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Tried & True

Page 6

by Charlie Cochet

  Dex smacked the rug. “Shut up.” They quickly headed for the front door, and Dex peeked out into the hall. “Coast is clear.” He opened the door for Sloane, and Sloane hurried out, making sure Dex closed the door behind them. Checking the coast was clear outside, they casually walked down the steps and to the street. Austen wriggled, and Sloane hissed at him.

  “Stop moving or I’m going to drop you right here in the middle of the sidewalk.”

  The wiggling stopped, and they approached the building where they’d come out from. Dex looked around. “So what do we do now?”

  Sloane shrugged. “Ring the doorbell?”

  Dex did, and the door opened. They carried the rug inside, and Sparks approached, looking amused.

  “Not bad.”

  Dex stared at her. “Not bad? We captured the enemy agent.”

  “Did you?”

  Wait. Why did the rug feel lighter all of a sudden? Sloane placed the rug on the floor with a frown. Something wasn’t right. Quickly he unrolled it, then cursed under his breath. “He’s gone.”

  Dex spun around. “What?” He dropped his gaze to the carpet. “How the fuck did we lose him?”

  “You didn’t frisk me,” Austen said, strolling past them to stand beside Sparks, a tissue to his nose. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small butterfly knife. “I took it out when you two weren’t looking and hid it between my wrists. I cut my hands loose, wriggled my way out the back of the carpet, and cut my feet loose. Easy peasy.”

  “It was a good effort, but it could have been over much quicker had you shot Austen when you had the chance.”

  Dex folded his arms over his chest. “I know.”

  “All right, yes. I get it. I fucked up.” Sloane turned to Dex. “But what if it had been your brother, or Hobbs, or someone else you cared about? Would you have pulled the trigger without hesitating?”

  Dex let out a sigh. “You’re right. I would have hesitated. I’m not upset because you couldn’t take the shot,” Dex said, turning to face Sloane, the disappointment in his eyes squeezing at Sloane’s heart. “I’m upset because I didn’t take the shot. If you couldn’t do it, for whatever reason, I understand, but I should have been able to do it. Just like if I couldn’t do what I needed to do, you would be there to back me up and make sure it happened. I failed you.”

  Sloane stared at Dex. He certainly hadn’t been expecting that. “Dex….”

  Dex shook his head and walked off, leaving Sloane standing there wondering what the hell had just happened.

  “He’s right,” Sparks said gently. “You’re a team. If one of you is compromised, it’s up to the other to complete the op. I was watching. You weren’t the only one who hesitated.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Dex had a clear shot of Austen, and he hesitated. He could have tranqed Austen, but in his inability to cause you heartache, he didn’t shoot. That’s something you both will need to work on or you leave yourselves both vulnerable.”

  Sloane nodded. They were dismissed, and Sloane turned to head back outside and go home. Austen caught up with him and grabbed his wrist. Sloane turned, motioning to his nose.

  “Sorry about that.”

  Austen shrugged, a big boyish smile on his face. “I’ve had worse. You guys did really great.”

  Sloane sighed. “Yeah? It doesn’t feel like we did.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourselves. You don’t even officially start training until you get back, so don’t worry about it. You guys have one hell of an advantage. Not everyone was THIRDS before being recruited, you know.” He winked at Sloane. “You guys are gonna be awesome. Have a little faith. Your boy has chutzpah. You just need to remind him.”

  Sloane chuckled. “Thanks. Take care, yeah? See you next weekend at the rehearsal dinner.”

  Austen gave him a salute as he walked backward. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  Feeling somewhat better, Sloane hurried off home and found his solemn-looking partner in the kitchen leaning against the counter, staring off into space.

  “TIN dude was here. He removed the surveillance cameras,” Dex mumbled, looking out at nothing in particular. Sloane hated seeing him so despondent. He stopped in front of Dex, his feet to either side of Dex’s and his hands on Dex’s hips.

  “You’re being too hard on yourself,” Sloane said.

