Revenge of the Bridesmaids

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Revenge of the Bridesmaids Page 4

by Chastity Foelds

  I waited breathlessly for Donna's tongue to invade my mouth, but it didn't happen. Not being very patient, I launched my tongue. Donna nibbled on me a bit, and drew her head back teasingly. I closed my eyes and slid my hand up under the back of her tee shirt.

  "Mmm," Donna said. "Very nice. You're a good little bitch."

  "I want to be your bitch," I whispered.

  "You are."

  The kiss consumed us both. I was quite content to be in her embrace. It felt right. I hung off her body. Hands on my shoulders, her lips devoured mine. Donna was solid support, and I surrendered to her embrace. My mouth was hers to do with as she wished, and my body was too. She was so strong that when my knees grew weak, she held me up, and kept kissing me with utter mastery.

  "Talented tongue," Donna said. "You surprised me. You eat pussy well, for a rapist.” Ugh. Why did she have to keep bringing that up? “I can’t understand why you ate me out,” Donna said, “when I was roofied. I saw you do it, on the video."

  “I wanted you to have a good time.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have roofied me,” Donna said. “From the looks of the video, my body enjoyed it. I can’t remember it, though. You stole that from me, and you have to atone.” Donna’s wrist parted my butt cheeks, and her hand slipped to my front. “Holy cow,” Donna said. “Cassie was right. You are soaking wet.” Donna pulled back and slapped me across the face. “You’re ruining it. Stop getting excited.”

  I found the courage to look Donna in the eyes and said, “Slapping me isn’t going to help.”

  Donna’s eyes lit up. “I knew it! You totally ate up me face-fucking you in the shower. I knew you were turned on. You little humiliation whore.”

  “That’s me,” I said, my eyes dropping down. I couldn’t take how happy Donna looked. “You think I’m a freak now, right?” I whispered.

  “Are you crazy?” Donna asked. “I wish you’d told me this when you were a guy, before you roofied me. We could have had soooo much fun.” Donna took my hand and led me away from the cliff. “We still can, you know. But you have to get through this wedding.” Donna squeezed my hand and gazed back at me. “You have to get turned back into a man, and then we’ll have a blast!” Wait, was she saying she forgave me? I stopped walking and Donna turned to face me.

  “So you’re not mad about what I did?” I couldn’t believe Donna was going to let me off the hook so easily for using the roofies. Especially after all the trouble they’d gone to. Who knew how expensive the Feminzol was? It couldn’t have been easy to get. With Donna having forgiven me, how hard would it be to get Cassie and Brenda to forgive me too?

  Yeow! Donna had a firm grip on my nipple, and she twisted it.

  “Of course I’m mad,” Donna said. She spit on my face. “You’re an asshole. A useless piece of shit. A fucking monster.” My nipple roared with red hot pain, and my knees grew weak. “Open your mouth,” Donna said. She cleared her throat and then hawked a lougie onto my tongue. The warm ball of snot trailed a train of slime. “Swallow,” she said, grabbing hold of my other nipple—more pain. Zowie! “You are a worm. A gutless coward. You will pay. I hate you, you scuzzy slug. You’re worthless.” I swallowed the warm glob of slime and tried to suppress my moan. “You little shit-eating ass-licker,” Donna said. “You useless slut. This is just the beginning. I’m going to totally humiliate you.”

  Donna felt between my legs. “No,” I whispered. Too late. She’d touched me.

  “My goodness,” Donna said with a gleeful smile, “you’re a swamp down there. Are you perpetually horny, or is it me?”

  “It’s you,” I said softly, absolutely mortified at how excited Donna made me with only a few nipple tweaks and some words.

  “This is going to be so much fun!” Donna kissed me sweetly, and then pulled me by the hand up the flagstone walk. I kept up as best I could, my mind awhirl with conflicting emotions. I truly had no idea if Donna was angry with me or if she was playing with me. Odds were, it was both.

  We hurried along. How do women walk around in short skirts? I felt like the wind was exposing my butt left and right, but I tried not to be self-conscious about it. Who could see? The only people remaining outside were the ones in the gazebo, and that wasn’t on our way back to my cabin. My luck was getting better.

