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Island Guardians 05 - Mystic's Call

Page 5

by Lacey Thorn

  He took her mouth again simply because he could and the need was too strong. She tasted of everything and yet there was nothing in his mind that could compare. He could grow drunk on her taste alone. He was glad that he had taken the extra few minutes upon entering the room to divest himself of both shoes and weapons’ belt. Now all that lay between them were his warrior’s pants and at the moment he felt that was a good thing. Her cunt was so hot and wet where she rode his thigh that if not for the cloth barrier he would already be in her, close to spilling his seed.

  He pulled slowly from her lips and worked his way just as slowly down her jaw and neck. Soft sucking bites, tiny nibbles and wet licks from his tongue left a path on her skin. She was soft and warm and sweet. He licked over the tops of her breasts working his way around and around growing closer and closer to the rigid nipples in the center of each. Finally he pushed both lush breasts together and took the twin points into his mouth sucking greedily on them.

  Reanna thrashed and moaned beneath him prompting him to suck harder with strong pulls of his mouth. He lavished her breasts with his unwavering attention until both nipples were wet, red and tight. She shuddered and went limp and Finn raised his head with a smile and a question on his lips.

  “Did you just find your pleasure Reanna?” He grinned in triumph while she nodded her head. He could smell the musk of her, see the sweet cream coating her cunt and inner thighs. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “I’m going to lick you clean. Every drop. Then I’m going to make you give me more.”

  She shuddered again as he moved lower until his body was wedged between her sprawled thighs. He lifted her legs and pushed them so that her feet were flat against the covers with her knees bent and spread wide. He inhaled again and then slowly worked his tongue from her anus to her clit. She cried out beneath him and her hands clenched in the cover they were lying on. He licked the plump lips of her pussy before spreading them and doing the same to the inside. Over and over he worked his tongue until she glistened from his saliva instead of her juices.

  He brushed her clit with every upward stroke but didn’t stop to give the tight bud the attention that he wanted to. Not yet. Every downward stroke had him flicking over her opening denying both of them the penetration they wanted. Back and forth he went until she was bucking her pussy up to him begging with incoherent sounds for what she wanted, for what he wanted. Finally he stopped with his mouth poised over her clitoris. He gripped her thighs in his palms and began his assault.

  He stabbed and flicked the pearl with his tongue before leaning closer and placing hard suctioning kisses on it. She screamed and bucked beneath him trying in vain to close her legs against the pleasure he knew he was giving her. Her cries and begging assured him of that.

  He took one hand and slid the fingers down to her opening. Two big fingers slid home and he began pumping them inside her in rhythm with his tongue on her clit. She arched her hips higher pressing her dripping cunt more snugly against his mouth as he brought her to orgasm. He kept licking, kept sucking and kept her right in the thrall of her pleasure for as long as he dared before gentling his touch and pulling back to allow her to come down.

  While she lay panting for breath, limp with ecstasy, he spared the few seconds necessary to remove his pants. When he moved back into the space between her thighs his naked cock bobbed away from his body. Reanna reached forward and wrapped her fingers around it making Finn groan and tense. He was so close to the edge that just the touch of her hand might set him off if he didn’t maintain control.

  She ran her fingers lightly from crest to root taking a moment to fondle his tight ball sac before moving back up and swiping her finger over the tip of his cock and the drop of semen already beaded there. She took the drop on her finger and carried it up to her mouth. He was mesmerized by the sight of her tongue darting out to taste him before she stuck the finger into her mouth. He watched her cheeks flex inward and knew she was sucking his taste. The pleasure that filled her eyes said that she liked it.

  He couldn’t take it anymore. He pushed her thighs wider and, holding her gaze, moved so that the bulbous head of his cock rested at her opening. Slowly he pressed inside, doing his best to take his time. This first time he wanted to enjoy every facet of making love with her. He wanted to always remember this time. He wanted to recall with perfect clarity the way her pussy clenched and squeezed him as he worked his length into her. Wanted to remember the way her breasts lifted and fell as she breathed through the pleasure spiraling between them. The bright red cherries that were her aroused nipples. The way her eyes held his sharing with him exactly how she was feeling, how she was enjoying what they were sharing.

  He buried his cock as deep as it would go and held still. Their pubic bones pressed against each other, her sheath a constant ripple around his engorged cock. He leaned down so that her nipples stabbed into his chest and, holding her eyes with his, kissed her, softly, slowly and with the love he felt growing inside him already. This was his woman. His mate for life. The one woman who was destined for him and his brothers, to complete them and enhance them. This was the first moment of forever.

  He smiled. Reanna smiled back at him and it was a moment in time. Just one moment in time. But it was their moment and one that he would treasure until the day he ceased to be.

  He rocked his hips pressing just that tiny bit deeper before pulling back and sliding home again. She lifted her legs and clasped them tightly around his hips while her hands moved from his chest to his shoulders and finally down to clasp his hands with hers. He took her slowly, gently, making love to her body with his. And the entire time her eyes never wavered from his. As he lost himself in her body he could see that she was right there with him every step of the way. It was all in her eyes—the pleasure, the joy and the beginning of what would be between them. She came again and he followed closely behind her. And when they finally fell asleep their hands were still joined as were their bodies.