  Dex frowned and averted his gaze. “What if that happens out in the field? What if we’re in the middle of an op and I hesitate because I’m afraid of hurting you and you end up injured or worse? I hesitated, Sloane, and look how quickly it escalated. I didn’t see an enemy operative; I saw Austen. I know how much he means to you, and I thought ‘fuck, if I do this, I’m going to hurt Sloane,’ and there I was telling you to shoot him, and fuck.” He ran his hand over his face. “What if I suck at this? What if joining TIN was just me stroking my ego, thinking I could be this superspy and I end up getting you killed?” Dex sucked in a sharp breath. “You want a family, and fuck, I really want a family with you too, and what if I fuck it all up because I convinced you to go traipsing around the world to play James Bond with me? Oh God.”

  “Stop,” Sloane insisted gently, cupping Dex’s face. “Take a deep breath.”

  Dex nodded, following Sloane’s tender order.

  “That’s it. Just breathe. Now look at me.”

  Dex did, his beautiful eyes filled with doubt. “We’re getting married next weekend, Sloane. Am I being a selfish prick?” His shoulders slumped, and he wrapped his hands around Sloane’s wrists. “You’re everything.”

  “And you’re everything for me. Do you think I would have gone along with this if I didn’t think we were capable? If I didn’t think we were going to make a real difference out there? Baby, I have never seen anyone take to this as quick as you have. You’ve been working your ass off. Between picking out invites, working on assigned seating, getting fitted for tuxes, choosing a cake, and all the dozens upon dozens of wedding prep, you’ve been pushing yourself beyond anyone’s expectations. You’ve been training in combat techniques I’ve never even heard of, all of which you’re excelling at. I’m just blown away by how amazing you are.” He kissed Dex’s cheek and ran his fingers down Dex’s jaw. “Do you want to know what I think is happening here?”

  “What?” Dex asked.

  “I think you’re nervous about the wedding, you’re exhausted, and today’s session messed with your head.” Sloane brushed his lips over Dex’s. “This was good for us. It showed us what we need to work on, and I have no doubt that we’re going to rock this.” He let their heads rest together. “You, Dexter J. Daley, are an inspiration, and I’ll be right with you every step of the way when you go out there and show these guys how it’s supposed to be done.”

  Dex pulled back, his smile stealing Sloane’s breath away. “You always make me feel like I can do anything.”

  “Because you can.” Sloane believed it with every fiber of his being. There was nothing Dex couldn’t do. Sloane had never known a more fearless, strong-willed force of nature than the man in front of him, and Sloane was about to be officially tied to him for the rest of his life.

  Dex shook his head with a soft laugh.

  “What?” Sloane asked, nuzzling Dex’s temple.

  “For some reason, I thought of that night not long after I joined the THIRDS. The one where I took your picture. You chased me all over Unit Alpha and we ended up in the parking garage next to a black SUV.” He nipped at Sloane’s chin. “You were so pissed, and then we got each other off.”

  Sloane groaned. “God, I was such a fucking mess back then. I didn’t know whether I wanted to punch you or fuck you.”

  Dex laughed. “Both. You definitely wanted to do both.”

  “Seems like such a long time ago.” Had he changed that much? He’d been so angry all the time. “I was a real asshole to you, wasn’t I?”

  Dex shook his head. “You were in a lot of pain.”

  “That’s no excuse.” Sloan
e took Dex’s hand in his and brought his fingers to his lips for a kiss. “But thank you. Thank you for all your patience, for your smile, for taking a chance on a guy who thought he was too broken to ever know what real happiness looked like.”

  “And now you know what it looks like?”

  Sloane smiled. “Yeah. Looks like you.”

  “You know what Ash would say if he were here?”

  Sloane lowered his voice and did his best Ash impression. “You two are disgusting. I’m getting cavities just from breathing the same air as you.”

  Dex threw his head back and laughed. “Oh my God, that was perfect.”

  Sloane took advantage of Dex’s exposed neck and nipped at his skin. “You know what we should do tomorrow?”

  Dex melted against Sloane with a moan. “Hump like bunnies?”

  “After that. I think we should call the gang up and have a night out at Dekatria.”

  Dex let out a dreamy sigh. “Karaoke, booze, and shenanigans. You know me well.”

  Yes, he did.


