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Medieval Highlands 01 - Highland Vengeance

Page 13

by K. E. Saxon

  Seating himself next to his bride, Daniel took a moment to watch her eat, reminded of that long ago time when the imp that would become his lovely bride had eaten quite a few of the sweet fruit from Angus’s hoard. If he looked closely, as he was doing now, he could still see the bairn she’d been. A sense of peace and continuity settled over him. This was right, this was how it was meant to be. His mouth quirked in a wry smile. Tho’ Angus was no doubt looking down from the heavens in horror. For who would have thought that the scamp they’d met all those years past, whom they’d both been avid to avoid, would someday be his bride? And that she’d be a lady that he desired more than any he’d ever met, one whom he was growing to care more deeply for with each passing moment?

  A surge of tenderness expanded in Daniel’s chest. He waited for Maryn to swallow her last bite of food before bending down to nibble her bottom lip. “Mmm. You taste of ripe pippins.” He put one arm around her back and used his free hand to stroke her upper arm. When she relaxed against him and sighed, he brought his hand up from where it rested at her waist and held the back of her head as he stroked his tongue into her mouth, in imitation of the rhythm he longed to use when she at last allowed him to mate with her. With each new kiss, he felt her reserve slip a bit more. He knew he was treading a very narrow precipice, that he could so easily go too far and scare her, so he made certain he was always the one to break the embrace.


  Maryn clung to her husband as a throbbing ache began between her thighs and the peaks of her breasts pebbled against his chest. An image of Daniel suckling those sensitive crests flashed through her mind. God, she wanted that. She wanted him to put his mouth on her breasts. Why? Was that normal? Ohmygod. Was she perverted?

  She broke the kiss and scrambled to her feet, bolting into the darkness.


  “Maryn!” Blood of Christ! He’d done it. He’d slipped off that narrow edge and ruined all he’d accomplished in the past days. Daniel ran after her, catching up to her quite a distance away from the fire. Her back was to him and she held her face in her hands. ‘Twas clear he’d made her cry.

  Daniel came up behind her and settled his hands on her shoulders. “Maryn?” he said gently. “I beg you, worry not, sweetheart. For, ‘tis truth, I will never touch you in any way that you do not wish, I give you my oath.”

  Her frame trembled beneath his touch. When she finally spoke, it was with her hands still covering her face. “But, what if I want you to do things to me that are not normal? Truly, I am perverted, Daniel!”

  Daniel’s smile was tender as he said, “What madness is this? You are not perverted—you are untouched, a virgin. There is a substantial difference.”

  “Nay! I am perverted.” Her hands fell away from her face, but her gaze stretched ahead, into the darkness. “You are right to love the lady Jesslyn! My father will know how best to obtain an annulment. We must speak to him in all haste upon our arrival.”

  Daniel’s stomach clenched. With a sharp shake of his head, he said, “Nay.” Then, more forcefully: “We will not have our marriage annulled. And I do not love Jesslyn—not in the way that you mean. I thought you understood that.” He gave her shoulders a light squeeze. “What happened back there, Maryn?”

  She gave him no answer.

  He turned her around to face him and, bringing her chin up with the tips of his fingers, forced her to look into his eyes. “What things, Maryn? What things do you want me to do that you fear are not normal?”

  She jerked out of his embrace and turned away from him again. He could see how deeply distressed she was by the quick rise and fall of her shoulders as she breathed.

  “I beg you, sweetheart, tell me what you fear. I’ll wager my sword and my war horse that ‘tis quite normal.”

  That seemed to ease her, if ever so slightly, for her shoulders relaxed, tho’ she still said naught. That was fine, for he was a patient man, he could wait as long as was needed to receive her reply.

  Her voice, when she finally spoke, was barely audible. Daniel had to strain to hear her. “Before, when you were kissing me and putting your tongue in my mouth…”

  God, she was so unknowingly arousing, and yet so sweet. And he was now so painfully ready for her that he was in peril of erupting, even as they stood there. “When my tongue was in your mouth…?” he prompted, wanting, needing, to hear all of what she’d imagined them doing together.

