"What's so funny?" I asked.
Cassie walked over and kissed the top of my head. "You are."
Brenda stifled her laugh and tried to get back to work on the bridesmaid dress in her lap. “Us have sex with you? You are hilarious.” Donna looked out the window, trying to appear disinterested. It dawned on me that—yes, I’m slow on the uptake—Donna didn’t dally with me in the bathroom as part of the bridesmaids’ plan. It must have been entirely on impulse. That made it all the more hot for me. And Donna didn’t seem to want the others to know. I might be able to use that to my advantage.
Good to know.
In Brenda’s hands, I could see two triangles of stretchy fabric, dyed to match the bridesmaid dress in her lap. Brenda was adding the triangles to the bodice. Brenda smiled. "You turned out a little more gifted than I anticipated, up here." She motioned to her breasts.
"Try it on!" Cassie said. "I want to see how sexy Amber looks."
“Who’s Amber?” I said. Cassie pinched my butt cheek and I jerked away.
“Ooh,” Cassie cooed, “the guys are going to be all over you, Amber baby. What man doesn’t want to bag the shy, hot virgin?” Cassie ran her hand along my arm. “I hope you’re well rested, Amber.”
Amber. I was Amber.
With a flare of her nostrils, Brenda said, "Absolutely not. Andy...I mean Amber is all damp from her shower.
"I'll take Amber for a walk,” Donna said. “That'll dry her off." She opened the front door of my cabin. A stand of trees was all that I could see, but I could hear the murmur of other wedding guests about, carried in on the cool night breeze. My hands shot up to cover my breasts and my crotch. The impulse to run for the woods was strong—anything to get away from this coven of cruelty—but I didn’t know what was beyond the woods, and I couldn’t run out there naked.
“Shut the door,” I hissed, mortified. “Someone might see me!”
“Everyone is going to see you,” Brenda said, sewing away busily. “That’s your punishment. You have to go to the wedding in this body.”
“No! I can’t do that.”
“Oh, you will,” Donna said. She lifted my chin with her hand, and I could tell from the look in Donna’s eyes that she was determined. Once again, I was struck by the odd perspective of Donna being taller than me. Cassie was taller than me, too. Even though Brenda was sitting down, I knew I was shorter than her too, since Brenda was the tallest of the three. I was a little waif compared to them.
I wondered if the Feminzol had to shrink my height in order to gain the mass for my heavy chest. Thinking about it, I realized that my hips were way wider, too, and well padded, as was my butt. I used to consist of lean, sleek lines, and now I was a short bundle of curves. There was little point in trying to figure out the Feminzol, but I couldn’t help it. Maybe thinking about it would help me find the antidote.
“You can’t take Amber for a walk while she’s naked,” Brenda said. “Lisa will kill us all if we cause a scandal at her wedding.”
“Good point,” Donna said, letting go of my chin. “But all we brought for her was the bridesmaid dress.” Donna’s eyes lit up, and she snapped her fingers. “Cassie, my beach skirt is on the bathroom floor.”
“On it!” Cassie cried. In a blink, Cassie was back from the bathroom, and she squatted down beside me. “Lift your foot,” she said. I did, and stepped into the beach wrap. Cassie pulled it up, and the elastic strained to get past my wide hips. On Donna, the beach skirt was loose and looked sporty and somewhat conservative, but my hips were so wide and plush, in contrast to Donna’s, that the skirt stretched tight. What had been a little peekaboo side slit when Donna wore the skirt became a brazen, open side, exposing the entirety of my upper thigh. I didn’t feel less naked, to tell the truth.
“There are plenty of tee shirts in his luggage,” Brenda said. “Quite the fashion plate Andy is…was.”
“Oh, no,” Cassie said. “Too loose. Here.” Cassie whipped the wide knit sweater she wore over her head, and then made me slip it on. Goosebumps formed on her tan shoulders, beside the spaghetti straps of her red top.
“Look who’s come out to play,” Donna said. Her fingers tweaked my nipples, and I looked down. It must have been the chilly night air—my nipples, which seemed to be light pink before, were darker now, and jutted out through the loose knit sweater. “This saucy bitch is excited,” Donna said.
