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Ballers: His Game (Ballers Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Blue Saffire

  “Oh yeah,” he chuckles and starts tickling me, “how about here…or here…or maybe here.”

  “Brad stop,” I gasp for air as I laugh.

  Like clockwork the door bursts open and Brielle comes bouncing in the room. I bite back my laughter and curse under my breath. I didn’t realize we were lying here so long. I am still butt naked. Brad only has on his boxers, which he must have put on when I was in the bathroom.

  “Daddy,” Brielle squeals. She bounces up on the bed and launches herself at him wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He gives me a wink to let me know he will keep her distracted. I edge to the side of the bed where I spot his t-shirt from yesterday. I snatch it up and slip it on quickly. Brad is holding her head away from me and whispering in her ear while he tickles her.

  She squeals with laughter. “Daddy, you’re so silly,” she squeals. “Mommy’s not going to make us eat candy for breakfast. She’ll make us pancakes, right Mommy?”

  “It’s lunchtime and I think I’m going to leave you two to fin for yourselves. You are both too happy and loud for a quiet Sunday morning,” I tease.

  “Please can we have pancakes,” Brad says with a pout as he holds Brielle in his arms with her back to his chest. She cranes her neck to see his pout then gives one of her own.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” I say to the almost identical faces.

  “Please,” Brad whines.

  “Ugh, go home.”

  “Home is where the heart is, Darlin’.”

  I lean in and place my hand over the tattoo over his heart. “Just so you know I just might be falling too,” I whisper against his lips as I kiss him.

  Chapter 12

  It’s mid-April in Texas and I am wearing a damn scarf around my neck. True to his word Brad took us shopping yesterday to make up for the bite marks he left on my neck, but that does not make me any less annoyed that I have to wear this stupid thing. Bad enough I felt like I was choking in the light weight turtleneck I had to wear yesterday, now I have this little scarf on looking like a flight attendant.

  Brad was happy with his purchase of a fresh t-shirt and jeans to change into. Then it was off to spoil me and Brielle, which he thoroughly did. He bought me at least a week’s worth of these scarves and a few high necked blouses to wear until the marks fade. He also bought me a few dresses I had my eye on, a pair of shoes that were more for his benefit and a charm bracelet, I insisted I didn’t need.

  Then there were the short shorts he bought for his eyes only to go with the shoes he had to buy. According to him the shorts are for when we play Dukes of Hazzard. I got a good laugh out of that. We did a lot of laughing yesterday unlike this morning. We did nothing but fight this morning, which should have been an indicator that today, was going to be a crap day.

  It started with me catching him using my toothbrush and flipping out. He feels just because his tongue knows every inch of my body intimately that it shouldn’t matter if he borrows my toothbrush. I think that is more of a reason it should.

  The next fight started when he decided he wanted to shower with me and then decided a shower wasn’t all he wanted. I was down with the extra until he pulled me under the spray of the water wetting my hair. He didn’t get that I was trying to stop him until it was too late. So instead of getting Brielle dressed I had to dry my hair, which caused our next three arguments.

  He wanted to help so he went to get Brielle ready for school. Brielle is a very smart little girl, but she is not to be trusted picking her own outfit. Which Brad just happened to let her do. I came down to breakfast and my baby looked like she was going to the circus as a clown princess.

  Brad just thinks anything she does is adorable and couldn’t see why I was yet again freaking out. I had to skip breakfast to get her into a new outfit, which caused her and me to fight. Because her daddy said she looked pretty in her outfit.

  Which would lead me to the spoiling Brad did with Bri yesterday. He bought her anything she squealed about and then some, including a pair of one and a half carat earrings. He wanted to buy her larger ones but I only won the argument because the bigger ones really didn’t look good in her tiny ears.

  Then there are the diamond butterfly hair clips he insisted on buying her. I mean I understand he feels he missed out on so much with her and wants to make up for it. I also understand he is single and has more money than he knows what to do with. He can more than afford to spoil us. But really, diamond hair pins… come on dude.

