s shout blasted from the kitchen.

  “No!” Jamie yelled back.

  Gray groaned. “Suck the head before it gets all over the floor.”

  “No, I don’t like the taste!” Jamie’s protests got louder. “Stop pushing my head!”

  Shane’s eyes shot toward the kitchen, then to Ethan, who was staring in the direction of the ruckus, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his lips. He pushed back from the table and dipped his head, silently bidding Shane follow him.

  Shane got up. He knew it couldn’t possibly be what it sounded like -- and apparently from Ethan’s wide grin, the other man felt the same, but what in the hell could they possibly be --

  Jamie and Gray were standing in the middle of the kitchen. A foaming bottle of beer was in one of Jamie’s hands, a closed beer can in the other. Jamie was holding the bottle away from him, trying to avoid the froth running down the container and his hand.

  Meanwhile, Gray had a glass of tea in one hand, the other one on the back of Jamie’s neck, pushing him toward the frothing beer. “I guess I was wrong. Maybe you were supposed to put the salt in before the lime. The lime wedge sort of blocked the salt.”

  The beer began to spill on the floor, Gray and Jamie both quickly shuffling their feet out of the way.

  Shane fought his laughter, but when Ethan roared beside him, he lost it.

  Gray looked up and beamed, shrugging his shoulders. “Who knew it was going to foam up like that?”


  Gray lay in bed staring at the clock. 3:00 a.m.

  When he and Shane had gotten home from poker night, Shane had kissed his cheek, crawled right into bed, snuggled up against him and was snoring minutes later. Unfortunately, Gray couldn’t doze off himself. His mind was working overtime. Something was on Shane’s mind, no doubt about it, and he wanted to know what it was.

  After they’d left The Tin Star, Shane had been unusually quiet. Not that he gave Gray the silent treatment or anything, but he seemed inordinately preoccupied. Shane could almost always be persuaded to make love before going to sleep, but he hadn’t so much as given Gray the chance to initiate anything.

  Had he done something to irritate Shane? He didn’t think so. Shane was pretty good at telling him when he was upset at him. One thing about his chief was that he was a direct man for the most part. Plus, his actions prior to bed didn’t indicate anger. But what was it? He didn’t like to see Shane troubled.

  An arm circled him from behind, pulling him out of his thoughts. Shane spooned lean hard body against him. Gray smiled and wiggled his back into Shane’s front.

  “Umm ...” Shane’s breath tickled his ear.

  “Umm is right. You awake?”

  “Sort of.”

  “Ahh ...”

  Shane’s head lifted, peering hazily at him. “What’s up?”

  Gray rolled onto his back, so he could see Shane. “Can’t sleep.”

  Shane managed to arch an eyebrow, but he still looked really drowsy. “Why not? What’s going on?”

  He chuckled. One thing he’d say for Shane, the man knew him well. Of course, the reverse was also true. They’d spent a lot of years together when they’d been younger. “You seemed preoccupied tonight. Something bothering you?”

  Shane let out a breath and closed his eyes. Gray thought he’d gone back to sleep when he opened his eyes, looking a little more alert. “Just a little worried about what your coming out might mean to your career. It’s why I’ve had you hold off telling your parents. Well, partly. I love them and don’t want them thinking I took advantage of you.”

  Gray kissed him. It wasn’t a passionate kiss but a gentle, “I’m here for you” touch of their lips. “You know my parents won’t think that. They love you, too, just like you’re one of theirs. As for my career ...” He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, chief. I’m not ashamed of you, and I don’t want to hide you. You’re part of my life.”

  Shane shut his eyes again, resting his forehead on Gray’s shoulder. He stayed there for several seconds, then he kissed Gray’s skin and pulled back. “The fact that your parents look at me like a son is part of my worry. I’ve known you most of your life, and I’m glad you aren’t ashamed of me, but I don’t want to be the reason you lose the job you enjoy or the love and respect of your parents.”

