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Five Rules: A billionaire menage romance (The Game Book 5)

Page 4

by LP Lovell

  "Welcome to the McPherson Power Plant," Tobias says, stretching out his arms. "The place where both dreams and death are manufactured."

  Preston laughs. "You remember Reginald, the lovely gentleman we had lunch with earlier?" I nod. "Well, this factory belongs to him."

  I glance up again at the smoking monstrosity. The air feels thick and stagnant, clogging my lungs.

  "You see that lovely plume of smoke," Tobias points to one of the smoldering stacks. "It releases a wonderful concoction of ash containing mercury, cadmium, and arsenic." He smiles as he continues walking toward the factory. "Rains it down on the wonderful residents here. Pollutes their waterways, their soil, the very air they breathe." He sucks in a large breath. "Ahhh, nice, isn't it?" He laughs.

  The constant puff, puff, puff from the smokestacks plays like an eerie melody hanging in the thick of night. The closer we get I notice a light ash falling over my skin. There a single yellow light glowing above a steel door set in the middle of the building which Tobias walks straight to and opens. He stands waiting for Preston and I to catch up. We step inside and the horrible scent of burning fuel singes my nose. There is just enough light shining through the skylight that I can make out the large room. Catwalks crisscross the ceiling. Boilers and pins are scattered about the large space. Tobias walks to another door, bending down and releasing a latch. The heavy metal door slides back with a bang and Tobias shows us through into a concrete room, and there, tied to a chair in the center of the empty room is Reginald. A filthy-looking gag is shoved inside his mouth. His eyes pop wide before a frown masks his face, his gaze flicking back and forth between Tobias and Preston.

  A low groaning sound rumbles from his throat as Tobias approaches him with that grace and confidence he exudes with every step.

  "Dear old, Reggie..." Tobias pulls a cigarette from his pocket before he crouches in front of Reginald. He places the cigarette to his lip, flicking the flint of his lighter. The orange flame dances over his face, settling in the shadows of his cheekbones as he smirks. "You don't mind, do you?" He lights the end and takes a long drag, blowing the smoke in Reginald's face. Reginald squirms, coughing around the gag. "Aw, a little smoke shouldn't bother you, Reg." Tobias laughs as he pushes to his feet and turns to motion both Preston and I over.

  "Thomas, you remember him, don't you little lamb?"

  "Yes," I say, my voice raspy and quiet.

  "Thomas lived in the neighborhood over from this one," Preston says, stepping up behind me and brushing my hair from my neck.

  "While his mother worked two jobs to make ends meet,” Tobias says, “Thomas would play outside with his older brother, rolling little plastic dump trucks through the dirt." Tobias sighs. "Dirt laced with poison from this factory."

  Reginald wiggles in his seat. "And the thing is," Preston says, "there are rules and regulations put in place to try and reduce all that toxic sludge from pouring out into the air. But Reginald here..." Preston chuckles as he circles around me and goes to stand behind Reginald placing his hands on his shoulders. "He doesn't care for rules, now do you, Reginald?"

  There's muffled moaning, groaning. The chair rocks back and forth as Reginald fights to break free from the holds.

  "Tsk-tsk," Tobias says, taking another drag from his cigarette. "He likes to cut corners; slide people a little extra under the table to turn their head when he dumps his toxic waste into the river. Pays off politicians...all because it saves him money in the end." Tobias glares at Reginald. "So pathetic, a slave to the almighty dollar."

  "Do you know how many children have fallen ill due to his disregard for rules, sweet Ella?"

  "All victims of Reginald's greed," Tobias adds.

  I look at Reginald and I picture that little boy, that mother's tear stained face. "Did you know?" I ask him, my voice barely above a whisper but still carrying in the empty concrete room.

  "Of course he knew," Tobias says.

  "He didn't care," Preston adds.