  Chapter Five

  Reanna woke with a slow stretch. Her body was deliciously sore in places it had never been before. And the day was far from over. She had no doubts that when she next slept it would be with all three of her mates. And she would be wearing the mark of her warriors on her abdomen. It would be tonight. Their ceremony wouldn’t be the same as others, but then that was to be expected when the Mystic mated with the new island princes. It would be perfect for them though. And she was eager to experience all of them at once.

  But first she had a riddle to work out. She had to go back to the valley and find the stone. She knew the placement of the four Guardians. Alea who was Guardian of Air, and the only one that Reanna had not met yet, would stand to the East and be the first to invoke. Farrah, Guardian of Fire, would stand to the South and go second. Willow, Guardian of Water, would stand to the West and go next. Then Erika, Guardian of Earth and a very close friend of Reanna’s, would stand in the North and cast the final invocation to complete the circle. Reanna of course would begin the ceremony.

  They would call upon the goddess, asking for her blessing. They would unleash the power in order to cleanse the island. And then when all was said and done they would close themselves within the circle, withdrawing power one at a time starting with Erika and working back to Reanna, who would then open the circle to the goddess. It all seemed so easy in thought. But a million things could happen between now and then. And it only took one to end it for all of them.

  She took her time washing and dressing, going over and over possibilities in her mind. But she couldn’t make it click, not without going back and looking more closely at the valley. The Guardians would be around the small pond. Leaving Reanna where? How did she find the stone? She heard voices outside her door just as she was slipping into her sandals. At the discreet knock on the door she invited them in and was delighted to see three of the Guardians standing before her.

  Erika was a friend who had grown up in the same village with Reanna. She stood five feet eight inches in heigh
t with long brown hair and green eyes. The height and eye color were a trait that all three of the Guardians Reanna had met shared in common. So she had little doubt that Alea would be five eight as well with green eyes. The only physical difference was their hair color. And they each had unique personalities. Farrah had reddish-gold hair while Willow had long black hair. Alea’s was said to be a fiery red.

  “Come in,” she urged her friends.

  Erika walked right up to her and wrapped her in a big hug. “I always knew that there was something special about you.”

  “Thank you,” Reanna said. Part of her had been nervous of her friend’s reaction to her being the Mystic. But she should have known that when it came to these women she had little to fear. They were her friends and they took friendship very seriously. Just as they took exception to anyone who hurt, or even tried to harm, one of them. They were a unique force unto themselves.

  Reanna grinned as each of the woman perched on a different spot around the bed. They each had incredible power and the only people they could not use it against were their mates and each other. But they had found a way around the mates part. They just had another guardian use her power on their mates. No law broken there and their point got across. No, these were definitely not women you wanted to mess with.

  “The time is at hand,” Erika said and all eyes went to her. “With your awakening Reanna, the journey is complete and the end is near.”

  Farrah smiled and reached over to grip Reanna’s hand in hers. “We have waited for your arrival just as the island has waited for ours. I can feel the ripple of fire under my skin, so close to the surface, closer and stronger than it has ever been.”

  “It is the same for me,” Willow added. “The call of the water is louder and more demanding than ever before. My soul yearns for what it knows must come and the words of invocation want to fall from my tongue.”

  “It is the same for all of us,” Erika agreed. “I’m sure that you can feel it inside you as well,” she said to Reanna.

  Reanna nodded and squeezed Farrah’s hand. Farrah had just recently announced her pregnancy and proudly displayed the rounding mound of her belly now that she was six months along. Erika had recently given birth to her twins, the first set born on the island where there was one of each sex. Rarely were there a set of twins born that were not male and never a set of triplets. It was a first for them as well, a sign from the goddess of the change in the air. Reanna knew that the other two Guardians would soon be pregnant as well, if they weren’t already. It was a sign of rebirth. A gift from the goddess to those she had chosen by her own hand.

  “Yes, I can feel the change in the air,” Reanna said. “But what is more, I’ve spoken with the goddess.”

  They all looked at her, not exactly with surprise but with awe.

  “What did she say?” Erika asked.

  “Five shall gather, each with their own. Four shall gather around the stone. The Mystic will rise, signaling the call. Stand together, let none fall. Words spoken in love, in pain and in need. Will find treasure within the goddess indeed.” Reanna repeated the words that the goddess had spoken in the valley.

  “The stone?” Farrah questioned. “Where is the stone?”

  “I don’t remember there being a stone anywhere there in the Valley of Elms,” Erika agreed.

  “That is not all,” Reanna stated to the group. “I had a dream vision with the Mahiki.”

  “Princess Asme visited you in your dreams?” Farrah asked. “That usually only happens when…” She paused and looked up with dread in her eyes. “It can’t be.”

  “She can’t have passed on.” Erika shook her head as well.

  Willow shook hers as well. “Wouldn’t we know if she was gone? Wouldn’t your mates?” she asked Reanna. “What do they say?”