  “You worry too much, chief.”

  Shane blinked, a smile spreading across his face. “That’s kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, isn’t it?”

  Gray grinned, lifting one shoulder. “You’re wrong: I don’t worry; I identify the problem, analyze it, then come up with a solution.”

  Shane raised a brow, his grin still in place.

  Gray chuckled. “Okay, fine. I worry. Sometimes.”

  Shane’s smile faded and he became somber. “I’d still feel better if we kept it a secret a while longer.”

  “If that’s what you want, chief; just know it’s not necessary. I won’t advertise it, but I don’t care who knows.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I want, Grayson. Let’s just get you re-elected this time and we’ll deal with it after.” He covered Gray’s mouth with his own, his tongue slowly tracing Gray’s lips, then pushing inside.

  “Okay.” Gray twined his arms around Shane’s neck and pulled him down on top of him. He felt much better now. Maybe if he could get rid of his hard on, he could finally go to sleep. He pulled back and snaked a hand down between their bodies. “You going to fuck me now, old man?”

  His answer was a nip on the chin and a muffled, “I’ll show you old.”

  Shane slid off to lie next to him. His hand went under the covers and wrapped around Gray’s erection. In no time at all, Shane had him harder than a rock and angling up into his hand, begging for relief.

  Gray moved onto his side, reached down and wrapped his hand around Shane’s cock. It jerked in his hand and the head was already damp with precome.

  Shane moaned and thrust, still pumping Gray’s dick. “Oh, yeah, just like that Grayson.” He rested his head on his arm and stared into Gray’s eyes.

  Gray leaned forward, capturing Shane’s lips and fucking his mouth with his tongue while he continued to jerk him off.

  Their movements became frantic, their hands and hips all moving swiftly. Gray pushed moan after moan into Shane’s mouth and Shane reciprocated. Their motions became sloppy and jerky.

  Shane grunted and stopped kissing him, his mouth hanging open against Gray’s. Spunk soon sprayed over Gray’s hand.

  Gray peaked too, his balls pulling up as they emptied into Shane’s palm and the sheets.

  After a few minutes Gray brought his own hand to his mouth, licking it clean. He loved the way Shane tasted, salty and slightly tangy.

  Shane groaned, low and deep. “Damn it, that’s unbelievably sexy!”



  “Mmm, well how about this? Is this sexy, too?” Gray slid under the covers and pulled Shane’s half hard prick into his mouth.


  He licked Shane clean, lapped and suckled until Shane’s dick went completely soft. Then he sucked the come off Shane’s fingers as well before he glided back up the bed.

  Shane tugged him forward into the wet spot, and kissed him. “You taste like us.”

  Gray smiled against his mouth, scooted backward and yanked Shane into the damp area. “Is that a good thing?”

  “Definitely a good thing. It was really hot, but you get the wet spot for calling me old.” Shane moved closer, then pulled Gray back into the middle of the bed.

  § § § §

  “Son, can I see you in my office, please?”

  Gray looked up from setting the table to find his father standing in the doorway of the dining room. “Sure, Dad.” He set the last fork on the table.

  Ted turned around and walked back out without another word.

  Hookay ... What was that about? He frowned. His dad hadn’t seemed mad, b
ut from his abrupt manner, it was evident that something wasn’t right.

  Shane came whistling into the room, carrying several glasses of tea, which he placed on the table. When he saw Gray, he stopped whistling. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know that anything is wrong. Dad just came and asked me to come to his office.”

  Shane arched a brow and stepped closer to Gray. His shoulders slumping a little. “You think he --”

  Gray quickly gave him a one-armed hug and grinned. “I don’t think nothing, chief. He wasn’t pissed off, if that’s what you’re afraid of, so relax. Go finish helping Mom get ready for dinner and I’ll let you know what he says when I get back.”

  Shane nodded, his face still concerned. Gray traced Shane cheek with the back of his knuckles, trying to relax him, then he leaned in and kissed him.