  So of course mommy was the bad guy when she made Brielle, daddy’s little princess, change into a pair of capris, a tank top and flat shoes. Plus I refused to let her at least wear the hair pins. Brielle threw a full out tantrum. I needed to be out the door getting to the office to get ready for several morning meetings. Brad understood why I told Brielle no but still wanted to cave because of the tears.

  At that point I was pissed and told him sleepovers were over. If Brielle wasn’t staring in his mouth that argument would have been a lot worse. Brad has every intension of being in my house as much as he can and has said so more than once.

  Our last argument happened when Ellerie showed up as usual to take Brielle to school. I needed to be out the door and things are usually always so smooth in the mornings. Ellerie is used to grabbing Brielle and being on their way. Having Brad there threw everyone off. Brielle wanted Brad to take her, but Brad doesn’t know the routine and the school has no clue who he is to her.

  Brad was annoyed that I didn’t tell Ellerie that he didn’t have to take Brielle and let him do it instead. So twenty minutes after Bri and Ellerie were gone, and thirty after I should have been out of the door, I was still standing in the kitchen fussing with Brad. He eventually caved and apologized asking me to be more patient with him and the situation. I gave in too and teased him.

  “I don’t think I have enough patience to teach my white boy what not to do with a black woman’s hair,” I snort.

  “Ha, but you did just say your white boy. That’s all that matters Darlin’, I promise I’ll figure out the rest,” he says with a heartbreaking smile.

  He reached out for me and I slapped his hand away. “Oh no Brad, I needed to leave a long time ago. I’ll see you later,” I pushed up on my toes and pecked his lips.

  “I love you, Darlin’ and I am sleeping over tonight,” he crooned with a boyish grin.

  “Perv,” I teased and rushed him out of the door.

  If only the drama and frustration ended there, but for me life is never that simple. That is why I am now heading to my bosses office upon his request to see me as soon as I got in. Thank God I am only late according to my standards. I usually come in early every day to get ahead of my tasks so today it is like I am here on time with everyone else.

  I know this is not a social visit. Cyrus Pierson will come see you if it is a friendly visit. When you are getting chewed out he wants you on his territory. I think it is his huge desk and chair he sits in that he likes to use to anchor fear in his subjects. I haven’t been summoned into Pierson’s office since I got hired. He always stops by my office.

  I stop outside his office door to straighten my suit jacket and smooth my hands over my pencil skirt. I finger my sweeping bangs and my bun before reaching to knock then pushing open the door.

  “Ah Tamara, come have a seat dear,” Cyrus drawls. Its funny Ellerie and I are probably the only people in this state that don’t have a drawl even after five years. Even Brielle sounds more like she is from Texas than the daughter of a New Yorker. Cyrus is sitting behind his desk with his fingers steeple in front of his mouth. His lips are pinched, a sure tell that he is pissed about something.

  I walk to one of the chairs in front of his desk with confidence and sit gracefully. Cyrus leans forward picking up the newspaper from his desk and tosses it toward me. He raises a brow, drawing to his full height in his seat and glares.

  “I was a little disappointed you haven’t confided in me about Monroe,” he gripes, his face transfo
rming to a look of hurt.

  How does he know about Brad? My brows draw together and I reach for the paper he tossed at me. Right on the front page is a picture of Brad with Brielle cradled in one arm at his hip, and me tucked under the other arm, while shopping bags hung from his hands. He is wearing his shades and his face is turned up at Brielle. He is kissing her cheek while her head is thrown back in laughter. I am looking up at both of them with a face splitting grin of my own.

  I suck in a deep breath and groan. The headline reads, The Reason Texas Son Returns, with smaller caption reading, Is He Back for Love? This cannot be my life. I told Brad we needed to move slowly, this is not slow. Two weeks and now my life is a front page story and boy, are they wrong. I flip through to the story in the paper and there are several more pictures.