  “I haven’t spoken with them about it yet,” Reanna admitted. “I just had it today before you got here.” No need to share what else had happened between that time and now. “She said that she was in shadow. That she was neither dead nor alive but walked in shadow and mist.”

  “Okay,” Erika said. “That could mean many things then. But she did say that she wasn’t dead.”

  “She also said that she wasn’t alive,” Farrah added.

  “But somewhere in between, in shadow,” Willow stated. “So there is a possibility that wherever she is she could come back.”

  “Yes,” Reanna agreed and they all nodded in turn. “In the dream we were in the valley sitting by the water.”

  “What else did she say?” Farrah queried. As goddaughter of the princess, Farrah had grown up in the palace with Asme and her sons and viewed them as family, as they all did her.

  “You will each stand alone, and yet not alone. You will each stand complete and yet uncovered. You will each speak though none shall hear. As one and yet the fate of all rest upon your shoulders.”

  “Alone but not alone?” Farrah pondered. “Well that is easy. None of us is going anywhere without our mates.”

  They all laughed at that. The men were very protective of them so that was a given for them all.

  “Complete and yet uncovered?” Willow ventured. “I’m guessing that means that we will commune with the goddess as she made us.” When they all looked at her she laughed and wiggled her eyebrows. “Naked.” They all laughed and agreed.

  “And I’m guessing that the none can hear must mean some outside force that doesn’t want us to invoke the goddess’s blessing,” Erika stated. “So we must have this planned down to the last second. Everyone must know their part as well as everyone else’s. We can’t miss anything.”

  They all nodded in agreement.

  “There was more,” Reanna said before continuing.

  “Look to the center and see the stone. Kneel to the goddess and arise on the throne. The heart’s journey will soon be done, and in the end the battle won.”

  “I’ve been pondering where the stone can be,” Reanna admitted.

  “I think I’ve got that one as well,” Willow nodded her head her eyes growing excited. “If we each take a stand around the water, each invoking once the circle is cast, then the only place it makes sense for you to be is in the middle—of us and the circle.”

  “But that’s…” Reanna’s eyes sparkled too as Erika and Farrah joined her to say, “in the water.”

  “Exactly,” Willow said. “Once the circle is cast Alea will call upon the air, which might be why we won’t be able to be heard as well. Then fire. I’ll call upon the water and the stone should be revealed beneath. Then Erika calls upon earth and it should rise taking you with it.”

  “But how do I get there to begin with?” Reanna asked. “Swim?”

  “I’m not sure,” Willow admitted. “We need Alea to hurry and get here so that we can all go over this together. No surprises that way.”

  “Well, at least none that we can help prepare for,” Erika added.

  “So when will she be here?” Reanna asked.

  “According to what your mates said to ours within the next twenty-four hours,” Farrah said. “Haven’t you talked to them about her?”

  Reanna blushed and all the women laughed.

  “Aww, been busy with other endeavors,” Farrah said with a smile. She was the only guardian with three mates as well. And Farrah always had a big smile on her face. Reanna could and would learn a lot from Farrah about bonding with three men. They just had to get through the next few days. Once that was behind them they could go back to being women without the fate of their entire people on their shoulders.

  “I’m so glad you guys stopped by,” Reanna stated with a smile.

  “We’re always here for you,” Erika assured her as the other two women nodded in agreement. “No matter what comes or goes, our circle of friendship never ends.” She placed her hand on top of Reanna’s.

  “Never,” Farrah agreed adding her hand on top.

  “Never,” Willow smiled placing hers atop.

  “Forever.” Reanna nod

  * * * * *

  With her mind still thinking and pondering what was to come it was no wonder that Reanna found herself at the water’s edge shedding her clothes to go for a swim. That she shouldn’t be here alone didn’t faze her. Her mates would be here soon enough, of that she was sure. And in the meantime she could do a little exploring underwater and see if the stone was there as Willow thought.

  The water was warm against her skin, lapping at it like one of her lovers’ tongues. She waded as far as she could before she began to swim toward the area she considered the center of the pond. She looked around at each side judging just where each guardian would be when the time for the ceremony came. The full moon would be tomorrow. The ceremony would take place that evening, in the late night when the moon was brightest.

  After moving a little to equal the distance from shore to shore, Reanna took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air before diving deep under the water. It wasn’t that deep, maybe only fifteen or twenty feet at most but Reanna didn’t have to go far before she saw what she was looking for. A silver cast lay just beneath her. The stone.

  It was smooth with no moss or substance growing on it or marring its perfection. There was a slight lip around the edges giving it a slight bowl shape, a pedestal to stand on. This was exactly what she was looking for and it was exactly where Willow had thought it would be. Now she just had to figure out how she was to position herself on it during the ceremony.

  She’d have to be on it before Erika shifted the earth and raised it. She’d have to discuss it with the Guardians and see what they thought would work best. She had no doubt that together they would come up with the perfect plan.

  The water rippled around her and she realized that she had been under longer than she realized. Her lungs were burning with the need for fresh air. Strong hands grabbed her and she found herself propelled almost violently to the surface.


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