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Baby Making: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Novel

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by Mya Wood

  Baby Making


  Pregnancy Romance Novel

  For Adults

  By Mya Wood

  Copyright 2016 BWWM Midnight Reads and Mya Wood

  All Rights Reserved

  This novel is a first edition work of fiction. Any similarities to real people, places, or events are strictly coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Title page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Note from the Author

  Free Bonus Read

  Mailing List Invite

  An Important Message from Mya

  Dear readers,

  Thank you for checking out my latest novel. If you have borrowed this book through the Kindle Unlimited subscription program, I kindly ask that you navigate to the last page of this file when you’re finished reading and exit there. This will ensure that I’m properly credited for the borrow. Thanks so much, and I hope you enjoy the book!


  Mya Wood


  Robyn was trying to get through that afternoon's work when a phone call interrupted her. At first she considered not answering it, but then she remembered that she was the only one in the office that afternoon.

  Fifteen-minutes later, Robyn hung up the call with a smile on her face. It was a potential client who had heard that her firm came highly recommended and had requested that they set-up an appointment to meet the following Tuesday.

  Apparently he had just purchased a large estate out in the countryside that needed a lot of work. He already had people working on the exterior, but he was having problems finding a qualified interior designer who shared his vision for the inside.

  Lucky for him, Robyn’s firm had an advantage over many others in the area. Ken Schaefer, the founder and most senior partner, was an experienced interior designer and architect who handled most of their commercial clients. Joanne Wallis was a very talented interior designer in her 40's, and most of her clients were older couples whose children had just fled the nest. And then there was Robyn, who brought in her fair share of younger clients with her fresh face and creative ideas.

  Together, the trio were known as Schaefer, Wallis, and Wallace…

  The hottest interior design threesome in all of West Texas.

  Chapter 1

  Robyn had a few problems finding the house come Tuesday morning, but she still managed to be ten minutes early. She walked up the cobblestone driveway and immediately loved what she saw, even if it was still half unfinished.

  Robyn knocked on the door and was promptly greeted by an older woman who invited her in. She knew she was probably being rude, but she couldn't help looking around. She already had so many ideas floating around in her head.

  The older woman spoke, “Miss Wallace, I presume?”

  “Yes, sorry. I’m just very intrigued by your house,” Robyn said as she extended her hand.

  “Oh, this isn't my place,” the woman said. “If you'll follow me, I'll introduce you to my son. He's the owner.”

  Robyn followed her down the hall and continued to look around. She really hoped she got this account. She knew she would have so much fun if she did.

  They entered a room and the woman spoke again, “Noah, I believe you were expecting a Miss Wallace?”

  Noah looked up from his guitar and nodded. Once he and Robyn were alone, he set it aside and walked over to her. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Wallace,” he greeted, extending his hand to her. “I’m Noah McCreary.”

  Robyn looked up at him in awe. She was not a huge fan of his, but she did recognize him. He was one of the states most beloved country musicians, not to mention a major player in various nonprofit movements. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she extended her hand to him. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. McCreary. And please, call me Robyn.”

  “Ok, so long as you call me Noah. ‘Mr. McCreary’ is my father.” Noah pointed to the corner of the room that housed a round table and chairs. “Why don't we have a seat?”

  Robyn followed him over to the table and removed her notebook from her briefcase. She was anxious to start taking notes.

  “So what do you think of the place?” Noah asked.

  Robyn looked up at him and said, “It’s lovely. I already have so many ideas.” She had already forgotten about who he was and was anxious to see the rest of the house. “Why don't you start by showing me around?” she suggested. “That way you can let me know what ideas you have.”

  “Well, why don't we start with this room here?” Noah said as he stood up. “I don't want to change too much, but I do want to replace the furniture and make it brighter.”

  Robyn nodded and made note of everything he said. “How much flexibility do I have?” she asked.

  “That depends,” Noah said. “Just what do you have in mind?”

  “Well, I would like to make both those windows larger,” Robyn said, gesturing to them. “That would definitely help add some more natural light in here.”

  “Sounds great,” Noah said, flashing her a smile. “Do whatever you like. You're obviously an expert.”

  An hour later, Noah and Robyn met back in the dining room again. They had gone through the entire house, and Noah loved most of her ideas. She had taken all the appropriate measurements and pictures, and he agreed to meet her at her office that coming Friday to go over a few sketches.

