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The Broken H

Page 13

by J. L. Langley

  Shane sucked in a breath. Damn, the man was fine. Shane reached for Gray’s cock the same time Gray went for his braid. Gray chuckled and proceeded to take the rubber band off and spread out his hair.

  Shane squeezed and stroked lightly, eliciting a moan from his lover. God, he loved the feel of Grayson in his hand, hot and hard and smooth. He wrapped his free hand around the back of Gray’s neck and pulled him closer. He loved that Gray was so close to him in height. It made things very convenient: his mouth was just right there, and his dick lined up perfectly.

  He licked Gray’s lower lip, then slid inside the moist cavern, his hand still gliding along Gray’s shaft. Gray kissed him back, meeting his tongue stroke for stroke as the last of Shane’s hair was freed from the braid. Gray sucked Shane’s bottom lip into his mouth and began massaging his scalp. He pulled strands of Shane’s hair forward, and let them fall. He drew back, his hands still tangled in the mass of black locks. “Love your hair, chief. I want to feel it on my chest as you fuck me.”

  Shane groaned. If they didn’t get to the bedroom now, they weren’t going to make it. He released Gray’s prick and grabbed his hand, tugging him down the hall into his room. As soon as they got there, Gray started on Shane’s shirt. “Get naked, chief. What are the fuck are you doing with all these clothes on, anyway?”

  Shane chuckled and lifted his arms so Gray could yank the shirt off. “I was coming to get you.”

  “You had to get fully dressed to go to the living room?” Gray unhooked Shane’s pants and worked his fingers into the waistband of the tight jeans and his underwear. He shoved them to Shane’s hips, then went to his knees to work the garments the rest of the way down.

  “I fell asleep in my clothes after you left. Aside from that, I thought you’d gone ho--” His breath caught.

  Gray’s mouth engulfed his prick even as his fingers continued to skillfully work Shane’s clothes. Gray moaned around his penis, sending shivers down Shane’s spine. Gray moved back. “Pick your foot up, chief. I need to get your boots off.”

  Damned boots! Shane clutched Gray’s shoulders and did as he was told.

  Gray tugged off one boot, then the other. He looked gorgeous with his sleep-tousled hair in his eyes, intent on his task. Once he had removed Shane’s socks, he discarded the jeans. Smiling up at Shane, a wicked gleam in his eye, he took Shane’s cock into his mouth again. As he held Shane’s gaze, he worked the prick in and out of his mouth slowly, deliciously.

  Shane’s balls drew up at the sight; a moan escaped him. It felt good, so good, but he didn’t want to come like this. He needed Gray to orgasm with him. Caressing his lover’s face, he stepped away, making his dick slip from Gray’s mouth. “On the bed, Grayson.”

  Gray studied him, but thankfully didn’t argue. He got on the bed and lay down, focused on Shane all the while. He spread his arms and legs wide.

  Shane crawled up that luscious body, knowing how the feel of his mane tickling over Gray’s legs drove him wild. He straddled Gray’s thighs, then yanked off his glasses. He handed them to Gray.

  Gray stretched to put them on the nightstand, then sighed and settled back, dropping his head onto the pillow.

  Shane smiled and slid down to his lover’s groin. He pushed Gray’s legs further apart and shouldered his way between them.

  Gray’s head came off the pillow to watch him.

  Shane blew a puff of warm breath over the lightly furred balls and licked one side, then the other.

  “Oh, God, chief.” Gray grabbed for him. “Flip your legs around. Please.”

  Shane pulled one testicle into his mouth, sucking softly. He loved the feel of Gray in his mouth, the way he could make Gray beg for him, make him writhe with pleasure. It was amazing that this big, strong, tough lawman displayed such vulnerability to him. It was empowering.

  “Please, Shane. Let me suck you, too.”

  Sounded like a good plan to him. He wanted to taste Gray, and Gray wanted him, so it was a win-win situation. Shane angled his body around.

  Gray slid onto his side, bending his top knee and resting his foot on the bed, opening himself up. His stomach muscles rippled with the movement and his thick cock bobbed against his belly.

