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Worth Fighting For

Page 3

by Zoe Blake

  Scrambling through the pile of discarded clothes, he searched in vain. Crawling on his knees, he looked under the bed. In a desperate last ditch effort, he tossed through all the pillows and blankets on the bed. It was no use.

  The teddy bear was gone.

  The bitch had taken the teddy bear… along with the SD card from the hidden nanny cam inside. Hours of blackmail material… gone. He had to get it back.

  Taking a deep breath, Ricardo grabbed his phone. With a sinister slant to his mouth, he started to text Melissa how very sorry he was for their fight.

  Later that day, not giving a damn about conventional dating wisdom and not wanting to wait to see Sage again, Conner dialed her number.

  “Domino’s Pizza! Will this be a pick up or delivery?”

  Laughing, Conner hung up the phone.

  Game on, Sage

  Chapter 2

  Three days later

  “PLEASE!” begged Melissa as she rolled about on Sage’s bed hugging a pillow to her stomach. “Come on, Sage! Just do this tiny favor for me. You owe me!”

  “Owe you! Are you serious? Are you forgetting I just broke into an apartment for you a few days ago?” asked an incredulous Sage.

  “Yeah, but you borrowed my red dress and then tore it with your high heel two weeks ago,” replied a completely serious Melissa.

  “I am not even going to dignify that with a response,” huffed Sage. “Except to say they don’t even come close to comparing, you crazy bitch!”

  She was standing before Melissa wrapped only in a towel having just emerged from a long, hot shower. Her plans for the evening included yoga pants, a glass of wine and whatever new BBC miniseries was available. They did not, however, include getting dressed up and heading out to a fundraiser in Melissa’s place.

  Melissa had shown up at Sage’s apartment a few minutes ago with gifts, aka bribes; a bottle of wine and a box of chocolate croissants.

  Opening the box of pastries, Melissa let the buttery sweet scent fill the bedroom. “Are you sure?” she asked in a sing-song voice. “Not even for an entire box of Marcel’s dark chocolate croissants?”

  “You are pure evil,” snapped Sage as she snatched a still warm pastry from the white box. “One of these days I’m going to get you fired just so you can’t bribe me with these anymore.”

  Melissa laughed at the empty threat. She was a valued manager at the Georgetown French Market. It didn’t pay much, but she loved her crew and really enjoyed interacting with the customers.

  “Why can’t you go anyway?” asked Sage as she licked a pastry flake off her fingertip.

  “Someone called out. I have to take the evening shift,” answered Melissa breezily. “Listen, it’s no big deal. It’s a fundraiser for something or other at The Willard. My date was one of my father’s interns.”

  “So boring as fuck,” groaned Sage.

  “If I back out now, I will catch hell from father, and with the week I’ve had, I’m just not in the mood.”

  “Won’t this intern be disappointed when, instead of a senator’s daughter, he gets her considerably shorter, much less influential best friend?”

  Melissa waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “Trust me. He will barely notice you are a girl. He will be too busy trying to schmooze and give out his business card.”

  “Why on earth would I agree to do this?”

  “Because you are my friend and you love me and there might be an important person or two there who would be willing to help fund the foundation,” offered Melissa.

  “You are pure evil,” repeated Sage. Melissa knew she wouldn’t give up an opportunity to help the art and music foundation where she worked.

  Melissa jumped up and gave Sage a big hug. “Thank you! You are the best! Sunday brunch is on me.”

  “You bet it is,” grumbled Sage as she headed to her closet to choose a dress to wear.

  Although she would die before she admitted it to Melissa, being a good friend wasn’t the only reason why she was agreeing to go to this ridiculous fundraiser. I mean, she was a good friend, but spending a disastrously boring evening with a self-involved, wanna-be politician, eating rubbery chicken and drinking stale wine… well, let’s just say there were limits to friendship. No. There was an entirely different reason. Sage couldn’t get one blue-eyed, arrogant Marine out of her mind. Every time she closed her eyes at night, she saw that cocky, confident grin of his or those dark blue eyes or that damn pair of blue underwear.

