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Ready For Flynn,Part 3: A Rockstar Romance: Ready For Flynn Series

Page 7

by K. L. Shandwick

  Kayden chuckled, nudging her shoulder, “Val you’ve seen this before. Martin and I had a bottle of it when we had a party that one time. You never noticed the worm?”

  “Jesus, how are you still alive, drinking that?” Val asked, shuddering at the thought. Then stopped and stared at Kayden, because she realized what she’d said. He was the brother who survived, but Martin had died in an accident, not by drinking tequila.

  Kayden pulled her in and hugged away the pained expression she had, “It’s okay, Valerie, you’re allowed to say normal stuff like that. I’m not made of glass,” he said to make her feel better. Valerie smiled up at him because she used the same analogy whenever someone tiptoed around her for fear of upsetting her.

  I scooted forward in the seat and poured tequila in half of the shot glasses, then passed the bottle to Craig who finished the rest. Licking my left hand across my thumb, I placed salt there and grabbed a piece of lime. “Okay, babe, watch. This is how you drink it,” I said, as I quickly licked the salt, threw the shot back, and bit into the lime, while I tried not to make a face at the combination of the burn from the liquor and the sour taste of the lime.

  “Your turn,” I said, lining one up for Valerie. Taking her hand, I slowly licked across her thumb while maintaining eye contact with her. I knew it was a seductive move, but I wanted her to feel sexy. Valerie smiled down at me as I held her hand and reached to pass her one of the shot glasses.

  “All right. Ready, babe? Do it quickly, aaaand go! Lick the salt,” she scraped her tongue over the salty patch, held the shot to her lips and tipped her head back, throwing the liquid down her throat. She stood gasping for air when the liquor took its effect, waving her hand in front of her face. I grabbed the lime and stuck it between her lips, “Suck,” I demanded. She sucked hard on the lime, then made ten crazy faces one after the other while we all broke out laughing at her still fighting for breath.

  “Did I just hear you tell this beautiful vision to suck, Flynn Docherty?”

  Straightening up, I came face-to-face with Billy’s cocky face, who was regarding all of us with a glint of amusement.

  “Sure did, and I’m the only guy she’ll take that order from,” I stated, defensively.

  Billy chuckled and leaned in near Valerie, “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure,” he said, turning on his full charm and charisma.

  “Valerie,” she said, with a rare nervousness in her voice when meeting someone.

  “It’s my very great pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman,” he smiled warmly and held her hand a second too long while he eye-fucked her.

  I was fucking livid, but my time around him had taught me never to show any weakness.

  Hiding how incensed I was, I moved in and slid a protective arm around Valerie’s waist.

  “I haven’t seen you since we did that gig a few years ago, Billy. What have you been up to?”

  “Just come back from touring, doing a few one-offs here and there,” he said pointedly at Valerie before continuing, “But mainly enjoying some breathing space. I wanted a rest for a few months before we’re back in the studio for our next album,” he said never taking his eyes off of her. “So, darling, where are you from?”

  “Iowa,” Valerie replied, in a small voice. She’d been standing beside me so quietly I knew she was starstruck.

  “Ah, so that’s where they hide all the best-looking women these days.”

  I’d heard enough, “All right, you’ve had your fun, knock it the fuck off. Valerie’s my woman, the mother of my boy and we’re deliriously fucking happy so move it along Billy, there’s nothing to see here,” I said, half-laughing, but I’d never been more serious in my life.

  “So, what does Valerie say about that?” he said, willing to ignore me and continue to make the situation so uncomfortable that I was almost reaching for his throat.

  “Valerie says you’re full of bull, and you should keep your bullshit for some poor woman that laps that kind of thing up because I’m not that girl. I’d rather spend a day with my guy, Flynn, than a lifetime with you.”

  Billy almost choked on the beer he was swigging and looked at her in disbelief.

  “Real smooth, Billy. Glad those lines work on some women,” I said cracking up in a fit of laughter.

  “Like a baby’s ass,” Kayden commented in a sarcastic tone and began laughing as well.