  I couldn’t believe Donna was okay with my freakish turn-on. Donna was not only okay with it...she was enthusiastic about it. To my surprise, Donna’s arousal amped up my own. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to flee any longer. Donna had said I only needed to get through the wedding, and then I could be turned back. Maybe I should just suck it up and deal. I saw the gazebo up ahead. It was filled with guys.

  “Wait, where are we going?” I asked. “The cabin is that way.”

  “Gazebo first,” Donna said. “I want you to meet the guys.”

  I stopped in place. “No, Donna. No.”

  Donna grabbed my throat and hissed, “What do you mean, no?” Wow, Donna had a strong grip. “You stupid little slut.” She reached under my skirt and fingered my pussy. “You’re going to meet the guys, and you’re going to flirt with them, and you’ll love it.”

  “I will?” I asked, my heart pounding so hard I could hear it.

  Donna squeezed my neck. We were out in the open, but standing close together. Could anyone see Donna was fingering me? I let out a low moan.

  “Your ‘I will’ sounded like a question,” Donna said. “Care to try again, slut?”

  “I will,” I said.

  “You will, what?”

  Taking a deep breath, trying not to focus on how good Donna’s hand felt between my legs, I said, “I will meet the guys and flirt with them and I will love it.”

  “Good,” Donna replied. She let go of my neck. Flirt with guys? No, absolutely not. No matter how hot Donna got me, I was going to have to flee at the first opportunity.

  “Don’t fall because of your shoes,” Donna said. “Men don’t find that attractive.”


  The gazebo was huge. Not the kind people had in their backyard, but more like the kind in public parks, that could accommodate fifty people. It was teeming with guys. I didn’t see any women.

  “Hey, Donna!” one of the guys on the gazebo called out. “C’mere! We’re having an impromptu bachelor party.” Donna led me straight to the guys—some sat on the built-in benches that ran inside the perimeter, and some sat up on the railings. And they all leered at us hungrily. It was horrible. All those guys were scoping out my barely clothed body. It was stupefying, how self-conscious I felt. The guys had been drinking. Some of them were practically raping me with the heat of their stares. I started to sweat.

  “You got anything on under that tee shirt, Donna?” one of the guys called out as we climbed the steps. I clung to Donna’s arm so I wouldn’t trip.

  “Yeah, but you wouldn’t like it,” Donna replied over her shoulder. “It’s asshole repellant.” We broke through the line of men and made our away to the center of the gazebo. The guys closed ranks behind us, as if they were a giant amoeba made of guys, and the amoeba had just absorbed us.

  “Nice one, Donna. Have a beer. Who’s your friend?”

  “Yeah, Donna, is she the entertainment?”

  “Gentlemen,” Donna said, “this is Amber.” I nodded and blushed. They were crowding in on us, and I felt small and vulnerable. “Amber is shy,” Donna continued.

  “Don’t be shy, Amber,” several of the guys called out.

  “And…” Donna said, “and, Amber is a virgin. Don’t let her leave here without getting laid.” I shook my head no. No, no, no, no! I had to get out of there. If Donna let me out of her sight, I was kicking off those shoes and running for the woods. I darted my head around. I couldn’t even see where the gazebo steps were. There was no way I could flee. I was surrounded by men. They were all so big, these men, some of them with their shirts open and bare chests exposed. Big men. Even with my heels on, they towered above me. They were dressed for the summer, wearing
nothing but shorts and shirts, but they all had way more clothing on than me. My face burned red as I gazed down at my tight, loose knit sweater and hip-hugging skirt. Between those and the heels, I might as well have been the bachelor party’s stripper.

  “Hey, Donna, we were hoping for a girl on girl show at this bachelor party.”

  Donna had a mischievous glint in her eye as she looked over at me. Blood drained from my face. My eyes pleaded with Donna. I just wanted to leave. These men scared me.

  “Ooh, guys,” Donna said, “you just missed it. We did all our girl on girl action over by the cliff. Sorry!” Donna turned to some guy she knew and gave him a big hug. He twirled around, lifting her off her feet, and Donna disappeared from sight.

  I was alone, surrounded by horny bachelor party guys. For the first time, I was out of Donna’s sight. Now was my chance. I turned about, figuring to reverse course, when a huge arm settled across my chest, pulling me back against the impossibly tall dude behind me.

