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Surrounded by Secrets

Page 10

by Mandy Harbin

  She also had to bury her father, and she’d had mixed emotions about that. There wasn’t any love lost between them, and she hated him for what he’d done to Mikaela, but he was still her father. She’d buried him next to her mother’s gravesite, and being near her mom also brought her emotions to the forefront. She was all alone and had no one to help her regroup. Her grandmother had come down for the funeral, but she hadn’t stayed to console her. And if the investigation or the funeral hadn’t brought her to the pits of hell, the fact that she was jobless and homeless had done the trick.

  Since the fire had been rightfully ruled intentional, the insurance company wasn’t going to cover the cost to rebuild. Her father had left her some money, so she’d be able to rebuild eventually, but she’d need to get a new business going again to create steady income once the money ran out. She’d already set aside the amount he’d made from harming the Woods family. No way was she going to profit from it, but she had no intention of giving it back to the creep who’d paid her father. That lowlife had been weeded out and was probably doing time on the reservation where the Lyons family ruled. Lillian had contacted Mikaela about the money because she had an idea of how to spend it and wanted Mikaela’s approval. If she hadn’t agreed with the idea, then Lillian was going to insist on Mikaela deciding how to spend the money. She was the one most hurt out of this, and it was the least Lillian could do to make up for what her father had done to her neighbor.

  And it was the need to discuss that money that forced Lillian to show up at the Woods estate this evening. Well, it was Mikaela who had insisted. She’d gone on and on about how she hadn’t blamed Lillian for anything and that she wanted her to come back to work with them. She had even offered to let her stay at one of the cabins while her house was being rebuilt. The thought of not living in a hotel room in the next town was very appealing, but Lillian knew being on the estate again would be too much for her because she’d have to see him.

  God, she missed Jack. He consumed her waking thoughts and her dreams. There wasn’t a moment in the day that she hadn’t ached for him. What started out as fun had turned into something so much more. And not just for her. He’d said that he loved her. He hadn’t professed his love. He’d spat it out like it was an awful taste he couldn’t get rid of, and that hurt. But she couldn’t blame him.

  He’d believed the worst about her. Mikaela had told her that Jack was now aware of the truth, yet he hadn’t tried contacting her. Lillian had figured as much. She knew when she saw him last in the woods that he wouldn’t ever let her near him again. He was both livid at her and at himself. He might accept the truth about her, but it was him he needed to forgive. And Lillian knew him well enough to know that wouldn’t come easy.

  She’d wait. Love didn’t come with a user manual, but she knew if she truly loved him, she would never find another man who’d compare to her scaredy-cat. She just hoped in time he’d learn to accept how he was and how he felt about her. It was that hope that got her through the last couple of weeks and would continue to help her through the tough road she had ahead.

  Lillian pulled up to the gate, which immediately opened, and drove the winding path to the main house. Just being so close to where Jack lived made her stomach do somersaults. After she parked and climbed the stairs, Jeffery greeted her at the door.

  “It’s lovely to see you again, Ms. Lillian. You look beautiful as always.”

  She smiled and let him take her jacket. “Mikaela is expecting me.” She assumed he knew this already, but she felt as if she needed to explain why she was here. It was as if she was already an outsider, and that felt awful, too.

  “Of course. She’s in her office.”

  Lillian excused herself, not wanting to make small talk. She needed to get this visit over with and flee before she ran into Jack. She hoped like hell she’d at least get to see him from a distance, though, but she didn’t want to cause him any unnecessary pain. She figured, in time, she might approach him, maybe do something as daring as she had when she’d first started her job here—hell, she’d been looking at that bra and thong set she’d worn her first day here, hoping he’d get to see it one day—but it was too soon for something like that.

  She knocked on the door to Mikaela’s office.

  “Come in,” she called out.

  Lillian pushed the door open and slowly closed it shut. “Hi.”

