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Icing On His Mate (A Move Over Fate Novel)

Page 5

by Michelle Ziegler

  Shaking her head as she slowly pushed to a sitting position, Olivia blinked a few times. “No. I don’t think so.”

  In out. In out. If she didn't move, she didn’t feel dizzy.

  “It’s just a weird day. I met a guy.”

  Bridgette squealed. Olivia threw her hands over her ears.

  “You met a guy?” asked Bridgette.

  “I just fell on the floor, remember? What if I have a head injury?”

  “Oh God, Livi. You’re fine. Besides, there’s no blood, and this is what you’re supposed to do. Ask the victim questions. So, spill the beans.”

  “Really? My sex life is what you're supposed to ask about? I think it’s more like birth-date and name.”

  “Fine. What’s your name, you cow?”

  “You’re kind of ugly when you’re impatient.” Olivia tried to smile as a familiar embarrassed heat flooded her. She’d met a guy, and after meeting him twice, she’d let him shred her panties and give her the best sex of her life.

  Olivia feverishly checked her skirt to make sure it was still down.

  “Holy crap, Livi. You’re blushing. You don’t blush. What kind of guy is this?”

  Bridgette snapped her fingers, and a light breeze fanned Olivia’s face.

  "You didn't cast some kind of spell on him did you?"

  Olivia glared. "One, you know I can't do that. Two, no. What would the point be? And three, that's against so many witch laws I wouldn't even know where to start. "

  "Okay. Fine. You're right. I still think if you really applied yourself maybe your magic would develop more. Some magic needs to be trained. But, that being said my birthday is coming and if you want to bewitch the firefighters to strip I wouldn't argue."

  Olivia tried to keep the judgment off her face. Tried, and pretty much failed. "What? No. Besides, if you go over there, I think most of them were shirtless."

  Bridgette cocked her head. "What do you mean you think? How in the name of the-powers-to-be do you not know if they were all half naked?"

  Shaking her head, she wasn't really sure really except that Ethan had been there and he consumed her.

  “Remember the fireman I mentioned, the shifter? Well, he was at the baby shower I delivered to today.”

  "Alight. So we are skipping over the fact you're blind. Fine. Sure shifter. Baby shower. Got it. Fate’s got a thing for the two of you. Tell me you talked to him. Is he going to call you? You did give him your number, right?”

  Pushing herself up, Olivia managed to sit without the room taking on a tilt-a-whirl ride.

  A deep breath and she pulled herself to stand on wobbling legs. “I did not.” Nervously she rubbed her palms over the skirt of her dress before stepping back. One step, two steps, and turn. She walked away and headed for the kitchen. Cooking was the best therapy.

  “Livi? Don’t you dare start cooking.” The tapping of Bridgette’s footsteps quickly following mirrored her own getaway.

  “Oh no. Not the air-fryer. Don’t you dare. Put it down.” Bridgette intercepted, grabbing the small black device before it hit the counter.

  Olivia corrected herself and headed for the opposite cabinets.

  “No, no. You put that bowl down now. I haven’t seen you this upset since your mom announced your engagement. Before she’d even told you,” Bridgette said, grabbing another appliance out of Olivia’s grip.

  Olivia put down the spatulas and the bag of flour. A spoon clattered to the floor. The sound a jolt to her sanity. “OMG, I’m stress grabbing utensils. What is wrong with me?”

  Olivia braced herself on the counter, releasing everything in her hands and letting them fall where they would. Her arms shook under the stress of the grip.

  “I might have had sex with him.” Her voice was tiny and not the least bit confident.

  “You did, or you think you did? If it’s think, all my dreams of a shifter dick have died right now. If you know, then spill the details. You have never, and I mean never, been impulsive and you had sex? Where? How hot was he? Holy shit, do not tell me it was a bathroom at a baby shower. Tell me you didn’t stop taking the pill. Wait, you know what? Who cares. Just tell me. Was it all dirty and raw animal?”

  “Bridgette, please stop. Yes, I’m on the pill. No, it wasn’t in the bathroom.” She swallowed and mumbled her next answer. “It was in the alley behind the building.”