  SLOANE PEERED at the full coffeepot, then checked his watch. By this time, Dex was usually sitting at the counter next to Sloane, drinking his coffee as he roused himself from his zombie-like state. Like most mornings, Sloane woke up before Dex. Sometimes he stayed in bed watching TV or reading until Dex woke up, but this morning he wanted to get a few chores out of the way. Maybe yesterday’s scenario hit Dex harder than Sloane thought. After finishing his coffee, he washed out his cup and headed back upstairs to check on Dex. What greeted him when he walked into the bedroom was a decadent, mouthwatering feast for his senses. Dex lay in the center of the bed, on his stomach, not a stitch of clothing in sight. His perfectly plump ass had Sloane biting down on his bottom lip. Fuck, he was stunning. He was also very awake.

  Dex propped himself on his elbows and looked at Sloane from over his shoulder, his now amber eyes hooded and filled with molten desire. Sloane would never get tired of seeing the change in his sexy partner’s eyes, especially since it was usually a result of Dex being so aroused by Sloane that he couldn’t help the change. Dex ran his tongue over his lush bottom lip, and Sloane was forced to adjust himself.

  “Hey, handsome. Why don’t you come join me? I’m feeling a little lonely here on this big bed.”

  Sloane all but dove onto the mattress. Dex turned and sat with his back to the headboard as he drew his knees up and spread his legs. He leisurely stroked his hardening cock. His hair was wild, and the tattoo on his arm made Sloane’s dick twitch in the most erotic way. He’d never seen anything so fucking hot.

  “Fuck,” Sloane groaned.

  “That’s the plan,” Dex purred, sliding his hand over his chest to tweak one nipple.

  As much as Sloane wanted to watch, he wanted to touch a whole lot more. He purposefully kept himself from mauling his gorgeous man, and raked his gaze over Dex’s body, appreciating the results of Dex’s hard work. Dex had been pushing himself during every training and workout session for months, and it showed in his sculpted muscles, in the thickness of his biceps and thighs. He was still leaner than Sloane, with a slim waist Sloane loved to wrap his arms around, but Dex was at his physical peak, and no matter what he was wearing, whether it was a faded T-shirt and jeans or a suit, he turned heads.

  Sloane grabbed the bottle of lube from his nightstand drawer and tossed it on the bed before kneeling and leaning in to kiss Dex, hungry and eager to see what Dex had in store for him. Dex got on his knees, returning Sloane’s kiss with enough heat and fervor to have Sloane moaning. His hands roamed Sloane’s body, Dex’s fingers caressing, pressing, squeezing. Sloane brought their bodies flush against each other, their hard, leaking cocks rubbing together.

  “How do you want it?” Sloane growled, nipping at Dex’s jaw, loving the scruffy stubble.

  Dex pulled back, turned, and gripped the top of the headboard, his knees spread, and his back arched. Holy fuck. Sloane snatched up the lube, flipped the cap open, then poured a generous amount onto his palm. As he slathered his cock up, he traced Dex’s spine with his fingers, loving the sensual curve that ended down at a perfectly rounded ass. The muscles in Dex’s back flexed, and his breath hitched when Sloane slipped a lubed finger between Dex’s asscheeks.

  “Sloane,” Dex breathed. “More.”

  Sloane teased Dex’s hole, making Dex shiver. “You want me to fuck you with my finger, baby?”

  “God yes. Please.”

  Sloane placed a kiss on Dex’s shoulder and reached around to palm Dex’s rock-hard erection, pressing a finger into him, Dex’s gasp music to Sloane’s ears. Speaking of music…. There was nothing Dex loved more than a good hard fuck to some classic rock. Releasing Dex for a second, Sloane snapped his fingers, and Foreigner’s “Juke Box Hero” filled the room. Dex laughed.

  “Oh yeah. Rock my world, baby.” Dex leaned into Sloane, his hand cupping the back of Sloane’s head as he craned his neck to crush his lips to Sloane’s. It was sloppy, messy, wet, and so fucking incredible.

  “I aim to please,” Sloane said, breathless. “Now brace yourself, because I’m about to put stars in your eyes.”

  Dex laughed and turned to face the headboard, his back arched as he wiggled his ass for Sloane. With a groan, Sloane continued to finger-fuck his sinful love. When Dex was writhing and all but ready to fall apart, Sloane lined himself up, then gently pushed in. He moved slowly, sinking himself inch by inch until he was balls-deep inside Dex’s sweet round ass before pulling almost all the way out and then plunging back in, making Dex cry out in surprise. Sloane groaned at the sight of his painfully hard cock being swallowed by Dex’s tight heat time and time again.