  Thank God, Mikaela looked much better than she had the last time they’d seen each other. The lady before her now didn’t have caked blood or bruises. A few lingering scrapes on her forehead and cheek were all that remained.

  “Hey, girl.” Mikaela walked up and hugged her. “Thanks for coming.”

  Lillian stepped out of the embrace and chuckled nervously. “You didn’t give me much of a choice.”

  Mikaela winked at her just before she turned and headed to her desk. “I know.” She picked up a flask of whiskey and poured a shot. “Now drink this.”

  “Why?” Lillian asked timidly as she stepped over to Mikaela. She took the shot glass and eyed it warily.

  “Because you need to take the edge off.”

  That was no lie. She downed the shot without argument and sat down. Mikaela walked around and took her seat, too.

  “So tell me your idea about the money,” she said as she poured more liquor into that little glass.

  Lillian waved her hand, trying to stop her. “That won’t be necessary.”

  “That will be necessary. Two more.”

  What? “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  Mikaela chuckled. “I would never dream of such a thing. I’m just jealous I can’t join you. This is girl talk, so we’re making it fun.”

  Lillian felt a twinge of longing at the thought of just hanging out with friends and shooting the breeze over drinks. She’d never really had that before. She picked up the glass and downed the drink. She could just call a cab to come get her.

  “Good girl. Now tell me your plans.”

  Lillian coughed as the burn of the whiskey went down, and then cleared her throat. “Well, I’ve been trying to come up with a way to spend the money so that you can at least get something out of the horrible thing that happened.”

  Mikaela sighed. “Listen, chick. I told you on the phone you have nothing to worry about. I do not blame you. No one blames you.” The way Mikaela looked at her, she knew exactly whom the woman was stressing. Jack. She felt nerves tingling inside her at the thought of him. A reaction she’d better get used to.

  Her enabler poured another shot and pushed the glass toward her. This time Lillian drank it without any more prodding.

  “Can we just talk about the money?” She sounded as though she was begging, but she didn’t care.

  Mikaela nodded as she poured another drink. She didn’t push it toward her, though, thank God. Lillian would be three sheets to the wind in ten minutes if Mikaela kept up this pattern.

  “By all means.”

  Lillian fidgeted a little, but quickly covered her nervousness. She got the feeling Mikaela had that drink on the ready with the first sign of discomfort Lillian showed. “Since you’re pregnant and needed medical attention, it became painfully clear there isn’t a clinic close by. Um, so I was thinking we could start one out here. I-I know the money would in no way cover the costs of starting and running one, but I figured with yours and Krista’s legal connections, and Ariel’s chemical background and dealing with grants, you all could apply for federal funding. Since I have to rebuild the house and part of my plantation has been destroyed, I figured I could donate the land for the clinic to be housed. That way, no money would need to go toward purchasing additional land, nor would land have to be sacrificed that produces income for your family. I know this would be a major project, but with the dangers surrounding forestry work, I think it’s a good idea to have something like this around here.” And it would give her something to focus on. A job. A future. One that would keep her close to Jack, and help her to one day work her way back into
his life.

  Mikaela pushed the shot glass toward Lillian and smiled brightly. “I think that is a wonderful idea!”

  Lillian exhaled the rest of the air she’d been holding in as she picked up the glass. She drank it greedily and placed the glass back on the table. “I’m so happy you like it. It’ll be a huge job, but I think it would really be a wonderful feature for our community.”

  “Absolutely. I just have two favors to ask, and I’ll give you my backing, support, help, whatever is needed.”

  Uh-oh. Favors? That didn’t sound good. What could she possibly want? Mikaela must have noticed the uneasiness that suddenly came over her because her bartender quickly poured another shot and pushed it toward her. Then it dawned on her.

  “Do these favors have anything to do with you trying your best to get me wasted?”

  Mikaela’s smile was sly. She leaned forward on her elbows. “You could say that.”

  Shit. “So spill.”

