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Riley's Rescue: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  In the meantime, I’m looking into her sister as much as I can. What I’ve found out so far is that the woman claiming to be Tammy, isn’t really her. Riley’s sister is married and has three children, she still lives close to her parents a few hours away from here, and hasn’t taken a single vacation from work in the last two years. Even if she gets time off, she usually sticks close to home and picks up hours helping her dad redo furniture.

  Curious as to who the woman really is, I’ve been following her. She’s not doing anything out of the ordinary and has barely left her hotel room. The woman hasn’t met with anyone or gone out. I’m not sure if she’s made any phone calls and I won’t find out until we figure out what her cell phone number is. Then I’ll have Tech all over it to get as much more information as we can.

  I’ve missed Riley and Shelby like crazy and I can already guess the crazy shit that’s been going through her head. There has been a brother at her house, outside, since the day I left. Steel is there today, and he’s already called me to let me know what happened with this woman. She must have left when I went to the clubhouse to grab a few hours of sleep. It’s something I haven’t been doing so that I could trail this bitch as much as possible. There was less than twenty minutes between the time I left and when Shadow got there. He didn’t see that her car was gone so he didn’t alert me that she wasn’t there when he showed up. Shadow is very good at his job so he must not have seen her car and didn’t know where she’d be so he could show up there.

  Tech already let me know that Riley called her parents to see what was going on with Tammy, her real sister. Yeah, I’ve had taps and bugs put around her house while I’ve been gone to make sure that nothing happened to her. I trust my brothers with my life, but Riley and Shelby mean more than my life to me, so I needed to take extra precautions when it comes to them. If she ever finds out, Riley will probably have my balls and I really wouldn’t blame her. So, let hope that she never figures it out.

  Even though I don’t have eyes inside the house, I can hear what’s going on. Tech is the only one besides me that is allowed to listen in. We’ve heard her crying and conversations she’s had with Darcy and the rest of the girls. Every time someone brought my name up, she changed the subject quicker than shit. It tells me all I need to know. Riley is missing me as much as I’m missing her. Shelby has been a little crabby in the time that I’ve been away, and I don’t know if she’s simply teething or if she’s missing having me around too. There’s only one way to find out and that’s by going back. Today is the day that I go back and claim my woman. I’ve got a few things to finish up and then Riley isn’t going to know what hit her.

  By the time I make it to the house I’ve been missing so much lately, it’s late. I sit outside and see that the living room light is on. There’s no way to see any other activity inside, but I know Riley is watching a movie alone while Shelby sleeps in her nursery. They’ve gotten a good routine down and I’m pissed that I haven’t been around to be a part of it. Protecting them has been more important than anything else though. That’s what I’ve been telling myself at any rate. In reality, I think that we both needed a break to see that we do want to be together.

  Knowing that I’ve put this moment off long enough, I park my bike next to Riley’s car and slowly make my way up the front steps. Trojan was on guard duty for a while tonight and I just sent him home. He should be there with Darcy and I feel bad that they’ve all been taking turns watching my girls while I was away. In my eyes, I was doing what needed to be done. The reality of the situation is that I needed to get my shit straight and pull my head out of my ass to realize without any doubt left in me that Riley and Shelby are my girls and I will be there for them every step of the way. She’s not hiding from the thing we both want the most and I can’t stay away any longer.

  I don’t bother knocking on the door when I have a set of keys. Riley knows that I have it and I would’ve handed them back to her at any point in time if she had asked. She didn’t though, and now she’s not going to have a chance to get them. Letting myself in, I make sure to lock the door behind me and slowly make my way around the corner and into the living room. Riley is laying on the couch, half asleep, and has a chick flick playing on the TV that I got for her shortly after she moved into the house.

  “Gage, is that you?” she asks, her voice husky and sleep filled.

  “Yeah, it’s me beautiful. Why aren’t you in bed?” I ask her, needing to know her answer. Even though I already know that she doesn’t sleep in the bed unless Shelby is laying down with her.