  Shane’s eyes opened wide and he literally jumped away, looking rapidly around the room quickly before frowning at Gray. Gray chuckled and left.

  He walked down the hall to his dad’s office where he found the door open and his dad sitting at his desk, relaxed in his chair. Gray felt a little of his anxiety slip away.

  “Shut the door, son.”

  Gray did so and went to lean on the back of one of the two leather chairs that sat in front of his dad’s big oak desk. “What’s up, Dad?”

  “It’s about the Broken H. About my and your mother’s will.”

  Gray resisted the urge to groan. While he could see why it would be important to his parents after the close call his dad had had with his dad, he didn’t want to think about either of his parents dying. Of course, he had his own will in order and had made doubly certain after he’d shot in the line of duty. Everything he had would go to Shane and his parents.

  Gray stepped around the chair he was leaning on and took a seat. “Dad, do we have to do this? I don’t want anything. Whatever you want me to have is fine. I’d much rather have you and Mom than any property or furniture or jewelry or whatever.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Gray, and I’m not planning on keeling over anytime soon. But your mother and I have wanted to do this a long time ago. And it seems like now is the right time to do it. Ted folded his arms over his stomach and smiled. From the blue, he asked, “Are you and Shane involved?” It was almost a statement rather than a question, and he didn’t sound angry or even surprised.

  Gray, on the other hand, was stunned. How had they gone from a last will and testament to him and Shane? He knew his parents were sharp but, dang, that was incredibly perceptive of them. He really did think he’d have a little more time to get Shane used to the idea of his folks knowing about them. He cleared his throat. “Yes, sir.”

  Ted smiled, nodding slowly. “Well, I can’t say that your mother -- or I, for that matter -- is happy about not having grandkids, but this does make things easy.”

  “I’m not following you, Dad. You aren’t upset, which is kind of amazing, but in a good way. I really didn’t expect you to be angry, but aren’t you at least surprised?”

  Geez! As soon as the words popped from his mouth, Gray could have slapped himself. There he went overanalyzing things again! Who cared if his dad wasn’t shocked that he was gay or that he was a couple with Shane? He should be happy! He had the feeling that if Shane were here with him, he might have smacked him upside the head for looking a gift horse in the mouth.

  Ted chuckled. “I’ve known, or maybe I should say I suspected, you were gay when you were a teenager, even while you were going from girlfriend to girlfriend.”

  “Are you saying you knew before I, er, admitted it to myself?”

  “Yes, son. I may be a lot of things, but no one could ever accuse me of not knowing my boys.”

  Boys? Gray raised a brow. He knew his parents thought of Shane as a son, but was his dad saying he’d thought Gray and Shane had something going back even back then? That would upset Shane. “Dad, we weren’t involved. We just --”

  Ted held up a hand. “I know, I know. I just meant I’ve known for a long time that both you and Shane were gay. That’s all. Stop scrutinizing things into the ground, Grayson.”

  Okay, okay, that’s good. “How did you know?” Like it matters? Gray gave himself another mental slap.

  “Son, does it really matter? You just can’t help yourself, can you, boy?” His dad chuckled. “I knew because I’d have to have been both blind and an idiot to not notice how you used to watch Shane ... and the way he used to look at you.”

  Gray had no argument for that. He could imagine what his dad had read in his face all those years ago. “But I dated girls ...”

  “Sure, one after another and none of them ever meant anything to you, only Shane caught your attention.” Ted raised a brow. “I also know why you left home.”

  “You do?”

  “Well, not the exact details, but I can guess. I’m assuming you made a pass at Shane and he turned you down, or something along those lines. It was bound to happen the way you followed him around. It didn’t take a genius to see it coming.”

  Gray’s mouth dropped open. Damn, had he really been that transparent? He squirmed in his seat.