  Billy looked a little pissed off, but it served him right for hitting on her. The way he was going, I’d have given it another couple of minutes before I’d have throat punched the dude for daring to try it on with her.

  “Well fuck, you have to admit it was worth a try,” he smirked, like rejection was water off a duck’s back, “Glad to have met you. I’m not as naïve as you think when it comes to your woman, Flynn, heard all kind of good things about her,” he said, checking Val out again. I was pretty happy with him looking as long as he felt jealous that she was mine.

  Shortly afterward, I could see he was uncomfortable at being rejected and when he wasn’t getting the attention he was used to, so he made his excuses and went back to his own party. I turned to Valerie, “You had the hots for him, I saw you,” I said, not sure whether to be glad she blew him off or worried that I’d seen something in her eyes I’d never seen before.

  “Honestly? All right, I did…before he spoke,” she chuckled, “He’s just killed every teenage fantasy I had since I was fourteen. What an ass,” she said, her lips curving into a smile.

  Grabbing her by her waist, I turned and led her over toward the glass dance floor, “Come with me, I need to hold and claim my woman; I want to show everyone who you came here with. If another one of those dude’s hits on you, they’re gonna find my foot firmly wedged up their asshole,” I said, in all seriousness.

  Stepping onto the dancefloor it was as if the DJ interpreted my mood, “Loving Can Hurt” by Ed Sheeran began to play. I spun Valerie away from me and jerked her back sharply to my chest. My hand landed protectively on her back as her body slammed deliciously against mine. Sliding my hands to her hips, I turned her to face away from me before pulling her back against my front. She felt awesome in my arms as her ass swept gently back and forth against the hard bulge in my pants as we swayed to the music.

  Even though the place was crowded, I sang the words into her ear. It was a private concert that no one else had been invited to. I felt her body heave and sigh as she sagged backward against me. She reached back and held my thighs like we still weren’t close enough and rolled her head and dropped it to the side as she lost herself in the sensation of being young and having some freedom for a change.

  After a few minutes, she turned her head to look at me while I continued to sing the words. The chemistry in our connection was so deep we forgot everything else. The air around us seemed to thicken, and the short instrumental made the time for us to steal a tender unhurried kiss before I began singing again. Looking up over her shoulder at me she smiled affectionately and for the hundredth time since I’d met her, I wondered how I’d gotten so lucky in love.

  Turning into me, she snuck her hands up the inside of my shirt and kissed the center of my chest through my shirt, “There’s not a man in this entire building who can hold a torch to you, Flynn. I love you so much,” she said, right before one of her hands left the warmth of my chest and grabbed a handful of my hair. Her fingernails scraped my scalp, and it made me so damned hard for her.

  My dick always behaved like I was a teenage boy seeing a naked woman for the first time around her. I had no control over it, and it seemed to respond as soon as she was near me. Reaching down I held her close to me and slid my hands to her ass cheeks.

  “You’re so fucking hot, baby,” I said, looking down at her appreciatively.

  “I know, Billy whatever just said so,” she smirked with a goading look in her eyes.

  “So what I say doesn’t count, now?”

  “No, you’re biased,” she giggled.

bsp; “You’d rather take the word of a man-whore over mine?”

  “Of course, because he’s probably the only man I’ve met who’s had more women than you’ve had,” she stated.

  I didn’t know how to respond to that because she was right, but not that I’d had that many since leaving college. I ignored the comment and led her back to Kayden and the others at our table. They were engaged in a shots competition, and a few minutes later we were deep in competition with them matching each other shot for shot.

  Twenty minutes later, Valerie was three sheets to the wind drunk, swaying this way and that, and giggling her way through several sexy dances we’d had together. Her inhibitions were much lower, and I saw the boldness in the bedroom becoming apparent in public.

  At one point she totally forgot herself and sat astride me. Valerie, as RedA’s manager, would never have done such a thing. She had always been conscious of the media, but the effect of the alcohol made her much more uninhibited. She wiggled her crotch against my straining dick. It was totally out of character for her, but “Mmm,” she groaned, “I’m beginning to like the feeling of alcohol.”

