Book Read Free

Tried & True

Page 8

by Charlie Cochet

  “Thanks for inviting me, Dex. I always have such a blast with you guys. You’re a riot.”

  “Glad you could make it.”

  West slipped his fingers into Dom’s hair and leaned in close. Dex averted his gaze, not wanting to seem nosy, even though he was totally eavesdropping with his new Therian hearing.

  “Just popping to the little Felid’s room. Don’t go anywhere, handsome.”

  Dom smiled at him. “Sure. Can I order you another drink?”

  “I’m good. Thanks. Back in a minute.” West purred, rubbing his chin over Dom’s shoulder before hopping off the stool. He ran his fingers across Dom’s back as he walked by. When he was gone, Dex turned to Dom.

  “So what was that about?”

  Dom cast him a sideways glance. “What was what about?”

  “Come on, bro. West just totally left his scent all over you.”

  “Yeah, he does that.”


  “And what?”

  “Dude, Therians don’t leave their scent on you unless they’re your partner or trying to keep other Therians away from you.”

  Dom took a swig of his beer. “Yeah, I know. I have Therian brothers.”

  “You do?” Dex blinked at him. “I did not know this.” How did he not know that?

  “I have three older brothers. Two work for the THIRDS, one in Defense and one in Recon. All of them lion Therians.”

  “Fuck, I’m sorry.”

  Dom broke out into laughter, and Dex realized what he’d said. He quickly waved his hands in front of him.

  “Shit, I didn’t mean it like that, like ‘sorry they’re lion Therians,’ I mean, I don’t know them. I’m sure they’re really nice guys and all.”

  Dom let out a snort. “They’re assholes, but it’s okay, Daley. Relax. I know what you meant. I’m used to it.”

  Dex couldn’t imagine growing up with three lion Therian brothers, much less being the youngest and Human.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I love my brothers, but I never felt like I fit in with them, you know? I was always the odd one out, and it drove me crazy how they treated me with kid gloves. Like I was this fragile little thing made of glass that could break at any moment. You think you’re protective of Cael? Try being Human with three Therian big brothers.” He shook his head with a laugh. “It’s a fucking miracle I lost my virginity. They scared the ever-loving fuck out of every guy who tried to date me. In high school, I had to ban them from coming to football practice, because they’d lose their shit every time I got tackled by a Therian.” He sighed and looked down at his fingers. “I know I shouldn’t complain because I’m blessed to have a family who loves me, and three brothers who would walk through hell and back for me, but that doesn’t mean it was easy.”

  “But look at you now,” Dex said, motioning to Dom in all his ginormous Human glory. The guy was a force to be reckoned with. Dex had seen him in action. Being the Human partner of a Therian Team Leader took fucking balls. Dex should know. It was one of the hardest positions on the team, because when your partner was in Therian form, it was all on you. Then there was the fact that Theta Destructive had more members than Destructive Delta, with five Therian Defense members to Destructive Delta’s three. Dom was taller than Dex, and had about twenty pounds of muscle on Dex. He was fierce.

  Dom chuckled. “Yeah, well, we Palladino men are built like brick shithouses. Take after my old man. He’s the lion Therian.” Mischief filled Dom’s hazel eyes. “Besides, you know how much shit I got away with being the precious baby of the family? Still do.” He waggled his eyebrows, and Dex laughed.

  “Fuck. Now I feel sorry for your brothers.”

  Dom’s cackle was evil. “I was such a little shit.”

  “Speaking of handful. West.”

  Dom narrowed his eyes at Dex. “I heard you like to play matchmaker.”

  Dex shrugged. “It’s a gift.”

  “No, it’s meddling. There’s nothing going on between us except some harmless flirting. He flirts with everyone.” The frown on Dom’s face and his shrug told Dex that maybe that was the problem.

  “And you’d rather he just flirts with you.”

  Dom peered at him, and Dex quickly held up a hand.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to push.”

  Dom let out a sigh. “It’s fine. Sorry, I’m being a dick. I like him. Problem is, so do a lot of other guys, and he likes them right back. Don’t get me wrong, he’s young, hot, and smart. If he enjoys having lots of casual sex, who am I to judge? It’s just not for me. I’ve never been a one-night-stand kind of guy. I like getting to know someone, spend time with them, the intimacy of it all. With all the shit we see out there, coming home to someone who can make it all go away with just their smile, that’s what I want. Someone who’ll stick around, be there.” Dom shook his head. “West is not the stick-around kind of guy.”

