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Privateer (The Five Kingdoms #1)

Page 37

by Robin Roseau

"It's okay," I said. "May I come in now?"

  "I want to know how good a swimmer you are."

  "Very poor, but I can float just fine, and that's the important part. You may want to order a bite to eat while you wait for me to swim the length of the ship and back."

  She laughed.

  "I won't drown, and unless you put a time limit on it, I will pass your swimming test."

  "Jump in, then, and let me see you float."

  A seaman offered a hand, and I stepped to the last seat in the longboat then jumped off the back. I went underwater for a moment, then came to the surface and rolled onto my back, spreading my arms and relaxing. I took a big breath of air and easily floated.

  The water was only a little warmer than it had been for my dunking, but in the hot sun, it felt really nice.

  "You can still burn out here," Sorri said. "But if you stay near the ship, there is some shade."

  "All right," I said.

  I fluttered slowly towards the ship and soon I was in the shade. It was suddenly a lot cooler.

  "Is that as fast as you swim?" she asked.

  "That was me hurrying," I told her.

  She laughed.

  "Okay, maybe I'm a little faster."

  She spoke very quietly. "I can see you aren't going to drown if all you do is float, but I need to see you swim properly or you may put on a life jacket. I made everyone else do it, and I cannot make an exception for you."

  I rolled over onto my side and began a sidestroke along the ship, moving slowly, but nevertheless moving towards the bow of the ship. I reached it eventually and asked if I could turn around.

  "Yes," she said. "Do you know other strokes? If so, I would like to see them."

  I rolled onto my back and slowly swam along backwards back towards the other swimmers. I wasn't any faster that way than on my side. I got halfway back then rolled onto my stomach and swam slowly that way, my face out of the water the entire time.

  When we were a short distance from everyone else, splashing around and having fun, Sorri stopped me. "Float here," she said. I rolled onto my back and floated.

  "That was adequate, barely," she said.

  "I told you."

  "I will allow you to swim like this, but you must put on a life jacket if you grow tired or else climb back into the longboat. Do you have a desire to learn to swim better?"

  "I can swim underwater," I said.

  "You didn't tell me that," she said. "Show me."

  I swam along the surface towards one of the longboats, then I took a moderate breath, flipped my feet into the air, and let the weight of my legs push me well underwater. I then swam underneath the longboat and came up on the other side, panting heavily by the time I surfaced. Sorri surfaced next to me, not even remotely out of breath.

  "That was your best yet," she said.

  "Maybe," I gasped. I waited until I caught my breath then said, "I can swim like you, but I get tired very quickly. I wouldn't have made your swimming test that way. I'd sink before I got halfway there."

  "All right. I'll ask again. Do you want to swim better?"


  "Then I will teach you. And make you work at it to improve your endurance. If that is what you want."

  "I'll never be like you."

  "I don't expect that. And you are free to turn me down."

  "No, I think I would like that." I reached out and tapped her on the shoulder, then grinned. "Tag. You're it."


  I nodded.

  She tagged me back. "Tag. You're it."

  "Didn't Minori teach you the rules of tag? You have to tag someone else."

  She immediately turned away from me and I yelled. "The captain is it for tag!"

  All the swimmers scattered from her path, but she caught someone easily.

  The game had been going on for ten minutes, everyone having a good time. Suddenly I found Minori, Lindora and Jorek all stalking after me. They were each in a life jacket, and they swam slowly, making them easy to avoid.

  "Which one of you is it?" I asked.

  "We're not telling, Auntie Rani," Lindora said. "You'll just have to avoid all three of us."

  They managed to get me cornered against the ship, fanned out in front of me. I went down and underneath them, but by the time I came up, I was exhausted. They caught me easily after that.

  I was so tired that I couldn't catch anyone. I finally turned to Sorri, but she laughed. "You aren't going to catch me if you can't catch anyone else."

  "I need a life jacket. Right now."