  Brad with his arm locked around my waist staring down at me. One with Brad kissing me senseless, another with Brad feeding Brielle his frozen yogurt, they even had a freaking picture of Brad purchasing Brielle’s earrings and hair pins. There are two pages worth of pictures of us plastered across them.

  I mentally curse pinching my eyes closed to try to think. Something I should have done yesterday. I should have known better. Brad’s leaving California and coming to Texas is huge. No one expected it. They are craving a juicy story to go with it.

  “Cyrus, our relationship is complicated,” I start but he gives me an, do-I-look-like-I-care look, cutting off my explanation. I quickly change my approach. “We had a business meeting last week I have just been giving him time to consider my proposal. I should have confirmation no later than the end of this week.”

  “While this is a big account for the firm Tam, that is not my main concern. When your father called in the favor for me to hire you on, I saw it as my duty to a friend. I see you as a daughter, whether you know it or not.” Cyrus sighs. “You’re one of the best we have, I have no doubts you’ll bring Monroe on to your roster. What I am concerned with is if you know what you are getting yourself into here.”

  I bristle a little. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean this is Texas honey, I am going to speak frankly here. The boys that run the league won’t be too happy about their star player having a black woman on his arm. No matter how beautiful you are,” Cyrus says with a grimace and fidgets with his tie.

  My head whips back as if he just slapped me. I open my mouth ready to let him have it. Good friend of my father’s or not. Cyrus lifts his hand to stop me and continues.

  “Now I see the wheels turning in your head. You have known me for years now Tam. I have never treated you as anything less than a great attorney or one of my very own daughters. So reel the anger in,” he gives me a stern look. “I’ve been around a long time. I watched many of my friends including your father fight their way through a lot of doors. They have paved a way for amazing minds like yours. What concerns me Tamara is that the League looks the other way for many things but this… Does your father know? How does he feel?”

  I take a minute to really take my boss in. He looks truly concerned and sincere. Cyrus has always been warm with me, but I have never seen him show so much emotion. With a nod to myself I answer.

  “My dad doesn’t know about Brad or the details to our relationship. Things are complicated and sort of new,” I say trying not to fidget.

  Cyrus lifts a brow and gives me a look that says, “it doesn’t look so new to me”. Yeah, I’m so not getting into this with my boss and one of my dad’s buddy’s. I already know that I owe my dad a call before this all gets out of hand.

  “Your father has a right to be proud of you. I’m glad he sent you our way. However, after seeing these pictures I want to make sure that we are protecting your best interests. I have watched you work too hard to see anyone try to take that from you.

  “I have seen what this type of situation can lead to,” Cyrus pauses as a grim look crosses his face. I couldn’t help but wonder what this man isn’t telling me. It is clear that his mind has drifted for a moment. “Is this something you really want? Is this a serious relationship? I ask not to get in your business Tamara, but because I want to be prepared on all accounts when this can of worms bursts.”

  “Sir, like I said it is complicated and I’m not sure where things are leading. Brad and I have a history that links us together and presents the desire for more on both our behalves. We are just trying to take things slow,” I start.

  Cyrus throws his head back in a deep throaty laugh. “Dear, taking things slow went out the window with the snap of the first photo,” Cyrus says with amusement in his voice and on his face.

  I rub at my forehead trying to ease the headache coming on. I groan and try to wrap my head around what is happening. How can such a wonderful day turn into this. Yesterday I had thoughts of what it would be like if we were a real family. Bri was just so happy, and I have to admit so was I. Now it just seems like we are piling mistake on top of mistake.

  “Listen Tamara,” Cyrus sighs. “I want you to know I am in support of whatever you decide to do here. Just know that I am in your corner. It will be better for you to remember you have people in your corner that care and will be there.”

  I wrinkle my nose not at his words, but at the unusual display of emotions coming forth in his words. “Thank you,” is the only thing I can think to say. I have known my boss for longer than I have worked here and I have never known him to show emotions so easily. Just like that his mask slips back into place.