  I glanced around the darkened room and decided it didn’t matter who was watching. They could take as many pictures as they liked. Pictures of us weren’t that newsworthy everyone knew she was mine anyway. All the media were interested in was trying to capture shots of me with other women and tagging it with a caption that questioned my devotion to her. Chuckling, I said, “That’s not alcohol down there, that’s lust.”

  “Is that so?” she mused.

  “I want you to fuck me, Flynn.”

  “Nothing would give me more pleasure, babe, but we’re in a room full of people.”

  “I know,” she groaned. “How soon can we leave?”

  I glanced around for Lee and saw he was dancing with Niamh, “You really want to get out of here?”

  “Why did you bring me here?”

  “To get you drunk and have fun,” I replied, smirking.

  “Okay, you did that. Can we go home and have some fun there now?”

  Gazing intensely into my eyes I knew what she wanted. I nodded and moved her off my knee, seated her next to Simone on the sofa, then went to speak to Lee.

  “We’re gonna get out of here,” I said. Lee looked at Niamh and held her gaze for a second then looked back at me and nodded.

  “Sure, Boss. Let me call the driver,” I glanced back at Niamh and read the disappointment on her face. They had both been having a good time.

  “No, stay here with the others, we’ll be fine. Just get us a car and we’ll take Rita back to the house. You can come home with the others when you’ve all had enough.”

  Lee’s eyes darted to Niamh and back to mine, “You sure you’re okay with that Boss?”

  I knew what he was asking. It was none of my business what he and Niamh did when I wasn’t around.

  “Yep, have fun, see you tomorrow morning,” I smirked and glanced back at Niamh, who was biting her bottom lip a little embarrassed that I’d probably guessed they liked each other. It wasn’t exactly news to me. I’d been seeing little snippets here and there of their conversations and noticed the closeness that had been developing between them.

  Chapter 7

  Running off at the mouth


  Lee still left Niamh waiting for him when the minibus arrived to take Valerie and I home. As conscientious as always he’d insisted on seeing us safely to the car. We ran into Billy again as we waited for the elevator.

  “You sure you wouldn’t rather leave with me?” he asked Valerie in a seductive tone while nudging her with his elbow.

  “Definitely, I’ve got a date with Flynn’s beautiful cock; you’d have to be something pretty special to drag me away from that,” she said deadpan and I burst out laughing because the girl definitely couldn’t hold her liquor.

  “Valerie’s had a few shots this evening,” I said as I laughed my way through explaining her less than secret plan for when we got home and turned to tease her, “Is that all I am to you, Valerie, a cock?” I cackled at her blatant disregard for discretion.

  “Oh no, baby you’re a beautiful cock and so much more. You’re long fingers, a hot teasing tongue, toned hard abs and pecs, beautiful lips—”

  “Dammit, I’ve heard enough, she’s pretty into you, Flynn, take her home and take good care of her,” Billy smiled ruefully, and shook his head at Valerie’s description.

  “And fuck me hard, he has to do that,” she added, “Definitely that,” she confirmed nodding as if to herself, and I knew she’d be mortified. She’d never have said something like that had she been sober.

  Kayden had stepped out of the restroom in the corridor and his head whipped around to look at Valerie. He’d heard what she’d said. Looking in my direction, he scowled at me. I shook my head and mouthed, “She’s had one too many.”

  “All right, let’s get you home before you say something you’ll never live down, if you haven’t already,” I stated as the elevator arrived.

  “I don’t know about living down, but I’m definitely going down tonight,” she said, with a wicked glint in her eyes, and reached out to grab my dick through my dress pants as we stepped into the elevator.

  “Okay, little Miss horny, save it until we’re home,” I said, chuckling at her blatant desire.

  Valerie nodded, giving me a coy look as she leaned against the wall. I pulled her against me when the door closed. The elevator car had started to move and she shuffled her feet trying to remain steady. “Damn how many of those things did you have?” I asked.

