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Succubus Diaries 03 - My Fair Succubi

Page 6

by Jill Myles

  Oh God, oh God. I hated myself so much, especially when a moan of pleasure escaped my lips.

  “When I come inside you, Succubus, Gabriel will touch your stomach, and we will create a child, one of duty that will serve the Serim council for all eternity.”

  Through the haze in my mind, his words registered. “Serve eternally? Without a choice?” It sounded like Hell. I stared up at Gabriel’s impassive face, biting my lip as Ariel’s fingers danced over my breasts. “I thought you were the good guys.”

  “We are,” he breathed against my neck, biting down on the soft flesh there. My entire body shivered with a mixture of sexual response and revulsion. “But don’t worry. We don’t need you once the child is birthed.”

  A sour taste began at the back of my throat, and I locked my gaze on Gabriel as Ariel continued to molest me. “And what do you get out of this?”

  “A deal,” said Gabriel coldly.

  Just like when I’d had to get the halo for the vampire queen, and in doing so, screwed over my best friend Remy. I knew what angel deals were like now.

  Ariel’s hand slid to my tightly clasped thighs and wrenched them apart.

  I pried his hand off my thigh only to have it replaced again, like some sort of perverted octopus with eight arms. “Quit touching me,” I said, though it lacked conviction. Disgusted with myself, I turned away so I wouldn’t have to look at Ariel’s coldly beautiful face or his long red hair.

  My gaze rested on Gabriel, who looked a little revolted by the two of us writhing on the floor. I didn’t want to look over at him, either. I turned to face the door, glaring at it as if it could unlock itself and save me.

  A shadow moved behind the window, and my body tensed as I caught a glimpse of Ethan’s frowning face. A voyeur?

  No, he was holding something up. A scanner card to bypass the biometric lock on the door.


  I glanced back at Gabriel as Ariel’s hand went between my legs. My thighs were coaxed apart despite the plan I was hatching. Did Gabriel want me to breed the magic baby for the Serim? Would he try to stop me?

  Then again, did I care at this point?

  I planted my hand on Ariel’s forehead and pushed hard with my mind, trying to disable him with my Suck powers.

  For some reason, either because I had surprised him or I was getting stronger, my powers worked. Ariel’s eyes slid back in his head and he fell over, falling into slumber. His cock still jutted from his robes, and it took every ounce of willpower I had not to reach for it and scratch my own Itch.

  I hate you, Ariel. Hate hate hate. I repeated the mantra as I forced myself up on wobbly legs and crossed the room.

  Gabriel continued to watch impassively as I headed to the door.

  On the other side, Ethan paced. When I reached through the bars and waved, he rushed over, his cheeks flushing. His eyes wouldn’t meet mine as he passed me the badge key through the narrow bars. “Are you well, Succubus?”

  Was that some weird way of asking me if I was okay? If so, it was totally hot, thanks to the Itch, and I felt the need flare anew. I was just a mass of fireworks and nerve endings in all the most uncomfortable places. “I’m all right,” I said breathily. “Can you hand me the badge and step away?”

  He tilted his head at me, regarding me as if I’d just lost my mind. “I do not understand—”

  “Just give it to me,” I bit out, then forced myself to be calm. “Please. Look, I can’t think, because you’re male and hot and staring right at me and it’s making my Itch crazy, so either give me the badge or open my door already.”

  He glanced over at me and his gaze rested on my eyes—which I’m sure were neon blue at the moment—and then blushed and hastily pressed the badge into my hand. “I will wait out here.”

  “Thank you.” I ignored the shivers emanating from where his hand had come close to touching mine and clutched the badge so hard it bit into my palm. The lockpad scanner was almost out of reach, but with a few reckless swipes, I was able to get the badge to register. The door beeped and the bolt unhitched with a sound so wonderful, it almost made me orgasm.

  I pushed at the door with excitement, relief swirling through me. Free! I could get away from Ariel—

  “Wait, Jacqueline Brighton.”

  Uh oh. I paused at the threshold and faced Gabriel. Bad idea. He was so, so pretty. And he was smiling at me.