  Not to mention that defined chest and abs, that chiseled jaw… that… stop it! See! This was why she had to get the hell out of her apartment. She couldn’t spend another night pretending to read a book or watch television when all she really was doing was reliving the moment he pulled her into his arms for that outrageous kiss. Or second guessing herself for the hundredth time as to whether she should have taken a chance and actually given him her real number. Yes, she definitely needed a distraction before she found herself coming up with excuses to swing by his apartment complex. That was the worst part. She knew where he lived! Knew his bedroom window. Gawd! Now she was sounding like an obsessed teenager.

  She was going to this stupid event and was going to have a good time and going to put the sexy Marine out of her mind. Because for the hundredth-thousandth time… it was not like she was ever going to see him again.

  It was close to 9:00 pm when Conner found himself driving along 14th Street after leaving the Pentagon. As a Major in the HMLA-167 Marine Warrior Squadron, he was in charge of seeing his crew through a massive new training program attached to a helicopter upgrade. The briefing on the new equipment specs took all day and broke into his leave, but he didn’t care. It took his mind off Sage. He could not recall ever being this wrapped up in a woman before. Not even his ex-wife had had him this enthralled. There was just an energy about Sage that drew him to her, despite their short acquaintance. Made him want more.

  It annoyed the hell out of him that three days had passed with no sign of her. Ricardo had been no help. He had actually been desperate enough to ask the asshole about her. She was the best friend of his former girlfriend, and the piece of shit couldn’t even tell him her last name or what she did for a living. Conner was certain he was holding out on him, but short of beating the information out of the guy, there was nothing he could do. Although, the more Conner interacted with Ricardo, the more he itched to plant a fist in his face. There was just something not right about the guy.

  He tried looking for her real phone number, after all Sage was a pretty unusual name, but no one was actually listed nowadays. She preoccupied his thoughts. He wouldn’t call it an obsession, but if he didn’t lay eyes, and more importantly hands, on her soon, it could become one. Conner couldn’t help it. He was a Marine. Single minded purpose was in his blood.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a line of people from The Willard Hotel scurry for cover as it started to pour rain. It would be a much longer wait for a taxi now, he absently thought as he also waited for his light to turn green.

  That’s when he saw her.

  Breaking away from the crowd at The Willard, dressed in a flimsy, ruffled piece of fluff that stopped mid-thigh showing off her spectacular legs, Sage darted across the street directly in front of his truck.

  Ditching her very boring date from the fundraiser, Sage hoped to grab a taxi sooner if she made her way to the Metro Center Station on G Street where there was usually a taxi stand as opposed to waiting with the crowd outside the hotel. It meant getting soaked to the bone, but at least she wouldn’t have to listen to another minute of her date’s droning advice about what bills he had helped “write.” Translation, he was probably only responsible for making copies of the bill and gophering them about the Capitol for Senator Taylor.

  Cutting across 14th, she began running along F Street, intending to scoot up 13th. That’s when she heard the honking.

  Looking over her shoulder, she saw a large maroon Toyota 4Runner swerve over to the corner right next to w
here she was standing. The window rolled down, and a familiar voice growled, “Get the hell inside before you drown.”

  Sage leaned down to peek into the dark, interior of the SUV cab, “Conner?”

  “No, it’s Domino’s Pizza,” he quipped. “Get in.”

  Sage had the grace to blush at the reminder of her prank. “Thank you but I’m fine walking.”

  “What?” Conner couldn’t hear her over the loud clap of thunder and pouring rain.

  “I said I’m fine with walking,” shouted Sage trying to suppress a shiver as the pelting rain quickly soaked the thin material of her dress.

  “Get in the damn car, Sage.”

  There it was again, that arrogant demanding tone that both repelled and compelled her. Sage had to get away from this man. He overwhelmed her from just his presence. Made her feel too much… too fast. As much as she had dreamed of seeing him again, it was well… too much. Her reaction to him scared her.

  “No,” she shouted like a petulant child before storming off as fast as her heels would carry her.