  “How do you know?”

  Dom motioned over Dex’s shoulder, and Dex turned to find West wrapped around some random dude, sucking face.

  What the fuck, man? That was harsh. Dex turned back to Dom, feeling for the guy. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  “It is what it is.”

  “Have you told him?”

  “Told him what? There’s nothing to tell. He flirts, I flirt back, and that’s it. Besides, it wouldn’t be appropriate. I’m going to be his Team Leader.”

  Dex arched an eyebrow at him, and Dom laughed.

  “Fuck, I forgot.”

  “You forgot Sloane was my Team Leader?”

  “Yeah. I guess because when I see you two together, I just see the unit, you know. Like two halves of a whole. On his own, I see Team Leader Sloane Brodie, but when you’re there, I don’t know. I’m not making any sense.”

  “You’re such a romantic underneath all the muscles and curses.”

  “You’re weird.”

  Dex threw his head back and laughed. “And you’re awesome.” Dex’s chips arrived, and he threw his arm around Dom. “Come on. Let’s go see what these troublemakers are up to.” They might be an incestuous little family, but Dex wouldn’t trade them for the world.


  FALL IN Central Park was one of Dex’s favorite times. The weather was in the high seventies, the sun was shining, and all around them the trees and shrubbery were beginning to change color. Soon the trees would be ablaze in reds, oranges, and yellows. It was a perfect day. Dex zoned in and out, his foot tapping along to the sweet tunes coming through his headphones. Next to his music, the only other sound he heard was the soft chainsaw-like purr coming from his warm furry pillow. Dex turned his head, chuckling at Sloane’s contented expression—his eyes were closed, front paws crossed in front of him as he lay tucked against Dex. His tail occasionally twitched where it lay protectively around Dex’s left arm.

  Reaching up, Dex scratched Sloane underneath his chin, and the purr intensified. This right here was bliss. Lying on a blanket in the grass, the gorgeous scenery—which included Belvedere Castle to their right—a backpack full of snacks, and a PSTC kit for Sloane. Dex plucked an earphone out of his ear, and turned to look up at Sloane.

  “We should do this more often.”

  Sloane let out a huff of air, most likely in agreement. He opened his eyes, and pushed his nose against Dex’s, making Dex chuckle.

  “I love you too.”

  Sloane turned his head, observing the people scattered around them, some having picnics, some napping, others kissing or reading. It was Dex’s opinion that jaguar Therians had the best facial expressions. Granted, he was a little biased, but no other Therian in their Therian form could pull off resting bitch face like a black jaguar Therian. Dex was familiar with all of Sloane’s quirks. He understood every ear twitch, tail twitch, yawn, or huff, but anyone who didn’t know Sloane would look at him in his Therian form and think “that guy gives zero fucks,” which in some cases was true.

  Unless someone was a threat to him or Dex, Sloane’s Felid half was chill. He h
ad no interest in anyone who wasn’t Dex, or someone close to him. Lion Therians liked to preen. Black jaguar Therians thought you were annoying and needed to go away. The only Therians whose expressions superseded black jaguar Therians on a whole other level were cheetah Therians. Dex didn’t have to know the cheetah Therian to understand what they were thinking. It was written all over their furry face. Black jaguar Therians might have the best resting bitch face, but no one did unimpressed like cheetah Therians.

  A couple of familiar figures headed their way, and Dex sat up, smiling brightly. “Hey, Cal. Dominic.”

  “Hey, Justice,” Dom replied with a grin.

  Dex laughed softly as Sloane arched his neck, his tail thumping against the grass as he watched Seb, Hudson, and Hobbs running and pouncing.

  “Go play, fuzzball. I know you want to.”

  Sloane didn’t need to be told twice. He got up and bounded over, hopping through the grass like a giant black bunny. Seb, Hudson, and Hobbs stilled when they saw him, sniffed the air, realized it was Sloane, and lost their furry minds. They were too stinking adorable for words.