  Robyn gathered up her things and Noah walked her to the door. “Thanks for coming out,” he said.

  “No problem. I look forward to getting started,” Robyn said as she stepped out onto the porch.

  Robyn enjoyed her commute back into the city, and she caught herself thinking about Noah more than once during the drive. Her first impression was that he was very handsome, not to mention quite levelheaded for someone so famous. Her only hope was that he would share her vision moving forward.

  Chapter 2

  Robyn had to put in some overtime over the next few evenings in order to get the work done, but she had successfully completed her sketches by mid-morning on Friday. She had three hours before her meeting with Noah, and she used the time to try and get caught up on all her other work that was piling up.

  Robyn must have lost track of time, because before she knew it, her receptionist buzzed to let her know that a Mr. McCreary had just arrived for her. Her office door opened shortly thereafter, and she was rendered speechless for a few seconds as she looked up at Noah. He was dressed in dark wash jeans and a button-up shirt with a few buttons open to reveal a smattering of dark hair across his chest. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to focus and offered him a seat.

  Over the course of the next hour, Robyn and Noah went over her sketches, and she made note of any alterations he wanted made. All in all, it seemed like he was very pleased with her work.

  “So when can we start?” he asked.

  “Well, give me the weekend to make these changes. Then we can set up a meeting sometime early next week so that I can get your final approval.”

  “Great. I'll be in town on Monday. How about we meet over lunch
?” Noah suggested.

  Robyn checked her schedule and agreed to meet Noah at a deli just up the street at 12:30 p.m. on Monday. Just before he left, he said, “you definitely have the job. The only thing I need is for you to sign a privacy clause before you get started.”

  “Not a problem,” Robyn assured him. “In fact, all three of us will sign it.”

  “I just need to protect myself is all,” Noah felt he had to explain.

  Robyn nodded and held up a hand. “Completely understandable. I assure you, any information you share with us will be kept strictly confidential.”

  Noah thanked her and turned to leave her office again, but he stopped once more. “I don't think I ever told you what I do for a living, did I?”

  Robyn stifled a laugh and said, “No need. I recognize you.”

  “Really?” Noah asked, surprised. “Well… are you a fan?”

  “Not a huge one, no,” Robyn said, deciding not to lie. “But I have heard some of your songs. You're very talented.”

  “Well thanks for not making a big deal out of it.”

  “Hey, no problem. I was more excited about the prospect of what I could do to your house,” Robyn said honestly.

  “Well, I respect a woman who loves her work,” Noah said as he turned to leave. “See you soon.”

  That coming Monday, Robyn gathered up everything she would need for her lunch meeting with Noah and prepared to leave the office. She also had a meeting with Ken and Joanne that afternoon to go over the project and get them to sign the privacy clause that she would be getting from him that day.

  Ten-minutes later, Robyn arrived at the small deli and took a seat in a booth before taking a moment to look over the menu. She was startled when she heard a deep voice say, “sorry I’m late.”

  Robyn looked up at Noah and smiled. “Don't worry about it,” she said. “I get it.”

  “Well I don't know about you, but I’m famished. What do you say we eat first?” Noah suggested as he took a seat across from her.

  Robyn nodded. “Yes, why don't we?”

  Noah looked over the menu, and Robyn caught herself stealing glances at him from over the top of her own. For whatever reason, being in his presence made her feel like a giddy schoolgirl again.

  Noah ordered a roast beef sandwich and a garden salad, while Robyn ordered a club sandwich.

  “So tell me about yourself,” he said once the waitress left.

  “Well, I’m sure my life story isn't anywhere near as exciting as yours,” Robyn said as she folded a napkin out across her lap. “But the short version is that I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from UCLA five years ago, then I started working as an intern at a large firm in New York for six months before I was offered a job here.”

  Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their food. After they finished eating, they got down to business. Noah was pleased with Robyn’s work and was anxious to start. Robyn explained to him that there was a lot to coordinate at this point, but that she hoped to be able to start by the middle of the following week.

  “So is this the last time I get to see you?” Noah asked as they paid and exited the restaurant.

  Robyn laughed. “No, I'm afraid you're not getting me out of your hair that easily,” she promised him. “Our crew is short one person, so therefore I’m going to be supervising most of the job.”

  They shook hands and she promised to keep him updated on her progress. Then she left, determined to get a jumpstart on things.

