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Page 39

by R. E. Carr

  “Jonathan, you are still confusing,” Gail muttered. She looked over to Paige. “All right, here it is. I’ve been beaten, broken, and used for a long time, and I’m sick of it. I came here because you’re werewolves, and if anyone is going to teach me how to fight back, it’s you guys. I know you don’t know me, but I don’t have anywhere else to go. I want to learn how to be strong, and never let the Kevins of this world ever touch me again.”

  “Gail,” Paige said softly. “You are a vampire—”

  Gail pushed away from the table, so she could show off her bruises and scars. “Vampires did this to me!”

  Paige stood up slowly. “Gail, you’re a vampire, but that doesn’t matter,” she said before Gail could interrupt again. “Just promise us that you want to work with us to protect people from all the truly evil bloodsuckers in the world. Unlike the rest of us, your word has to mean something, right?”

  “I promise,” Gail said, extending a hand to Paige.

  “Welcome to the pack, Gail Filipovic.”

  “Harker,” Gail corrected. She looked pointedly at Jonathan. “Gail Filipovic is dead, and I’m ready to leave her behind. Some things change . . . and you can never get them back. I guess we should start working on getting some answers, but I should warn you - the sheriff totally knows you are here. I mean, she’s infiltrated you guys twice. Why haven’t you run yet?”

  Paige smiled. “The sheriff has two invisible vampires, can shapeshift herself, and has a bunch of muscle. Somehow, I don’t think we can just run from someone like that, so we have a slightly different plan in mind. Trust me, it’s a little crazy, but it might just work.”

  “We have a plan now?” Jonathan asked.

  “Part one is why don’t you get cleaned up, Gail, and if you don’t mind, can Kyle take a quick look at you?”

  Gail nodded. A few minutes later Toy and Kyle came in and each gave a raised brow to Paige. “Just help her out,” Paige ordered.

  “You think she really understands what giving her word means, yet?” Steve asked the moment Gail was escorted from the room. “Can we really trust her?”

  “I trust that she hates Kevin, and probably Javier and all the other bloodsuckers that have manipulated and betrayed her. You both knew her,” Paige said, giving a sidelong glance to Jonathan. “Don’t you think it’s worth giving her a chance?”

  “I’m the new guy, why are you even looking at me?” Jonathan asked. “I’m still not Lorcan.”

  “And I’m useless,” Steve muttered before pushing to his feet and storming out the door. Paige let out a deep sigh and followed after him, shaking her head toward Jonathan when he tried to follow her.

  “Family business . . . err . . . human family business,” Paige explained, hurrying after her great-grandfather. She found him easily even though he was trying to skulk in the dark corners around the strip mall dumpster. She wrinkled her nose at the smell. “Why do vampires always hide behind dumpsters?”

  “So nosy little werewolves leave them alone,” Steve replied from the shadows. “Can’t a guy brood in peace?”


  “What are you gonna say? Oh, it’s OK Steve. Don’t worry, Steve. I mean I know that your main use is cleaning up after our messes, but now that you can’t do that, I’m sure it will be fine, Steve.” He drove his fist into the side of the trash compactor and barely made a dent. He hit it again a few times for good measure. “Did I miss anything?”

  Paige rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her aching chest. Her tail twitched violently, puffing out her pants leg rather ridiculously. Steve tapped his foot as he waited for her reply.

  “Is that really all you think you are?” Paige finally asked. “I mean I get it, we are totally a family of codependent, eager-to-please people, but really, you think the only reason we keep you around is because you can make people forget?”

  Steve looked away. “What else am I? I’m not particularly strong. I’m certainly not the sharpest stick in the barrel, and I have no power or money or influence anymore. I’m just . . .”

  “My great-grandfather,” Paige finished. “You’re my family, you stupid son of a bitch!”

  “Hey, that’s your great-great-grandmother you’re talking about,” he replied, a slight smile returning to his lips. “When did you get so vulgar? Is that a werewolf thing?”

  “I’m really sick of that question, and I’m sick of you wallowing and thinking you don’t matter, Steve,” she said as she reached her hand towards him. “Come on, please stop beating yourself up.”

