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To Hunt a Sainte

Page 11

by Marie Harte

  “Good work when you can get it, eh?” Omaney asked, his dark hair blowing in the wind, his blue eyes shining under the light of the moon.

  “Sure is.” Hunter grinned with Jed’s conceit.

  “I’m impressed by how efficiently you do business. You seem to have quite a reputation as a man no one can seem to pin down, Jed. I wonder why that is?”

  “Because I don’t leave witnesses,” Hunter growled with menace and watched as Peter’s eyes shifted nervously around him.

  Hunter followed Omaney’s gaze and stilled when he saw a figure crouched in the shadows by his own vehicle, a man who would have been impossible to see without Hunter’s acute vision. The silhouette showed a pistol by the man’s side.

  Hunter deliberately turned to smile at Omaney, the threat present in the smile that didn’t reach his eyes. He had to move fast. “So, you think to threaten me out here with all of your police for protection? Your friend doesn’t look too troubled at the idea of making war with Jed Black.” The clouds shifted overhead, spearing a light over the lone intruder by Hunter’s car. The bastard raised his gun and sighted in on Hunter.

  Peter noted the man with surprise and he answered quietly, warily, “That’s not my guy.”

  Hunter turned and shot the man in a blur. No Westlake agent or policeman would be out on these docks without clearance from Jurek, which he wouldn’t have given without informing Hunter first.

  Peter stared at Hunter with new respect. “Nicely done. But now you’ve got witnesses.”

  “Do I?” Hunter asked quietly.

  Peter turned and suddenly found that his police escort had vanished. The cars remained; the individuals in them had gone. He swallowed audibly and tried to charm his way out of danger.

  “Oh yes, Jed. You’re very impressive.”

  “You know why you’re still alive, Peter?” Hunter asked.

  Peter shook his head. He didn’t betray himself with a show of emotion, but Hunter smelled the man’s fear.

  “Because I want to meet Wraith. He’s the only thing saving your ass right now,” Hunter explained.

  Peter nodded. “I’ve spoken to my friend. Contingent upon tonight’s success, he wanted to meet you. You seem to be as much a legend as he is. I have your number. We’ll be in touch, so don’t make plans to go far in the next two weeks. That prospective auction will soon be arriving. Alex will be all the invitation you need to arrive.”

  Hunter grinned. “Not a problem. I have her, and I’ll continue to have her all week long. She’s so fucking sweet, Pete. Who knows? Maybe I’ll decide to keep her if she pleases me as much as she did tonight.”

  He couldn’t miss Peter’s look of dismay.

  “So, is this goodbye, then?” Hunter asked.

  “Oh no. I wouldn’t dream of missing the meeting of Jed Black and Wraith. I’ll be at the auction; you can count on it.” Omaney nodded and turned in the direction of the police cars. He entered one of them and drove away.

  Cocky bastard.

  Hunter hurried back to his car, more than curious about the man who’d planned to kill him. Once by his car, he was surprised to see one of the underground’s paid assassins, Luke Romero, who stared sightlessly up at him.

  Hunter didn’t believe Omaney had hired Romero. The man’s surprise had been too genuine. Perhaps Wraith had hired him? But that didn’t make sense either. No one Stateside had a grievance with Jed Black, and Jed hadn’t been in town long enough to earn the attention of those who could have put out a major hit like this. So who the hell had hired Romero?

  Chapter Eight

  Alex sighed with pleasure as hot water streamed over her body. She hated mornings, and this one felt earlier than others. But at least she could enjoy a relaxing shower in peace.

  Afterward, she dressed in a pair of unassuming jeans and a soft cotton blouse and tied her hair back. When she exited the bedroom, she saw a tangled blanket on one of the couches and frowned.

  Had Hunter already returned? The smell of coffee negated the thought, since Hunter had made it a point to tell her how much he hated the stuff. J.D. stood, half dressed in the trousers he’d worn last night, looking rumpled and wholly male as he yawned over the brewing pot.

  “Good morning.” Alex grinned at the tousle-haired blond.

  “Morning,” he replied. “My, don’t you look pretty?”

