Betrayed by Trust
Page 10
She reached for her cell phone.
“I’m leaving. If you ever need anything, I want you to know I’m there.”
“Don’t hold your breath.”
Chapter 23
Blake walked up to Charles. “If I catch you anywhere near her again, you don’t
have to worry about the cops.”
“I’m not trying to cause any trouble okay. I just wanted to apologize to Caitlyn for what happened.”
“You could have done that over the phone or email.”
Charles ignored him and walked away. Blake stood and waited for him to get in his car and drive off. As soon as he got in his car, Blake dialed Caitlyn’s cell phone number. “I just saw you talking to your ex. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
He listened as Caitlyn described their encounter. “You should have walked back the other way as soon as you saw him.”
“Look. I know how to handle Charles.”
“You forgot about last week. What if he would have had a weapon? How would you have protected yourself?”
“Blake, I’m so glad you care.”
“You’re the most difficult, stubborn woman I know.”
“And you’re the most egotistical male chauvinist I know.”
Blake fumed and had to calm down. He slowed down. “Caitlyn, I care about you. You mean more to me than you think.”
“I’m a means to an end so don’t pretend otherwise.”
“I’m not going to argue with you.”
“We’re having a mature conversation.”
“Sometimes I want to just.” He paused as he slammed on his breaks. The car behind him didn’t stop in time. His cell phone flew out of his hands and his airbags deployed. He reached for the phone but blacked out.
When he woke up, he was in a hospital room at Presbyterian Hospital. Trent sat at the end of the hospital bed and he smiled when he saw Caitlyn sitting in the chair right next to him.
“Where am I?” he asked.
Caitlyn stood by his side. She held his hand and said, “You were in an accident. We were on the phone and the next thing I heard was a crash.”
Trent stood up and walked to the other side. “Yes. You had us worried man. I freaked out when Joan called me.”
He looked at Caitlyn. “Thank you for being here.”
She squeezed his hand. “I’m trying to get you down the aisle. You can’t bail out on me now.”
He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but Caitlyn showing up at the hospital showed she cared more than she let on; even if she didn’t want to admit it. He sat up but slid back down. His head throbbed from the pain. “Where’s the doctor? When can I get out of here?”
Trent said, “Slow down player. You have a concussion. I’ll go get the doctor to let him know you’re awake.”
After Trent left the room, Blake asked, “How did you find out?”
“When I heard the crash and after you didn’t respond to me yelling into the phone, I hung up, did a u-turn and called 9-1-1. I figured you weren’t that far from the office.”
“My jag. Is it?”
“Your car’s a little beat up, but don’t worry about that. At least you’re going to be fine.”
He rubbed the top of his head. “I don’t know. It hurts to sit up.”
“Trent went to get the doctor, so I’ll make sure I tell him.”
A short man wearing a white lab coat walked in with Trent behind him. “Mr. Banks. I’m Dr. Razi.”
He unsuccessfully tried to sit up again. “My head hurts every time I sit up.”
Caitlyn and Trent moved to the background as the doctor examined him. “We need to run a few tests. I’ll have the nurse give you some medicine for the headache.”
Blake wouldn’t admit to anyone he was scared of doctors. He recalled going to the hospital with his Uncle Jack. He would never forget the last time he saw his father alive. The memory of him in the hospital bed also brought back memories of the crash. His mom died upon impact, but his dad, he fought. It wasn’t until he saw Blake that he seemed to be at peace and died, leaving Blake in the care of his uncle.
Tears flowed from Blake’s eyes as he recalled the childhood memory. Caitlyn brushed the tears from his face. The gesture touched Blake’s heart. If only he could verbalize how he felt to Caitlyn.
Trent remained quiet. Blake said, “I appreciate you both being here. I can’t tell you how much.”
“Just get better man. That’s all the thanks I need.”
“Same here,” Caitlyn added.
“I’m a little sleepy. Sorry I’m not better company.”
“I’ll give you two time to be alone,” Trent responded. “If he needs anything,” he said, looking in Caitlyn’s direction, “I’ll be in the waiting room.”
“Thank you for being here,” Blake said, barely above a whisper.
“Where else would I be?” Caitlyn asked.
“Oh, I could think of a million other places.”
Caitlyn squeezed Blake’s hand and assured him, “I’m right where I want to be.”
Chapter 24
After Blake dozed off, Caitlyn left his bedside and went to the waiting room to locate Trent. “There you are. Blake’s sleeping now. Give me your number so if anything changes, I can call you,” she said.
Trent retrieved a business card and wrote his home and cell phone number down. “I can stay.”
“He’s safe with me. I promise to take care of him.”
“You love him don’t you?”
Caitlyn didn’t immediately respond. She wrestled with her emotions. The accident made her realize she would have hurt if she lost Blake. “I care about him,” she responded.
“Blake’s one of the good guys. I think you should give him a chance.”
She held out her hand and twisted it. The light from the room hit her ring causing it to sparkle. “It’s complicated.”
“I’ll mind my own business.” Trent left Caitlyn alone with her thoughts.