  She didn't wait. She swam to me immediately and suddenly I found myself on my back, her arm over my chest. She pulled me to the nearest longboat.

  "Are you all right?"


  "Climb aboard and catch your breath. Then we have new fun planned."

  "I'm still it."

  "Tap my arm then."

  I tapped her and then she helped me into the boat. She chased people around a little bit, deliberately not catching anyone, then stopped. "Commander! We're ready for a new game."

  I looked up to the deck of the Fleetwind. Radha was standing on the railing. She made a large jump and a huge splash in the water, and I realized she had one of the ropes from the derrick with her.

  "This game is only for those not in life jackets," Sorri said. "But we'll teach anyone who wants to learn to swim."

  The rope from the derrick was tied into a big loop at the end. The captain demonstrated by slipping the rope around her, then clutching the loop closed with her hands. "Hoist her up!" Radha yelled, and the captain was pulled from the water. They pulled her all the way up, and she said, "Now!" They dropped her, and she fell into the water with a splash.

  "That's one way," Sorri said, laughing, after breaking the surface. "And anyone who wants to try this has to go that way twice before we'll let you do it the next way."

  "Hoist her up!" Radha yelled. And up the captain went. Then the derrick spun around and deposited her on the ship.

  I looked, and I saw a section of the railing had been removed. I didn't realize they could do that. The derrick again hung out over the water, the line stretching from the end of the derrick to Sorri, standing at the edge of the deck.

  "A seaman will tell you when you may go," Radha told us. "Do not jump early."

  Then Sorri jumped from the ship. She swung down, not quite touching the water, and then she swung back up. At the top of the arc, they released the hoist, and Sorri flew away from the ship in a beautiful arc, making a large splash when she landed.

  "There is one more thing you can do," Radha said. "But you must do that twice first."

  Sorri got hoisted to the deck again. I saw her slip out of the rope, then she put her foot in the loop, grabbed the rope, stepped carefully, then stepped right off the ship. When she drew near the top of her arc, she let go of the rope. This time, they didn't release the hoist, and the rope stayed behind. Sorri made a beautiful dive into the water.

  She received applause when she came up, brushing water from her face.

  Everyone wanted a chance; those in life jackets weren't happy at being excluded, but Sorri explained it hurt too much to enter the water from so high while wearing a life jacket. "Learn to swim, and you'll have plenty of chances to do this. Well, unless your husbands and fathers have ransomed you back far more rapidly than most do."

  I sat in the longboat, watching people as they were hoisted into the air. Some of them squealed when they were dropped, but as soon as they surfaced, each of them was ready to go again.

  Sorri swam over. "Ready for your turn?"

  "I had three yesterday. I'll let all of them go first. Captain, do you do this with every group?"

  "We've never stopped on the way like this," she said. "But once we anchor at the island and the ship is back with supplies, yes. Most trips, if the weather fits and people show interest."

  "Come on," she said. "Your turn, if you want one."

  "I do," I said. "I can st
art with the swinging one?"

  "Yes, if you like."

  I jumped into the water, and Sorri escorted me to the rope. Radha held it, waiting for me. She wrapped it around me, and up I went. A minute later, my feet were firmly on the deck. Mara was waiting for me.

  "Stand here," she said. "They have to tighten the line." She held me by the shoulders, and the line tightened. I hung onto the rope, and then she said, "Let me know when you want me to let go."


  She released me and I jumped. I swung down and up, and then I was flying. I landed in the water, butt first, which stung. Then immediately I was pulled to the surface as the seamen began cranking the line tighter. I got dragged backwards in the water until I was directly under the derrick, then I slipped out of the loop so the next person could go.

  "That was fun, but I didn't care for the landing."

  "It stings a little," Radha admitted. "But worth it. If you ask Mara, they can release you sooner and you won't go as high."

  "No, no," I said. I watched as the next person went, floating in the water.

  Everyone had a good time.