  Shane admired the view for several seconds, mesmerized by his lover’s body.

  The sensation of hot breath was Shane’s only warning before Gray took his cock down his throat in one fell swoop.

  Shane bucked into Gray’s mouth, his ass muscles clenching tight. He rested his cheek against the heated and throbbing prick in front of him for a moment. It felt divine. A smear of precome on his cheek let him know that Gray was also enjoying himself.

  “Mmm ...”

  The vibration made Shane’s spine tingle. He lifted his face and licked the head of Gray’s cock, circling his tongue all around it before drawing it inside his mouth. He sucked lightly, tasting the tangy precome.

  Gray’s hips jerked just a bit, but he didn’t stop mouthing Shane’s prick. His head bobbed up and down, pulling Shane in deep, then sucking hard on the way out. God, the man could suck dick!

  Shane tried to ignore the pleasure and concentrate on Gray, but his resolve lasted only seconds. Gray was too good at this and the sensation of Gray’s prick in his own mouth had him in a near frenzy. He gripped Gray’s hips and held them to take his cock in deep.

  Gray moaned around his cock and returned the favor.

  They worked each other hard and fast for several minutes, until Gray finally peaked, coating the back of Shane’s throat with salty come. That was all it took to send Shane over the edge into bliss, too. He pumped his hips forward as he clung to Gray’s ass, keeping his lover in place as he came.

  Gray swallowed every last drop of his come.

  Finally, they both lay in a boneless sprawl next to each other. He still had a hold of Gray’s butt and Gray was nuzzling his face along Shane’s hip. Shane kissed Gray’s thigh and sat up.

  Gray met him halfway, his hands going immediately to Shane’s hair. They kissed long and slow, almost lazily. Shane lay back down, bringing Gray with him. His lover continued to play with his hair, twining it in his fingers.

  Sometimes he’d wake up at night with Gray’s face buried in his hair and his fingers tangled in it. Before Gray, he’d never slept with his hair down , but even when he went to bed with it braided, he’d awaken with it wound around Gray’s hand or fingers. He smiled and kissed Grayson’s nose. How could he have ever thought to give up man and what they had together?

  “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  Gray smiled back and covered his face with Shane’s hair, inhaling deeply. He let it slip off his cheek, then focused on Shane’s eyes. “I love my job, but I love you more.”


  Gray signaled, making a right onto his street. Thank God his day was over. He’d had a hell of a time concentrating on his work today, despite the great make-up sex. He’d certainly been mellow, but he needed sleep, too. Fortunately, he’d been at the office doing paperwork rather than out in the field. He wanted to go home to The Broken H. Funny how he’d started thinking of the ranch as home again.

  He pulled into his drive and got out. There was something, a piece of paper it looked like, taped to the front door of the two bedroom, two bath, Craftsman bungalow he rented.

  It turned out to be an envelope with his title and surname written on it. Gray used his key to unlock the door and grabbed the envelope on his way inside. No sooner had he opened his door than his cell phone rang. He shut and locked the door behind him before answering his phone. “Hunter.”

  “Are you still coming here for dinner, or do you want me to meet you somewhere?”

  Gray smiled and ripped open the envelope. “Hey, chief. I’ll be there. I need to change clothes and grab a new uniform for tomorrow, then I’m on my way.” Gray pulled out a typed letter, quickly glancing at the bottom where he saw his landlady’s signature. That was odd, she usually just called him to tell him things. />
  “All right, then, I won’t keep you. Your mom said to tell you she baked an apple pie today. You know, I like you coming to dinner. Kaitlyn is always baking things when you do. When it’s just me and Ted, we get ice cream for dessert, not even homemade ice cream either. You’re spoiled.”

  Gray chuckled. “If I’m spoiled, it’s as much your fault as it is Mom’s.” He skimmed over the letter as he made his way to his bedroom.

  Dear Sheriff Hunter,

  I’m sorry to inform you that your lease will not be renewed. You have until next Friday to remove your things from this property.

  Lois Wagner

  “What the fuck?” That couldn’t be right. Gray flipped the letter over. There was no explanation or anything else.