  “I should say the same. What are you doing here?”

  “Maybe I just like you?” At her snort, he sighed. “Hunter wanted me to sit with you while he worked his deal. He should be here soon.” He scratched absently at his washboard of a stomach.

  Alex followed the movement with approval. If she had to be stuck with someone, at least he was a dream to look at.

  “Nice abs.” She quirked a grin when he suddenly flexed before her. “And nice arms.”

  He winked and poured her a cup of coffee. “I’ve been working out.”

  He didn’t have the bulk of muscle that Hunter did, but J.D. had an athlete’s body and model-handsome looks to go with it.

  “What exactly do you do for Westlake, J.D.?” Alex asked, taking advantage of a perfect opportunity to ferret information on Westlake Enterprises, or better yet, on Hunter.

  “Who, me? I’m a lowly IT rep trying to make his way into the big, bad world of operations. I’ve only been a field agent for the past year. Before that, they shoved me in the research department, in a cubicle far away from people.”

  She knew the feeling. “Do you like field work?”

  “Well, it’s not boring, I’ll give you that.” He studied her, and Alex had a sense of J.D.’s particular brand of danger. He didn’t brood like Hunter. J.D. had a keen intelligence and an ease of manner that urged trust. A powerful one-two combination on top of his good looks.

  “What about Hunter?” she found herself asking and could have kicked herself when J.D. smirked. “How long has he been with Westlake?”

  “Hunter? Hmm, let’s see. I started ten years ago. Rafe followed a few years after me. Hunter? I think he’s been with us four or five years now.”

  “Who’s Rafe?” Alex asked. She hadn’t yet met him.

  “Rafe’s another heavy-hitter at Westlake. He’s on a case right now or he’d be in the thick of this one. He, Hunter, and I tend to irritate Jurek on equal levels.”

  Alex laughed. “I know what that’s like. I always seem to be apologizing for something I’ve done to irritate my uncle. Cole’s the good one.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” J.D. shook his head. “What about Thorne? Where does he fit in?”

  “Thorne’s my cousin, one of three on the Buchanan side. He’s the oldest. Luc’s his brother, Storm his younger sister. Trust me, Thorne’s just as bossy as Cole.”

  “Lucky you.”

  “And none of them can make coffee.” Alex sighed as she took another sip from her cup. “This is heavenly, J.D. I might just have to take you back with me when this is over.”

  “Oh, really?” a dry voice interrupted them.

  Alex shot a startled look at Jed Black.

  “I didn’t hear you come in.” J.D. frowned.

  “I know.” Hunter slammed the door shut behind him and carried his duffle past them into the bedroom. He slammed her door too.

  “What a grouch,” Alex mumbled. A glance at J.D. showed him trying to hide a smile. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. You know, Alex, Hunter’s a very interesting individual,” he said and leaned over the counter, increasing the intimacy between them.

  “Oh?” She looked behind her at the closed door.

  “He worked for the government for a long time. But since he’s been with Westlake, I’ve rarely seen him lighten up about much. He’s a pretty intense guy.”

  “I’ve noticed.” She grimaced.

  “But he’s on the level,” J.D. hurried to add. “He might not pour on the charm, but he doesn’t play games. If Hunter tells you something, it’s as good as gold. There’s no one else I’d rather have at my
back,” he said seriously and glanced over her shoulder before looking back at her. “Alex, you’re a gorgeous woman. But there’s a lot more to you than looks. Hunter’s not so steady around you. Not like he is with other women.”

  She frowned, not liking the sound of that. “Um, thanks?”

  “Tell me something. You like him, don’t you? I see you watching him. You look at him the same way he looks at you.”

  “You sure that’s coffee you’re drinking and not booze?” She tried to lighten the mood. What did J.D. expect her to say? That she couldn’t get the arrogant Hunter Greye out of her mind? That as much as he made her want to pull her hair out, he intrigued her on a deeper level? That she wanted to get to know him as a person, a friend, and God help her, a lover?

  They chitchatted about other things for a few minutes. Alex was relieved that she no longer had to deal with J.D.’s obvious matchmaking.

