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Privateer (The Five Kingdoms #1)

Page 43

by Robin Roseau

  She looked down at herself. "Oh, Sorri. It's beautiful!"

  "It is simple but elegant at the same time," I said. "I hope you will enjoy wearing it."

  "I love it." She looked at me. "Will you also be in a dress?"

  I laughed. "No new clothing for me." I turned around. "This is what you get. Disappointed?"

  "Not at all." She tugged me into her arms, kissed me, then laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, and she felt divine through the silk.

  "I love holding you while you wear this. There is one more, very similar, but a very light green. It should help highlight your eyes."

  "I love them. No one has bought me clothes since-"

  "Since you had the fight with your parents?"

  "Yes." She leaned away to look me in the eyes. "Do you have a girl in every port?"

  "No. I have a girl in my arms. This is my only one."

  She leaned against me again.

  "You do believe me, don't you, Rani?"

  "You are so amazing. I can't imagine the women aren't falling all over themselves to get to you."

  "I am not in port very often. I might find a girl for a few hours or a night, but I do not linger with them. You are my only steady girl."

  "There better not be any more few-hour girls, either, Sorri."

  "There won't be."


  "For as long as you want me," I told her. "I promise."

  My heart ached for her. I wish I could make her believe how much I wanted her. But I wasn't one with magic words. I had no magic at all, and I wasn't even very good at being empathic.

  But I was loyal, and she would see that in time. She would know she could trust me.


  Rani Karden

  The Fleetwind stayed several days with us, then Radha took a small crew and sailed away. It returned four days later with word: negotiations continued. Sorri wouldn't say more than that.

  A week later, Krissa sailed away, and four days later she returned. Sorri would only say: negotiations had stalled.

  And so, life on the island continued for three weeks until one day, the Fleetwind sailed into our inlet. Sorri took one look and her expression changed. She took me by the hand and led me to our pavilion.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Negotiations have completed," she said. "The flags on the Fleetwind have been changed." She pulled me into her arms and kissed me deeply, but I thought there was sadness. I kissed her back, then pushed away.

  "What is wrong?"

  "We will sail this evening."

  I eyed her. "And you want a goodbye fuck?" I began screeching at her. "You told me you wanted me forever!"

  "Rani! No," she said. "It's not that!"

  "Then what?"

  "I want you forever."

  "Then why does this feel like one for the road?"

  "It's not!" She looked around wildly. "But we may not be back. And the last three weeks have been amazing."

  "And we aren't going to have three more weeks, and three more months, and three more years, and three more decades together?"

  I turned my back on her, but I didn't shrug her off when she stepped up behind me. "We will, Rani. I promise."

  "Is that a promise you can keep, Sorri?"

  "I promise to do my best. I promise that is what I want. I have not lied to you about my feelings."

  She had said she loved me. She was saying it often, and the words were music to my ears, but I didn't believe them. I wanted to. I wanted this more than I've ever wanted anything before.

  "You just want a willing lover for another five nights," I told her.

  "Another five nights, and another five months, and another five lifetimes."

  I turned to face her. "You better," I said. "You made me love you. You better love me the way you say you do."

  Then I kissed her, and my mouth was greedy, my body was greedy. She had taken me here to take me, but that wasn't how it ended. I took her, and I took her hard. She knew exactly how much I wanted her by the time I was done. She knew exactly how much of myself I was giving her.

  I left a fresh mark on her neck. She didn't even struggle. It was more fun when she struggled, so I latched onto the other side, and then she tried to dislodge me. It was her turn to screech. I giggled and sucked, and when I was done, I moved lower and give her another one on her shoulder.

  "Rani!" she screamed. "That's enough!"

  "No it's not!" I said then replaced my mouth over her skin.

  Before I was done, she wore four of my marks, two on each side. She sighed happily when I finished delivering the last one.

  "You used all our time," she said. "I wanted you to have proper memories."

  "I have proper memories," I said. "I have memories of you struggling underneath me. Nothing could be sweeter." I grinned down from my position on top of her. "I love you, Sorri. I love you so much. You better keep me."

  "I am keeping you," she said.

  And I threw myself into her arms, sobbing.

  She calmed me down with touches and kisses and assurances she truly loved me. She calmed me down with words like "forever" and "amazing". She stroked my hair and kissed away my kisses.

  When we descended to the camp, I stood tall, holding her hand, my marks evident on her neck. And she and I knew she was marked further, under the tunic, marks only for her and me to know.

  The ship had long anchored, the longboats long arrived. Seamen waited only for their orders.

  Sorri kissed me once more then asked me to wait with Glora and her children. Then she stepped forward and accepted a letter from Mara, who had taken the ship to receive the latest word. She walked away and read the letter. She returned, and there was little in her face to betray her emotions.

  She didn't look at me, and I feared the worst. I didn't know what the worst may be.

  "We have received word," the captain said firmly. "Nearly all of you are being ransomed. We leave immediately. Ms. Karden, I am sorry, but your brother declines to ransom you." She stared right at me, and she began to smile. "You will be staying with us longer, while negotiations for you continue."

