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Harlequin Heartwarming May 2016 Box Set

Page 28

by Rula Sinara

  “Well, maybe we can get you some of that,” said Heather.

  The twins stopped talking as they both got plates of pancakes. Addison ordered a stack of two but Taylor wanted three.

  “Honey, I think two will be enough for you. Those pancakes are pretty big.”

  “I want three!”

  “You’d better eat them.” Heather lowered her voice in an aside to Grace. “Or not. I don’t want her to get sick.”

  Grace just laughed and ordered a stack of three for herself. She also got three strips of bacon and three sausage links.

  Then they turned toward the tables in the center of the room, most of them already full. Apparently the whole town turned out for Pancake Day, so Grace looked for the one face she would be happiest to see.


  Apparently the whole town had turned out except for Caleb Blackthorne.

  As they sat down, Heather began introducing her to the people around them, and if they owned or operated a business, she included that information, as well. Grace tried to mentally keep track of everything Heather told her, but she feared she’d already forgotten half of what she’d been told. Then Heather realized they’d forgotten drinks and got up to fetch glasses of milk for the girls and two cups of coffee for themselves.

  Taylor dug into her food hungrily. She’d gotten a cup of soft-serve ice cream, which she dumped on top of her pancakes. Addison cut her plain pancakes into dainty pieces and chewed equally daintily. Grace wondered how two sisters born at the same time could be so different.

  “Slow down,” Heather told Taylor, “or you might end up with a tummy ache.”

  Grace spread fresh creamery butter on her pancakes and laced them with syrup. “Yum. I can see why so many people turn out for Pancake Day.”

  Heather bit into a piece of crisp bacon. “It’s not just the food, it’s the sense of community, of everyone taking a short break from work to celebrate spring with friends and family and catch up with people they don’t often get to talk to.”

  Looking around, Grace saw so many smiles, heard so much laughter, that she couldn’t help but grin. Never having experienced anything like this in Milwaukee, where neighbors didn’t necessarily even know each other—Grace was acquainted with only one other woman in her condo building—she responded to the positive energy in the room. There were a lot of things she liked about Sparrow Lake, and the feeling of community just went to the top of her list. She imagined that even if you lived alone, you would never have to be lonely in a friendly town like this.

  Heather had been right about her coming to the event. Several people wanted to know how the green community was faring, and others asked what her plans for the future might be. Lots of interested questions from potential residents or simply people who might help spread the word to friends in nearby towns. People came and went, but the twins went back for second helpings, so, content to stay awhile longer, Grace fetched another cup of coffee.

  Just as she brought it back to the table, she looked up to see a familiar face. Three familiar faces, in fact. Caleb had arrived with Angela and Kiki. They had just filled their plates with food and were looking around for a place to sit. As if he knew she was staring at him, Caleb turned in her direction. Their gazes met and her stomach did a little flip when his lips turned up in a big smile aimed her way. She waved. Then Angela saw her, and the girl’s lips tightened.

  “C’mon,” Grace heard Caleb say to his daughter and her friend. “There’s room over there.”

  Over there was across from her and Heather and the twins. Grace sent him a welcoming smile. “Hi, Caleb.”

  “Grace, Heather...good to see you, both,” he said as he set down his food.

  “You, too, Caleb,” Heather said.

  Grace’s pulse thrummed. “I was hoping we might run into each other.”

  Caleb took the seat directly across from Grace, Angela and Kiki reluctantly joining him. Caleb introduced the women to the girls. Angela didn’t say anything, simply slapped down her plate and threw herself into her chair. Kiki avoided looking at anyone.

  Oh, great. Talk about awkward. Grace figured the teenagers recognized her from the mural incident.

  As if he didn’t notice his daughter’s attitude, Caleb gave her cup of coffee and empty plate a quick look. “I take it you already ate.”

  “More like overate,” Grace said. “But it was delicious, worth every calorie.”

  He eyed her more thoroughly. “Not that you need to worry about it.”

  Grace started to laugh until she noted Kiki’s sour expression. Definitely aimed her way.

  A loud bam startled them all, and Grace turned to see the twins near a food table, an entire bowl of butter turned upside down at their feet.

  “Oh, no,” Heather groaned, pushing herself away from the table. “I knew something had to happen. Things were too peaceful.”

  Grace laughed. “It’s probably an accident. They didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

  But then she noticed Addison stooping to pick up a glob of butter with one finger and promptly flinging it at her sister. Heather bore down upon the pair and Grace turned back to her food, not wanting to watch the twins get reprimanded. Even an angelic-looking child could be naughty, she guessed.

  Caleb grinned and gave his daughter a penetrating look. “They can get into trouble no matter the age.”

  At which point Angela turned her back on him and went forehead to forehead with Kiki, whispering. Caleb merely rolled his eyes and continued smiling at Grace, who felt a sudden attack of butterflies whirl through her stomach.

  She said, “I understand Pancake Day is a tradition.”

  “I’ve been here every year since I moved into town.”

  “I can understand why. It’s a lot of fun, and you get to see people you probably don’t see often.” Like him. She was definitely glad she’d run into Caleb. She hadn’t met a man who interested her this much in ages. “Are there other community events like this?”