  “Your father has informed me he will be in town soon. He has agreed to join me at the country club for some golf. I believe Bradley should join us,” Cyrus says with more of a smile. I just stare at the old man with his brown hair greying at the temples. He is in his mid-fifties and still running things with an iron fist. His olive skin has faired the years pretty well, better than his ex-wife’s.

  I guess that’s why he divorced and married a younger woman. Rumor has it that he was actually married a third time but no one speaks of it with any true knowledge or detail. I have always thought of him as a little mysterious.

  “I don’t know if Brad plays,” I start then sigh, this is not a suggestion it is a demand. I laugh to myself as I realize how much this man has been like a father and a mentor over the last five years. “I’ll let Brad know and I’ll have Daddy let him know when to join you both.”

  “If this is the path you decide to choose,” Cyrus says tapping a finger on the paper. “It won’t be easy but it can work for you in many ways, Tamara. I am here to make sure it does. It looks like you’re now in a steady stable relationship. That family of yours and this magnitude of client will land you in that partner seat dear,” Cyrus changes directions a bit with talk of partnership, to my relief the air in the room changes.

  I am annoyed that he is implying I need to be attached to make partner but I know it is a part of the game. It is one of the reasons I had tried dating Mike. He plays basketball here in Texas and is a friend of Ellerie’s. We have some mutual friends back home as well. He would have liked for things to go further but I just couldn’t give the relationship what it needed.

  As I try to figure out my jumbled feelings and thoughts, a knock comes at the door, which is odd. Cyrus assistant Melanie is efficient she would have buzzed to inform Cyrus of another guest.

  “Come in,” Cyrus’s voice cracks through the room.

  “Excuse me Mr. Pierson, Miss. Hathaway,” my assistant says as she rushes in the room holding my cellphone. “I know you said hold your calls, but it is Brielle’s day care there is an emergency.”

  I jump from my seat and grab the phone forgetting everything else including where I am. “Hello,” I rush into the phone when I take it off mute.

  “Hi Tamara, this is Cynthia. Um, we had a bit of an incident this morning,” the coordinator of Brielle’s day care says into the phone. “The children were in the yard for morning activities and there were tons of photographers and reporters outside the playground gates. They were screaming for Brielle and call
ing out questions to her and the staff. Brielle is still pretty upset and the reporters are still milling around the area. I think maybe it would be best if you come to get her.”

  I can hear the nerves in Cynthia’s voice. My brain is racing. This day is trying to kill me. I have to act fast.

  “Oh my God, is she okay,” I ask with concern.

  “She is shaken up, but physically okay.”

  “Cynthia, I have to be in a meeting in the next hour. My brother has a mandatory training and therapy session scheduled today. Stacey is out of town,” I am really thinking out loud. “Listen, I can see if her father can come. He is not on the emergency contact card, but I can fax you permission to release her to him if that will work.”

  “Under these circumstances you can just give me a name and he will need to have ID for us to photocopy. He can then just sign her out,” Cynthia replies.

  “His name is Bradley Monroe,” I say.

  I hear her suck in a breath on the other end and go completely quiet. I don’t have time for this. Cynthia is the epitome of star struck when it comes to celebrities. She still can’t pull it together when Ellerie or Stacey go to the school for anything.

  “Breathe Cynthia,” I snap.

  “Sorry Tamara,” she breathes.

  “I’ll call Brad to see if he can get there. If he can, my assistant will call you back to confirm, if anything changes call right away. If he can’t come I will figure things out and get back to you myself,” I ramble.

  “Okay,” Cynthia replies and I end the call dialing Brad right away.

  I still hadn’t taken note of the fact that I am pacing my boss’s office. All I know is my baby needs to be protected. Someone needs to get to her. Please answer Brad, please answer.

  “Hey Darlin’,” Brad answers the phone. “I thought you would be in your meeting by now.”

  “Brad it’s Bri,” I rush. “Reporters and photographers are all over her school. Did you see the paper yet? There are so many pictures of us from yesterday. Babe, I need you to get to Bri. Her day care wants someone to pick her up and I can’t get there and back in time.”


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