Caitlyn called Bradford. He didn’t answer, so she called Bridget. “I wanted to let you know I was at the hospital with Blake.” She explained to her about the accident.
“It’s more serious than we thought,” Bridget responded.
“No, he’s going to be fine.”
“I’m not talking about Blake. I’m talking about you,” Bridget said. “You’ve fallen for him.”
“I have not.”
“Yes, you have. If you didn’t care for him, you wouldn’t be there.”
“What if I do? Aren’t I entitled to a little happiness?”
“You’ve paid a huge cost to be a part of his life. Keep in mind, you’re in it for the wrong reasons and unless you’re honest with him and with yourself. Your relationship is doomed.”
“I thought you didn’t like him.”
“I don’t, but I love you. You’re my sister and although I don’t agree with what you’re doing, I don’t want to see you hurt.”
“I know what I’m doing and I’m not going to get hurt. This is a business arrangement only.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” Bridget’s voice sounded muffled. “That’s Matt. I’ll talk to you later. Call me if you need me.”
Caitlyn walked past the nurse’s station back to Blake’s room. The room’s temperature seemed to have dropped. She located an extra blanket in a drawer and used it to cover up with as she sat on the chair next to Blake’s bed. She used his monitor to change the television. Before long, she was sleeping. She didn’t remain sleeping for long because each time she dozed off, a nurse came in to check Blake’s vital signs or to run some tests. She finally got to the point where she could tune them out.
“He cares for you, you know,” she heard Joan say, as she woke up.
“I guess,” she responded, as she moved the blanket and sat up.
“I know you two didn’t get together the conventional way, but give it a chance.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“You seem to know a lot about our situation. Do you know why his uncle singled me out?”
Joan seemed to be fidgety. “The reason will be revealed in due time.”
Caitlyn didn’t like her response. She hated being the only one in the dark. If she couldn’t get a direct answer from Blake, maybe Joan would give it to her. “Were you and Blake’s father close?”
“I was friends with him and Jack’s wife. I was about ten years younger than them, but we grew up in the same neighborhood.”
“Did Jack Forbes ever tell you how he knew my father?” Caitlyn asked.
Joan responded, “Robert Crenshaw was your dad correct?”
Caitlyn was amazed Joan knew so much. “Yes. Barbara Crenshaw was my mom. All of our names start with a B because of her.”
“I didn’t know Barbara, but Robert grew up in our neighborhood too. He was something else.”
“I don’t know if I want to hear this.”
Joan chuckled. “Dear. One thing you youngsters don’t realize is that parents are people too. We had a life outside of what you know.”
“It appears that way.”
“Anyway, Robert dated my sister in high school. I still remember him although I was only eight years old. I had a little crush on him,” Joan confessed.
“Life really is six degrees of separation.”
“It sure is. After him and my sister broke up, I didn’t see him too much. I recall a few years later, overhearing my sister tell a friend he was getting married; which I’m assuming it was to your mother.”
“As far as I know my mom was his first and only wife,” Caitlyn added.
“Jack never mentioned what happened between him and Robert, but whenever conversations came up about people from the old neighborhood and Robert’s name was mentioned, he would get quiet.”
“I still find it strange I’m mentioned in his will. Besides, seeing him briefly, while banking at Banks Savings & Loans, we had no interaction,” Caitlyn said.
“Jack never did anything without a reason. If Blake knows more than he’s letting on, he’ll tell you in due time.”
Caitlyn left Joan alone with Blake. She thought about her comments as she washed up in the small bathroom. When she returned, Blake was sitting up. “How’s your head this morning?” Caitlyn asked.
Blake shifted in the bed. “It’s better. I can actually sit up without feeling like a hammer is pounding.”
“I was just telling him not to worry about the office. I’ll take care of everything. Besides, that’s what he pays his VPs for. To handle stuff when he’s not there.”
“I agree with Joan,” Caitlyn said.
Joan stayed for about ten more minutes, hugged Blake and before exiting the room said, “Caitlyn, before I forget. I’ve let everyone know at the office that you won’t be coming in today either. Someone has to take care of our Blake.” Joan winked her right eye.
“Your first week in your new position and you’re already taking off,” Blake joked.
“You better be glad you’re already in the hospital.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes.
“Nurse. There’s a mad woman in here,” Blake said.
“Ooh, you are so wrong.”
She was glad to see Blake in better spirits. After breakfast, the doctor gave him a clean bill of health. “You might experience headaches for the next few days. If they last longer, I need to see you in my office.”
“Don’t worry. If the pain gets to be too much, I’ll be calling,” Blake responded.
“Well young lady, I’m releasing him into your care. Do you think you can handle it?”
“Call me Nurse Caitlyn.”
A few hours later, Caitlyn, walked through the door of her house. She was only there to pick up some clothes and a few other items. She would be working remotely and from Blake’s house for the next few days. At least until he could start doing stuff on his own without fear of fainting.
She placed her suitcase in the back of the car. She jumped in the driver’s seat. Blake’s eyes were closed. She turned the car on and headed to Blake’s. Traffic wasn’t heavy so it didn’t take her long to get there. Blake tried to help her with her bags, but she wouldn’t let him. “You need to worry about getting inside. I got this. Don’t make me get my whip out,” Caitlyn said.