  “Glad you guys could join us,” Dex said. “Ash, Cael, West, and the girls will be here soon.”

  At the mention of West’s name, Dom glanced over at him. “West’s coming?”

  Dex could tell Dom was trying hard not to look too interested, but his scent had changed slightly, and there was a slight flush to his skin. Calvin had the best poker face ever, but Dex noted the tiny curl of his lip on one side.

  “Yeah. He and Cael are like besties now. I swear, when they get together, it’s like they’re talking another language.”

  Dom chuckled. “Yeah, I don’t understand a third of the shit they talk about. Tech isn’t my thing, but it’s sweet watching them get all excited about that stuff. It’s damn impressive, though. I’ve seen West do crazy shit with a computer. Makes me glad he’s on our side.” Dom cleared his throat, and Dex waited. The guy was working his way up to something, but whatever subject he wanted to broach was clearly a difficult one. “So, um, TIN, huh?”

  Calvin cleared his throat. “I’m gonna go even the odds. Poor Hudson’s out-felined.” He got to his feet and jogged over to the guys to play, and Dex turned his attention to Dom.

  “Seb told you?”

  Dom nodded. “Yeah. He thought he was protecting me by not telling me, but you know how the doc is the voice of reason. He said I’d want to know, and he was right. I’d rather be prepared and know what I’m getting into than be blindsided. Seb’s ‘promotion’ to THIRDS Recruitment Officer and my promotion to Team Leader of Theta Destructive goes out while you guys are on your honeymoon. It’s going to be one hell of a shock for the team.”

  Dex cringed. “How do you think they’re going to take it?”

  “No fucking clue.” Dom sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He stared off at Seb, bounding across the grass with Hudson, Sloane, Hobbs, and Calvin on his tail. “Not gonna lie. Kinda shitting myself over it. The dynamic was finally perfect. He’s one hell of a Team Leader. Firm but fair. They love him.”

  “He’s a great guy.”

  Dom nodded, a frown on his face. “Yeah. We worked well together, complemented each other. He bitches and grumbles, and I fuss and mother everyone.” He laughed, as if recalling some memory. “Drives the team fucking nuts, but they love it.”

  Dex put his hand on Dom’s shoulder. “You’re going to do great, Dom. Do you think he would have left his team to someone he didn’t trust?”

  Dom blinked at him. “What do you mean? Sparks was the one who approached me.”

  “Because she asked Seb who he thought would be the best fit to lead your team, and he didn’t hesitate. He said it had to be you or he couldn’t step away. He refused to leave your team in anyone else’s hands.”

  Dom’s eyes got glassy, and he wrinkled his nose. “Asshole. Always looking after everyone.” Then he met Dex’s gaze, his eyes hard. “You better fucking watch my boy’s back out there, Daley.”

  Dex held his hand out to Dom. “You have my word.” It was already agreed that if Dex and Sloane were going to work alongside any other operatives, it would be Seb and Hudson.

  “The only one who seems to be taking all of this really well is Nina.”

  “Hudson told her?”

  Dom nodded. “Well, yeah. They’re best friends. Also Hudson couldn’t keep her in the dark now that Rafe knows.”

  “Shit. Rafe knows?”

  Dom arched an eyebrow at him. “Like you’d keep this shit from your brother.”

  Dom had a point. And it wasn’t like Hobbs didn’t know. It made sense for the brothers to all be on the same page. Wait. “Does Rafe know about Hobbs being a TIN Associate?”

  Dom nodded. “He wasn’t happy about it. You know how protective big brothers are.” He winked at Dex, who chuckled.

  “I wouldn’t know anything about that.”

  “Yeah, all right. I think I need to sit somewhere else so I don’t get hit with the bolt of lightning that’s about to fry your ass.”

  Dex laughed. He really liked Dom and was glad to have him be a part of their ever-growing family. Dom was larger than life, for a Human. He had muscles upon muscles, but he was also smart, sharp, and despite his gruff demeanor and the fact he cursed almost as much as Ash, he was a genuinely good guy. Very sweet and always looking out for those he cared about. Very much a heart-on-his sleeve kind of guy.