  Chapter 3

  Robyn was looking forward to this project and found herself spending a lot of time thinking of Noah. She was definitely attracted to him, but she had to remind herself that he was her client and that it would be unprofessional of her to get involved with him in that way.

  Because of some scheduling conflicts, the start date for the project was pushed back a few days. Regardless, Robyn still went out to Noah’s house on Friday to help him prepare. Unfortunately for her, she quickly found that it was hard for her to concentrate while working so closely to him.

  Noah was wearing shorts and a tight white muscle shirt. That was when Robyn noticed how fit he was. The few times they accidentally touched made her feel like her skin was on fire, and she wondered if Noah felt the tension between them as well.

  They took a break for lunch, and Noah surprised Robyn with sandwiches and potato salad. He brought it all outside, and they ate on his partially completed deck.

  After lunch, Noah showed Robyn around the beautifully landscaped backyard. It was one of the few things that he did not want to change. Off in the distance, Robyn spotted a rustic-looking barn. She assumed it was part of someone else's property, but she asked about it anyway.

  “That’s one beautiful looking barn over there,” she commented.

  Noah followed her gaze. “Would you like to go see it?” he offered.

  “Oh, I’d love to, but I don't think trespassing is a very good idea,” Robyn said.

  Noah laughed. “Well I promise I won't press charges,” he joked, taking her hand. It took five minutes for them to walk out to the structure, and Robyn was thrilled to see that the barn was for housing horses.

  “Do you plan on buying some?” she asked him.

  “Actually, I already have four of them,” Noah informed her. “I’m just keeping them at a friend’s ranch for the time being.” He paused for a moment, then added, “you’re welcome to come riding with me sometime.”

  A wide grin broke out across Robyn’s face. “I’d love that,” she said.

  “Well I’m not too busy this weekend. How does tomorrow work for you?” Noah suggested. “I haven't ridden in a few weeks. I’d love some company.”

  “Sure,” Robyn said, her voice full of childlike wonder. “That sounds great.”

  “Perfect,” Noah said. “Why don’t you meet me here tomorrow at noon and we'll go from there?”

  “Noon it is,” Robyn agreed.

  Noah studied her as she continued looking around. He could tell that she was an intriguing woman, and he was looking forward to spending some time with her off the job.

  Robyn got up early the next morning and spent a few hours at the office. She knew she would drive herself crazy if she stayed at home. This project she was working on for Noah was taking up a lot of her time, and she was getting behind on other projects because of it.

  Before Robyn knew it, her alarm went off, letting her know it was time to go meet him. Pushing aside her nervousness, she saved what she was working on and locked up the office.

  Meanwhile, Noah was still sleeping. He had a late shoot the night before and didn’t get in until four in the morning. Five minutes till noon, he finally rolled over and gave his eyes a few seconds to focus before jumping out of bed at the realization that Robyn was about to arrive.

  Noah quickly hopped in the shower. When his stomach growled, he thought it was because he was hungry, but then he realized that he was just nervous. He hadn't been out on a date with a woman in quite some time.

  Robyn parked her car and walked up to the front door. She was a few minutes late due to an accident on the freeway. She rang the doorbell and started to wonder if Noah was even home. Finally, he flung open the door.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” he apologized. “I had a late night.”

  He looked Robyn up and down and thought she looked good in her blue jeans and tank top.

  “Oh, well, we could always do this another day if you'd like,” Robyn suggested.

  “No, it’s cool. Just give me a few minutes to get ready,” Noah said as he stepped aside to allow Robyn entry into the house. He closed the door behind her and let his eyes fall on her firm behind.

  Robyn moved past Noah and took in his scent. She could tell he had just showered and the minty smell of his aftershave made her feel light-headed.

  “I should only be another fifteen minutes or so,” Noah said, starting for the stairwell. “Feel free to make yo
urself comfortable.”

  Robyn nodded. Once he was gone, she made her way back outside and distracted herself with wandering around the garden. She was having so much fun studying the wide array of flowers that she didn’t even hear Noah come out a few minutes later.

  Noah called Robyn's name and wondered why she wasn't answering him. He walked over to her, and she seemed startled when he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It’s cool,” Robyn assured him. “I was just admiring your garden.”

  After a short fifteen-minute drive across town, Noah pulled into a dirt driveway and brought his truck to a stop at the end of it. Robyn got out, and together they walked towards a large barn that housed a bunch of stables. Once they entered, Robyn saw a large man securing a horse in a stall and was about to speak when Noah beat her to it.


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