  His bride took in two very deep breaths before continuing. “I felt my heartbeat down…there. Oh, God! I cannot tell you!” Covering her face with her hands once more she groaned in humiliation.

  Daniel came up to her then and turned her to face him before wrapping his arms around her. He stroked his fingers through the hair at the base of her neck and cradled her head in his hand, pressing her forehead against his chest before whispering against her ear, “And then what did you imagine me doing, Maryn? Tell me. Naught you say will shock me, nor will it make me dislike you, I swear it.”

  “I wanted you to kiss my naked breasts, to suckle them as a babe does its mama,” she mumbled. Her forehead pressed hard against his chest. “‘Tis not normal!”

  The fact that his erection jerked against his bride’s belly and she remained completely oblivious to it underscored to Daniel just how innocent she truly was. He’d need to tread very softly. “On the contrary, sweetheart, ‘tis quite normal. A man enjoys kissing a woman’s breasts—and I shall enjoy doing such to you, when you are ready for me to do so.” He kissed her cheek and then placed his hands on her shoulders to draw her back so that he could see her face. “In fact, I want you to give me a promise. Will you, Maryn?”

  She sniffled and said, “Aye.”

  “Will you give me your promise that you will tell me all the things you imagine me doing to you, or that you imagine doing to me?”

  Her rapid pulse was visible under the smooth skin of her neck as she gaped up at him.

  “I want you not to be afraid of what you are feeling. And if you do not understand what is happening, who better to explain it to you than your husband—the person who will one day be your lover?”

  Knowing she would be just this embarrassed each time, but realizing he was right, that she needed him to help her understand these new feelings, Maryn answered, “Aye. I will tell you.”

  Her husband kissed her then. Hard and long and passionately. He held her so tightly, her lungs could not take in air. And she kissed him back. He’d unknowingly given her permission to do the thing she’d been wanting to do for days. She kissed him.


  They arrived at the Maclean holding three days later. Although her husband had been much more solicitous toward her during the remainder of the journey, Maryn was unable to stem her unease with regard to his continued closeness to the widow, for the two had spent time together as well along the way.

  As they entered the courtyard, Maryn noticed her father standing with the other elders of the Donald clan, waiting to greet them. The Maclean elders were also in attendance and she was pleased to see that Lady Maclean, Daniel’s grandmother, was there as well. Apparently both clans intended to be represented upon the new Laird’s arrival.

  Maryn looked over at Daniel to gauge his reaction, but was unable to read the expression on his face. Was he feeling at all anxious or uncertain about the task he’d committed to perform? In a flash of mental clarity, she at last grasped the incredible undertaking that he was expected to perform. She promised herself in that moment that she would not be the cause of any added worry to him, that she would be a help-meet to him, not an additional burden.


  Daniel raised his hand in solute to all those waiting for them in the courtyard as several stablemen came over to take their horses. “I thought your mare liked no one else to handle her,” he remarked, surprised at the mare’s docile retreat.

  “She’s visited these stables many times o’er the years and is familiar with the stablemen.”

  Daniel nodded. Taking Maryn’s han
d, he walked with her over to the assembled group, leaving Jesslyn and Alleck to follow behind. His stride was too long for his bride to keep up with and she stumbled. He slowed his pace, but kept his eyes focused forward, on the gathering of elders and the grandmother he’d seen only once so many years before.

  She was thinner now and her hair had gone completely gray. Although she was still quite tall, there was a slight stoop to her shoulders that had not been there the last time they’d met. And she looked much too fragile.


  As Lady Maclean walked toward her now-grown grandson, she eagerly studied him as well. His features were more mature, more rugged, than they’d been the last time she’d seen him. And he’d gained muscle along with a bit more height as well. Lord, but what a handsome devil he’d turned out to be. And by the avid way in which his young bride’s eyes continually returned to him, she knew the lass thought so as well.


  Relieved to see that his grandmother’s gate was strong, Daniel smiled in greeting.