  “Oh fuck. Sloane.”

  “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  “I need….”

  Sloane sank closer, then leaned in to murmur in Dex’s ear, “Tell me what you need, baby.” Dex pushed against him, and Sloane followed his lead, sitting on his heels. Dex held on to the headboard, pulled up, then impaled himself on Sloane’s cock.

  “Holy fuck!” Sloane dug his fingers into Dex’s hips as Dex pulled almost all the way off, then slammed himself back down onto Sloane, the fast-paced guitar riff and pounding drums from AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” setting the pace for Dex fucking himself on Sloane. Sloane’s heart hammered in his chest as he was swept up in the vigorous ride.

  Needing more, Sloane gripped Dex’s hips tight, spread his knees, and thrust up every time Dex came down on him.

  “Oh fuck, fuck!” Dex panted, his gorgeous skin flushed and muscles strained as he rode Sloane hard.

  “Dex,” Sloane growled, throwing an arm around Dex’s chest as he pushed himself to his knees and plastered his chest to Dex’s back. He covered Dex’s hand with his, their fingers lacing together as Sloane pounded into Dex, the headboard slamming against the wall and the bed rocking beneath them, the music barely drowning out Dex’s cries. Sloane shifted his angle, and Dex jerked against him.

  “Fuck me! That’s it. Right there, baby. Fuck me right there. Make me fucking scream.”

  Sloane hit Dex’s prostate again, and Dex clamped his left hand over Sloane’s arm, the tips of his claws only just piercing Sloane’s skin, and Sloane lost it. He thrust himself deep and hard, frantically chasing his orgasm as it rolled and thundered right in front of him. With a fierce growl, he bit down on Dex’s shoulder as he flew over the edge, his orgasm slamming into him. He let out a roar as he came hard inside Dex. He tugged at Dex’s cock once, growling in his ear.

  “You fucking come right now.”

  Dex didn’t hold back, screaming into the music-filled air, cursing up a storm as he came against his chest and Sloane’s hand. Sloane milked him of every drop until Dex was a quivering mess, sagging against him, his breath as ragged as Sloane’s. Dex lolled his head to one side, and Sloane kissed him, his tongue slipping between Dex’s soft lips, drawing out a moan.

  “That was kind of intense, huh?” Dex snapped his fingers, and the mu
sic turned off.

  Sloane chuckled. “I think you have a music kink.”

  “Hey, nothing wrong with a little mood music.”

  “Oh, I’m not complaining,” Sloane promised. “It’s hot as hell.”

  “I can’t move,” Dex groaned. “You fucked me numb.”

  Sloane laughed. “I’ll take care of it.” He got up and gently laid Dex on the bed before heading into the bathroom to wash his hands and grab a soft cloth, which he ran under warm water. When Sloane got back to the bed, Dex had his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted in a sweet, almost shy, smile. His face was still flushed, and he was already asleep. How was it possible to love someone this much? It was pretty scary.

  Sloane very carefully cleaned Dex up, smiling when Dex stirred, his voice dreamy as he hummed.

  “You’re so good to me.”

  Bending over, Sloane kissed Dex, who sighed against his lips.

  “Mm, upside-down Spiderman kiss.”

  “You’re such a dork,” Sloane said with a soft laugh.

  “And you love it.”

  “I do. Now get up, get dressed, and come downstairs. I’ll make you some breakfast.” Sloane returned the towel to the bathroom, ignoring Dex’s grumbling at having to get up, but when Sloane returned, Dex was pulling on a pair of orange boxer briefs, followed by the black V-neck T-shirt Sloane had left on the armchair last night. The shirt used to hang long and loose on Dex. Now, not so much. Sloane let out a groan.

  “What?” Dex asked, running a hand through his disheveled hair, his pouty lips quirking up on one side.

  “Can you at least put on some pants? I want to be able to cook you breakfast without the possibility of setting myself on fire because I’m distracted by your ass and the way you look in my T-shirt.”

  With a laugh, Dex walked to the dresser and grabbed a pair of old jeans. They were faded, fit snugger than they used to, and were torn on his knees and under his left asscheek.


  Sloane narrowed his eyes. “Just get that bubble butt downstairs, you troublemaker.”


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