  J.D. set down his cup and walked around the counter to her. “Would you do me a favor, Alex?”

  “It depends.”

  His grin should have reassured her, but it didn’t. “Nothing illegal, nothing kinky.” He glanced over his shoulder again, then faced her and cupped her cheek. “Let me kiss you, just once.” He slowly lowered his mouth.

  Curious to his motives, Alex waited. She hadn’t felt any vibes from J.D. that he desired her before now. And his constant glances at the bedroom door told her he did this for someone else’s benefit. What exactly did he think would happen? And why was she suddenly dying to know as well?

  The kiss stirred warmth, comfort, but no melting desire. Nothing on the scale of Hunter’s touch. No sooner did his kiss begin to deepen when she found herself standing alone. J.D. struggled for air as Jed Black held him pinned to the wall, his hands wrapped around J.D.’s throat.

  “Hunter? What the hell are you doing?” Alex asked in shock.

  “A great question I should be asking you two,” he growled before releasing J.D.

  The idiot coughed on laughter as he tried to regain his breath. “See?” he rasped to Alex.

  “See what? That Hunter has homicidal tendencies?”

  “I ought to pound some sense into that thick skull of yours,” Hunter said coldly to J.D. Then he turned on Alex. “And what do you think you’re doing? Seducing J.D. isn’t going to solve anything.”

  “Seducing J.D.?” she repeated, incredulous. “Hunter, it was a harmless little kiss.”

  “Harmless?” J.D. sounded insulted.

  Hunter ran his hand through his hair with frustration, his features stark and cold, the essence of Jed Black, or was that Hunter Greye? The light gold in his eyes hid under dark contacts that turned Jed’s angry stare black. To her bemusement, his frustration and anger bled into her. Alex didn’t understand it, but she felt Hunter’s jealousy as if it were her own. The knowledge secretly thrilled her, until he opened his mouth again.

  “If you two want to play footsie with each other, do it later. I’ve told you before that we can’t afford distractions right now.” Hunter glared at Alex. “And you should have had all the pawing you can take, or wasn’t last night enough?”

  She poked him in the chest, fuming at the both of them.

  “You’re damned right I’m tired of being mauled. This is a job, like any other. And if you can’t handle that...” She paused to poke him again, “...then maybe you should ask to be reassigned.”

  That said, she stormed to the bedroom to collect her things.

  J.D. COUGHED WEAKLY before he straightened up. “If you could have seen the absolute look of rage on your face. Talk about drowning in a sea of green.”

  Hunter swore. “Let it go, J.D.” He walked to the window and stared through the sheer curtain at what promised to be a sunny day.

  He felt like an absolute fool. So much for professional behavior. But what did he expect? He hadn’t slept in over thirty-six hours, and constant reminders of Alexandra Sainte wherever he stepped didn’t help.

  The shower should have been soothing, but her scent had lingered in the stall, a sweet lavender that turned him rock hard and roaring to have her.

  After he’d emerged from the shower, already on edge, the sight of J.D. plastered to Alex knocked him off balance. An instinctive need to possess and claim had taken over. To Hunter’s shame, he wasn’t sorry Alex had seen it. Did the woman not understand that, until this case ended, he was responsible for her? Until they settled things between them, she belonged to him and him alone.

  He groaned aloud as his words registered. Belonged to him? So much for objectivity. This case had been different from the get-go. Women kidnapped from prominent families. The involvement of Buchanan Investigations and Alexandra Sainte. Moving parts that made little sense except when put in the proper context—Alex lying in Hunter’s arms. Now what the hell do I do about this fixation?

  J.D. slapped him on the back, then retreated at the scowl Hunter gave him. “Now, now. I’m sure she’ll forgive you. I mean, it really is unprofessional of you to drool over your Buchanan date, not to mention nearly choking your partner. But I can see where you’d find her distracting. Just make sure to name your firstborn J.D. and we’ll call it even.”

  “Shit. I’m going to put my fist through your face, and we’ll see how you like—” Hunter would have lunged forward, but Alex interrupted by walking back into the room.