  “My grandson has arrived at last,” she said brightly as she stopped before him. “Such joy have I felt these past days knowing that I would finally gaze upon your beautiful face once more.” Placing her hand on his upper arm, she turned him this way and that, saying, “Let me look at you.”

  Daniel laughed, amused by her inspection. Clearly, she intended to see every angle of him. “Do I meet with your approval, then?”

  “Aye, that you do, my fine lad,” she replied thickly, lifting her moist, joyous gaze up to his.

  Seeing the love, the laughter, there—just as he’d seen all those years past, sent a warm surge of emotion through Daniel. Home. He was home now, he realized with some surprise. Then, seemingly of their own volition, his arms opened wide, and she unhesitatingly stepped into them. This, he now understood, was yet another reason to be very glad that he’d agreed to the contract.


  Maryn was astonished by the transformation she saw in her husband; she had never before seen such joy on his countenance. And the undeniably deep affection he shared with his grandmother pleased her greatly as well, for she knew that he had lost the family to whom he’d been close as a lad. Now, he would share a home with his estranged grandmother, and he might just find a bit of heart’s ease in the doing of it.

  Her husband’s arms wrapped more tightly around Lady Maclean. “Grandmother,” he said, his voice hoarse, “you are as slight as an arrow-slit. My arms could fit around you twice. Are you well?”

  “Aye, lad, I’m quite fit. But I shall not be for long, if you do not allow me to breathe.” Then she returned his embrace with just as much force, giving falsehood to her claim.

  Grinning from ear-to-ear, her husband kissed Lady Maclean’s damp cheek and reluctantly disengaged from her. “Know you my bride, Maryn?”

  Lady Maclean enveloped Maryn in a familiar hug. “Aye, I am well acquainted with this sweet, mischievous lass.” Maryn felt her face flame, but grinned anyway. Pulling away, but still resting her hands on Maryn’s shoulders, Lady Maclean said, “‘Tis thrilled I am that I may now call you ‘granddaughter’.”

  Grateful for the older woman’s generous and forgiving nature, Maryn bowed her head. “I thank you. And ‘tis pleased I am to be part of your family now as well.”

  Just then, the lady Jesslyn, holding her son’s hand, stepped forward and stood beside Daniel.

  Maryn tensed.


  When Lady Maclean felt her new granddaughter’s shoulders stiffen beneath her palms, she followed the path of her gaze. A tall flaxen-haired beauty stood much too close to her grandson. Instantly realizing there was something amiss, she tucked her arm around Maryn and decided to have a private word with her later about the situation. With her head cocked in the direction of the new arrival, she gave Daniel a questioning look.

  “My apologies, Grandmother. This is Jesslyn MacCreary. She and her son, Alleck, have come as our guests. Is there an empty cottage they might dwell in?”

  Lady Maclean nodded. “We have a cottage that has been empty for some time that I believe will do quite well for your guests.” She acknowledged the woman then, saying, “‘Tis pleased I am to meet you. I’m sure you will find the cottage to your liking. It boasts a rather large front room and two small bedchambers, along with a good sized hearth for cooking.”

  “I thank you, Lady Maclean. The cottage sounds wonderful. My son and I appreciate your generosity.”

  “The long journey must surely have tired you. After we have given you refreshment, I shall show you to the cottage myself.”

  “Aye, we are both quite weary.”


  Maryn’s father moved to stand at her side. “Daughter,” he said. And with a gentle tug, he pulled her away from Lady Maclean and enveloped her in his arms.

  “Papa,” Maryn said softly, happily.

  After a moment her father stepped back and stroked a stray strand of hair away from her face. “So, you are well, my dove? Has Daniel been treating my bairn gently, as ‘twas my command?”

  Maryn decided it best not to worry him with the problems she and her husband were having. Not yet, at least. There would be time enough for that conversation later, if it became necessary. For, in the past days, Daniel had been quite attentive to her. And the intimate discussion they’d had that first night of their journey had engendered the sense of closeness she’d been craving, giving her some amount of hope for her alliance with him. “Aye, Papa, I am quite well. And Daniel has been gentle and kind to me, fear not.”