  Tobias pulls his phone from his pocket and swipes his finger over the screen. "Does this sound familiar, Reggie? 'The initial findings from the team at St. Matthew's Hospital has shown an increase in leukemia cases from the surrounding neighbors of McPherson Power Plant. Such an increase shows a high likelihood that the incident rate is tied to an environmental agent...’ and it goes on." Tobias' gaze darts up from his phone, landing accusingly on Reginald. "And what did you say to that little message from your assistant?"

  "Did you feel bad about it, Reginald?" Preston asks, squeezing his shoulders.

  "His response," Tobias laughs and shakes his head, "oh, his response shows what a caring man he is." Tobias glances back at his phone. "He said, ‘It's not my fucking problem. I have a business to run.’ " Tobias shakes his head. "Message compliments of Six-Degrees Instant Messenger.

  "Why?" I ask Reginald. He shakes his head. "Take his gag off. I want to know why!" I shout, anger and grief warring within me, demanding answers to such a senseless, horrible act.

  Tobias groans, dragging his hands down his face before he takes one last drag from the cigarette. "You're too soft, Ella." He glares at me, his green eyes swirling as he rips the gag from Reginald's mouth. He coughs and chokes, spitting before he snaps his gaze to Tobias.

  "You won't get away with this, you sick fuck," he shouts.

  "Oh, won't I?" Tobias smiles as he casually checks his watch. "You do underestimate me, my dear friend. You have three minutes."

  I step forward, my hands trembling slightly. "You knew, and you thought profit margins were more important than a child's life."

  "Multiple children," Preston adds. "Hundreds."

  "Everything kills people," Reginald says. "I was stressed. What was I supposed to do, shut down my company just because a few kids got cancer?"

  "You cut corners you knew had repercussions," Tobias says, shaking his head.

  "Do you feel guilt?" I ask. All three men stare at me and I stare straight back at Reginald. I want him to feel something. He remains silent and before I know what I'm doing, I stride forward and pull my arm back, slapping him across the cheek. Tobias barks a short laugh and steps in front of me, slowly forcing me backward. A smile touches his lips as he gently strokes my cheek.

  "All in good time, little lamb." He kisses my forehead quickly, but that simple gesture does nothing to dissipate this anger that's welling inside me.

  Preston steps away from Reginald. "He's a murderer, sweet Ella. Isn't he?"

  "A monster," Tobias adds.

  "I'm not a murderer," Reginald shouts.

  "But you are.” Tobias cocks his head, smirking. “You gave the order and Mother Nature took it from there. If you weren't alive, those children would have never died."

  "You don't know that."

  "Oh, Reggie, but I do." Tobias steps away. "If someone were to hand you a gun and a check for a million dollars telling you all you had to do was kill one person for it, you'd aim and shoot."

  Reginald's face washes white and his eyes slam closed. Confusion swims in my head as Preston sighs. "Those were your exact words, weren't they?"

  "You know, you really should be more careful with what you say over social media. These things have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass." Tobias laughs.

  "I'll follow the regulations," Reginald says and Tobias and Preston both laugh.

  "Of course you will. And pay the millions in fines, right?"

  "What about the hospital bills of all those poor children? Their families who couldn't afford their treatment?" Preston asks.

  Tobias circles around him, his hands clasped behind his back before he steps beside me and kisses my cheek. I watch Preston as he crosses the room. I know what's coming. The constant back and forth, the push and pull between right and wrong. "If he dies ten thousand shares of his company go on the market. That's ten million dollar’s worth of a business I will buy and have shut down, replaced with clean energy."

  Dies? It's on the tip of my tongue to question it. "You wan
t him dead," I say, a statement, not a question.

  "I'd sell them to you!" Reginald blurts.

  "Fair enough." Tobias says. "But regardless, you must be punished."

  "Don't you think, sweet Ella?"

  "Vigilante justice for a greedy monster?" Tobias chuckles. "Why should he get to go on living in the lap of luxury when so many skeletons are beneath his feet?"

  "No one would know, Ella..." Preston whispers as he brushes his fingers over my jaw. "It would be our dirty little secret."