  The rain obliterated the colorful curses which streamed from the SUV as Conner raced ahead before throwing the truck into park. Tossing the hazard lights on, he got out, instantly muttering another string of curses as the rain cut through his dress blues. He was in formal uniform because of his meeting at the Pentagon.

  Sage had already cut up 13th street. Conner broke into a trot after her.

  “Sage, I’m warning you,” he loudly snarled after her retreating back against the pouring rain.

  Sage turned to toss a sassy retort over a shoulder and stopped dead in her tracks. The sight of Conner bearing down on her in his full Marine officer’s uniform was nothing short of powerful. Even through the heavy gray rain, she could see the shining glint of the brass buttons and countless medals across his broad chest. The intent look in his eyes was unmistakable. There it was again; that overwhelming urge to melt in his arms and yet at the same time to flee.

  She chose to flee. Primal self-preservation. One being recognizing the superior strength and dominance of another.

  Sage turned again to run, but it was too late.

  Conner bent low, pressing his shoulder into her mid-section, lifting her clear off the ground.

  “What are you doing?” she screeched. “Put me down this instant!”

  Conner ignored her protest as he made his way back to his truck, carrying her weight as if it were nothing.

  “Conner! Conner! I mean it! I will scream!” she warned.

  “Go ahead.”

  At a loss, Sage tried to beat him about the back with her purse but it was like beating a rock with a feather. Next she tried to kick him. That was a mistake.

  Conner ran his hand up the back of her rain slicked thigh, under her short dress skirt, till he cupped the lower curve of her buttock. He then reared his hand back and gave her a stinging slap on her exposed bare skin.

  “How dare you!”

  Conner repeated the gesture on her other buttock. Sage was mortified to feel the prickling warmth spread beyond her bottom cheeks to between her legs.

  “Try kicking me again and see where I spank you next,” warned Conner.

  Sage immediately quieted down. It was a short distance back to his truck. Conner set her down on her feet by the passenger door. Caging her in against the car with his forearms, he leaned in close.

  Taking in the wet strands of hair clinging to her cheeks, the smeared make-up, her drenched clothes, he still thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

  Conner cupped her jaw with both hands and tilted her head back, staring into her large brown eyes. They sparkled with sexual awareness tinged with fear. Before this night was through he would see them sated and dazed.

  Sage tried to lower her head, unwilling to acknowledge the intensity of his emotions or how they matched her own. He opened the truck door and pushed her inside with a warning look to stay. Sage refused to admit how disappointed she was he didn’t kiss her just then.

  Conner slid into the driver’s seat and the truck roared to life.

  After several minutes of silence, Sage cleared her throat. “I live on Connecticut,” she said in a low, prim tone.

  Conner didn’t say a word.

  They drove on in silence.

  After a few minutes, it became clear to Sage they were going the wrong way. It occurred to her he may not be very familiar with DC. “Conner, you are going the wrong way. I live on Connecticut. If you just turn down Massachusetts we can get there.”

  After a long pause, Conner responded without so much as glancing her way. “As you’re aware, I’m on P Street.”

  It took a moment for his meaning to sink in. Mustering up her courage, Sage tried to keep her voice as calm and firm as possible when she said, “Conner, I’m not going home with you.”

  Without taking his eyes off the road, Conner reached his right hand over and forced it between her legs. Her short dress skirt gave him easy access. Sage grabbed hold of his wrist to try to hold him back, but to no avail. He pushed the thin material of her thong aside and quickly found her slick heat. Thrusting his long index and middle finger into her tight passage as his thumb brushed across her clit, Sage instinctively pushed her hips upwards and cried out, helpless.

  Conner ruthlessly pulled his fingers free, taking his eyes off the road for a moment, he captured her gaze as he slowly placed his fingers in his mouth, tasting her. “You’re coming home with me, Sage. That’s final.”

  Neither said a word for the remainder of the ride.

  Conner pulled up to the apartment complex. Getting out of the truck, he swung around and opened Sage’s door.

  She didn’t move.

  “Get out of the car, Sage.”

  “I think we should talk about this.”