  I got my swings from the derrick. My last amused Sorri to no end.

  I took three swings without letting go of the rope, but then I decided it was my last time, and I wanted to try it the way Sorri had. Mara coached me at the top. I stepped into the rope and did everything she told me to do.

  As I was near the top of the arc, I released the rope, which was a little scary, and I went flying away from the ship. I entered cleanly, and then I struggled to the surface.

  And then I waited out there.

  "Come on, Rani," Sorri said.

  "No, I think I'll stay right here."

  "You're in the way of the next person."


  "Ensign," Radha said. "Swim here. Now."

  "I will not."

  Radha began opening her mouth, but Sorri said something to her, and then Sorri swam out to me.

  "If you laugh, you are sleeping alone tonight," I told her when she got closer.

  "What's the matter."

  "I wouldn't suppose you can find my swimsuit?"

  She had to slap her hand over her mouth.

  "You did this on purpose!" I hissed at her.

  She ducked under the water. I was stark naked, and she got a real good look.

  "Sorry," she said. "It's gone. And I really liked seeing you in it, too."

  "What are you going to do about this? I am not getting out of the water stark naked."

  "I'll help you into the tunic. It covers everything. Come on, let's swim out of the way so other people can swing. Ms. Gregan is up, I believe."

  I let Sorri lead me to the side, well clear of the splash-down area. Then she pulled me towards the longboat.

  "No!" I said. "The water doesn't hide anything!"

  "I'll make them turn around when we get closer, Rani. Those delectable breasts of yours are for my eyes only. I have no intention of letting anyone else ogle you. I promise."

  I let her lead me to the longboat, but as we got closer, I turned around and slowly sculled backwards.

  "Seamen," Sorri said. "We have had a tiny accident. I require the tunic Ms. Karden was wearing, and please turn away."

  "Now everyone knows!" I said. "When will you be done embarrassing me, Captain?"

  "Shh. The seamen aren't going to say a thing, and no one else heard me."

  She helped me into the tunic, which was awkward in the water. She buttoned it for me.

  "It doesn't cover my bottom."

  "We have towels, ma'am," one of the seamen said. "If we turn the stern away from everyone else, you can climb in and wrap a towel around yourself."

  "See?" Sorri said. "Your modesty is retained. No eyes but mine have seen your luscious parts."

  "I can't believe I let you talk me into that suit in the first place." Then I eyed her suspiciously. "Oh my god! You got me to go up in the hoist in just that skimpy suit. Everyone saw!"

  She grinned. "Why yes, yes I did. And you had fun. No one cared, Rani. No one looked at you any more than they did anyone else. If you do not believe me, ask Glora later."

  "You will be obtaining a proper swimsuit for me, Captain," I said. "One that covers me from my neck to my toes."

  One of the seamen chuckled.

  "You wouldn't like it, ma'am. We've all been swimming in clothing. It's hard. The captain makes us practice even in winter clothing. That stuff drags you under."

  The seamen turned the longboat around, and I climbed aboard. Sorri grinned from the water.

  "You can see my ass!" I hissed at her.

  "Yes, I can," she said. "It's a nice ass."

  I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my middle, and found a place to sit.


  Captain Sorri Westmere

  "Please don't make me sit in here for hours. Can't I go join Glora's family?"

  "Will you let me pull a hood over your head?"


  "I will go retrieve a hood and make sure you are welcome then come get you."

  "You could just stay. I could find things for us to do." It was pretty clear what she had in mind.

  "I'm sorry, honey."

  Glora and her children were more than happy to have Rani join them for dinner and keep them company afterwards. I retrieved a hood from the brig and returned to collect her.

  "Wait," she said as I approached her with the hood. "I may as well bring my shopping list with me. I can gather everyone's requests tonight."

  I enjoyed the way she clutched at me once I had pulled the hood in place. I escorted her across the deck and then down to the passenger deck before pulling the hood from her head. "You are now confined to this deck until I return for you. Do you understand?"