  Tobias reaches behind him takes something from the back of his pants. Approaching me, he lifts the item from where he holds it, half hidden behind his thigh. The second I see the glint of the gun I move to step back, but Preston’s arms grab me, holding me in place. "Shhh, sweet Ella," he whispers. I barely register his lips at my neck because my eyes are focused on the gun. "We'd never hurt you," he says as his fingers sweep down the column of my throat.

  "Look at me," Tobias instructs. When I don't respond, he steps forward, placing a finger below my chin. "Take the gun, little lamb," he says, his voice calm and strong. I shake my head. Hysteria crawls up my throat, anger still swirling around me. I slowly wrap my fingers around the cool metal and take it from him. The weight of it in my grasp causes my hand to tremble. I glance at the gun in my hand and then up at Reginald. I feel the gravity of the power I now hold. I know that I'm about to play judge, jury, and executioner. He deserves to die, but surely I'm not the one to judge whether his life is worth that of another. "This is the safety switch," Tobias says, lifting my hand and pointing at a small switch on the gun.

  Tobias steps to the side and Preston wraps his arms around me, clasping his hands over mine around the hilt of the gun. His breath is hot on my neck and I tremble when his lips brush my ear. "Just point," he says, lifting the gun and aiming it toward Reginald. "Close one eye and line up the site." I close one eye until the tiny notch on the top of the gun lines up with Reginald's head. Preston kisses me just below my ear. "And then you pull the trigger,” he whispers just before he kisses me again. I feel like I'm caught in a trance, hypnotized by Preston's lips, his grip on my hands, and the sight of Reginald right in front of me with a gun pointed at him. The moment Preston’s hands slip away from me the trance is broken. My arm falls to my side, gun still in hand. Tobias steps in front of me, blocking my view of Reginald. He grips my chin, tilting my head back as he slams his mouth over mine. His tongue sweeps across my lips, and Preston's fingers trail over my neck. "It's all up to you, little lamb," Tobias says with a smile as he slowly backs away.

  "You decide what is right and wrong." Preston smiles.

  "You are superior, Ella. Just like us."

  "Reginald is a murderer," Preston kisses my cheek and joins Tobias.

  "He is inferior." Tobias reaches for the door. "A stain. Insignificant in the most vile of ways."

  "Think of Thomas." Preston sighs.

  "And his mother," Tobias ads, opening the door.

  "You know what is right, sweet Ella." My heart bangs frantically against my ribs, sweat pricking from every pore. I don’t want them to leave me here.

  "Make us proud, little lamb,” Tobias says with a smile. “Game five is all in your hands." And with that they both walk out of the door, closing it behind them.

  I stand there, the gun at my side, my heart hammering in my chest, and my lungs desperately grappling for air.

  "Please," Reginald begs. "I can give you money. I'll give you the shares in my company. Give them to you! You—not them." He jerks his head toward the door.

  "And what would happen to you?” I step toward him. “You'd live out your days in some mansion, driving your fast cars, your wife by your side, your children and grandchildren in your life." My voice sounds distant even to my own ears.

  "I..." he flails, unable to say anything. I take another step.

  "All while less fortunate families lose their children." My voice cracks thinking of little Thomas. He whimpers, cowering like the pathetic excuse for a human he is. For some reason, it annoys me. The least he could do is take responsibility for his awful actions. "Aren't you even sorry?" I scream, bending at the waist until my face is only a few inches from his. His eyes go wide and he's physically shaking.

  "Please," he begs, but we both know it's too late. What he's done is too awful. Tobias is right, justice must be served. A cold, steely resolve washes over me and I suddenly see the world the way Tobias and Preston see it. I am superior, not because of money or position but because I am better than him. I hold the power and the feeling makes my blood heat as an icy indifference takes hold.