  “The bed is too big without you in it,” she answers before realizing her mistake. She quickly sits up and flings the blanket off of her, now fully awake. “Why are you here?”

  “I can’t stay away any longer. I’ve been tryin’ to figure out who the hell this person is claimin’ to be your sister. Enough is enough though. I’m home, with you and Shelby, where I belong,” I tell her simply, knowing that she’s going to try to fight me on this.

  “You don’t belong here, though. You walked away without looking back and showed me what I’ve been trying to tell you all along,” she replies, throwing her hands on her hips and cocking her head to the side showing how pissed she truly is. “We’ve been doing fine without you here. Gage, do you realize that you can’t just decide when you want to be here and when you don’t? I have a daughter to think about and I’m not going to let her get attached to someone that is just going to vanish when things get too tough or messy for them to handle.”

  “I know. We needed to be a part for a little bit. You wanted me gone and I tried to stay away from you while I was tryin’ to put the pieces of this puzzle together. Now, I’ve had enough and I’m back for good. You’re goin’ to be my old lady and stand by my side. I’m goin’ to stand by your side and protect the both of you. And any other kids we bring into this world. Together,” I tell her, stepping closer and closer to her until there’s barely any space left between us.

  “I don’t trust that. Not anymore,” she replies simply, making sure I’m aware that I’m going to have to work for everything. Her trust, her heart, and spending the rest of my life with her.

  “I know you don’t believe it yet. Everyone has done the easy thing when it comes to you and walked away. I’m not walkin’ away from you, I’m walkin’ to you. I’ll keep comin’ even when you do your best to push me away. Riley, you are the only one I want, and I know you feel the same about me,” I tell her, placing my hands on the side of her face and holding her where I want her as I lean down and put my lips against hers for the first time.

  I’m knocked on my ass just from our lips touching. A spark ignites and enflames my entire body. Riley starts trembling from head to toe as she wraps her arms around my neck and tangles her fingers into my hair. I pull her body as close as she can get to me before figuring out it’s not enough. I need skin on skin contact. So, I lift her body up while she wraps her long legs encased in a pair of sweatpants around me. Continuing to kiss her, I walk up the stairs and make my way to the room that we share.

  Riley isn’t putting up a fuss about being wrapped around me as I gently lay her down on the bed. She’s looking up at me with hooded eyes and a look of pure lust shining from her. I begin to strip her, not being able to stand not seeing her in all her glory. She helps me take her top off and then arches her back so I can unfasten the clasp on the back of her black lacy bra. The whole time, I continue to kiss, suck, and nip my way from her neck down to her chest.

  As I make my way to Riley’s tits, I slide the bra straps down her arms, so I can get my first glimpse of her naked without jumping to get in the shower real quick. I can take my time and savor the beauty of her. While I pay attention to her chest, I use one hand to push her pants down her legs. Riley helps me out by pulling her feet out of them and kicking them to the floor. I’m still fully clothed as she reaches her hands up under my shirt to reach the skin on my back. I’ll give her what she wants, so I take my cut off an
d lay it on the chair by the bed while throwing my shirt on the floor as soon as it’s over my head. My jeans come next as soon as I kick my boots off and I’m finally naked for the first time with Riley.

  Riley’s eyes widen as soon as she sees me fully naked for more than a quick glimpse. I can see the goosebumps break out along her skin as I run my hand up her leg. They follow the same trail as my hand and I relish in the effect I have on her. It’s the same one she has on me. I place kisses on my way to her center as I move in for my first taste of her. She moans and arches her back as I swipe my tongue through her folds, savoring the taste of her on my tongue.

