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Dreams of Fire

Page 3

by Zenina Masters

  When she got down to the last bite, her plate was swept away, and he washed and dried it with dexterity.

  She cleared her throat. “It surprises me that you do dishes.”

  He sent her a wicked grin. “My mother had specific ideas on what men needed to know to be independent. I can also patch clothing and do my own laundry if necessary.”

  Another giggle worked its way out of her. “She sounds sensible.”

  “She has to be. I have six brothers, and we ran riot if our parents looked away for even a moment.” He put the dishes away and leaned against the counter while drying his hands.

  She sat back in her chair. “Six?”

  “Six. Three of them are mated, and the others are actively looking.” He folded the towel neatly and draped it over a rack next to the sink.

  Her mind boggled at the thought of even one sibling let alone six more. “I can’t even imagine it.”

  “It had its moments. Most of us did not make it to adulthood without something broken, and not a week went by without something bruised.”

  She blinked. “Oh. Boys tend to fight. Right.”

  He cocked his head. “You have no siblings?”

  She shook her head. “My mother always said that one of me was quite enough, and then, she would ruffle my hair. Sparks would fly.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and smiled. “It sounds like she loved you very much.”

  Xia smiled as she remembered. “She did. I never doubted it. She was afraid for me, for what I would become, but she loved me.”

  He walked over to her and held his hand out. “Was she blessed with the same sight?”

  Her fingers trembled in his as he lifted her out of the chair. “Not that she mentioned, but if she were, she had it under control.”

  He kept his tone low and soothing as they walked to the sitting area of the apartment.

  “What was her name?”

  “Xelaria. It is technically my name too, but I registered for space travel as Xia, so I am Xia now.”

  He tugged her down onto one of the couches and pulled her tight against his chest. He wasn’t making any deliberate moves that she would find threatening, so after twenty minutes of staring out at the starry sky, she relaxed against him. Working herself until she was comfortable, he didn’t comment on her fidgeting.

  She ended up with her legs curled beside her and her head against his shoulder. As they sat together, he idly toyed with her still-damp braid.

  “This isn’t the sort of seduction I would expect of an Asku.” Xia inhaled and breathed in his warm and masculine scent. Her insides began to electrify as he stroked her arm slowly.

  “What would you expect? That I simply drag you to my room and hold you down?” He chuckled and continued to draw light designs on her bicep.

  “I don’t know. I don’t suppose that I ever gave the mating habits of an Asku much thought.”

  He shifted her and pulled her until she was sitting across his lap.

  She blinked in surprise. She was almost at eye level with him, and it was disconcerting to have those dark eyes so close to hers.

  “You might want to give it a little more thought. There will be a test later.” He brushed a kiss across her lips.

  She smiled for a moment before he slid a hand to the back of her head, and he deepened the kiss.

  Xia shivered as his tongue parted her lips and probed gently inside. Her heart pounded, and her skin came alive with tiny sparks.

  He groaned again but did not let her retreat. The hot length of his erection pressed against her thigh, and she wanted it elsewhere.

  He held her head and deepened the kiss.

  Xia shifted until she straddled him, and he laughed at the change in her position.

  She broke their kiss and asked, “Why are you laughing?”

  Drov pressed his lips to her throat, and she could feel his smile. “You will learn very shortly that men tend to be delighted when they are given what they most desire.”

  “How can I be what you most desire? We just met.” She frowned but tilted her head to give him full access to her neck.

  “How do we know that the sun will rise? Some things are just written in time and space.” Drov continued his caress but began to unfasten her vest, and when the cool air rushed in, more sparks crackled on her skin.

  The moment that he went to work on her shirt, her nerves took over, cooling the building arousal.

  He didn’t miss a beat but, instead, moved back up her neck, nuzzling the spot just under her ear until she relaxed again.

  He continued his assault on that very sensitive spot while he worked at her shirt once again. When the fabric parted, he slid his hand around her waist to let her get used to the heat.

  She appreciated that he was going so slowly, and even more, she enjoyed the spot that he found on her neck that was sending shivers directly to her womb, causing wet heat and clenching in areas she had been ignoring her entire life.

  When he slid his hand up her spine, she moved her hips reflexively, pressing herself against him. A slight moan came from between her lips, and she felt Drov’s smile against her neck.

  To heck with bashful modesty, what the Asku was doing with his mouth and tongue was too good. His hand covered most of her back, and he stroked her spine in a slow caress. Each stroke caused her hips to rock against him, and the electricity inside her built until it felt like she was going to blow apart.

  When his teeth nipped at her neck, she let out a screech as her body bucked beyond her control. Wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her, and she held onto Drov’s shoulders as her body shook.

  Xia’s body finally subsided, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. Her lips were pressed to his neck. “What the hell was that?”

  He used her braid to tug her head upright. “Are you serious? You have never felt that before?”

  She shook her head. “No. Nor do I know why you are sparking with the power from my skin.”

  It was true, tiny bits of charge flickered under his skin, casting his features in a sinister glow.