“I am not! It’s the cold air!” I batted at Donna’s hands, but that did no good.
“Sure it is,” Donna replied. It had to be. I couldn’t be excited. Why would a sexy outfit make me excited? My world was upside down. Sure, wearing the clothes was better than being naked, but it was just a too-small skirt and a tight sweater. Big deal. I caught sight of myself in the mirror. Okay, so I looked hot—except that my wet hair was a mess—but what was the big deal? It was nothing to get excited about.
Donna continued to tweak and pinch my nipples, an amused grin on her face. I hated that she was doing that, but I didn’t want her to stop.
Cassie let out a squeak. I turned, afraid of what was next. Cassie was crouched down beside the bed and reaching under it. When she stood back up there was a shoe box in her hands. "Better practice with these," Cassie said. Opening the box, Cassie showed me a pair of high heels dyed to match the bridesmaid dress Brenda was working on. High heels—wonderful.
Cassie knelt in front of me and lifted my foot up. I leaned on Donna for balance. “Here you go, Cinderella,” Cassie said. “And now the other one.” I teetered for a bit, trying to find my balance. How did women walk in these? Why did they allow this convention to stand? Heels were nothing more than torture devices, and maybe a passive way of hobbling women so men could catch them when they ran.
This puzzled me, until I caught sight of myself in the mirror again. Whew! I looked sexy. My butt was pushed out in the back, and my thigh jutted through the skirt’s slit. What a little vixen I was! I’d totally roofie me!
Cassie wolf-whistled. “Hoochie Mama! You’ll be beating them off with a stick, Amber!” Ugh. That brought reality crashing back down. I was so humiliated, standing among these three women dressed like I was, and they wanted me to go to the wedding, where there would be strangers, and even worse, men! That would make my humiliation complete. Why were they being so vindictive? I roofied them. So what? They would have had sex with me anyway. I just took the faster route.
My ankles buckled. “Suck it up,” Brenda said, still staring down at her work. “They’re not even that high.” Nonetheless, from my very first step I was certain I was destined to fall flat on my butt.
"C'mon, let’s take a stroll," Donna said. The tee shirt was sticking to her breasts. The hem of the shirt floated around her tan thighs, those delicious tan thighs, and her face still had a warm, post-orgasm glow. "Heel to toe. Stand up straight. Engage your abs. You can do it. Let your hips and knees sway. Be sexy, girl, like the slut you are."
“The slut you will be,” Cassie said, bouncing up and down in her red Keds, clapping her hands. "Oh, Amber, you look so hot. I'm calling Maxim for a photo shoot." Brenda laughed as she pushed the needle through the fabric.
Donna pulled me by the hand to the door. I looked out on the rustling woods—dark, deep, and menacing, and yanked my hand from Donna’s grip. I pressed my palms to the doorframe.
"Outside?" I cried. "No. Please no. Someone will see me. I'm almost naked. Please! What if someone sees me?"
"Don't worry, Amber," Donna said. "I'll protect you." Her eyes seemed to contain genuine affection. I bet she would protect me. But the cool ocean air wafted in, riding over my exposed skin, reminding me of how little I wore. “And you’re not naked. You look…sexy.” There was a twinkle in Donna’s eye as she said that.
"Isn't it horrible,” Brenda chimed in, “just horrible to be reduced to a sexual object? Pity you didn't think of that before you reduced the three of us to sexual objects. Now you have to pay."
"No," I pleaded, clinging
tightly to the door frame. "Please."
I stumbled forward from the slap of Cassie's hand on my butt. "Go outside with Donna and practice walking," Cassie said. “You don’t get a choice. You didn’t leave us a choice. What a dumb slut you are!”
"Hey," Brenda said. She rose up off the chair and hip-checked Cassie aside. "That looked like fun." Brenda's palm landed loudly on my butt. I yelped. My hands clutched at the doorframe. The lights from my cabin tapered off at the edge of the woods, and beyond all was dark and breezy.
"Don't bruise her," Donna said, standing outside the door, the wind whipping my tee shirt against her body. Donna flicked my nipple and smiled. “Just tease her.”