  Mikaela steepled her fingers. “One, I want you to move here while your home is being rebuilt. It’s insane for you to pay for a hotel indefinitely or get some crappy little rental. Two, while you’re here, I want you to come to our dinners, starting tonight.” She glanced at her watch. “Which starts in about ten minutes.”

  Panic raced through Lillian. Panic and elation. She would love to be closer to Jack all the time, but he wasn’t ready for it. She knew he wasn’t. It was going to take her time to ease him back into a relationship.

  “You’re thinking too hard. A simple yes or no will do. Actually, only a yes will do. I mean, it was your father who took me against my will. I think it’s the least you can do to make amends.”

  Lillian narrowed her eyes. “You already said that no one blames me for that.”

  “We don’t. But I’m not above blackmail. Give me what I want, and I’ll give you want you want. Besides, you know you want to be here, too. I’m just forcing your hand so you don’t have to feel the guilt.”

  God, she was good. “Remind me never to go against you in court.”

  Mikaela chuckled. “Darlin’, I’d eat you for dinner and still have room for dessert.”

  Lillian picked up the shot glass and said, “You can’t eat me. I don’t swing that way.” Then she downed it.

  Mikaela threw her head back and guffawed. “That’s good. So do we have a deal?”

  Lillian watched her for several seconds, trying to quickly weigh her options and knowing it wouldn’t matter what she considered because her heart was pounding too hard for her brain to hear her thoughts.


  Mikaela stood. “Oh, and a word of advice. If you want him, you’re going to have to challenge him.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  Mikaela walked up to her and wrapped her arm around hers. “You’re a woman. You can figure that out.”

  That was what she was afraid of.

  * * * *

  “Why the fuck are you trying to get me drunk?” Jack snapped, slightly slurring his words, as Josh pushed another glass of scotch in front of him. His brother had insisted on quitting work sooner than normal and getting an early start on drinks before dinner. Said some shit about needing to unwind. Right, as if Mikaela would let him take a load off like this right now. She was one bossy pregnant lady, and Jack knew Josh wouldn’t do anything to push her buttons while she still had that bun in the oven.

  “I’m not. I’m getting me drunk. Mikaela suggested it this afternoon, and by God, I’m not looking that gift horse in the mouth. I’m just bringing you along for the ride.” Josh looked at him through the corner of his eye as he raised his glass to his mouth. “You could use a little break, too, man.”

  Jack grunted as he picked up his snifter and sipped. He’d refused to talk about Lillian after the results of the investigation had gone down. She’d been innocent all along, and he’d been a right bastard for not being there for her. If he was a man worthy of her, he’d—

  “Hello? You’re thinking again. I said to stop that shit. Everybody else will be here in a few minutes for dinner. It’s not time to mope. You’re doing enough of that shit when you’re sober.”

  Jack chuckled. Josh was right. He’d been a bear to everyone since the kidnapping. He could just relax for the night. Tomorrow he’d be back to his cranky self. “You know, the last time I got drunk was when Lillian—” Jack stopped, his heart pounding at the thought of remembering the night he’d first made love to that woman. He missed her so much that at times he wondered how he’d be able to live life like this. Without her.

  “Yeah, bro, I know. You should call her.”


  “You mean you won’t. There’s a difference, Jack.”

  Jack shook his head and downed the rest of his drink. If Josh expected him to discuss his feelings for Lillian, his brother would have to get him much drunker than he was now. He poured his own glass this time. The door opened, and his other brothers and father stepped in. He nodded at them as a greeting before tipping his glass to his lips.

  “How’s Mikaela?”

  “Well that was a subtle subject change,” Josh sighed, but then a crooked smile formed on his face.

  “You can ask her yourself. I think I hear her coming now.”

  “Hi, son,” Thomas said and clapped Jack on the shoulder before taking a seat at the table.

  “Hey, Dad. I went online to place an ad—” Whatever else he was going to say died on his lips when the door opened. He saw Mikaela, but that wasn’t who he scented. That smell was unmistakable and made his heart beat in double time. Then his Lilly stepped into view, and his heart just stopped.