  “Shall we find out how far the power has ranged?” His raised brow, the intent look made her blush.

  “Now would be best, before I regain movement in my legs and get the hell out of here.”

  He chuckled and got to his feet, he cupped her buttocks and held her to him as he walked to his bedchamber and set her on the edge of the bed.

  Drov calmly removed his shirt and gestured for her to look. “What do you think? Do you see the power under my skin?”

  Her mouth went dry, and she nodded, curling her fingers inward to cease the urge to touch.

  “Perhaps you should touch me to see if the energy will return to you.”

  Her lips twisted in a sarcastic smile. “Are you asking me to touch you?”


  His frankness worked better than a sleazy seduction. She knelt and reached for him, her fingers tracing the tattoos and the power followed her touch. Wherever she touched him, he glowed. When Xia looked up at Drov’s face, his eyes were closed and the cords of his neck were standing as he fought whatever sensation he was getting from her touch.

  Impishly, she trailed her fingers lower on his torso, caressing each band of muscle before going on to the next. When her touch worked toward his waistband, he gripped her hands. “Not yet. When I cum, I want to be inside you.”

  She shivered and tried to work out how that was going to feel as he slid his hands along her torso, over her shoulders and tipped her shirt and vest off and to one side.

  Because of the tight vest, she had foregone a breast band, so she was in the same state of dress as Drov, minus his boots.

  “Undo your hair.” It was a low growl, but her nipples hardened at the sound.

  She flicked the closure off the end of the braid, and it swiftly unravelled. Unbound, it covered half her spine. The cool silk of it wrapped around her as she loosened it until it formed a sort of cape around her.
  While she had worked on her hair, Drov removed his boots and trousers. When she looked up, she was the only one in the room wearing clothing, and her hands itched to touch once again.

  Chapter Six

  Eagerness and fear fought in her mind, but her body knew what it wanted. She shifted and trailed her hands down his abdomen, down the front of his thighs and then back to the thick shaft with its pearly tipped head.

  The rigid feel of him was surprising, as was the jerking motion of his cock when Xia drew her fingers over him. It was fascinating that the lightest touch drew light to the surface of his skin no matter where she touched him.

  “How is that possible?”

  His voice was strained, “What precisely do you refer to?”

  She drew her hands back and looked up the intimidating expanse of him. “Um, I was wondering how that power got into you. It normally doesn’t surface for anything but electrical interference.”

  “It struck me with your release.”

  She blinked. “I didn’t see anything.”

  He laughed and stepped toward her. “You were slightly distracted.”

  He pressed his hand to her sternum and tipped her over on her back. With a few sure motions, he divested her of her trousers and underwear, leaving her as naked as he was.

  She shivered as he crawled over her. Primal fear warred with intense curiosity and the basic satisfaction of sharing a male’s body heat.

  He hovered over her, his lips an inch from hers. Xia leaned up and closed the distance.

  He deepened the kiss. When he leaned back, she was panting, the room was alive with energy, and she didn’t give a damn. There was a satisfied grin on his face, one that had a very masculine overtone. With the smile still on his lips, he moved down her body, kissing her neck and gliding lower.

  Her clavicle tingled as his lips moved across her skin. First, her left nipple and then her right were teased next.

  The building pressure was soaring through her again, and when he suckled first one breast then the other, her thighs twisted together restlessly. She felt the honey seeping from her and a blush darkened her cheeks when he slid his hand between her thighs.

  Other than bathing necessities and the occasional physical, nothing had ever slid inside her. The sensation of his finger working its way into her, drawing out and slipping back in gained all her attention in no time.

  When he added a second finger to the welcome invasion, she lifted her hips with every movement of his fingers.

  Her voice was taken by gasps and whimpers. She couldn’t come out with a single word. She was near the peak he had shown her earlier, and her body tensed in anticipation.

  “Not yet.”

  Drov leaned over and lifted a small device from the floor next to the bed. Xia didn’t get a good look at it, but he slid it into her.

  A flash of pain and he removed it, returning with a small pot of something that he dipped his fingers in and smoothed over his cock.

  “What was that?”

  He smiled. “Just something to make your first time easier.”

  She frowned. “You knew?”

  He moved to cover her and distracted her with soft nibbles on her lips. “I think we can discuss it in the morning.”

  She chuckled at the absurdity of her queries. “Fine. What comes next?”

  He placed delicate kisses on her neck once again. Next to her ear, he whispered, “Hopefully, you do.”

  She didn’t have time to do more than smile at that when she felt him part her thighs and settle the head of his cock against her.

  He met her gaze and moved into her in minute increments. He surged forward, relaxed and pushed again.

  Xia was amazed as he worked his way into her. She had no idea that she was designed to take something so large. She kept her eyes wide and her gaze locked with Drov’s. For some reason, it seemed like the thing to do.

  In the darkness of his eyes, she saw a bright spark that rivalled her own power. It swirled and grew as he rocked forward and back, finally passing the mark where the pain had emerged.

  With one slow stroke, he was fully inside her and a star was dancing in his eyes.