"She can take it," Cassie replied. Now both Cassie and Brenda spanked me while Donna played with my nipples. My ass started to feel hot with blood rush, and my boobs jiggled with each strike. Even though we faced the woods, my face burned hotly at the thought of how public this humiliation was. I’d later grow to appreciate that this was relatively private.
"Watch this," Brenda said, and then walloped me so hard my breath caught in my throat. "Handprint!" Donna was yanking on both my nipples now, and they were rock hard. Donna’s face sported a wicked smile.
"That's nothing," Cassie countered, and then landed a solid blast on my ass using her Keds sneaker. “What a dirty little bitch you are, Amber. You hurt us, and now we’ll hurt you.” Brenda swatted me again with her big strong hand, and then the sneaker returned with its stinging bite. They alternated back and forth until finally, I moaned.
I tried to be stoic, but the moan just slipped out. I wanted to take what they were dishing out to me, but they were relentless, and the thought entered my mind that they would continue until they got a reaction out of me. My ass burned as I stood between the three women—me nearly naked, them fully clothed. Tears flowed down my cheeks when I finally asked, "Why are you doing this to me?"
Donna pinched my nipple ruthlessly, giving it a twist, and leaned forward. Her hot breath washed over my face. "If you have to ask why, then you haven't learned your lesson yet, you rapist-bitch."
I moaned again when Cassie hit me with her sneaker. “I think Amber likes it,” Cassie quipped.
Brenda grabbed hold of my burning butt cheek and growled, "It's going to get worse. You deserve all you get for what you did."
My eyes welled up, and I was awash with shame and regret. Cassie, Donna, and Brenda were all bigger and stronger than me. I was powerless to resist them. Deep shame consumed me, but it wasn’t for the obvious reason. I’d always had a secret fantasy of being abused and humiliated by strong women—maybe that was my subconscious reaction to using the roofies—and now here it was. I was ashamed at how erotic I found this abuse. My regret wasn’t for the obvious reason, either. I regretted that I’d allowed the bridesmaids to put me in this position. I had to get away from them as soon as possible.
"Okay, enough," Donna said. "Amber needs to practice walking, and we're making her sweaty." She patted my cheek. “C’mon, sexy little Amber, before all this spanking gives you an orgasm.”
Shit! Donna could tell how excited I was by all this. Crap! My face was really burning red now. Donna knew something about me that no one had ever known—I liked being humiliated. I hated that Donna figured that out.
“No,” I said. “I’m not going outside.” I gripped the doorframe tightly, and locked my arms.
Donna grabbed me by my armpits and pulled. Brenda and Cassie pushed on my butt. I had good leverage, and they were unable to move me. At last! I had the upper hand. Next, I’d make them give me the antidote! Who was the bitch now?
“Wait,” Cassie said. “Let go. I’ve got this.”
Brenda and Cassie removed their hands from my butt, and Donna stepped away. What was Cassie going to do? It was probably a bluff. She wanted to trick me into letting go of the doorframe. I wasn’t falling for it.
Cassie placed a palm on my hip, right where my thigh jutted out through the slit. Was she planning to rip the skirt off me? That wouldn’t work. If anything, I’d fight going outside even more ferociously.
With a quick shove of her other hand, Cassie shot two fingers inside my cunt. I screamed and shot forward, right into Donna’s arms. Whirling about, I shot a withering gaze at Cassie, while my hand pressed the front of my skirt down protectively. What a bitch! She violated me! Fury coursed through my veins.
Cassie lifted her offending hand. Her pointer finger was crossed with her middle finger. Cassie licked her fingers and then smiled evilly. “Oh, my, Amber,” she said, “you kinky slut. You’re sopping wet down there.”
Brenda slammed the door.
My shame was utter and complete. Now they all knew. Brenda, Cassie, and Donna were now completely aware of how I got turned on being humiliated. If I had wanted to open myself up to them, and share my heart with them, then I wouldn’t have roofied them. This only justified my use of the roofies. I didn’t want them to know my most deeply buried secret. I hated them all.
I wobbled in my heels. Donna helped me down the steps to the ground in front of my cabin. I couldn’t even look at her. This was intolerable.
Once on the ground, I sprang in a run for the woods. I didn’t know what I’d do once I reached the woods, but it didn’t matter. I had to outrun my shame, and those who knew about it. They wanted me to be ashamed about using the roofies, but I wasn’t. If anything, I felt completely vindicated on that front. But how dare they uncover my erotic relationship with humiliation. How dare they!