“I love a controlling woman.”
A man dressed in a black tuxedo style uniform opened the front door and walked out to assist her. She let him although she was curious to who he was. They followed him into the house. “Who is that?” she asked Blake.
“That’s Anthony. He works for me part-time. When he heard about the accident, he insisted on coming over.”
“What do you need me for then? He can take care of you.”
“He can’t stay twenty four seven. He has a wife and kids.”
“But still. You should have told me.”
He surprised her by reaching for her. “I feared you wouldn’t come over if you knew about Anthony.”
Caitlyn pouted. “Your assessment is correct.” She picked up her pace and followed Anthony to the guest bedroom. “Thanks Anthony.”
She couldn’t be mad at Blake, but still she felt like she had been tricked. After showering and changing clothes, she found Blake lying in bed. His eyes appeared to be close. She stood in the doorway and watched him for a few seconds before turning around to walk away.
Blake headache was the result of his car accident, but Caitlyn’s head hurt because of her conflicting emotions. Caitlyn found herself falling head over heels in love with Blake and relinquishing the idea of revenge. She said, barely above a whisper, “Daddy, please forgive me.”
Chapter 25
“I’m not sleep,” Blake cried out.
“I wasn’t sure and didn’t want to disturb you.” Caitlyn turned back around and entered the room.
He patted the bed. “It’s big enough for the both of us.”
“No buddy. I’m not falling for that trick.”
“I couldn’t do anything even if I wanted to. This medicine makes me feel groggy and when we do it for the first time, I want to be one hundred percent.”
“Keep on fantasizing because we won’t be doing it.”
“We’ll have to see about that.”
Before Caitlyn could respond, Anthony walked in holding a tray of food. “Yours is downstairs. I didn’t know if you wanted to eat in your room or at the dining room table.”
“I think I’ll eat at the table.”
Caitlyn left him and Anthony alone. “She’s a keeper,” he commented.
“Yes, she is. Thanks for coming on such short notice.”
“That’s what you pay me for,” he responded.
“Times like these I miss Uncle Jack.”
“He was a fine man. You’re growing into a fine one yourself.”
“You’re not just saying that because I’m sitting here in this bed are you?”
“Now, you should know I don’t ever say something I don’t mean. Never have and never will.”
Anthony soon left Blake alone with his thoughts. He wasn’t hungry but knew he needed to eat to keep up his strength. He soon found himself dozing off. When he woke up, he was surprised to see Caitlyn laid across the bed typing on her laptop.
“I didn’t disturb you, did I?” she asked, as she faced him.
“No. This medicine has me sleeping one minute and needing to run to the restroom the next.”
He got out of the bed to head to the connecting bathroom. When he returned, she was sitting up in the bed. Caitlyn’s actions showed him she cared more about him than she wanted him to know. Once he was back to full strength, they were going to have the conversation Blake had been avoiding. He would reveal to Caitlyn his feelings and he hoped she would admit to feeling the same way.
The next few days went by fast. Caitlyn stayed around to make sure he was okay. His recovery was due to her attentiveness. Once he was able to sit up longer than an hour at a time, he had Joan set up conference
calls with his staff. Joan stopped by a few times to check on him, but he assured her that Caitlyn and Anthony were taking good care of him.
By the end of the week, Blake was back to his old self. He felt a dose of cabin fever. Caitlyn was in his den on a conference call. He got out one of his golf clubs and practiced hitting a ball. He was in mid-swing with the golf club, when he heard Caitlyn clear her throat. “Caught you.”
He barely missed hitting the lamp shade. He knew the moment Caitlyn realized it, she would be leaving. He pretended to be weaker than he actually was. He had been caught. “I…I” he stuttered.
“You’re fine and I’m going home tonight.”
He ran behind her. “Please don’t go. Stay one more night.”
“I miss my bed.”
A disturbance downstairs stopped them from continuing their conversation. “I know he’s here. I heard about his accident and I just wanted to stop by.”
Blake heard Anthony reassure the unwelcomed guest he would deliver the message. Caitlyn looked at Blake. “Looks like you have company. Good thing too, because I’m leaving.”
She walked down the stairs. Blake followed Caitlyn and unfortunately, Samantha caught a glimpse of him and pushed past Anthony. “I’ve been so worried about you. I would have come sooner, but I didn’t want to intrude.”
“Like you’re doing now,” Anthony stated.
Blake said, “Anthony, I got this.”
Anthony’s frowned. “If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen.”
He grabbed Samantha’s arm and led her to the front door. “You need to leave.”
“Why? Because your fiancé’s here. I saw the trick’s car outside.”
“Don’t talk about my baby like that.”
“I can’t believe you. Does she know you’ve been sleeping with me up until a couple of weeks ago? Does she?”
“I thought you got rid of the trash,” Caitlyn said, as she walked down the stairs.
“Yes, your man’s been sleeping with me,” Samantha yelled.
“That may have been the case, but what’s important is he’s not sleeping with you now. So like he said, I think it’s time for you to leave.”