  “I can’t say I’m happy that you left, but in a way I suppose it was inevitable. Shane may not be my blood, but I know that boy every bit as well as I do you. He would have turned you down if for no other reason than you’re my son.”

  “Dad, I’ve followed Shane around and hung on his every word since I was a toddler.”

  “Yeah, but things changed when you turned, oh, about fourteen or so, didn’t they? It was different.”

  Holy shit! Gray sat there dumbfounded. “If you knew why I wanted to leave, why didn’t you say something?”

  “How could I have stopped you? You needed to go, but I knew you’d be back. I hoped that when you did, you and Shane ...”

  “Huh?” Knowing his dad knew about him and Shane was one thing. Realizing that he actually wanted them together was another. “Dad, that’s unreal! No one wants their kid to be gay.”

  “You’re right, son, they don’t. But it doesn’t make them love their children less or not want the best for them.”

  “But that’s just it, Dad, it does. Jamie Killian’s dad --”

  “Was an asshole who never loved his son in the first place.” Ted shook his head sadly.

  “All right, that was worse-case scenario, Dad, but still ... a lot of parents disown their kids.”

  “Not a parent that truly loves their child. My point is, it’s not the life I would have chosen for you ... well, no, that’s not what I want to say.” Ted’s forehead wrinkled in thought. “I’m very proud of you, son. What I mean is, I would have like for you to have married and have kids in addition to what you’ve already accomplished if for no other reason than it would have been easier on you, a lot less headaches. There are always going to be people who have a problem with you because of who you choose to love. It’s not right, but it’s life. But I can promise you this, your mother and I will never be one of those people. We just want you to be happy. And Shane, we want him happy, too, so if you two are happier together, well then ...”

  Son of a bitch! Don’t that just beat all? Gray’s eyes started watering. He blinked back the tears and smiled at his dad. “I love you, Pop.”

  His dad smiled back, his own eyes brimming. He dabbed his eyes with the back of his hand. “Okay, now that that’s out of the way. I have some other things I want to talk about.”

  Gray chuckled and wiped at his own eyes. “That’s not what you called me in here for?”

  “Nope. I wanted to know if you had a problem with me dividing the ranch up between you and Shane if something should happen to me and your mother.”

  Gray thought about it. It was just a place, no matter how much he loved it, and it couldn’t replace his parents. He knew he should probably feel a little slighted, but he didn’t. It was only fair that Shane should have half the ranch. Hell, to be honest ... “Dad, I don’t deserve half. I haven’t been her
e to take care of things. Shane is the one that has put his sweat, blood and tears into the place.”

  Ted waved the words away. “Nonsense! You are my son, and while you might not have been here, but you would have come and helped if we’d needed you.”

  “Yes, I would have.”

  “Good, then that’s settled. You don’t have a problem sharing with Shane?”

  “Not a chance! The Broken H, you and Mom are as much Shane’s as you are mine.” And Gray truly believed that. Even if something inconceivable should happen and he and Shane split up, Shane would always be a part of their family. He had as much right to the ranch as Gray did.

  “Okay, now the bad news. I don’t want you to tell Shane. He’ll just argue and insist that I put everything in your name.”

  Gray started laughing so hard he couldn’t catch his breath. It was true! Shane would have a fit when he found out. Once he finally stopped chortling, he nodded. “Okay, I’ll keep it under wraps for now but, Dad, I can’t not tell him forever. You really should let him know.”

  Ted chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, no! I’m not going to tell him; he’s likely to belt me one for supposedly short-changing you. That boy always was overprotective where you’re concerned. You break the news; I know he won’t slug you. My part is done; now it’s your turn.”

  Gray grinned broadly and settled back into his chair. If there was ever proof that Shane loved him, that was it -- that he always did what he felt was best for Gray. It had been and still was annoying at times, but the man’s heart was in the right place. “That much is the honest to God truth. And for that very reason, I’m going to ask a favor of you.”

  “What’s that, son? This sounds serious.”


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