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Dates And Other Nuts

Page 18

by Lori Copeland

  When their finally lips parted, he smiled. “Why don’t you just call Grams and tell her about the baby?”

  “No way. I want to see the look on her face when I tell her she’s finally going to be a great-grandmother!”

  Giving her one last kiss on the tip of her nose, he moseyed in to the kitchen for a cold drink. “Did you tell her we’re planning to spend a week with her?”

  “Yes, and she’ll be so excited. Since we’ve moved to the Keys, I don’t see her nearly as often as I’d like.”

  “Well, if everything goes as planned, she can help us celebrate. It isn’t every day we buy our own charter company.”

  Temple decided she and Craig would do some of their own private celebrating after their guests went home. “Oh, Craig, I hope Thia likes Keith. They would make a perfect couple!”

  “Better tread lightly, Temple. Keith gets skittish when anyone mentions the word marriage.

  “I know, so does Thia, but they seemed so right for each other.”

  “Yeah.” Draping his arm around her neck, he walked her toward the garage door. “Listen, there’s this new pilot at work? Neil Petersen? He just moved down here, and he seems kind of lonesome. I’m always talking about you and the baby, and I see him get this faraway look in his eye. Do you think Sue would be interested—”

  “Sue? Well, she hates for us to ‘set her up,’ as she calls it, but sure, I can arrange a small dinner party when we get back from visiting Grams. I’ll call her and see when she plans to be in town,” Temple said. “She’s back flying commuters again. She got tired of the international flights. Week after next be soon enough?”

  “That’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll fix pork chops.”

  “You’re a doll.” He pulled her to him for another quick kiss.

  “Listen to us, we sound like Scotty and Steph!” Temple exclaimed.

  “Scotty and Steph!” Craig laughed. “Noway!”

  “Yeah, you’re nght. This is different. Sue is such a good friend, it’s a shame she hasn’t found Mr. Right yet. We’re not being matchmakers, we’re just being concerned friends.”


  “Absolutely, right.”

  Opening the door to the garage, Craig helped her down the small flight of steps. The new, four-door Jimmy sat where the Lincoln used to.

  “Okay, so, I’ll casually invite Neil to drop by, and you have Sue here...”

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-7415-0


  Copyright © 1996 by Lori Copeland

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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