  She couldn’t look up to see her best friend’s eyes. She just couldn’t. The shrieking was enough to make her cheeks burn hotter.

  “You did it in an alley? Please tell me he was huge. And I don’t just mean down below the southern hemisphere. Did he have huge muscles to grab onto? Oh my God, we need to go ruin some more cakes and go over there. I need a man. I need sex. I’ve never had a shifter. What kind is he? Do you think their peckers are different depending on species?”

  The squealing of each one of Bridgette’s words pulsed like a sharp razor right behind her eye. “Please, Bridgette. I really don’t feel good. I must have overworked myself, all the stress of the last few months trying to pick up the slack of losing Harold.”

  Bridgette scoffed. “Yeah. I don’t think lost is the right word.”

  “Whatever. You know what I mean. I think I finally lost it today. That and snow. "

  Finally, Olivia looked up. Bridgette was dang near red, her lips pressed together tightly and almost white.

  “Oh, for crap sake. Just say it,” Olivia said.

  Bridgette burst into hysterical laughter. “If you lost it, what a way to go. Obviously,he liked what you were offering up, and this time it wasn't cake.” Bridgette thrust her pelvis into the air as she mimed humping an imaginary guy.

  Olivia reached for a plastic spatula and tossed it at her. The spatula froze mid-air, as if saying don't mess with me, Livi. I can pretty much undo anything you throw at me, I did get an A+ in Inanimate Object Mastery.

  “It's not fair using magic when I’m trying to wound you."

  "It's not really nice to try and hurt your friends, so it serves you right." A roll of her eyes and Bridgette just smiled. “Seriously though, back to this snow thing. Oh, and your transgression.” Bridgette raised an eyebrow, her hand going back and forth against her cheek as her tongue poked out.

  “I think we should reevaluate this friendship. This is not funny. Besides I was pressed up against the wall.” Olivia instantly regretted her words.

  “Good Lord, woman. When you go bad, you go straight for the dark side,” Bridgette laughed.

  “Fine. Make jokes. I need to go fix my hair. It’s all matted, and I had to put it in a ponytail,” Olivia patted at her head.

  More hysterical laughter ensued, and Olivia had to let her finish. She stretched out her arms across the dark counter, stopping as her head bumped onto the granite.

  “I’m a terrible person. I’m a slut.”

  Bridgette snorted so hard Olivia thought she might choke on her own snot. Slowly though, she felt a giggle start in her belly. She sucked in air against the silent laughter and thought that she didn’t like the disinfectant they were using. Maybe it was even odder that she could smell it. Then again, what about her life wasn’t strange as of late?

  Tears streamed down her face as she looked up and met Bridgette’s wide-eyed expression.

  “What the hell? I don’t want to clean this up? What is this even?” Olivia asked a panic she couldn’t hide wavering in her voice.

  Bridgette blinked. “I didn’t do this. You did. They’re butterflies. Hundreds of butterflies. They appeared out of nowhere.”

  Olivia held her hand out, and a purple winged beauty landed on it. It fluttered slowly, moving its wings in a constant steady motion. Another vibrant red and orange butterfly hovered before landing. She turned her hand, studying the sight in front of her.

  “There is no way. I couldn’t have. I can make a flower out of icing. I can conjure a bluebird figurine out of fondant. But this... these are real butterflies.”

  Trying to take in the vision of color flu
ttering around she wasn’t sure her eyes could get any bigger.

  “What exactly do we do?”

  Bridgette shrugged.

  Olivia jolted away from the counter, passing the dark cabinets of the small kitchen, running past their small dining table, and headed for a window.

  “Alright butterflies. Go. Run free. Do something. Anything. Go.”

  “Livi, they are butterflies, not the army from Braveheart. I’m pretty sure you can just will them to go. Use your magic.”

  She stood up and put her hands on her hips. Tilting her head, she tried to think what she wanted her magic to do. The sudden realization that her body felt alive with vibrating magic hit her. With no idea how to handle what was going on she lifted a hand and spoke to the power within her.

  “Guide them.” As if the power had its own colors, Olivia swore she saw pink and yellow threads connecting to each butterfly. A jerk of her fingers and she pulled them to the open window. Each tiny insect fluttered past her as she blew the wisps of magic out the window.