To my surprise, Donna didn’t even chase me. Donna was smarter than me, I supposed. I didn’t get three steps away before I sprawled out on the grass. I couldn’t even walk in those shoes. What made me think I could run in them?
“What’s the matter, baby?” Donna asked as she knelt down next to me. “Were we too rough on you?”
“No,” I sobbed.
“Are you scared?”
“Would you like me to roofie you?” Donna asked. “Would that be better?”
I turned my teary gaze her way. Donna was stroking my back. I could see her beautiful pussy up under the tee shirt.
“No,” I said.
“Good,” Donna replied. “I wouldn’t do it. No one should be roofied, not ever.”
I disagreed, but opted not to share that view. Donna helped me to my feet, and she brushed blades of grass off my knees.
“Where would you run to?” Donna asked. “You have no car keys, and no identification. How far could you get?”
“I didn’t think it through.”
“That seems to be a running theme with you,” Donna said. “Come on, let’s walk.”
Donna held my hand, and I staggered on the grass. She told me to walk on my tip-toes, and not to let my heels sink in. That helped, but I was glad when we made it to the flagstone walk.
The dull roar of the waves hitting the beach down at the bottom of the cliff provided soothing background music to our walk. My hand had been all tensed up when Donna first held it, but I started to relax.
"Take small steps," Donna said. "Stand up straight, but let your hips roll."
“It’s hard,” I said.
“I know, but try and enjoy it. Think of how sexy you look.” Surprisingly, that advice helped. We skirted the gazebo area, where some of the guests were gathered, having a loud, good time. Their laughter made a chill form in the pit of my stomach. A part of me felt that if no one saw me while I was a woman, if I could keep this episode contained to just me and the bridesmaids, then it wouldn’t be so humiliating. As it was, the humiliation was quite…distracting.
With my heels on, I was almost Donna's height. She wasn't wearing shoes. She padded barefoot on the flagstone path. I walked behind her, slowly getting the hang of the shoes, as we approached the cliff overlooking the ocean. I could hear the crash of the waves far below, and the night breeze cooled off my skin, even my burning ass. The wind whipped Donna's tee shirt, affording me entici
ng glimpses of the top of her legs. The shirt clung to her round derriere, and the wind molded the shirt around her haunches.
Donna never looked sexier to me.
When we got near the cliff's edge, Donna stopped and stared into the void. The crashing waves seemed to pull at her surfer's heart.
"All my answers lie down there,” Donna said softly. “It’s where I’m happiest.” Donna sighed wistfully. “I should toss you off this cliff for what you did to us."
I looked down. Stairs were built into the cliffside, down to the beach below. There were a lot of steps. My throat tightened. Donna was much fitter and stronger than me. If she tried to toss me off the cliff, she'd probably succeed, and then I would surely die.
"Please don’t,” I whispered.
Donna turned to me and grinned. "I won’t,” she said. “You’re too much fun to play with. And thanks for not kicking off your shoes before running. I’d hate to have to chase your fat ass."
Like running would help. Donna was right. Where would I go? I had to change back into male form before I ran. Hey, wait a minute. "My ass isn't fat," I said. "Your ass is fat!"
"Oh, no?" Donna said. The night wind tossed her hair. She moved right in front of me and reached around, placing both her hands up under my skirt and on my bare butt. Donna pulled me close. My breasts pressed against her tee shirt. "Hmm," she said, her eyes dancing. Donna squeezed my ass, and my knees went weak. "Not fat. But…soft. In a good way." She stroked and squeezed my behind, and I pressed my hips to hers. Unlike Cassie and Brenda, Donna knew how to treat my butt.
Donna’s lips descended on mine. My palms rested gently on her hips. Head tilted back, I welcomed her kiss. My mouth drew open. Her hands continued to adore my caboose. Donna’s back and buttocks were taut and supple—my fingers danced along them. Not an ounce of fat on Donna. She was all muscle. Donna pressed her hips against mine, and the dark winds coming off the ocean joined in our embrace.
Revenge of the Bridesmaids Page 3