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In Paradise

Page 8

by Brit Blaise

  “I don’t think it’s real,” he said. “If I were you I’d take it off before your finger turns green.”

  Victory! Tina grabbed his elbow to usher him through the door before slamming it in the woman’s shocked face. The small triumph made her feel good for half a second. She’d still have to deal with Donald.

  Tina leaned against the closed door while she took a second for a better look at the repairman. “What happened to Fred? He was the one who came by last week when I had a problem with my disposal.”

  The plumber shifted his toolbox to his left hand, extending his right in greeting. “Ms. Shelby, my name is Paul James. Fred is down with the flu and asked me to help him out. You can call the office for confirmation if my being here makes you nervous. Or if I have questionable taste in diamonds.”

  While shaking his warm hand, a surprising spark of awareness sizzled between them as she examined his handsome face. Sparkling whiskey-colored eyes fringed with dark lashes stared back into hers. She wasn’t uncomfortable with what she’d just done in front of him. Not even a little bit.

  “It’s nice of you to help Fred out. And I appreciate your advice.” She wiggled her ring finger again. “I’m having a stranger than fiction moment.”

  “I’m happy I could help with an appraisal. Fred’s my older brother. Which way is your dishwasher?”

  Walking ahead of him toward the kitchen, she was suddenly conscious she wasn’t exactly dressed for company. She wore a shabby dress with no underwear or shoes. Fred had told her he would call before he came by. Paul obviously hadn’t been informed of the protocol.

  “What happened when it quit working?” He turned to face her in the middle of her small kitchen. And then he smiled.

  The effect was instantaneous and produced a very physical reaction for her...a subtle sensual flow of energy to make her breathing hitch. Curious under the circumstances. He had the kind of smile that transformed his face from handsome to drop-dead gorgeous, displaying a dazzling, bright-white toothpaste commercial smile.

  His thick hair was almost black, and a little shaggy, like a busy man who didn’t worry about style. His five-o-clock shadow was self-assured sex in hyper-drive. His cocky full lips quirked a little to the right and gave Tina a jolt of heat. His right brow had a tiny slice of a scar…just enough to give him a healthy dose of bad boy.

  Several inches taller than her five-foot-nine, his muscular frame hinted of a man well acquainted with either hard work or diligent exercise. Why hadn’t she noticed earlier how sensational-looking he was?

  Tells me where my mind wasn’t, she chided herself. But then again, she wasn’t in the habit of checking out other men while engaged. “What happened when it quit working?” she repeated. “My engagement or my dishwasher?”

  But I’m not engaged now, she reminded herself. Shouldn’t she be devastated? Shouldn’t she be collapsed in a puddle of tears? A ray of anticipation snaked through her mind. Boring Tina was dead! Period.

  “The dishwasher?” His deep voice jolted her out of her reverie.

  “The floor flooded with water so I just shut it off and didn’t turn it back on again. I did remove all the dishes though.”

  “Did it make any strange noises before you shut it off?”

  “Not that I noticed.” Tina glanced at the clock on the stove and saw it was almost four o’clock. “Isn’t it about your quitting time?”

  “I had my own work to finish up before I could help Fred out.”

  His timing couldn’t have been better. She moved closer to where he leaned against the dishwasher. “You have an appliance repair business too?”

  “I have experience with…a different kind of plumbing.” His cryptic statement, accented with another swoon-worthy smile playing about his sexy full lips, made Tina wonder. Before she could ask him to explain, he turned away.

  “How about I take a look at the dishwasher before I have to admit what I normally do to make a living?” He delivered a low teasing laugh that was instantaneously infectious.

  A reluctant grin tugged at the corners of her mouth and the natural urge shocked her.

  Why wasn’t she in tears? She’d just been sadistically informed she’d wasted five years on a relationship that was over…two of which they’d been engaged. To make matters worse, she’d been told of the betrayal by her ex-fiancé’s too skinny, bleached-blonde lover.

  When she should let him work in peace, she didn’t move. Tina didn’t want to be alone to think about her future without Donald. She just didn’t want to be alone. “Can I get you something cold to drink?”

  “That would be great. I skipped lunch so I could clear my schedule and leave early. Maybe some cold water will stop my stomach from making weird embarrassing noises.”