  I felt myself returning her smile, and then I flew to her. She caught me in her arms, and we kissed deeply.

  That night, I stayed with Glora's family; Sorri gave me the choice of residing in the cabin alone or staying with Glora, but she would navigate the ship clear of the channel.

  "You will all remain under deck until morning the day after tomorrow," she said. "Guards are posted."

  * * * *

  My fellow hostages were ready to return to their lives. The stay on the island had been pleasant for everyone, not least of all, me. We were all tanned from the sun. Glora swam better than I did when we arrived, and both Minori and Lindora swam better than I did now. But I was pleased; the captain had been true to her word. I became a good, if not expert swimmer.

  We all stayed up late that night, playing cards in the mess, but then people began to yawn. Glora invited me back to the cabin, and I accepted.

  Behind closed doors, Minori began asking questions. "Do you love the captain, Aunt Rani?"

  "Very much."

  "Do you wish to stay with her?"

  "For as long as she will have me."

  "Will you come to visit?"

  "As often as I can. And perhaps you will also come to visit." I said it with a smile. Everyone knew what I meant.

  Glora responded to that. "Perhaps we will. But the captain indicates she is out of the kidnapping business, except perhaps by rather unusual request."

  "That is true," I said. "I do not imagine Dinor will wish to pay your ransom terribly often."

  "Perhaps it will not be his choice." Glora smiled. "Perhaps it is time the women of the Five Kingdoms apply their own pressure to the problem of these wars. Perhaps if the wars become sufficiently difficult for the husbands and fathers of the women and children who are kidnapped, they will pressure the lords of the Five Kingdoms to stop these corrupt wars
. Perhaps I shall host a ball next summer, filled with other women who agree with me."

  I laughed. "Wouldn't that be a dandy adventure. Where would the captain put everyone?"

  "Perhaps she will be required to acquire another sailing vessel, right out of the Southgate harbor. It is something to think about, is it not?"

  "Perhaps," I said. "But I do not wish to wait until next summer to see you."

  "Aunt Rani," Minori said, "do you think that is a difficult problem for the captain to solve?"

  "No, Minori, I do not believe it is."

  * * * *

  Captain Sorri Westmere

  The voyage went by far too quickly. The night before we would arrive at Southgate, Rani asked me, "What happens when we get home?"

  "We dock at the wharf. We arrange for carriages after nightfall. The guard will be conspicuously absent. We bind and gag the hostages-"

  "Passengers," she interjected.

  "Hostages again," I said. "We bind and gag them and take them home. We are paid, and we leave them with their husbands and fathers."

  "And what of me?"

  "You will remain on the ship." I paused. "If you wish to. I wouldn't keep you if you don't wish to stay."

  "I only need to arrange my ten crowns."


  "And when do we leave?"

  "Immediately. We will sail by midnight."

  "Do you love me, Sorri?" she asked.

  "Very much so."

  "It will be harder without Glora here."

  "You will miss them. As will I."

  "I think you will see them again."

  "We will visit."

  She smiled, but then she distracted me with her clever fingers. By morning, she had left me with fresh marks and asked for one for herself. When I tried to offer more, she told me firmly, "No", and I relented.

  We arrived at Southgate by late afternoon. By tradition, we kept the hostages below, but I kept Sorri by my side as long as I could. Finally I turned to her. "Honey, there are rules. You understand, yes?"

  "Of course."

  "There is a rule I haven't told you. We are in a port friendly to you. The urge to escape is high."

  "You are afraid I will escape?" She laughed and wrapped herself around me. "I have no wish to leave."

  "Perhaps not, but there are rules. Passengers may become hurt when trying to escape, and thus we are required to make absolutely sure you cannot. Even when you wish to stay."

  "Why do I think I am not going to like this rule?" she asked me.

  "You aren't. I must bind and gag you from now until we are well clear of your port."

  "In the brig?"

  "Normally, yes, but if you promise to behave, I can leave you in our cabin instead. I am sorry."

  "You couldn't just leave someone with me?"

  "The rules are very clear. We follow them scrupulously. You understand that."

  "I understand. Do I have time to offer my goodbyes?"

  "Yes, but only a short while. I am sorry, but I must escort you."

  "Do not be sorry," I said. She hugged me. "I love you. I love your ship. We will figure the rest out."

  I took her to the mess. We found Glora and her family. She invited us to her room. Tears were shed and hugs given and received. Minori was last, and she was sobbing, but she pushed away and asked, "Will you be happy?"

  "I will miss you."

  "Will you be happy?"

  "Yes, Minori. I will."

  "Then that is what I want for you, just like that is what you want for me. Mother answers my questions now, even the most annoying ones, and she smiles when I ask them. I will miss you, but I will be happy, too."

  There was a fresh round of hugs and kisses, and then Glora whispered quietly to Rani. I didn't hear what she said. Rani hugged her and said, "It won't be necessary, but if it is, then I would love to accept."

  Rani stepped away, backing into me, and then I drew her from the room. We got three steps and she fled to our cabin. When I arrived, she was sobbing.

  "Are you sure?" I asked her.

  "Yes," she wailed. "If you still want me."

  "Of course I do."

  "Then I am staying."