  “I’ve been beating myself up since before you were born, Pip. It’s one of my few talents. Anyway, I should probably go before I do something even more stupid—”


  “Paige, I’m . . . I’m terrified. What if I really am getting the whammy voice all the time now? How can you trust an asshole like me not to abuse it? What kind of monster will I be if I can do the same thing that Arthur does?”

  She walked over and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face against his chest. He rested his chin on top of her head. “You can’t be as bad as him, if you’re already this worried, Steve,” Paige muttered. “And if you try something too crazy, we have sorta-Lorcan on deck . . . to deck you.”

  “Um, about sorta-Lorcan, has he figured out that, well, you know—?”

  “He’s still figuring out a bunch of stuff. Also, stop trying to flip this around and change the subject. We’re still talking about you. Just come back inside. It really stinks out here, and I have enough nausea in my life. Come on.”

  Steve acquiesced with a little nod. It was only once they were back inside under the hallway lights, that Paige narrowed her eyes at her great-grandfather. “You know, you look awfully pale. Are you feeling all right?” she asked.

  Steve shook his head. “I haven’t really slept or eaten. I don’t feel so hot. I mean, even for a vampire.”

  Paige pressed the back of her hand against Steve’s forehead. “Actually, you do feel hot. Steve, are you sick?”

  “That’s ridiculous,” he muttered. “Vampires don’t get fevers. I’m just gonna go sit down, for a little bit. I’m fine, really.”

  Paige helped Steve get settled down in the breakroom where a concerned looking Jonathan was still pacing about. “Hey,” he said as she watched Paige ease Steve into a chair. “Whoa, are you OK, bro?”

  “I’m fine, really,” Steve repeated.

  “I’ll get you something out of the specimen fridge,” Paige offered. Jonathan turned green.

  “I’ll be elsewhere,” he said quickly.

  “Seriously, you’re a vampire!” Steve called after him. “Have some dignity.”

  Paige darted into the lab where Kyle stared into Gail’s throat with a flashlight, while Kayleigh had already broken the encryption on Kevin’s laptop. “Wow, those are impressive,” Paige could just hear the doctor saying.

  “Why thank you,” Gail replied as soon as he was out of her mouth. Kyle turned to Paige and beamed.

  “Seriously, she has double venom glands in there, and one set is huge. I have never seen vampire organs like these. I’m going to have to take some notes and sketches. Um, Paige, you OK?”

  “It’s Steve,” Paige said. “I think he might be sick.”

  Paige ducked to the side as there was a flurry of activity in the lab. Both Kyle and Gail rushed to go check on him, snatching the bag of plasma out of Paige’s hand before she could so much as say another word. Paige looked over to Kayleigh who was already giggling with delight at whatever secrets she had unlocked.

  “I guess I’ll wait,” Paige muttered to herself. She began pacing around the lab, peeking at Nadia and Toy going over plans in lab one, and Jonathan hiding in the supply closet. Finally, she walked out front where the perpetually oblivious Bill the security guard was watching reruns on his monitor, while Maria scribbled notes and lounged in the visitor chairs. Her face lit up as she saw her daughter.

  “Hey! I was just going to go
looking for you,” Maria said. “I also just finished emailing my old investors in Memphis about that little project we talked about. Is everything OK?”

  Both of them looked over to Captain Oblivious. Bill waved. Maria then stretched and opened the door for her daughter. “Little walk out in the night air?” she offered.

  Once outside, Paige let out a deep breath. “It’s been a bit of a night, mom. Grandpa Steve is upset,” she said quickly.

  “Is it Georgia?”

  “Partly, I’m sure. He’s also apparently lost the ability to make people forget, and he just assumes that we don’t need him anymore. Kyle’s taking a look at him now just to make sure he hasn’t worried himself sick, but maybe you can do that thing you do and whip him into shape?”

  “I swear, what would you vampires and werewolves do without me?” Maria asked with a little laugh. “Speaking of which, have the wonder twins and Toy updated you on the insanity?”