  At his comment, Tina couldn’t stop herself from glancing at said stomach. He was in superb physical condition. His tight white T-shirt veered down from his wide shoulders into his snug, unbelted faded jeans. When he cleared his throat, she realized exactly where she’d been staring.

  Heat flamed into her face as she padded barefoot to the fridge and allowed the chilled air inside to cool the physical effects she had to this strange. “I have iced tea.”

  When she didn’t get an answer, she turned, looking at him over her shoulder. He quickly glanced away as if she’d caught him staring and he didn’t want her to know.

  Just great. I made him uncomfortable when I ogled him. He probably thinks I’m desperate for a little action.

  “Iced tea?” she repeated.

  “I can’t tolerate caffeine after midday. I end up bouncing off the walls—literally. It’s not a pretty sight. Water will be fine.” The sound of his deep voice was honeyed gravel. “Let me take a look at this thing and see what’s wrong.”

  “One ice water coming right up.” Tina opened the freezer and pulled out an ice cube tray. She took her time breaking the small cubes free and organizing them in the glass before she stopped herself. Donald. No more worrying about how many ice cubes or any of the other obsessive-compulsive tasks she’d performed for her…her ex.

  “I think I may have found the problem,” Paul announced, his voice sounding strained, almost strangled.

  “That was fast.” She turned with the glass of ice water chilling in her hand only to have the tightest butt she could remember greet her vision. With his head in the dishwasher, she could gawk without worry she’d be caught. The sight sent a flare of desire racing to her nether regions. Her braless nipples were waving at Paul’s tight ass.

  Her grip on the cold glass tightened as she stared. It doesn’t hurt to look, does it? Besides, aren’t I entitled, under the circumstances? If a tight, shapely ass helps lessen the sting of Donald’s betrayal, why not?

  “Do dishwasher repairmen have a confidentiality clause? Because trust me—it’s going to be hard not to share this story with the boys over a beer.” Paul pulled his head back out and looked up at her with a big grin plastered on his fabulous face. “And here I thought my brother had a tedious job.”

  Setting his glass of water on the nearby counter, Tina moved closer, curious about what he could have found. Confidentiality clause?

  Paul grinned and winked before he stood up, his hand held playfully behind his back. “I’ve never heard of this before. You use your dishwasher to wash your sex toys?”

  A horrifying thought occurred to her. Had one of the “toys” fallen through the rack? No way could her luck be that bad. “I…I’m not sure what…”

  Paul held out a large, wobbling dildo toward her, his eyes twinkling with amusement as his gaze slid over her body, igniting her. “I think this is the first time I’ve ever held one of these.” More?

  Book Description

  Publication Date: October 15, 2013

  In this novella length contemporary comedy, Tina's day goes from record breaking lows to orgasmic highs after her five year romance comes to a crashing end. What would it hurt to drown her sorrows in the arms of handsome repairman?

bsp; Becoming a doctor is the only thing Payton's wacky family hasn't affected...much. But he's never known his tea-leaf-reading mother to be wrong. When he goes undercover to meet the woman she insists is his soul mate, he finds the time of his life!

  A gypsy's monkey, a missing handcuff key, and a family who are all more than a little unusual becomes a hot sexy adventure... More?

  About Brit:

  In my BRIT BLAISE persona…I write HOT! It’s a place I like to be and it shows. I love to write erotic romances and find the people who read them irresistible. In my old BIO, I said: “Long time Arizonan, Brit Blaise grew up with a deep and abiding love for books.

  She believes in dark and dangerous heroes; strong independent women who aren’t afraid to think for themselves; head-over-heels love; fairytale endings and that it’s more fun to laugh than it is to cry, but doing both at the same time is the best of all.

  I’m no longer in Arizona, but the rest hasn’t changed. I have quirky blog and I hang out too much on Facebook. Come join me at or

  This story has had two editors work with it…and as always, I still found errors. So at this point, all editing glitches are mine alone. I’m also attempted the formatting…which could be a disaster. However, I wouldn’t mind if you drop me a private note at to tell me if you see something I could correct. In fact, I’d be very grateful for your feedback.

  Chapter Two

  December 16th

  Dear Diary,

  I got a temporary-injunction to stop them. My brother, Jerry, has arranged a meeting this afternoon. Jerry’s a great lawyer, so maybe he’ll find a way to stop my vagina from being released to the public.