  Wavering, I stepped back inside, drawn to his beauty like a really horny moth to a flame.

  He beckoned to me.

  I hesitated mentally even as my feet continued to move forward, my body drawn to him. “I’m not waking Ariel up,” I said. “At least not until I’m safely on the other side of the bars.”

  “I do not care what you do with the Serim.” Gabriel’s voice was smooth, almost sweet. I was so close now that I could see the chiseled lines of his chest, like a perfect marble statue. His vanilla scent was almost overwhelming, mixed with a masculine tinge that made my flesh shiver with delight. I had to clasp my hands together to keep for reaching for him. Angels didn’t like to be touched, I remembered that.

  “So what do you want with me?”

  The smile remained on his face. “I wish to make you the same deal that the Serim does, Jacqueline Brighton.”

  I took a step backward. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Do you wish me to repeat myself?”

  “You want me to have your baby? The answer is no for you, too.”

  A flicker of revulsion crossed his face. “You misunderstand me. I wish for you to bring the archangel’s power to me.”

  Oh. My singing hormones couldn’t help but be a little disappointed in that. “I’m not going to kill my friend just to suit your purposes,” I said. “And you’re a creep for even asking me that.”

  “I do not care if your friend lives or dies—I merely want the power currently residing in her. Find a way to remove it and bring it to me, and I shall make you a deal.” His eyes gleamed with power. “Your assistance in exchange for a favor.”

  The fluttering in my mind was making it hard for me to think, and my skin began to Itch with need. I clasped my hands tighter, quelling the need to rub up against him. “Uriel wanted the halo as well, remember? He was going to use it to eradicate the Serim.”

  “I do not care if the Serim live or die. My goal is a higher one. Haloes are dangerous and must be removed from the mortal plane.”

  “How do I know you are telling the truth and not lying to me?”

  He put his hand out, palm up. An invitation for me to touch him. Greedily, I slid my hand into his, fingers flexing. Oh, his skin was so hot and wonderful against my own. I shivered with pleasure, watching as he gripped my fingers and turned my palm face up. His thumb slid across my wrist.

  A burning sensation followed where his thumb had moved. I yelped and jerked my hand out of his, staring at my wrist. A small string of angelic characters had been burned into my flesh, marking me as Noah had been marked. “I give you my word, Jacqueline Brighton.”

  Gabriel vanished, leaving me with a stinging wrist, a confusing task, and a sleeping fallen angel with a boner at my feet.


  I left the cell again, the lock clicked behind me, and Ariel was safely behind bars. I could breathe a little easier, even though every muscle in my body was screaming for me to run back inside and mount him. Even unconscious, I could still get what I needed … theoretically. I frowned at his sleeping body curled up on the floor.

  Only the succubus who had put someone to sleep could wake them. If I left and abandoned him, he’d fall into a coma. Not that this was a bad thing, but even I wasn’t that cruel. I pondered it for a moment, trying to clear my head to think.

  A hand touched my shoulder. “Succubus, do you think—”

  I groaned and slid my hand backward, searching for his cock. With unerring accuracy, I found it and began to rub.

  Ethan yelped and moved a few steps away. The fog on my brain cleared a little, and I was
filled with remorse. “God, Ethan, I told you not to touch me.”

  “My apologies,” he said in a strangled voice. “I am not used to being around your kind.”

  That was painfully obvious. I rubbed my neck, trying to will the Itch to subside. “Where is Noah being held?”

  A plan was forming in my mind. Step one: find Noah and spring him. Step two: escape. Step three: shag Noah mercilessly so I could think with something other than my lady parts.

  “We should not free him, Succubus,” Ethan said in a disapproving voice. “He has been judged but not yet convicted. His sentence must begin first.”

  I gave Ethan an incredulous look. “Since my trial was a total farce, I’m not leaving him behind. And besides, I kind of need him—if you get what I mean.” Unless Ethan was volunteering to soothe my savage beast, which, judging by his reaction to my spontaneous grope—wasn’t likely. He was so pretty, though. That waterfall of black hair cascading down his back, the smooth, dark eyes with delicate epicanthal folds, the amazing cheekbones that were so high and sharp that I could probably slice food on them … he definitely looked edible.