  “Not entirely. I’m starting to feel like I’m the last to find out about anything. All I know is that Kyle has a plan to hunker down here, and that reinforcements are on the way. You’re in on it too, Mom?”

  “Yeah, I’m in on it - and for once, I can help protect you guys for a change.”

  “Mom?” Paige asked, raising a brow. “So, you’re—”

  “I—” Maria was cut off by the front door bursting open and a surprisingly concerned-looking Jonathan rushing out to meet them.

  “Hey, can you get in here? We found some stuff, and Gail has a few things to say,” Jonathan said quickly. “Like important things. Also, why do I feel really awkward suddenly?”

  All of them looked over to see Bill the security guard gawking at Jonathan’s backside – specifically the tail curled over his waistband. Maria simply smiled and said in her best proud, chef-worthy voice, “Why yes, that new butt plug really suits you. Now come on, let’s go inside, and discuss the rest of what you’re wearing to the Greater Nashville Kink Fest!”

  “Are you sure about this?” Gail asked, as she looked at Kyle’s tablet screen. Kyle nodded and flipped the results over. Gail clicked her tongue as she stared at the numbers.

  “You sent this data to a Yu Na Isang . . . well, the sheriff-impersonating-you sent it,” Kyle said, furrowing his brows. “She stole a sample and I think she ran a few unauthorized tests.”

  “Dr. Isang, she is another one of the sheriff’s goon squad. I met her in Texas,” Gail muttered. “I guess we found out the real reason she was so keen on taking Georgia.”

  “What is going on?” Steve asked from his seat on the lab table. “I’m still in the room, you know.”

  “Look, I’ll explain it all when everyone is here. I don’t want to have to go through it twice. Make sure to finish that blood, you need all your strength. I don’t think you had enough to kill you, but you need to take care of yourself,” Gail said, pointing to the travel mug next to her patient.

  Kyle nodded in agreement. “You’re lucky, Steve, trust me.”

  The door opened before Steve could answer. Jonathan led the rest of the pack into the lab, his cheeks flushed, and his tail between his legs. “Good save, Mom.” Paige grinned, as she followed Jonathan and Maria in. Toy tried to press for more details but Jonathan merely raised one finger and gave both young women a look that could quite possibly kill.

  “Never speak of that again,” he warned. Gail raised a brow.

  “All right, long story short - the sheriff impersonated me, and I’m back now because I need your help, and because I can help all of you,” Gail blurted out. “A lot has changed. Javier decided to . . . leave me, and he’s probably working for the sheriff. I also seem to be getting my memories back now that he’s gone.”

  Gail looked around the room. Many nonplussed werewolves stared expectantly back at her. Gail pointed to Kayleigh. “We’ve managed to break into a computer that Kevin was nice enough to have lying around when I escaped. He’s working with some of the sheriff’s other associates to try and get data, data on all of us, because if you haven’t guessed, the sheriff just thinks of us all as a bunch of science experiments.”

  “And you’re really Gail?” Toy asked.

  “Are you really Toy?” Gail fired back. “Look, before this goes into a total witch hunt, I’m pretty sure that she is more concerned with Georgia right now, and I think she’s taken her to Boston—”

  “Boston!” Steve said. “But—”

  “Boston is Arthur’s new stomping grounds, but no one really knows what he’s doing yet. The sheriff was concerned about a few researchers from her Lethe Project showing up in Massachusetts, as well as Minerva apparently accessing some restricted information. From what we can tell, my vampire mom is obsessed with curing the osculum oblivio.”

  “The Steving,” Steve added bitterly. “Not that it works anymore.”

  “It still works,” Gail corrected. “But Minerva found a way to counteract it . . . me. She made me for the sole purpose of inventing a cure to her little brother’s powers. It’s taken a while, but I think I produce a compound in my blood that neutralizes that particular miasma. Steve, it wasn’t you, it was me.”

  “But that Milton guy—” Steve protested.

  “You’re sick and you’re run down,” Kyle interjected. “You’re barely producing any miasma because your body is fighting off an infection.”