  “Well you don’t see that every day,” said Bridgette.

  Olivia did a double take. Her heart nearly beating out of her chest in surprise. In excitement.

  “Here.” Bridgette walked up to her and handed her the phone.

  “Call your mother now.”

  Olivia shook her head. “What if it was a fluke?”

  As if to prove herself wrong, she whistled out the window and waited. “See, look. Nothing. A mis-”

  Olivia froze as two small Finch birds landed on her. Her eyes following and crossing as one rested on her head.

  “Tell me that I didn’t just call two birds like a freaking fairy-tale creature.”

  “Okay. You didn’t just call birds like Snow-White, you demanded the attention of two chirping assholes like the freaking boss lady you are.”

  Olivia popped her lips. “You really don’t get me at all do you?”

  “I get you just fine. You called some birds, made some butterflies, probably made it snow in the apartment, and got laid in an alley. Call your mom.”

  Shaking her head, the birds flew off. “Bridge what do I tell her?”

  Hands on hips, eyes set, and a stare that meant business, Bridgette said, “You tell her you do have magic and that you deserve a true presentation party. That you deserve to be matched with a proper warlock and that you are freaking awesome. Oh, and throw in the bit about the shifter sex. That’s just fun and will really piss her off.”

  “You’re kind of incorrigible. Why do I keep you around?”

  “Oh, Livi-poo. You love me. Now call her. Leave out the shifter part if you must. But you tell that witch, and I don’t mean the magical kind, that you are awesome.”

  They both paused. “What do I tell her changed? I don’t even know what changed. I’m in my late twenties. I should have had my magic by eighteen according to the laws of magic. Why now?”

  Bridgette flipped her hair and walked away. “Who cares why? Don’t ruin it. So what if you’re a late bloomer. Tell her that you finally came into your affinity for animals and who else knows what.”

  The brooding sound of a male growl flitted through her mind and a pain seared through her shoulder again. Taking a step back she fell into a chair as her head swam. That was some short-lived joy. Maybe she had a brain tumor.

  Chapter 6

  Ethan stalked around the house, following her scent. They’d been home all of an hour, and he'd already run the perimeter of the lands between the two packs. Kurt stayed on the property of his ancestors, or he was supposed to anyway. Ethan couldn't really call it Kurt's land, because he hadn't actually ever won the right as alpha. He'd merely blackmailed for it.

  The days were growing long with him having to always monitor the lands. Always trying to keep his daughter safe, trying to keep his pack's land safe. Ethan knew too well what hell Kurt was running. Several of the Ashburn pack had deserted to his lands, the Pike Valley Pack. One more reason to run the border. One more reason Kurt was hell-bent on trying to destroy Ethan. When you couldn't win fair and square, some cheated.

  He pushed up from four to two legs as he shifted. Grabbing up the clothes he’d shed along the way, he welcomed the burn in his muscles. He'd needed the run. Needed to get his head straight.

  A lighthearted feeling always hit him coming home. Although now he faltered as he planted a foot into his jeans.

  The memories of earlier flooded back. He could still taste her on his lips as he'd marked her.

  What the fuck had he done?

  The scent of sugar and sex still stuck in his memory. What had he just done to his pack by mating Olivia? She wasn't even a shifter, and he hadn't brought this up to the council within the pack. Alpha or not, there were rules. He balled up his shirt, not bothering to put it on. He’d be checking the parameter later anyway - with his brothers.

  Air stuck in his throat. Rubbing his hand against the invisible pain in his chest didn’t do a damn thing. What the hell would he tell his brothers or his mom? He had to stop going down that dark road. He was home, and for the moment there was only one lady that mattered.

  He sniffed the air. She was close. Crouching down he took in another whiff. They were both there. Ethan smiled and pushed aside everything he didn’t know right now. Only one person mattered at this exact second.

  He lowered to the ground, his body ready for the hunt. Creeping on all fours, he slowly rounded the corner. A rustle behind him made Ethan hold back a laugh. His ears picked up the almost silent attack coming. One breath then another. On the count of three, he feigned being knocked down and pinned.