  “The big Memorial Day picnic. Fourth of July fireworks over the lake. The cow parade. Labor Day, when everyone pitches in to spruce up the town square and other public areas, then take part in a potluck. We have a Christmas party...Valentine’s Day...Easter egg hunt...”

  “Got it. Sounds nice. Not that we don’t have holiday activities in Milwaukee. We have lots of them, but it’s not like the whole city can come together as you do in a small town.”

  “So you like Sparrow Lake?” Caleb asked, the personal timbre of his voice getting to her.

  Swallowing hard, she met his gaze directly. “More and more every day.”

  “Ever think about staying?”

  “Permanently?” Surprised by the thought, Grace said, “Milwaukee is my home. I’ve lived there all my life other than when I went to college in Chicago.” An even bigger city. “And for the past year, I’ve been splitting my time between home and here.” Though lately, she hadn’t even made it back to her condo every weekend. “I rent an apartment here in town.”

  “You could build yourself whatever kind of home you want over at Green Meadows.”

  “I suppose so, but our main office is in Milwaukee.” Now Grace was getting a little nervous. She realized Angela’s eyes had widened as if in alarm. What was the teenager’s problem? She focused on Caleb. “I—I know it’s commuter distance, but I’ve really enjoyed the lack of traffic and getting to work in five minutes most days.”

  “If Phase 2 becomes a reality, you should consider it.”

  There was an appeal to living where she worked...but was it realistic? Dad would probably throw a fit if she suggested it. He would demand to know how she was going to run the company long distance. Grace wouldn’t disappoint her father by arguing the point that she didn’t want his job. And yet...she realized Caleb sounded as if he wanted her a
round. The idea warmed her through and through. Too bad it seemed as if Angela didn’t agree with her dad. The girl’s expression had closed, but Grace sensed she was seething inside.

  Her smile fading, Grace murmured, “Something to think about.”

  Angela popped out of her chair, Kiki following suit.

  “Getting seconds?” Caleb asked.

  Now Angela glared at him. “Getting out of here.”

  “I’m not ready to leave yet.”

  “Fine with me.” The girl whipped around and headed for the door with Kiki.

  “How are you getting home? Walking?” When his daughter didn’t answer, Caleb reluctantly rose. “I’d better go after her,” he told Grace. “She’s still grounded. I made an exception for Pancake Day. My mistake.”

  Grace forced a smile to her lips. “Well, it was good seeing you.”

  Nodding, he took off after his daughter.

  Leaving Grace feeling a little empty and alone.

  * * *

  WHAT NOW? CALEB WONDERED, as he dodged several townspeople carrying loaded plates in one hand, cups of coffee in the other.

  “Oh, Caleb, there you are.” Margaret Becker stepped in front of him. “I wanted to talk to you about possibly co-teaching a limited workshop or two this summer. Combining art forms with conservation. That would give us opportunities for field trips.”

  Retired but now teaching part-time as an adjunct professor, Margaret was a vibrant seventy-year-old with bright red hair and an eye-popping colorful wardrobe. She was one of his favorite people from the college.

  “I would love to talk to you about it,” he said, slipping around her, “but I have to catch up to Angela. I promise I will call later!”

  Margaret nodded. “I understand. Go get your girl.”

  Which was exactly what he tried to do. But as he hit the street and looked around, he didn’t see Angela. Or Kiki. He stood there for a moment. Where had they disappeared to so quickly? An engine revved nearby and a moment later, a motorbike shot out from the south side of the building and spun around the corner, Angela clinging to Kiki, who was driving the thing.

  “Angela!” he yelled.

  She heard him, because she glanced over her shoulder for a second before turning her face away from him.

  Caleb clenched his jaw and turned his body to steel so he wouldn’t race for the car to go after them. That would be a sure way to cause an accident. If he went home, would she be there? Though they were headed in that direction, he sorely doubted it.

  “You didn’t catch up to her?”

  Grace. He turned to her as she moved closer, a concerned expression on her pretty face.

  “She got away on a motorbike with Kiki. I didn’t even know Kiki had one, or I would have forbidden Angela from riding with her.”

  “No helmets?”

  “They had helmets. And I’m assuming Kiki has a driver’s license since she’s older than Angela.”

  “Well, I’m sure they’ll be fine, then,” Grace said agreeably.

  “Angela won’t be. I’ll ground her until her eighteenth birthday!”

  Grace placed a hand on his arm. “I think you need to take a breath, Caleb. A really deep one.”

  “Will it help the situation?” he asked, thinking her touch was calming him down.

  “I would guess it’ll help your skyrocketing blood pressure.”

  Caleb sucked in a lungful of air and let it go with a whoosh. Clueless as to his daughter’s behavior, he shook his head. “What was that all about, anyway?”

  “They were probably bored.”

  “I’m sure you have a point. That’s the very reason I let Angela come today. She begged me to let her out of the house just for a little while. Then when we got here, Kiki was waiting for her. I think they had the escape planned out.”


  But Grace didn’t look so certain.