  Xia felt full to bursting. She wanted to ask a thousand things, wanted to know if there was more of him, but instead, she reached up, draped her arms around his neck and whispered, “More.”

  He gave her more. His hips shifted, and she felt the slow drag within her, and the controlled surge forward took her breath away. He moved inside her, shifting, sliding and thrusting until she was on the brink of another shattering release.

  The room glowed with the power held in her skin, and his eyes gave off an illumination of his own.

  Her inner muscles tightened around him, and her gasps took on a high whine. She shrieked as her energy sparked and flew around the room, embedding in Drov before leaving him and returning to her.

  His shout of release and the sharp shove of his hips held him tightly inside her while she felt his cock pulse and twitch.

  Drov breathed deeply and slowly lowered most of his body to hers, bracing himself on his arms so he wouldn’t crush her. He kissed her gently, and she gave him a dazed smile.

  “Now, I know what all the fuss is about. When can we do that again?”

  He chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. “Not until tomorrow at the earliest. I used a small laser to pierce your hymen, and the salve I coated myself with will speed the healing, but you will still be sore.”

  She sighed and shifted. There was a corresponding twitch inside her. Drov groaned and withdrew from her, walking to the lav and returning with a small tray with items she couldn’t see.

  The first thing he did was to part her thighs, and he gently pressed a cloth to her for a moment. He placed that cloth back on the tray with its traces of blood and semen, and used a warm washcloth to take all other evidence of their coupling from her.

  Once that was set aside, he used more of the salve, spreading it inside her with his fingers and wiping them clean when he was finished.

  Xia went from embarrassed to curious in a matter of moments. “What was that first cloth?”

  “Proof of mating. It will confirm that you and I are mated should anyone challenge our bond. The other proof will be arranged tomorrow, hopefully it will be done before the reception we will attend.”

  Drov scooped her up with one arm, kissed her soundly and used his free hand to flip back the covers. With another smooth move, he tucked her in and rolled in next to her.

  His skin was still glowing, but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “What was that star in your eyes?”

  He grinned, “A piece of my mother’s people. They are so rare as to be extinct, and they have power over light when provoked.”

  She yawned and settled against him. “Why are your eyes black? It isn’t common among the Asku.”

  “One of my ancestresses was from a planet in orbit around a dark star. They are her eyes, and they breed true. Our sons will have them.”

  She nestled in his arms. “What about our daughters?”

  “If we are lucky enough to have girls, they will have the eyes as well. Sleep, Xia Velu, my mate, my lady.”

  “Good night, Drov, my mate, my Asku.” She chuckled at her wit and let a well-earned darkness overtake her.

  Chapter Seven

  Drov was out of bed when dawn came in through the wall of windows. Xia turned over and grumped, “Drapes may not be a bad idea.”

  He chuckled and kissed her cheek. “Morning, Lady Xia Velu. You are not a morning person, are you?”

  She yawned and sat up. “If you spent your life dodging sleep, you would despise a sun you couldn’t hide from as well.”

  He nodded. “Fair point. I will be back in a moment.”

  Completely unselfconscious, he walked nude through the bedroom and out into the apartment proper.

  Xia got to her feet and forced her aching thighs to get her to the lav for the necessities of morning.

nbsp; She loosely knotted her hair out of the way and took a quick shower. When the heat had relaxed her muscles, she breathed a little easier. Slightly more mobile, she stumbled out of the shower and right into Drov’s arms.

  “I would have helped you, you know.”

  “I know. But it will take me a little time to adjust my habits for the private things.” She was speaking to him while he towelled her off and blotted gently at any of the areas he had treated with enthusiasm the night before.

  “Your skin is very delicate, how are you feeling?” His dark hair was shining, and she stifled a smile at his taking a shower in the guestroom.

  “I am feeling fine. I had the same dream last night, so the fire will definitely be at the location I drew yesterday.” She could feel that her cheeks were pink at his frank scrutiny, but the mirror was still fogged.

  He placed a hand over her sex. “And here?”

  She clenched her inner muscles to test her sensitivity and shrugged. “Achy but fine.”

  He let out a low whoosh of air. “Thank the star.”

  “Did you do what you had to do?”

  He nodded. “The Marksman will be here within the hour.”


  Drov took her hand and flattened it over his heart. “Your name will be inked into my skin right here. Xelaria Junior.”

  She snorted. “Don’t be silly. You are not marking your body with my name.”

  He raised his brows. “You don’t know much about the Asku. We mate once, mate for life and carry our mate’s name with us on our skin in case we fall in battle.” He smiled to reassure her. “We don’t fall much.”

  Xia was still horrified at the thought of marring that smooth skin. “In that case, what purpose does it serve?”

  He chuckled. “The inks used react with Asku physiology. It is an erogenous zone and it is crafted in your name. Once it heals, the lightest brush of your hand on the mark will instantly get my attention.”

  The mirror cleared, and she was able to see herself. A purple mark under her ear made her scowl. Her nipples were red, and several other spots on her body were pinker than usual.


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