  “Grayson, what’s wrong?”

  “My landlady isn’t renewing my lease.”

  “Why?” Shane practically growled.

  “I have no idea; there’s reason given. Just a get your shit out by next week. Okay, I’m going to drop by her house on the way to the ranch. I’ll let you know what’s up when I get there.”

  “Can she do that? Isn’t there a specific length of time she has to give you?”

  “Yeah, written notice and a grace period, I believe. I’ll have to check my lease to be sure. All right, I’m going to let you go. See you in about an hour, chief.”

  “Drive carefully, Grayson.”

  Gray hung up and tossed his cell phone and the letter on to his bed. What was going on? He’d never been late with his rent, he obviously wasn’t a troublemaker and he didn’t throw loud parties. Maybe she had a buyer for the place? No, that couldn’t be it, she’d have to have his permission to let people in to see the place. He shrugged and went to take a shower.

  He was clean and dressed in no time, gathered his things for the following day and out the door within a half hour. He arrived at Mrs. Wagner’s house to find two cars parked out front. Damn! She had company. Should he come back? It would be rude to just drop in if she had guests but then again her terse note had been discourteous, too.

  Gray parked by the curb, strolled up to the front door and knocked. There was feminine laughter followed by the door being flung wide.

  Mrs. Wagner appeared in the open doorway with a wide smile on her face, that faded as soon as she saw him. “Sheriff Hunter.”

  Gray looked past Mrs. Wagner and spotted Mrs. Murphy, the librarian and gossip hound, and Mrs. Kelly, the high school principal. They both stared at him, frowns on their faces. Mrs. Murphy actually shook her head at him. Well, guess that explained his land landlady’s letter. Apparently she had a problem with him being gay. Gray gave Mrs. Murphy a icy look, then looked at Mrs. Wagner again.

  He held the note up. “I guess Mrs. Murphy’s presence explains this.”

  The woman at least had the good sense to realize that it was discrimination. She immediately started protesting. “Oh, no, that’s not it at all. It’s just --”

  “That’s quite all right, Mrs. Wagner. I find that I no longer want to associate with you, either. I’ll have my things out by this weekend, I expect to have every penny of my deposit back.” Gray spun around and left without another word.

  The trip out to the ranch was only about a ten-minute drive, but Gray managed drag it out to twenty. He pulled up to the Broken H not nearly as excited about being there as he had been when he’d left work. Shane was going to flip over him being forced out of his rental. Oh, well, there was no hope for it. Better get it over with. He cut the engine and got out.

  Shane was waiting for him on the back porch of the big house. He sat on the swing in a pair of khaki shorts and a blue t-shirt and white tennis shoes. His hair hung in a braid over his shoulder and trailed down his chest to his waist.

  Gray smiled. When was the last time he saw Shane in shorts? The man sure had the legs for it -- long, leanly muscled and dark.

  “What are you grinning at?”

  “Just thinking you have nice legs.” Gray stepped up on the porch and dropped down next to Shane.

  Shane eyed Gray’s bare legs and his denim shorts. “Your legs look pretty good, too, but you need a tan.” He tried not to grin but failed miserably.

  Gray scoffed. “I bet I’ve been out in the sun with my legs uncovered more than you have this year.”

  “Probably. I think you need to take me out in the sun. Maybe on the lake. We’ve got a boat, you know.”

  Gray grinned thinking about the twenty foot Bayliner his parents had bought a few years back. He’d never been on it. “Are you trying to tell me that I don’t take you anywhere?”

  Shane shrugged. “Just thought you might like to go waterskiing one weekend.” He eyed Gray. “So, what was up with your land landlady? Why does she want you out?” Shane pushed off the porch with one foot, setting them to swinging.

  Gray groaned. Apparently his reprieve was over. “Why do you think? Guess who was there when I went to talk to her?”

  Shane’s eyebrows pulled together. “Who?”

  “Mrs. Busybody Murphy.”

  “She can’t do that, Grayson. She can’t not renew your lease because you’re gay. That’s discrimination and it’s illegal.”