  Ethan noticed me staring and blanched, taking a step backward.

  Okay, that did it for my libido. I had someone I was trying to be faithful to at the moment, anyhow. I shook my head to clear it. “Noah. Let’s get Noah now, okay?”

  Ethan nodded and gestured at the hall, relieved to have my attention focusing elsewhere. “They keep him in that wing. Apart from the others.”

  Poor Noah. Part of me hoped they’d brought him a woman so he could slake his desires. And part of me really, really hated the thought of him touching someone else. Immortality sure came with a lot of baggage, I thought with irritation. It totally messed with your head.

  I started down the hall, then paused as Ethan’s footsteps did not follow. I glanced backward. “Something wrong?”

  He hesitated, then glanced back in the cell I’d just left. “I came to rescue you because it is the right thing to do.” He was clearly torn. “But I do not know that, in good conscience, I can leave Ariel behind on the floor.”

  Neither could I. “After I grab Noah, we’ll wake Ariel up before getting out of here. Okay?”

  He nodded and seemed relieved. “I will wait here for you to return. I think I should keep my distance from the Serim.” He held the badge out to me, dangling from his fingers. “You will need this in order to free him.”

  I plucked it from his hands. “All right. I’ll be back as soon as I let Noah out.”

  Ethan nodded and pulled his bo staff from the sheath on his back. He rose to his full height, a frown on his serious face, and braced the stuff in front of him, guarding the cell and the sleeping Ariel.

  Whatever floated his boat.


  I clutched the badge and moved cautiously down the dark hallway. I half expected someone—Serim or otherwise—to jump out at me, hold me down, and force me to make babies with them. The Serim were nothing like I’d pictured. Noah was such a good guy that I wondered how Ariel had turned into such a full-on rat.

  Then again, Zane had been a Serim once, and he’d turned his back on being merely a fallen angel to becoming a full-blown vampire. So clearly all was not hunky-dory in Serim Land.

  The concrete was cold and dusty against my bare feet and I tiptoed quietly. Every cell looked identical to the one I’d been held in—the window had been knocked out and replaced with bars, and each was locked with a badge reader. I’d peered into one or two but hadn’t seen Noah yet. I continued down, looking into each cell, to the end of the hall. At the last door, I peered in and saw a faint shape bent over on the side of the cot, elbows resting on his knees. His head was down in a defeated pose, and his fists were clenched.

  Poor, sweet Noah. My heart fluttered at the sight of him, so defeated. It was probably killing him that he wasn’t able to protect me. I felt a surge of affection and quickly swiped the badge against the reader. Like clockwork, the red light flashed to green and the lock unbolted.

  Noah didn’t get up.

  “Noah?” I whispered. “Noah, are you all right?”

  No response. His hand clenched and then unclenched slowly, so I knew he was awake. Worry shot through me, momentarily overriding my lust. “Noah?”

  “Leave me,” he said in a harsh voice.

  What on earth was he talking about? I stared at him, puzzled, then moved inside. The heavy door shut behind me, locking automatically, and I clutched the badge close. “Noah, are you all right? I’m here to get you out of here. We have to escape.”

  He shook his head slowly.

  This was getting ridiculous. I moved to his side and went to touch his shoulder. “Come on, Noah.”

  Before I could touch it, his hand whipped out and trapped mine by the wrist. The angelic word burned into my flesh hurt like a bitch. Before I could complain, he moved forward and leaned in close to my hand. Sniffed it.

  Exhaled sharply. “I smell two other men on you,” he said, his voice a low growl.

  What in the world? I tried to jerk my hand out of his. “Noah, I didn’t sleep with anyone. You’re jumping to conclusions.”

  He tilted his head back and finally looked at me. The expression on his face was raw with need. His eyes were so deep a blue that they glowed in the dark, and the set of his jaw was unyielding.

  “Tell me who I smell.”