  “Fuck,” he breathed.

  Her gaze darted around the room, landing on everyone. She glanced at him a few times, but every time their eyes met, she looked away. God, she was beautiful.

  And here.

  “Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise?” Thomas said as he stood up. “Come on in. Jeffery is about to bring out dinner. You two must be starving.” He chuckled. “Well, one of you must be starving. The other might have to fight the other off for food.”

  “Ha-ha, Thomas,” Mikaela said drily as she walked to the table. Lillian was right beside her. It looked as if she were ready to grab Mikaela if she left Lillian’s side. Scared little thing. And his guilt came crashing down on him. She was timid because of him. Maybe if he wasn’t tipsy, he could think of something clever to say. Damn Josh and his bad timing. He glanced at his drunk brother as Lillian moved to her seat and gritted his teeth. That fucker was grinning! Oh, holy hell. He looked at Mikaela, and she smirked at him. Those two were up to no good, and when Lillian stumbled with her chair, he realized she wasn’t in any better condition than him.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he barked at Josh. “Do you think getting us drunk is going to fix anything?”

  Josh was sporting a silly grin. “Well, getting drunk worked that first night. Who knows what’ll happen tonight?” He shrugged as he took another sip.

  He was going to kill his brother. Kill him dead. In his sleep.

  Mikaela grabbed the glass from her husband. “Your job here is done. Time for some coffee, mister.”

  Josh pouted, but then smiled at her. Damn, Jack wished he was as drunk as Josh appeared to be. This little setup would be easier to handle.

  “How are you?” Krista asked Lillian.

  “Um, okay. I mean, there’s been a lot going on, but I’m okay.” She glanced at Jack, and he couldn’t stop staring at her. Her cheeks turned a luscious shade of pink under his perusal.

  Jeffery walked in with one plate of food and placed it in front of Mikaela. In his other hand, he held a bottle of whiskey. He placed it on the table and chuckled as he retreated.

  “What the hell’s going on?” Jack asked.

  “Oh, Josh thought it’d be fun if we all played a drinking game before eating. We’ll each say something truthful, and if you don’t agree with the statement, you have to take a drink. Except
Mikaela. My grandbaby needs to go ahead and eat.” Jeffery returned with another bottle of whiskey and several shot glasses. He passed them out and started pouring everybody’s drinks. Josh was laughing out loud and clapping his hands. Fuck.

  “I told you that shit in private,” Jack spat.

  “Well, little brother, you should’ve manned up before now.” Josh winked at him. Yep, he was going to fucking kill him dead, dead, dead. And Jack wasn’t going to wait until he was asleep to do it.

  “I’ll start.” Thomas rose his glass and looked around the room. “I am completely and totally happy with where my personal life is right now.” He sat the glass down and looked at Jack.


  Jack looked at Lillian. She picked up her glass and sipped. No one else drank from theirs. He glared at his father and slammed his drink back, feeling the burn. Jeffery refilled Jack’s glass while Mikaela refilled Lillian’s.

  “Mine turn!” Josh bellowed. “I tolds my mate that I wuv her today.” He leaned over and kissed Mikaela sweetly.

  Double shit. Jack couldn’t even look at Lillian. He just drank his punishment and put the glass on the table. Jeffery was quick on the refill. Jack wasn’t sure how much of this he could take.

  “I have one,” Toby announced. “I can’t wait to start a family and have kids of my own.”

  He was related to a bunch of evil, sadistic bastards.

  “Hear, hear!” Thomas said. “I’d love to have a house full of grandkids.”

  Jack groaned as he drank the next shot, but couldn’t help looking up this time. Lillian was watching him as she sipped hers. Her eyes looked a little red. Were those tears? Damn it. If this was upsetting her, his family had really crossed the line. He could take the abuse, but he wouldn’t sit here and let her suffer.


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