  “But regular germs aren’t a match for a vampire unless . . .” Steve trailed off and paled. “No, it can’t be—”

  “It’s not the slow death, don’t be so dramatic,” Gail sighed. “It’s Georgia’s blood that’s making you sick.”

  “What?” the chorus echoed around the room.

  “Vampire stem cells can have weird reactions with a human immune system, and human stem cells react weirdly with vampire cells. The sheriff has been monitoring these reactions for centuries, as has Merlin. Every once in a while the two of them steal each other’s notes and gloat about it. The sheriff found out that Merlin is working with Minerva on my blood, and then did a reverse calculation and discovered the weirdness about Georgia’s. Sorry, I know it’s confusing, but as best I understand it, Georgia was bitten and nearly killed when she was very young by one vampire, and then infused by another while simultaneously being infected by the werewolf virus. This insane cocktail made her young immune system go nuts and produce antibodies that can wreak havoc on any of us.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that Georgia’s blood is basically Buffy the Vampire Slayer?” Jonathan asked. The room waited anxiously for a response.

  “That’s a rather simplistic explanation, but it works,” Kyle admitted. “It explains what made both you and Steve so sick and delayed your transformation, Jonathan. If you had drunk much more, I think you would have died.”

  “But I only had a sip, I swear,” Steve said.

  “And you’ve been depressed, starved yourself, and not gotten any rest,” Gail snapped. “The same goes for you though, Jonathan, if you drunk enough, it would kill you. Now the sheriff has a hidden vampire-killer in her possession, and if she wanted to get rid of Arthur—”

  “Get him to drink from Georgia . . . but then everyone would know what she was. Oh my god, they’ll kill her!” Steve said, jumping to his feet. “We have to find her. I have to—”

  “You need to get your strength back. We all need to be prepared, because if whatever she’s planning with Georgia doesn’t work out, she’ll come right back for Lorcan. Now that we know you’ve been weakened by Georgia’s blood, I hope we can find a way to treat you, if you want,” Gail said, turning to Jonathan.

  “If I want?” he asked, confused.

  “Your confusion, your human dominance, is most likely the result of Georgia’s blood. Once it’s gone, the vampire inside you should recover,” Gail said softly.

  “I see.”

  “I mean you should still be partially you—” Gail said, cringing a little.

  “Do you think Lorcan will take over, like Arthur did?” Paige asked.

nbsp; “I’m sure all of y’all will be relieved,” Jonathan said, heading for the door. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna be in the break room. I don’t think there is much more I can offer for now.”

  “Anything else?” Steve asked. “Is there some magic cure for the vampire-killing blood in all those files? I mean, can you—”

  Gail shook her head sadly. Steve just nodded and gave a little “Hmm” noise, before he got up too.

  “I’m gonna get a snack and a nap. Gotta get up my strength so I get my powers back,” he said, forcing a smile. Eventually the crowd broke into little groups again until Gail was left with the twins.

  She looked over a few more data points before excusing herself. “I think I’ll get a snack of my own - and make sure the patient is actually following our advice,” she said, as she headed for the door. She found Steve lounging in the exam room, dutifully sipping from his cup. Gail snatched it and sniffed it.

  “Where did you get the whiskey?” she asked.

  “Jonathan had a flask and was willing to share. It’s still mostly blood. Look, I really want to be alone.”

  “And I don’t give a shit,” Gail replied. “I’m here to be a nurse for you guys - and I intend to earn my keep.”

  “So if I get better, you think all my powers will come back?”

  “I don’t know. I’m still new to researching vampire powers, but it might. Don’t you want it back? Wait . . . you don’t want it back, do you?”

  “I never could really control it. Anytime I got attached and kissed someone, they’d forget. I finally meet one girl, a girl who can’t forget me, no matter how many times I kiss her, but if I drink even a drop of her blood . . .”

  “I never thought about that. You care about her, don’t you?”

  “More than I ever really wanted to. I messed up so many times, but I always hoped it would work out. It had to work out, because she was the only one who I couldn’t wipe away with all my bullshit. You only heard part of the story back in Boston, you know.”

  “And you only heard part of the story too, Steve. Remember the first time we met? The first time we really met?”


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