  With a broad smile, he replied, “‘Tis pleased I am to hear it, my dove, quite pleased.” He turned around and motioned to the clan elders.

  Moving en masse toward Daniel, they gave their greetings and expressed their hopes that they might meet with him on the morrow, noon. At Daniel’s agreement, the group quickly dispersed.


  A few minutes later, having led them all to the great hall, Lady Maclean arranged for refreshments to be brought to the table and asked that they settle around it, not in the usual mode, so that they might converse while they enjoyed their repast. While they waited, she explained to Daniel, “My daughter and Callum are visiting the MacGregor holding. I thought it best that you get your bearings with the new clan before meeting your cousin, the previous laird. They’ll not return for at least a moon.”

  “I look forward to meeting my aunt and her son,” Daniel replied. Although he had no qualms about meeting his cousin beforehand, he saw the wisdom of his grandmother’s decision. If Callum held any resentment for his ousting as chieftain, ‘twould only make Daniel’s shift into the position that much more difficult.


  At first, Alleck had been a bit shy around all the new people, but once he entered the great hall and had been given a cup of milk, he felt like exploring his surroundings. Gazing around, he saw a really good set of knucklebones lying on a table next to a stool by the hearth. He scooted off of the bench while his mother was busy answering a question that the old lady had asked her and shuffled over to the table. After picking up a few pieces and tossing them to see how well they worked, he set them down and wandered over to look behind the screen of the buttery. It looked almost the same as the one at the MacLaurin holding, so he lost interest in that area and turned to see where the door at the back of the hall led.

  “Alleck, come back and sit down beside me,” his mother said.

  Sighing, Alleck walked back over to the table, a slight pout on his mouth. What if there were no other lads to play with here? Oooh! What if only lasses lived here? He had not thought of that before. As he climbed back up onto the bench and settled himself between his mother and Maryn, he looked at the old lady across the table and said, “There are not just lasses livin’ here, are there?”

  Having raised one son and helped to raise a grandson, Lady Maclean was quite familiar with the workings of wee lads’ minds. Smiling affectionately at the handsome bairn, she replied, “Nay. There are many lads like
yourself in the village, and they enjoy fishing in the loch and playing in the glen. We’ll make sure you meet a few of them when I take you to your cottage later. Would you like that, Alleck?”

  “Aye!” Alleck yelled, nearly bouncing off his seat in his excitement.

  “The lad reminds me so much of Maryn at that age, do you not agree?” Lady Maclean said to Laird Donald.

  Laird Donald crossed himself. “Lord help us.”

  Daniel chuckled.

  Maryn rolled her eyes at her father.


  All other voices faded into the background, as Daniel studied Maryn from across the table. He wondered if she saw the same resemblance. She was paying such particular attention to the lad, speaking to him in low tones, that ‘twas clear that she at least had a strong affinity for the bairn. And Alleck was just as taken with Maryn, it seemed. His eyes were worshipful as he gazed up at her, hanging onto her every word.

  Daniel was jolted from his musings when Jesslyn settled her hand over his.

  “Do you not agree?” she asked.

  He smiled at her and nodded. “Aye.” He had no idea what he’d just agreed to, but surely ‘twas naught of true consequence.


  Maryn’s head shot up. The man had just consented to Jesslyn’s suggestion that she and her son dine with them each eve! And the woman held Daniel’s hand—in view of everyone! Eyes narrowed into slits, she turned her angry gaze upon him. Had he lied? Did he permit such liberties because they’d been lovers?

  “My thanks, Daniel,” the lady Jesslyn replied.

  Maryn cleared her throat so hard it burned.

  The lady Jesslyn met Maryn’s gaze and jerked her hand away.


  Laird Donald, unaware of the tension between the two ladies, focused his attention on the fine meal he’d had placed before him.

  But Lady Maclean was quite attuned to it. She thought Jesslyn had an unseemly habit of hoarding her grandson’s attention. Who was she to Daniel? There was something very wrong with the situation, she could feel it in her bones.


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