  After a minute or two, Riley reaches down and plunges her fingers into my hair. When I realize that she’s trying to pull my head away from her body, I grab her hands and hold them together with the hand I’m not using on her body. She’ll learn who’s in control right now. Using my other hand, I push a finger into her wet core and pull it back out, adding a second one as I push back in. I latch onto her clit with my mouth and use my tongue and teeth to drive her crazy. Feeling her body begin to tremble with her impending release, I strive to push her over the edge, finally releasing her hands. Using the hand I just freed, I reach up until I find her nipple and start playing with it. Riley arches her back even higher as her breathing speeds up and her moans are almost on top of one another.

  “Gage, so close,” she mumbles out.

  I suck on her clit a little harder at the same time I add pressure with my teeth. It sends her flying over the edge of bliss and I slow my movements down as she comes back to me. Once her breathing has evened out and I know that she’s relaxed, I remove my mouth and fingers from her body and climb my way up to her. I pull her in for a kiss as I line myself up with her opening. Riley’s nails rake down my back as I push inside without pausing or taking my time. I’m too close to the edge to take this slow.

  “From now on, it’s Brock I want to hear from your lips when any part of me is inside you,” I tell her, breaking the kiss and pulling my upper body back a fraction so I can look in her eyes.

  There’s no response from Riley. With the punishing pace that I’m setting, she can’t form a coherent thought. I grip her hips and continue to thrust in and out. Once she finds my rhythm, my girl meets me each and every movement. Pulling her hips up with the bruising grip I have on her body that’s sure to leave marks, I tilt her lower body upward so I can hit the spot that’s going to throw her over the edge quickly. At the same time, I nip and suck on her neck. My full intention was to take my time and savor every inch of her, but as soon as I slid in her I couldn’t take my time anymore.

  “You need to find yours,” I growl out, knowing that I can’t hold off much longer.

  I feel Riley tighten around me and I lose my shit. She’s already the tightest pussy that I’ve ever felt, and I feel more emotions than I have before as soon as I entered her body. Now, she’s tightening around me with a force that causes my movements to become erratic and speed up even more. Finally, I feel her shatter around me and I let go. With three more quick thrusts, I empty myself in her warm, wet body. I call out her name as another small orgasm overtakes her body. She calls out my name and I swear I could cum again hearing my real name fall from her luscious lips.

  Rolling over to my back, I pull my girl with me so that I don’t crush her. Riley is laying on top of me with one hand under her head and one hand rubbing up and down my chest. I have one hand smoothing along her back while our breathing comes back under control. I’ve just had the best experience in my life and isn’t just because of the sex. Tonight, is the first time that I’ve ever had sex with someone that I truly cared about. It’s brought the experience to a whole new level for me and I can’t wait to repeat it.

  “I never knew it could be like that,” Riley tells me, sleep lacing her voice as she runs her nails up and down my stomach.

  “Same beautiful,” I tell her, meaning it while kissing the top of her head.

  “I’m so tired now,” she responds, trying to stifle a yawn.

  “Then I did my job,” I say, pulling her close and grabbing the blanket to cover us up.

  Looking over I make sure that the baby monitor is on before I slide down a little bit to get comfortable. Riley stays laying across my chest as she slowly drifts off. I replay what just happened over again and can’t believe the difference that I feel. Being with Riley just cemented the fact that she is my girl and I’m going to be claiming her before too long.

  Chapter Eight


  WAKING UP THE NEXT MORNING, PLACES on my body hurt that have never hurt before. I stretch and feel the pull and pain as muscles continue to stretch from being worked over. Stretching out my arm, I feel the spot that Gage slept being cool to the touch. This tells me that he hasn’t been in bed for a while. He probably had club business that I didn’t know about. Or something came up. Regardless, it’s time to get on with my day and the first thing I do is check on Shelby to see if she’s still sleeping. Since she is, I take a quick shower before I wake my daughter up to begin our day.

  It’s important to me that we stay on a schedule and if that means waking her up then I’ll have to. Especially since I’m trying to potty train her. If I’m going to go back to work soon, I’m going to need to have Shelby on a schedule so that I know she’s getting everything she needs. Hopefully whoever starts taking care of her can keep her as close as possible to our routine. It’s going to be what’s easiest for her.