  “Nice sweater,” he said. Crikey he was tall. It hurt my neck to look at him. “Are you sure you’re not a stripper? No one here seems to know you.” His hand stroked the nap of my sweater, on my shoulder. I could have elbowed him in the nuts, but then Donna would come running. I needed to be stealthier if I was going to make an escape.

  “No,” I said. “I’m a friend of the bride.” I slid out of his embrace and smiled at him as I backed away.

  “Need a date for the wedding?” he asked.

  “No thanks,” I said, backing up some more. “Ooh!” I leaped and whirled. Someone had pinched my butt. It was so crowded, I couldn’t tell who. “Which one of you?” I asked, pointing at the line of likely culprits with my finger. No one fessed up. Someone came up behind me.

  “Let’s dance, baby,” said the man who pressed his groin against my butt. He had snuck up behind me. His hands were on my hips, and he moved me side to side. His fingers were slipping inside the slit in my skirt. I pressed my heel down on the top of his foot. He stepped away right quick.

  What a bunch of animals! This was a nightmare. It was like being surrounded by fifty versions of me.

  I finally found the exit. A string of guys blocked the way. “Excuse me, guys,” I said, “but I’d like to leave.” There was a tobacco chewing urban cowboy right in front of me. Honestly, where did Chet and Lisa get their invitee list?

  “Show us your tits first,” the urban cowboy said.

  “And then you’ll let me out?” I asked.

  “Sure,” he said. This was my chance! I could escape Donna’s clutches, and maybe surprise Cassie and Brenda, get the antidote, and be on my way. Or, if I didn’t think I could get the jump on them, I could just run into the woods. Or, maybe one of the cars had keys in it, and I could drive off. There were lots of options, and all I had to do was flash my breasts at some strangers. It was worth it.

  I pulled up my sweater and bounced on my toes. The guys lining the exit started hooting and hollering so loudly, I was sure Donna would notice. I quickly pulled my sweater back down. Oh, goodness, I almost drowned in testosterone as I looked at the guys facing me. I blushed mightily, and my insides grew warm. They all wanted me, every single one of them. When had that ever happened to me when I was a man? Never, that’s when.

  “Okay, now let me out,” I said.

  “Are you kidding, now that the party is started? Show us your twat and we’ll let you out.”

  Wow, they really thought I was stupid. One of the guys to my left reached out and tucked a single in the elastic of my skirt. I looked down, yanked it out and waved it at him. “Are you kidding me?” I said. “That was worth a fiver at least, you cheap fuck.”

  Someone passing behind me ran his fingers under the back of my skirt and tickled my bare tush. I screeched and whirled around. There was a weasel of an accountant type behind me. “It wasn’t me,” he cried.

  “C’mon, guys,” said a muscular blond guy with a Texas drawl. “Give the sexy peanut a little breathing room, why doncha?” At least he wasn’t groping me. “Get away from these yoyos,” he said as he took my hand. We walked through the gazebo. “Here, have my beer.” He handed me his can. I mouthed a thanks to him and then took a big gulp. “I put something special in it,” he said.

  “Oh my God!” I cried. “Did you roofie me?” Talk about irony!

  He raised his hands up. “Easy now, peanut. I put a shot of Wild Turkey in there is all.”

  Relief crashed through me. The last thing I needed was to get roofied while surrounded by fifty horny guys. I was so relieved that I didn’t even mind when Texas put his hand on my butt. Hey, at least he had given me a beer.

  “Those are some fine titties you got there,” Texas said. “Are they real?”

  Now there was an interesting question. They were as real as breasts that hadn’t been there yesterday could be. “Yes, they’re real.” I downed the rest of the beer, hoping he’d put more than one shot of Wild Turkey in there.

  Texas squeezed my breast while I was finished the can. “Well, Ah’ll be. They are real. Those are some fine titties.”

  “Thanks,” I said, my skin crawling a bit. He had one hand on my ass, and the other on my tit. I didn’t even know his name. What kind of a slut was I? Oh, the worst kind—a hot chick with a guy’s mind. “I need to go,” I said.

  “Donna said you can’t leave until you get laid,” Texas answered with a smile.

  “Yeah,” I said. “I heard her. That’s not happening, though. How about you give me my tit and ass back?”