  Gray smiled humorlessly and ran his finger down the furrow on Shane’s forehead, smoothing the lines. “I know that, chief, but you and I also know that she can. Proving that’s the reason she wants me to leave is next to impossible. She’d never admit to it. And I’m not going to spend money taking her to court to try and prove it when I’d rather not rent from a bigot anyway.”

  Shane frowned harder. “You don’t sound too upset.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not. I knew it was a possibility. Besides, it’s not like I spend a lot of time there. I’m better off to find something smaller and cheaper. And I’m always out here more often than not nowadays.”

  Shane put a hand on his nape and tugged. He kissed Gray’s forehead. “You are amazing. I don’t know how you can be so calm about this. It still pisses me off to no end when people act that way.”

  Gray nearly swallowed his tongue. He’d been expecting a rant on how this was Shane’s fault, even though it certainly wasn’t. “I knew a long time ago that this life wasn’t going to be an easy row to hoe, but that’s how it is, so I deal with it. As long as no one is targeting me because of who I love, which as we know isn’t out of the realm of possibility, then I’m happy.”

  “You’re absolutely right, of course, but I’m still amazed.”

  “Funny how people show their true colors when they find out you’re gay, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Shane growled.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not freaking out on me.”

  Shane got a strange look on his face, then it was gone, almost like it had never been there. He thumped Gray’s shoulder. “I’m trying. It’s not easy, but I’m working on squelching the urge to knock out your landlady.” His eyes twinkled.

  Gray chuckled and pushed him. “You nut!”

  Shane laughed. “Seriously, I don’t like it. But I’m trying to look on the bright side. You now need a new place, right?”


  “Move in with me.”

  Gray’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “You heard me; move into my house. Come live with me.” Shane raised a brow.

  He’d love to, he was here all the time anyway, but ... “That would be like moving back in with my parents.”

  Shane snorted. “I am not your parent. You’d be moving in with your lover, your ... partner, not your parents.”

  Partner, he liked that. “I know, but I’d be living off my folks. That isn’t right.”

  “How do you figure?” Shane pointed at his small house. “That is my place. It came with the job. I pay for my own groceries and my electricity. You can pay half the groceries, electricity and upkeep.”

  Gray grabbed Shane, kissing him hard.

  Shane grinned and returned his kisses. “Does that mean you�
�ll move in with me?”

  “Hell yeah!”

  § § § §


  Shane groaned at the summons. Who knew Gray would have so much shit? He set the last of Gray’s clothes on his bed and went outside to see what Jamie -- or maybe it was John, they sounded so much alike -- was yelling about. “What?”

  Jamie had one end of an old, beat up, wooden desk; John had the other end. “Where do you want us to put this?” Jamie asked.

  Shane glanced at the truck where Gray was handing boxes to Ethan and McCabe. “The wood pile?”

  Gray looked up and frowned. “I like that desk.”

  “It’s shit. How about we buy you a new one?” Shane looked the desk over again. It was an old roll-top that had seen better days. It appeared to be constructed of real wood, but over the years it had been painted, several times from the looks of it. The top coat was white but where the white was flaking off, it was red and there was a bit of green, too.

  Gray growled menacingly at him. “It’s an antique.”

  “More like a relic.” Shane sighed. He’d agreed to give Gray the remaining bedroom for his office. The cottage’s other two rooms were, of course, his own office and his, no, their, bedroom. “Okay, fine. But you’re going to strip that thing and refinish it.” He turned back Jamie and John, then jerked his head toward the front door and stepped out of the way. “Stick it in the last bedroom.”

  He let the two men pass and followed them inside, detouring to the kitchen. He grabbed six water bottles out of the fridge and took them out to the porch. Setting them down on the edge of the low wooden porch, he opened a bottle.

  McCabe set a box, books it looked like, on the porch behind Shane and sat down beside him. He grabbed a bottle, held it up to Shane and dipped his head. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. Thanks for helping us move all this, er --”

  “Crap?” Gray flopped down on Shane’s other side with a chuckle and lay back on the porch. “Hand me a water, old man.”


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