  Her displeasure with the two of them was readily apparent. Still, Hunter took comfort in the fact that she ignored J.D. as he threw on his shirt and shoes.

  “Think we can all behave like adults?” she asked, tossing her head so that her hair fell in waves over her shoulders.

  Adults? He’d be more than happy to show her just how adult he could be. His fingers itched to slide through that golden hair, to pull her close and capture that ripe mouth until he was good and done with it. He’d pinch those tight nipples before he took them between his lips. Then he’d shove his cock hard and deep into her hot pussy. He—

  She tossed her bag at him, which he caught with ease, and waited to leave. Just then his cell phone rang.

  He answered it. “Yeah? Good. We’ll be there,” he said before hanging up. He turned to J.D. “Take the car and meet us out back. Thorne’s verified we’re clear. Call us when you’re ready.”

  J.D. shot him a one-finger salute before leaving, once again attired as a chauffer.

  Alex crossed her arms and glared at him. He let the silence build, needing to avoid another argument. With his luck, he’d end up dropping his guard and making love to her on the couch. Not the best way to appear in control and in charge on this mission.

  To his relief, J.D. soon called. They took the elevator down silently and left as quietly through the back exit into their waiting limo. As J.D. drove them to the drop-off where they would switch cars and head back to their respective headquarters, Hunter couldn’t help wondering where to go from here.

  The miles passed in silence, giving Hunter time to consider Alex’s part in all this. There were more holes in this plan than he wanted to contemplate. Omaney expected him to bring Alex to the auction—the last place she needed to be. Hunter would have his hands full trying to find and free Rebecca. He couldn’t keep an eye on Alex and do his job, not unless he trusted her. And he couldn’t—didn’t.

  Then there was that matter of the attempted hit on him last night. If Omaney really didn’t own Romero, then who had put out the contract on Jed Black? Jurek was investigating, but Hunter had a bad feeling in the pit of his gut. He really could have used Rafe’s help on this one, but with Rafe working on something big for Jurek, he’d have to deal with this on his own.

  At least he’d cemented Jed’s reputation. Last night had earned him bonus points with Omaney. He’d sold several million dollars worth of small arms and assault rifles, once confiscated by the U.S. government and subsequently tagged, to known drug suppliers while the police charged an empty, run-down warehouse. Proof that Jed could handle the police and shifty deals with drug runners. Or course, unbekno
wnst to the Cortez brothers, distribution of those weapons would lead to future arrests under the government’s watchful eye.

  Alex shifted in her seat, drawing his attention all too easily. In jeans and a pink shirt, she looked innocent and pure. And good enough to eat.

  “You going to sulk the whole way there, princess?” he asked her to break up the quiet.

  She pursed her lips and kept her gaze on the window.

  Shit, she looks just as sexy in profile. I am totally screwed. If only Hunter could get rid of his feelings for Alex as easily as he’d handled last night. His attraction for her went deeper than the physical, which puzzled him. Because he wanted more from her than sex. He wanted to know what she liked and disliked. He was curious about her work with Buchanan Investigations. And he wanted to know what she’d think about him if she knew what he could really do.

  Opening himself up to Anna had been a huge mistake. His fiancée, the woman he’d thought he’d spend the rest of his life with, had feared and eventually rejected him. They’d been engaged for two years. He’d known her better than he’d ever known another lover. And still, he’d hesitated to share everything. His mother had been adamant. “If you’re going to give your life to this woman, then make it honest. Tell her the whole truth.”

  Yeah, well, Mom didn’t know everything. He’d told Anna all of it, even showed her the monster that lived within. And she’d bolted.

  Now he had intense feelings for another woman, and everything about the situation had wrong written all over it. They currently worked together, undercover. Her family had a habit of breaking the law when it suited them, which went against the black-and-white principles ingrained in Hunter since birth. He didn’t really know her. But worst of all, Alex made him lose his focus without even trying.

  Physically, they fit. As if she’d been made for him, when together, her body rested against his like pieces of a puzzle that clicked into place. And her telekinesis made her as big an oddball in life as his enhanced instincts made him.


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