  “Got you,” squealed the small voice of the only lady he’d ever let capture his heart. Until today.

  “I do believe you are getting better at this, Amelia. Were you practicing on those boys at the party?”

  With a quick peck on the nose, he righted his three-year-old daughter and stood.

  “Now, where is your grandmother?”

  Ethan let her tiny hand pull his finger as she led him to his mother sitting at a small bistro table with a tea setting fit for a queen.

  “Daddy. Tea. Sit.”

  He pulled out a chair and went to move Ms. Bun-Bun. He froze at Amelia’s squeal of horror.

  “No. That Bun-Bun chair. You get your own chair.”

  He eyed his mother as she smiled and sipped at the air filling the cup.

  “Great. Now the dang bunny is better than me. Why you encourage her, mother, I don’t know.”

  His mom smiled. “Now, now dear. Amelia, I think we need some fresh flowers. Why don’t you go grab me a few from over there?”

  Amelia bounded off.

  “Not too far sweetheart,” his mother added as they both watched her with their keen shifter eyes.

  “How was the baby shower? Amelia appears to be very happy to have had some other children to play with.”

  Ethan smiled. “Yeah. She had a good time. I still don’t see why they did a couple’s shower. Kian did look happy though. And that woman of his seemed to be excited about everything.”

  “Oh, my dear boy. Don’t you worry. You’re impulsive, but you have an amazing heart. When the right one comes along, you’ll know it. Don’t force it. Maybe you should go run for a while. Take Amelia.”


  Ethan practically slammed his head into the stone table.

  “Ethan. Don’t you go ruining this tea party. I set it special for my granddaughter. Besides, you don’t have enough brain cells to kill. So you sit back up and explain yourself.”

  He didn’t look up. He rocked his forehead against the table, left to right, shaking it without actually having to see his mother’s judgment. He was an asshole. Well worse, he was a fuck up. He’d fucked-up bad.

  “Ethan Eric, you tell me right now. What did you do?”

  His mouth opened once, twice, and a third time before he spoke. “Well, would you have forgiven dad if he’d mated you before he’d actually asked?”

; Her mouth dropped open.

  Well shit. He’d never seen that look before.

  “You don’t mean to tell me that you... Oh dear Lord. Don’t you tell me you let that little thing between your legs do the thinking. Oh God no. I can’t take another woman like Amelia’s mom. Don’t get me wrong, that little girl was the best product of your stupidity, but do not tell me I have to put up with one for life. And what of your mate? Oh God, you can’t be Alpha until you have your real mate. Oh no. No. You are not doing this to me. I swear I raised smart boys. Some packs have alphas and Betas, but this. This isn’t fated.”

  He sat up straight. Well, at least this was the right mate. He hadn’t forced anything. Maybe that would settle with his mom.

  “Mom.” His put his hand on her slightly wrinkled hand as she went to get up. He watched as her eyes started to flash. “Mom. Stop. Don’t ruin your favorite sweater.”

  Her breathing was heavy. The rotten stench of anger stung his nose. “It’s not like that. I found her.”

  She sat down from her slightly perched position. “I’m listening.”

  “I found her. Like you said I would. I couldn’t help myself. I— she spoke to my soul. My wolf has been pissed at me for a while. He took over, and I wasn’t strong enough to stop him.”

  “Ethan, you were out of my sight for half a day, and you were at a baby shower. I’m not stupid. I know how mating works. What did you do? Go have sex in a bathroom while your daughter played with the other kids? Goodness, what kind of man am I raising?”

  “I made sure Amelia wouldn’t walk in or anything. Marci, the host of the party, told me to go help, Olivia. Said she’d watch Amelia while I helped out the baker. She’d just delivered the dessert.”

  His mother’s gaze had his scrotum tightening and trying to retract. This wasn’t going well.

  “The baker. She needed help throwing some stuff away. So I followed her out to the alley, making sure she was safe and everything,” Ethan added. He suddenly felt like he was ten again and being scolded.

  His mother stood. “Hold on.” His mother looked around. “Amelia? Come to granny. I have a sweet surprise inside, and I bought you a new movie.”


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