  I slowly lift the gun, my heartbeat pounding in my ears like a drum. My world zeroes in to the raspy sound of my own breaths, the low whimper leaving Reginald's lips. My vision fades at the edges until all I can see is his face. The tears streaming down his cheeks. His face morphs with sheer hysteria and his lips are moving, but I don't hear him. I breathe. In, out. In, out. He is a horrible person…My finger twitches over the trigger as I close one eye, and then I pull back on the trigger. The gun explodes in my hand. The loud bang penetrates through my fog, snatching me away from my rage driven haze. The smell of burning gunpowder fills the air and I frantically glance down to the gun in my hand before I look up. Reginald is slumped back in his chair and the concrete wall behind him is splattered with blood and chunks of brain. My fingers go numb and the gun clatters to the floor, the sound echoing around the empty room. My stomach kinks and twists and I turn away from the horrible consequence of my actions, diving into the corner of the room and throwing up.

  I'm sobbing and retching, fighting to catch a breath when I feel hands sweep over my neck. "Shh, sweet Ella." Preston gathers my hair as I lean forward, bracing one hand against the wall. The blood—I can smell the metallic scent of blood in the air. Gunpowder. I killed him. I killed a man. He killed many others, a small voice whispers in the back of my head as a dark and twisted form of conscience fights to take root. Straightening myself up, I stare down at my shaking hands through tear filled eyes. Who am I? Was I ever the person I once believed myself to be?

  I turn and lean back against the wall. Tobias and Preston are both staring at me, watching, waiting. Reginald’s slumped body is visible in my periphery. Slamming my eyes closed, I swallow back another wave of bile. I breathe through my mouth trying to block out the smell of blood. The smell of this fucking room. Warm fingers graze my chin. When I open my eyes, Tobias is staring back at me with a soft smile on his lips. "My little lamb," he glances over at the body and his smile deepens "you've made me so proud." And then he leans in and tenderly kisses my cheek.

  "I need...I need to leave," my voice sounds like a distant hum, belonging to someone else, the girl who just killed a man. Not me…that's not me. I feel like I'm slowly splintering apart because I can no longer configure the two halves of myself. There’s one half that is horrified by everything that has happened over the last few days, terrified of the things I've done, the things I'm capable of. Then there's the other half that revels in it, that wants to bathe in Tobias' praise, in Preston's rewarding kisses. I once thought them monsters, so what does that make me?

  Tobias nods as he removes his suit jacket and drapes it over my shoulders. He then takes my hand, pulling me against his side and sheltering me from everything as he leads me from the room.

  When we step outside, the car is waiting—as it always is—just outside the door. Preston climbs in and Tobias holds the door for me before he slides in behind me. The second the door slams closed, we drive off. Tobias and Preston are staring at one another, their eyes dancing with some silent understanding. And I sit, shaken to my core over what I just did. My mind can’t even grasp that it happened. How it happened. How I so easily took a man’s life because I felt it to be right. I no longer have any morals…Everything closes in on me, paranoia setting in. I’ll not make it out of here alive. I know that. There’s no way I will. It’s too twisted and messed up, whatever there point to thi
s game is, I know it’s dark and so it seems, every game ends in death. I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to beg him for the gun I used to kill that man so I can shove the cold barrel down my throat and pull the fucking trigger.

  “Ella?” Tobias says and my vision snaps to his face. He holds out his palm and in the center, are two blue pills. “Take these.”

  “I don’t want them.”

  Tobias’ nostrils flare and he exhales. “Complete submission, little lamb. Do not make disobedience your last strike. You’ve come so far…”

  I angrily snatch the pills from his hand and plop them inside my mouth, swallowing them back. What’s the worst that could happen? Death no longer scares me.



  My dear little lamb lies naked across the bed, her head in my lap as I stroke through her damp hair. As soon as we got home I bathed her, washed her hair, told her how proud I was of her. I feel so connected to her now, such a sense of belonging. I stare down at her perfect face, her full lips. I don’t ever want her to leave…

  She’s been in a daze from the pills, but I couldn’t very well allow her to sit there and torture herself of such a valiant act. She's much stronger than she gives herself credit for. Tonight proved that to me. The moment I heard that gun going off, my heart skipped a few beats and I knew she was the one. Our one.


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