  “What else would have driven her away?” he asked.

  “Well, um,”

  “You mean because you took charge the day of the mural debacle?”

  “Partly. She, um, didn’t look thrilled when you were talking to me.”

  He’d been asking Grace if she’d thought about moving to town...mentioned Phase 2...said she should consider it. Hmm. It seemed that Angela was jealous of his interest in Grace, no matter that he hadn’t even asked the woman out. He remembered the conversation with his mother about his daughter feeling abandoned...his reluctance to bring another woman into the mix...his mother’s telling him that Angela would come around...

  Ask her

  The thought wouldn’t go away.

  Kindhearted and with their passion for the environment, Grace was exactly the kind of woman he would like to get to know better. He hoped Angela wouldn’t do something purposely to ruin this chance for him.

  So he said, “I was wondering if you were busy on Saturday.”

  “Saturday evening?”

  “Late afternoon, early evening?”

  “Um, well, no. I mean, I’m free.” Grace’s expression went from bemused to pleased. In a very cute way.

  Making Caleb grin at her. “The weather is supposed to be unusually warm this weekend, and I was thinking we could take a boat out on Sparrow Lake.”

  “You want to go fishing?”

  “Not exactly. I was just thinking about circling the lake, maybe having a picnic dinner in the nature center there.”

  She smiled and her whole face lit up, and in response he lit up from the inside out.

  “Sounds nice,” she said, eyes shining as they met his. “I would love to do that with you.”


  The fact that Angela might be annoyed flicked through his thoughts, making him wonder how he could bring her around. Grace had Angela’s best interests at heart. If only his daughter could see that.

  * * *

  “ARE YOU SURE you want to do this here?” Kiki asked.

  “Positive. This is exactly the right place.”

  They got off the motorbike Kiki had “borrowed” from her ex-boyfriend Viper. Angela suspected Viper didn’t know that Kiki had it, but she didn’t care any more than she cared about being on the rez where Gran Maddie lived. She wanted to make sure her mother got this message, and the big public bulletin board to the side of the recreation center would be perfect for it. While residents shopped in the village stores, no one was around here at the moment. Now she simply had to work fast before anyone spotted them.

  “Let’s hurry.”

  They unloaded the cargo bag. Kiki had brought another set of acrylics and brushes that Angela had paid for with her allowance. Then Kiki pulled myriad posters and notices from the bulletin board as Angela opened containers.

  “What are you going to paint this time?”

  “My mother.” At least that would be the focus of the painting.

  “Yeah, but the photo you have of her was taken a million years ago, before you were born. She might not even recognize herself. And you might get into big trouble this time.”

  Angela gritted her teeth. “You can leave if you don’t approve.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.” There was a slight note of panic in Kiki’s voice. “You know I’m your friend.”

  “And I’m yours, Kiki, no matter what.”

  “Well, I’m staying.”

  “Then let’s get this thing done.” Angela rummaged in the bag of paints. “I want plenty of black and acid blue. Then white. For lightning. We’re gonna paint a great big goth ‘spirit buffalo’ with smoke coming out of his nostrils and lightning shooting out of his sides.”

  Kiki found a big piece of discarded cardboard they could use as a palette and laid it down on the ground.

“I thought this was about your mother.”

  “She’s going to be riding the buffalo.”

  After watching Angela sketch out the basics, Kiki picked up a brush and followed her lead.

  “Wow, the white you’re using for your mom’s face makes her look like a zombie. That’s so sick!” Kiki said admiringly. “Maybe she should be wearing a skull necklace.”

  “Good idea. She’s coming for vengeance.”

  “She left you. You’re the one who should be getting vengeance.”

  Angela shook her head. “I think Dad sent her away. She’s after him...and everybody else on this reservation. Obviously they didn’t care enough about her.”

  When they were done with the painting, both girls stepped back to admire their creation. The lightning burst out in jagged spears, while the buffalo and his wild-haired rider both looked absolutely insane. Insanely cool, that was.

  “What do you think?” Angela asked, a big smile on her face.

  Before Kiki could answer, a rough male voice interrupted, “I think you are in trouble, young lady.”

  Angela jerked around and came face-to-face with Harold Fox, one of the tribe’s elders.


  CALEB FELT AS if he was at his wits’ end as he parked in front of his mother’s house. He’d barely had a half hour of happiness thinking about his upcoming date with Grace before getting the call from Mom. Climbing out of the truck, he slammed the door to let off some steam. He’d known something was up when Angela had ridden off on that motorbike with Kiki. Rather than going home where she belonged, his daughter had gotten herself in trouble yet again, and while she was still grounded, no less.

  His mother came out on the stoop to meet him. “Your face looks like it was hit by a thundercloud.”

  “Yeah, a real Summer Storm.”

  Mom actually smiled at that. “My granddaughter does have talent.” She hugged him. “And the temperament of a true artist. She paints what she feels, and she’s obviously feeling a lot of difficult emotions right now.”

  Hugging her in return, Caleb said, “Yes, but she’s creating where she’s not supposed to. First the community center at Green Meadows, now the rez’s recreation center.”


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