  Darcy is supposed to be coming over today so that we can figure out the best way that I can go about finding a babysitter. I’m not going to let just anyone watch my little girl. Especially with all the bullshit surrounding this whole Tammy business. That reminds me that I never did talk to Gage about what I found out. Maybe I should call him to see what he thinks I should do. But, not knowing what he’s doing, I don’t want to bother him.

  Just as I get finished up with feeding Shelby her breakfast, there’s a knock at the door. I know that Gage has still been leaving a guy or two outside standing guard while this mystery woman is running around. So, it must be Darcy at the door. Opening it up without looking through the peephole, I’m stunned to see the Tammy wannabe. She quickly pushes me inside and closes the door before locking it again. Once she turns back to me, I see the gun in her hand and feel my entire body go on red alert. My heart rate increases, I start sweating, and my mind instantly goes to Shelby still sitting in her highchair.

  “We don’t have much time. Get a bag for the brat ready and a few things for yourself. You’re going with me and not going to make a scene so the stupid fucker outside gets alerted more than he already is,” she tells me, not leaving any room for argument with a gun waving in my face.

  “Okay,” I answer meekly, not wanting to upset Shelby. “I’ll take her with me, so I can change her real quick as I’m packing.”

  “Do what you gotta do and make it quick,” she tells me, closing the curtains that I just bought in the living room while peeking out of them through a small slit.

  I nod my head and make my way upstairs. Reaching into my pocket, I look for my phone only to come up empty handed. Thinking back, I left it on the counter when I was making breakfast. It must still be downstairs. There’s no way that I’m going to be able to think of a reason to go down and get it now. I don’t have a house phone up here, and I’m sure that Gage wouldn’t have left his phone here either. Not to mention that I don’t have the first idea of anyone’s phone number because they’re all programmed into my phone. I’m truly fucked right now, and I don’t know what to do.

  I stamp down that panic that’s steadily rising in me so that I can focus on the task at hand. The whole time I’m praying to anyone that will listen that Darcy is running late and won’t show up. If anything were to happen to her because of this mess, I’d never be able to forgive myself. This spurs me to move even faster as I change my daughter and throw a bunch of outfits, diapers, wipes, and a few toys. Walking into my room, I pack a
bag for myself. Not even knowing what I’m throwing in there.

  Heading back downstairs, I see the woman standing in my living room. So, I make the excuse of wanting to pack a few snacks for Shelby so that I can grab my phone off the counter. Making sure that she’s not going to follow me and watch what I’m doing, I slip the phone in my shirt and under my bra so that she doesn’t see it before grabbing a few of Shelby’s favorite snacks. The only thing I want to do right now is call Gage and tell him what’s going on right now, but I know that would be my most dangerous move. It’s bad enough that I grabbed my phone to begin with. Right now, my concern is Shelby and making sure that nothing happens to him.

  “Are you ready to go yet?” she asks, letting her attitude shine through and letting me know that I’m pissing her off.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry. What can I call you? I know that Tammy isn’t your name,” I ask her, wanting to direct her attention anywhere but on me or my daughter.

  “Call me Tammy. We’re going to have to take your car since you have a car seat in it. I’m not drawing any unwanted attention on us,” she lets me know.

  “Okay. The keys are on the stand in the living room,” I tell her as I open the door and start to make my way outside. I look around to see where the guy guarding me is and he’s nowhere to be found.

  “You won’t find him,” Tammy answers me from behind. “Now get a fucking move on before I point this shit at your daughter and pull the trigger.”

  I gasp and quicken my steps even though I’m loaded down with my daughter, the bags, and everything else I’ve picked up along the way. The entire time I’m hoping that nothing jars my phone loose and makes it fall from my bra. There’s no way to tell what she’d do if she discovered it.


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