  “You really like that word.”

  “Get out of the car, Sage.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to buy me dinner or something?” she tried desperately.

  “I will buy you all the damn dinners you want. After. Now get out of the car.”

  “Conner, I…”

  She didn’t finish her sentence. Conner swooped in. Placing his hand under her knees and behind her back, he pulled her out of the car. “Watch your head.” He slammed the car door with his foot and carried her into the apartment complex.

  Placing her on her feet, he unlocked the door. Grabbing her by the upper arm as if he was still afraid she was a runner—which she was—he ushered her into the darkened apartment.

  Sage tried to lighten the sexually strained atmosphere by striving for some normalcy. “You have a lovely place.” She wasn’t sure if that were actually true. He hadn’t turned the lights on. Plus, from what she could see from the street lights streaming through the windows, there wasn’t much by way of furniture, no artwork and not a single knick-knack.

  “It’s not mine.” His voice floated from somewhere in the darkness. Then silence.

  Then the unmistakable sound of a belt buckle.

  Sage cleared her throat. She slowly turned to see Conner taking off the belt from around his midnight blue uniform coat. She watched fascinated as, one by one, he released the large brass buttons. Unwittingly, she held her breath as he rolled the coat off his shoulders. Sage was actually disappointed when the bright white of a t-shirt was exposed instead of the warm, tan skin of his chest. Her disappointment was short-lived. Without taking his eyes off her, he whipped the shirt over his head. Kicking off his shiny, black dress shoes and socks he was left only in his sky blue trousers.

  Sage swallowed, trying to moisten her suddenly dry mouth. “I see that your… your coat is all midnight blue with no red trim so that means you are not enlisted and… and an officer, am I right?” Good lord, she was babbling!

  Conner took two steps forward till he stood directly in front of her. Heat radiated off him. Sage took a deep breath. He smelled like musk and old spice. It was a comforting, sexy scent.r />
  “I see that this thin, pathetic piece of fabric you call a dress is all wet,” rasped Conner as he fingered the spaghetti strap of her ruffled dress. “You should take it off.”

  “I’ll have you know this is an expensive dress,” she said with a huff.

  “It’s barely a dress because it barely covers your ass. If I ever catch you wearing something so flimsy without me nearby to protect you, I’ll turn you over my knee.” He sounded like an over-protective boyfriend and he didn’t give a damn. The thought of her wearing something so revealing around other men was driving him crazy.

  It was a Neanderthal thing to say to her, thought Sage. He had no right. He wasn’t her boyfriend. Even if he were… men didn’t say such things in the twenty-first century!

  It would be insane to provoke such a man. And yet she couldn’t resist saying with a bit of sass, “This happens to be one of my favorite dresses. In fact, my date tonight seemed to like it quite a bit.”

  The sudden spark in his blue eyes was her only warning.

  Two large fists gripped the front of her dress and tore the gossamer fabric to shreds. Her cry of alarm was swallowed by his descending mouth. Wrapping his hands around her exposed ribcage, Conner lifted Sage up and walked her backwards till she made contact with the cool, smooth service of the wall. Moving his hands down, he roughly pushed her thighs open, wedging his slim hips between them. Sage felt as boneless as a rag doll as he jerked her knees up to straddle him, forcing her pussy to rub against his straining cock.

  Conner used his teeth to seize the delicate fabric of her bra cup and pull it down, exposing her pink erect nipple. Pulling it deep into his mouth, he flicked it hard with his tongue till Sage squirmed in his grasp. Her other nipple got the same treatment till she was practically crying for mercy. All the while, he ground his hips against her tender flesh. Conner placed an open mouthed kiss on the upper swell of her left breast, tasting her skin.

  Reaching between them, he boldly gripped the thin strap of her thong panties and pulled, snapping them in two. Fueled by her soft mewing sounds and his own thundering heartbeat, Conner placed two fingers at her tight entrance. He remembered in the car, he could barely get his thick fingers past the first knuckle. Palming her pussy, he once again tried to pierce her flesh. She was so impossibly tight.


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