  “Shots? Eight or nine? I don’t know I lost count. It could have been more, but I think it was the champagne that made me woozy,” she giggled, as she hung onto the waistband of my pants. Rita stood looking at her shoes and tried to blend into the elevator wall. It had made me feel sorry for her and smile at the same time. When I glanced down, Valerie was staring up at me with a drunken lopsided smile, “I love you, Flynn Docherty.”

  “Not enough to marry me, though, huh?” I stated, half in humor, half seriously.

  “Are you trying to take advantage of me because I’m drunk?”

  “Always. You’re a horny drunk. We should buy shares in a tequila company,” I replied with a wicked grin.

  The elevator doors opened, and Valerie let me lead her to the car. Once inside, she snuggled into my arm and kissed my neck, “So tell me what you’re going to do to me when we get home,” she said, loudly. The driver coughed and stifled a laugh as he started the engine.

  “Everything you’ll let me,” I replied and caught the awkward, embarrassed look from Rita before she slid in next to the driver.

  “That’s everything then,” she grinned wickedly and wiggled her eyebrows.

  I stared into her gorgeous eyes and saw the effect of all the alcohol and how lusty she was, “Valerie you are a horny, naughty drunk.”

  “You think?” she said, rubbing her hand across my semi-hard dick. “Have I ever told you I love your cock?”

  I grinned widely and a chuckle escaped my throat, “Val, babe, the driver can hear you,” I told her softly, knowing she’d be mortified when I told her how loose her tongue was after drinking.

  “Well, I’m not saying anything that’s not true,” she said and looked in the direction of the driver, “I do.”

  I’ll give the driver credit, he tried not to comment but his shoulders shook, and I could tell he was silently laughing at her. I glanced over at Rita, and she’d hidden her face in her hair; I bet she was wishing she was somewhere else.

  “I love how thick it is, and that big head is so fleshy, shiny and smooth,” I bent and kissed her to stop her describing what my dick looked like to everyone present, but I couldn’t help smiling during our kiss.

  Breaking the kiss, she groped me again, giving my cock a tight squeeze “I really want to suck you right now.”

  “Hold that thought,” I
said and gave up trying to stop her thoughts from falling out of her drunken mouth.

  She sat quietly for a minute then turned back to me, “Aren’t you going to tell me what you’re going to do to me?”

  “I will when we get home, babe,” I said, trying to save her blushes by diverting the conversation.

  “Look we’re home,” I said nodding toward the gate. Rita pressed the fob that unlocked them, and she sat quietly fixated on the moving gates for a moment.

  Fortunately, Valerie didn’t comment further until we got inside. Rita couldn’t even look at us, and mumbled about not setting the alarm so the others could get in when they got home. She disappeared down the corridor to her room leaving Valerie and me on the bottom step. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she flopped against me, “So where were we?” she asked in a slurry voice.

  “I believe you wanted to reacquaint yourself with my dick,” I smiled and tried not to laugh.

  “I did…I do,” she said, wide-eyed and started tugging at my belt buckle.

  I held my hands up and grinned as she undid my belt and pants right there in the hallway. “Wouldn’t you rather we took this upstairs, babe?”

  She stopped for a second, tilted her head to the side, and stared into my eyes, “Will you taste any better up there?”

  “Guess not,” I smiled at her.

  “Well, then…” she said, smiled seductively, and dropped to her knees.

  Pulling my dick out she gripped it firmly and stuffed it straight in her mouth. I hissed loudly when she wrapped her lips around my crown and sucked hard, “Fuck! Gently, babe,” I coaxed when the power behind her suction almost turned me inside out.

  She pulled my cock out of her mouth and wrapped her hand around making a fist and continued to tug at me, “You still haven’t told me what you’d like to do to me,” she probed.

  I covered her hand with mine and helped her continue to stroke me a little more gently. “God, I’d love to stretch your boundaries, Val, but not when you’re drunk.”

  Her hand stopped moving, “What do you mean?”


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