  "It's not a challenging order, Captain," she said. She was a little snarky.

  "Do you need a trip to the brig?" I asked her, worried.

  "Was that some sort of threat?" she asked. "You're going to lock me in the brig because I'm in a bad mood?"

  "No, honey. I thought you might have a bad baiting session coming on."

  "This is normal bitchy," she replied. "I can't believe what my own nephew said to me! And now I'm afraid to look him in the eye. Please take me back to our cabin and stay with me."

  "It wasn't that bad."

  "He told me I had a pretty hot body for an old woman! That's your fault."

  I couldn't help it. I chuckled. "But he's right. Well, except for the old woman part. You're not that old."

  "You told me no one looked."

  "Well, maybe a few looked a little. Can you blame them? You looked amazing."

  "My nephew. He's fourteen."

  "Well, he has a healthy appreciation for the female body," I replied. "There is nothing wrong with that."

  "He better not have a healthy appreciation for this female body."

  "Honey, I'm sure he was trying to be nice."

  "Take me back. I don't want to see them."

  "Sorry. I'll be back for you later. I have duties until we're fully anchored."

  She muttered at me but disappeared in the direction of Glora's cabin. I watched her walk away then went about my own duties.

  When I got to the quarterdeck, I could see the first of our main landmarks on our port side, a small coral atoll. We would pass several atolls by the time we reached our island, and several of them were of a very distinctive shape, and this was why we didn't want the passengers on deck tonight. The atolls created a dangerous area for ships, and there was no reason to travel through here, so we knew we would be unimpeded at this island. That was why we used it.

  It was a perfect hideout for our passengers while we waited for negotiations to complete.

  "That one has you wrapped around her finger," Mara told me once I had joined her and Radha on the quarterdeck.

  "That she does," Radha agreed. "It's nice to see you happy, Captain. Have you concocted a plan to keep her?"

  "I'm wor
king on it. She is convinced her brother won't pay her ransom so we can hold her for six months until her bond automatically kicks in. But I have ideas about that, too."

  "I presume you would let her go if she asked you to," Mara said. "We aren't keeping anyone longer than necessary, are we, Captain?"

  "Of course not," I replied. "From the way she has talked, I presume she wants to stay with us. She and I will discuss it more thoroughly during the return trip."

  "She looked good in that suit," Mara said. "Almost good enough to lure me to the dark side."

  "Please don't tell her that," I replied. "She's angry at me right now. I'm going to have some real kissing up to do later."

  "What will you do if the brother has agreed to her ransom?" Mara asked.

  "I have a plan for that," I said. Mara didn't know about Rani's magic. I could refuse a lower offer for her, even if the negotiator had agreed to it, on the grounds she hadn't told us about a significant reason she was worth more than her bond. I could refuse the bond, too, on the same grounds, but I would have to be willing to explain why. She wouldn't want me to do that. But if her brother offered full price for her, I would have to accept.

  Rani was sure her brother wouldn't ransom her; it was exceedingly unlikely he would offer full price. So, she was with us until I let her go. I didn't have a plan once we got to six months and were obligated to accept the bond, but I'd figure something out.

  It was too bad we she couldn't join the crew. But the rules were lengthy and convoluted, and hostages joining the crew was not allowed. The only way she could join us was if the war ended.

  I was starting to realize why Rani thought the rules were all stupid.

  Over the course of the next several hours, we weaved our way through the atolls, islands, and sandbars that surrounded our destination. We were approaching from the only direction a ship our size could approach. The remaining sides of the island were notoriously bad for shipping. A smaller boat had more choices, but this was far too isolated a location for smaller boats.

  It was midnight when we set the anchors.

  "Send a scouting party ashore," I said. "Let's make sure we're alone." It was another hour before we got the all clear, but I was already pretty sure we would have privacy. But I was a cautious captain.

  "I have the watch," Radha said. "Good night, you two."


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