  * * * * *

  “Gina, relax. This is only a preliminary meeting.”

  Gina rolled her eyes at her brother. “Jerry, if you tell me to relax one more time, I’ll slug you. You know my nerves are shot.”

  Jerry set his briefcase on the floor at his feet and hugged her. Gina felt tears threatening. She had the best brother a girl could want. Too bad she wasn’t a good sister.

  “We’ll make this go away,” Jerry promised. However, the lack of confidence in his voice betrayed him. The elevator beeped as they stopped on the tenth floor and the noisy doors slid open.

  Jerry released her to retrieve his case and hold it to stop the door from closing. “Remember to let me do all the talking.”

  “Don’t worry.” Gina stepped out of the elevator. “I’ve already done enough damage. I won’t say a word.”

  Jerry walked ahead to the receptionist’s desk. Gina followed, moving more slowly with her cane. Her leg cast had been removed only the previous day and she felt off-balance.

  “Jerry Newman, of Newman, Newman and Crawford to see Mr. Franklin.” Her brother’s voice oozed authority.

  When the receptionist ignored Jerry, staring pointedly at Gina, she could feel her face warming.

  Jerry cleared his throat to get the woman’s attention. “Is Mr. Franklin ready for us?”

  “I’m supposed to show you to the conference room where Mr. Franklin will join you.”

  It was only a few steps to the large double doors. The receptionist swung one side open and motioned them inside. Again, she stared at Gina.

  Gina followed her brother into the room and bumped into his backside when he jerked to an abrupt halt.

  “Damn,” he cursed loudly.

  Her brother was tall, but so was she. Gina looked over his shoulder to see what had stopped him.

  There it was in all its glory, sitting on the end of the conference table to greet them, complete with a glittering purple display box with her picture. The slogan made her want to hurl. Virginia Newman’s Pussy. Let Virginia make a New Man out of you! Only $179.95.

  Her brother moaned. “I’m going to kill them.”

  “Maybe we should’ve asked Grant to come?” Their cousin and partner in the family law firm had wanted to be with them to lend his support. Considering how Jerry was handling the sight of her…likeness, Gina wished she’d insisted on bringing Grant.

  “Gina, how could you?”

  Gina tried not to cry, but a sob escaped. She’d asked herself that same question more times than she could count.

  Jerry slammed his briefcase on the table next to the replica of her vagina and took her into his arms. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just such a shock to see your—that…thing.”

  “It’s my first time seeing it, too.” Gina tried to avoid looking, but it was like witnessing a bloody train wreck. She couldn’t stop herself. “It’s so big and pink!”

  “Good afternoon,” someone said from behind them. They turned to see two men approaching. One of them was the sleaze ball she’d met the day she signed the contract. The creep, Ray Thompson, who had waved a check for ten thousand dollars in her face while he demanded she sign on the dotted line.

  “I’m Carl Franklin, and this is Ray Thompson of Ray Thompson Erotic Enterprises.”

  Gina’s brother brushed past her. Before she knew what was happening, Jerry jerked back his arm and blasted Ray Thompson under the chin. Thompson’s head snapped back and down he went. Lights out.

  “Jerry! No!” Gina screamed more from exhilaration than anything else. It all happened so fast. Gina wasn’t sorry to see Ray Thompson unconscious on the floor, but this wasn’t good.

  “I’ll see you disbarred.” Thompson’s lawyer pulled a cell phone from his pocket and took a picture. “This is an unprovoked attack on my client. He’ll own Newman, Newman and Crawford before this is over.”

  His words and actions sent a chill through Gina. What had she gotten her brother into when she decided ten thousand dollars was the answer to all her troubles? Why hadn’t she just turned to her family?

  “Unprovoked?” A familiar voice sent a chill along her spine.

  Gina jerked around, almost losing her cane. Mr. Player stood tall and ramrod straight, his expensive designer loafers planted shoulder-width apart. He was the last man she’d expected to see right then. Especially then.

  “Sam?! What are you doing here?” Gina tried to move in front of her plastic vagina, but Ray Thompson was sprawled in her way. Had she sounded broken? Seeing him under any circumstances wouldn’t be easy. Under these…she wanted to hurl.




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