  A command. Oh great, we were going to play this game? I tried to jerk my hand out of his as I answered. “Ariel and Ethan, probably.”

  His eyes darkened, his expression barely controlled.

  “Don’t be an ass, Noah.” Oh lord, even his being batshit crazy was turning me on. I could feel my panties growing damp, felt the flesh of my sex begin to heat. “Nothing happened.”

  “Your scent. You took two others for your need?” He slowly raised to his feet, not releasing my wrist from his death grip. His eyes were glowing blue slits of anger. “They brought me a woman and I refused her. Refused, because I wished to stay loyal to you.” His voice was hoarse with anger, brimming with barely restrained force. His eyes seemed to flash purple with hunger and need. He was beyond rational thought.

  “Noah, don’t do this,” I said in a husky voice. Do it, do it, my body was screaming. My sex was wet and slick with heat, and my breath was coming in small, excited pants. We didn’t have time to stop and feed our needs, yet I couldn’t wait to get him alone in private. My libido was off the charts at the moment.

  He stared at me with those insanely dark eyes, and leaned in and gently bit at the flesh of my palm, as if tasting me.

  My knees went weak. “Noah—”


  Compulsion gripped me and I descended to the floor with a thump, staring up at him in a mix of confusion, dread, and sexual excitement. My hand slid up to his belt. “Noah?”

  His hand caressed my cheek, but the eyes that stared into mine weren’t focused in rational thought. The bluish-purple mix of wildness and emotion was impossible to resist.

  I’d never seen Noah like this. Always calm, always logical and rational, never lacking control over anything in his daily life—this Noah was a stranger to me.

  It excited and titillated me. My eyes were level with his cock, a tantalizing suggestion that was lost on neither of us. My hand slid down from his belt, brushing across the front of his jeans. He still wore the black polo and jeans he’d been captured in, and I found the smell of salt and sweat and man intoxicating.

  His fingers brushed my cheek again, that lust-driven madness in his eyes not abating. “Put your cheek to the floor.”

  I blinked, startled at both the command and the pulse of desire that shot through me. Helpless to do anything but obey, I leaned forward until my cheek lay against the cold cement. Still kneeling, it made an awkward position, my rounded ass now angled high in the air.

  “Noah?” I asked again, nearly writhing at the thought of him standing over me, staring at my presented ass. The thought was
delicious and I couldn’t help but fixate on it. “Talk to me.”

  “No talking,” he said harshly.

  My throat locked up and no words would come out. All righty then. I wasn’t in the mood for talking much anyhow, and Noah didn’t seem to be, either.

  His hands gripped my flesh through the shorts, palms resting on my ass cheeks. I gave a small whimper of anticipation, but he merely kneaded me through the clothing for a moment. Then he ripped at the shorts until the string-tie belt ripped in half, and pulled them down to my knees.

  The breath shuddered out of me.

  The sane, logical part of me thought that I should dislike the bold, almost dismissive treatment, but this new, wild, and barely controlled Noah was making me wetter than I’d ever been. It was a major turn-on to a body that was already on the edge of losing its grip on reality.

  I closed my eyes and let the sensations take over me. Shivers swept over my skin as my panties swept down my legs next, pooling around my knees like my shorts. My palms pressed against the cold concrete next to my cheek, waiting. My pulse had slowed to a low throb through my overheated flesh, making each second of anticipation that much greater.

  Then, when I thought I wouldn’t be able to stand it any longer, I felt Noah grasp my now-bare ass, kneading it again.

  My breath sucked in.

  One of his thumbs slid through the seam of my sex, hot and drenched.

  A startled gasp escaped me, my breath whooshing out at the sensations. With one finger, he’d just rocked my entire world. My sex clenched involuntarily, and I couldn’t help but writhe against him. My hips rolled, trying to coax that finger to slide deeper, to search for the parts of me that ached so badly for it.

  “Don’t move,” he said harshly, his own breath as ragged as the short breaths that were escaping me.

  Just like that, my muscles froze in place. All wiggling ceased abruptly, and I was forced—through no will of my own—to hold in place as he ran a finger along the wet line of my sex again.


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