  “Anyway, Hudson’s happy for Nina because she’s been at the THIRDS longer than he has, so in his opinion, it’s about damn time she gets promoted to Chief Medical Examiner. She’s worried for Hudson, but she’s excited. I think she’s also really hopeful that you guys can find a way to help Rafe and Thomas.”

  Dex nodded. He was determined to find something, anything to help the two Hobbs men. “If there’s anything out there that will help, we’re going to find it.”

  “I hope so. Rafe’s not going to be able to hide his condition from his parents much longer, and that’s just going to shatter Thomas. I think that’s really what’s driving Seb with this whole TIN thing. He resented the way it happened, but now he’s had time to think about it, and whatever he’s heard or seen has him on board.”

  A thought occurred to Dex. “What’s Hudson’s new title?”

  Dom cast him a sideways glance, amusement in his eyes. “The doc hates it.”


  “Because it’s typical government posturing bullshit, and long as fuck, so it needs to be abbreviated, but you know no one’s going to know what the fuck it means.”

  “Oh my God, you have to tell me.” There was nothing more entertaining than listening to Hudson rant, no matter what he was ranting about, and nothing irked him more than pretentious, unnecessary titles and government posturing courtesy of the bigwigs in Washington. Dex couldn’t wait to poke Hudson. “Tell meeee,” Dex pleaded.

  “THIRDS International Chief Forensics Consulting Officer.”

  Dex fell over laughing.

  “You should have seen his face when he read the official letter,” Dom said, unable to hold back his laughter.

  “Wait,” Dex said gasping for breath. “I know exactly what you’re talking about. His expression goes all blank, which scares the shit out of you because you’re like ‘fuck, he’s broken,’ then he narrows his eyes before he goes all deadpan and says in a very calm, collected British voice whatever string of swear words come to mind, and then he loses his shit.”

  “Yes!” Dom laughed harder. “The doc is fucking hysterical, and he doesn’t even realize it. I swear, the shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes….” Dom shook his head, and wiped a tear from his eye. “Not even Seb expects half the stuff that comes out of that man’s mouth. It’s priceless.”

  “They’re adorable,” Dex said, sitting up and looking out across the lawn and laughing at the Therian leapfrog going on. Seb, Hobbs, and Sloane were doing their Felid thing, lying in the grass for a lazy cat rest, but because they were a
few feet apart, Hudson and Calvin were hopping over them like they were kitty hurdles. They jumped over Sloane, then Hobbs, then Seb, ran circles around them, Hudson’s tail wagging before they did it again, jumping over one and then the next. Seb chuffed, and Hudson’s ears perked up. He trotted up to Seb and pushed his nose against Seb’s before dropping onto the grass in front of Seb. He rolled onto his back, paws up, and Seb threw a paw over him as Hudson licked at Seb’s muzzle. When he was done, Seb began to groom him. Man, Dex loved those dorks. Calvin seemed to like the idea, and he dropped onto the grass before playfully annoying his boyfriend by tugging on one ear, then the other, poking until Hobbs pounced on him, making him laugh.

  “While you’re on your honeymoon, Seb will be getting an operation.”

  Dex stared at Dom. What the hell? “What are you talking about?”

  “TIN. They’re bringing in some of the best surgeons in the world. They’re going to repair his knee and perform some new unheard-of procedure that’ll stop whatever’s causing the tissue damage. Hudson explained it to me. Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie.”

  “You’re worried.” If Dom was worried, Dex could just imagine how worried Hudson was.

  “Yeah, but I tend to do that,” Dom replied, laughing softly.

  “He’ll be okay.” Dex turned at the group headed their way. “There’s Rosa and Letty.” He waved at the girls as they came toward Dex and Dom with Ash, Cael, and West in their Therian forms. Cael dashed over to Dex, chirping happily. He flopped all over Dex, making him laugh. “Yeah, yeah. I’m happy to see you too.” He gave Cael a good scratch before looking up at a preening Ash.

  Dex gave Ash a nod in greeting. “Mufasa.”

  Ash sneered at him. Lion Therians were experts at that, and Ash was the king of sneering. West came over, chirping at Dex and bumping his head against Dex’s chest.

  “Hey, nerd.” He ruffled West’s fur and scratched him behind the ear. “Hobbs wanted me to tell you guys that if you keep leaving your tech shit all over his BearCat, he’s going to recycle it.”


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