  I comforted her, but she said, "Let me clean up and get myself under control before you bind me."

  "I do not need to gag you yet. But I need to bind you now."

  She used the head and sipped a tiny bit of water, then told me, "I am ready, Sorri."

  Gently, I bound her wrists together in front of her, speaking the magic word that tightened the bonds. Then I used a large bond around her arms, tugging them firmly to her sides. After that, I bound her legs together with two more straps, one around her ankles and another around her knees. I helped her into the bed.

  "This isn't enough."

  "Like I could go anywhere."

  "You could easily get up and hop right off the ship," I said. I helped her to get comfortable on our bed, and then I tied her to the bed, these bonds not magical, but secure enough. She could not untie them alone, and they would keep her on the bed until I returned to release her.

  "Stay with me a minute," she asked. And so I did, talking quietly to her. "Sorri, I have a favor to ask."


  "Will you give my satchel to Glora to keep for me?"

  "Are you sure? The letters-"

  "Life at sea is unsure. Leave me the pouch, but give her the rest to keep."

  "All right," I said. "I will deliver your family to your brother personally, and I will bring it with. I will collect it before we go."

  "Please do not forget."

  "I will not forget."

  I stayed with her a little longer, but then I heard Radha at the door. "I am sorry, Captain. You are needed now."

  "You go," she said. "I will sleep. Please turn down the lights, but not all the way."

  I made sure the curtains were tightly drawn, turn down the lamp, and kissed her. "I will be back before we enter the harbor or any ships come near."

  "To gag me."


  "Perhaps I should fight you, for old time's sake."

  I laughed. "Perhaps you should. I do not believe it will do you much good."

  "Perhaps it will amuse me, and perhaps it will amuse you."

  I felt badly leaving her like this, but she told me she was fine. "But Captain," she said. "If the compass swings wildly, you should consider it a sign of my distress."

  "The compass?"

  "It is a Noridan superstition. When the compass swings wildly, someone you love needs you."

  I smiled. "I had not heard that."

  "It is very old," she said.

  I kissed her once more, then left her in the dark.

  Radha was waiting for me. "The hostages are bound but not yet gagged." I looked towards shore. "We have an hour."

  "Yes." And together, we readied the ship to enter the port of Southgate.

  * * * *

  Minori Karden

  This story is not my story; I have another to share some day. But the telling of what happened next has fallen to me, as what happened was entirely my doing. If I were given the chance to do it all over again, I would do nothing differently.

  The captain and first mate came to us sometime later. All of the hostages were bound in their rooms, arms and legs. We were told it was required, and no one argued. I heard doors opening and closing, and then our door opened. The captain was there, and she explained what would happen next.

  She had Aunt Rani's satchel, and she asked Mama if she would accept it into safekeeping. "I will keep it safe until you are home," the captain said.

  We took our gags without protest. We would be home soon. I worried about my aunt, but I was ready to be home. I was anxious and excited; I had become very close to my mother, and even Lindora and Jorek were treating me better than they ever had. Some of the other girls on the ship had begun playing with me, and everyone had been jealous I had been allowed to climb to the crow's nest, but they had not.
br />   Before she gagged me, I told the captain, "I have questions for you. Will you answer?"

  "Of course. I do love your questions?"

  "I have one. Do you love my aunt enough to give up your ship?"

  Her expression was my answer.

  When she gagged me, I did not look at her. Then they pulled hoods over us, and I felt strong arms lift me and carry me upstairs. I thought it was the captain herself.

  The loaded us into carriages, and only a few minutes later, we were on our way. The captain spoke quietly to us, telling us not to be afraid.

  I wasn't afraid, I was angry.

  The captain carried me into my home. I knew it was her, because she whispered to me, "I love her very much, Minori. I will keep her safe and make her happy."

  But she didn't love her enough. She didn't love her enough.

  We were set on our feet and then our hoods were removed. Directly in front of me was my father, and he was crying. I had never seen my father cry before.

  "We have returned your family," the captain said. And father handed her a lockbox. She set it down on a table, opened it, and then counted the amount. It took her a long time to count."

  "This is correct," she said finally. And then she gave him a piece of paper. "Your receipt."

  Then the captain released us, beginning first with mother. She removed her gag and the bonds, and mother ran to father. Father picked her up and cried in her hair. Then Lindora, then Jorek. They each ran to him.

  She knelt in front of me. I was not so little that I needed an adult to kneel in front of me, but I thought it was symbolic. "I love your aunt, Minori." Then she removed the gag and the bonds.

  "Captain, I have three more questions for you. Will you wait to hear them?"

  "Yes, Minori. One last set of questions, until the next time we meet."

  I walked to father and accepted a hug and a kiss, then I turned to the captain.

  "What was my aunt's original ransom price?"

  "Minori-" she said.

  "You owe me, Captain. If not for my questions, this voyage would not have been so pleasant for you."

  "Fifty crowns, Minori."

  "And what did your negotiator last ask?"

  "Twenty-five crowns."

  I turned to look at my father, then back at the captain.

  "Captain, do you believe my aunt will be able to stand by while you prey on the shipping of her home country?"


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