  “Y’all a fiery one, ain’t ya?” He pulled his hands back, though. At least he wasn’t a total pig, and he was actually kind of cute, with his huckleberry charm. Cassie would probably love him. Maybe I’d try to hook them up at the wedding. If it worked out, Cassie might give me the antidote out of gratitude.

  “Where’s the beer at?” I asked.

  “Yonder,” he said, nodding to his right. “Bring me one too, and we’ll see about getting you laid.”

  “You betcha, Tex,” I replied. Gawd. I wished I could shrink down and disappear through the floorboards. Instead, I carried my empty Coors can and looked for an escape or the beer cooler—either one would do. I was walking through a gantlet of gropes. Honestly, I got manhandled so many times, both high and low, that I almost stopped noticing it. Where were they keeping the beers? If I was going to get through this, it’d be easier if I got drunk.

  From behind a wall of smelly men I could hear Donna laughing. Like a stroboscope, I caught glimpses of Donna between big men. Each time I saw her, Donna was smiling or laughing, and touching someone’s arm. God, I loved to see her smile.

  A hand slid up the inside of my leg, rising slowly above my knee. It was kind of nice. I patted the seated fellow on his head. If this was supposed to humiliate me, it wasn’t working. It was gratifying, being appreciated by so many men. I felt sort of sexy.

  Nevertheless, even though it wasn’t humiliating, it was terrifying. The guys were all so big, and I was so tiny. I was incredibly intimidated. Almost any one of them could crush the life out of me. My pulse quickened, and my face grew flushed. Whew, that was some image, one of these huge guys on top of me, naked, pressing down on me. My, oh my! I needed more beer.

  No wonder I had trouble finding the beer cooler. A sandy-haired outdoorsy type was using the cooler to sit on. He looked cocky, but I didn’t care. I needed another Coors.

  “Excuse me?” I said. “Is there any beer left in there?”

  “Yes,” sandy-hair replied. “I’m Tony, by the way. And you are the very shy virgin Amber.”

  “That’s me,” I said. And then I waited. Tony didn’t move. “Tony,” I said, “can I please have a beer?”

  “I suppose,” Tony said. “But it will cost you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “How much?” I asked. “Wait, I don’t have any money.” Too bad I threw away that dollar!

  “That’s okay,” Tony said. “Today’s price is a kiss.”

  “Really?” I said
, but I couldn’t help cracking a smile. It was a good bit. I’d used a variation on it myself once or twice. There was a big-bellied balding guy wearing boat shoes that stood nearby, and he had a beer in his hand. “So that guy had to kiss you to get a beer?”

  “Oh yeah,” Tony said. “And he slipped me the tongue, too.”

  Tony was funny. I liked him. But I didn’t want to kiss him for a beer. I just wanted a friggin beer. I heard Donna laugh again—such a great laugh. And she seemed to be having so much fun. I was not having fun. I was too uptight to have fun.

  Man, I wanted a beer badly. How badly? Very much so. Hey, it wasn’t like he wanted me to blow him for the beer. It was just a kiss. I’d make it like a grandma kiss—entirely innocent.

  “Okay, Tony,” I said. “You win. But no funny business.”

  “Who me?”

  Yeah, you. I had Tony’s number right from the get-go, and I wasn’t going to give him any opportunities. I leaned forward, keeping my hips and body away from Tony, who was seated, and I kissed him on the lips. It didn’t last long, but I wasn’t quick about it either. I didn’t want him to say I hadn’t met my part of the bargain—at least that’s what I told myself. Tony was a pretty good kisser.

  I heard guys applauding behind me, and I realized, belatedly, that by bending forward like I did I’d flashed my bare ass. Gawd. Women’s clothes were so inconvenient.

  I stood up straight, smoothed down the back of my skirt, and held out my hand. “Beer me, Tony. I earned it.”

  “Seems like they got the better deal,” Tony said, but he handed me a beer.

  The guys from across the way swooped around me, and I had to gently deflect their advances. Was I that hot, or was this because there were only two women at this party? Who knew? The only thing I knew for sure was that I needed a third beer to really even my keel. And these guys were hemming me in.

  I needed that beer right away, so instead of negotiating with Tony, I plopped down on his lap and pulled his lips to mine. Sorry boys—no peep show this time. Tony ran his hand along my thigh and I let him. At least if Tony was claiming me, then no one else would. Every safe harbor had its price, and this safe harbor had beer, too.


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