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Slocum Giant 2013 : Slocum and the Silver City Harlot (9781101601860)

Page 1

by Logan, Jake

  Casting Pearls Before Swine . . .

  Marianne never let him finish. She attacked, the knife free of her pocket now. A savage slash at his eyes sent Carstairs stumbling back. He caught his foot on the box filled with the silver chunks and fell hard. His head snapped back as he collided with a big rock. Wary of a trick, Marianne edged forward, the knife handle turning damp in her sweaty grip. She made a few tentative stabs at him, but Carstairs lay still. Blood oozed from the belly wound, which was only a shallow scratch and not the disemboweling stroke she had intended.

  “Hey, Carstairs, where are you? We heard a commotion. Where’d you git off to?”

  From the argument between the men coming from the camp, she faced three or four miners. Marianne stood over Carstairs, who moaned and tried to sit up. A single quick thrust would end all her problems.

  She could kill a man. But she couldn’t murder one, not even a lowlife like Carstairs.

  She almost panicked when the miners came toward her. Marianne bent and grabbed the box that had downed Carstairs, opened the lid, and then emptied it onto the man’s chest. The silver gleamed in the starlight.

  She threw down the box and ran as if a pack of rabid dogs were coming after her . . .


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  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  Marianne Lomax smiled sweetly as she tugged down her bodice to reveal more than a little of her swelling white bosom. With a deliberate shake of her shoulders, she set her breasts to jiggling—and captured the miner’s full attention. He swallowed hard and spilled some of the drink she had fixed for him.

  The auburn beauty wished he would drink more. She had a few customers who got so knee-walking drunk that she didn’t have to do a thing but assure them they had been superior in bed and that she would never forget how expert their lovemaking had been. More than once she had dropped hints about this around Silver City to bolster the men’s reputations. Salesmanship went a long way in keeping the best customers.

  In her mind that meant ones who never caused trouble and who paid her what was more than the going rate for sexual favors in the larger cathouses.

  “I never ’spected to find a filly as fine and frisky as you, Miz Marianne,” the miner said. He spilled more of his whiskey on her sofa.

  She came close to rushing to him and clawing out his eyes. That sofa had come all the way from Georgia and had belonged to her mama, rest her soul. The furniture was about all she had left to remind her of better days in the green hills with the gentle breezes and . . .

  “Let me freshen up that there drink, Clem,” she said, knowing she had to tend to this disagreeable business so she could get it over fast. Marianne rose gracefully, being sure to show enough ankle to keep the man’s interest focused on her and what was going to occur. So much of what she did was showmanship. Most of the silver miners were done, otherwise, in a minute or two, and often felt cheated. A slow buildup, a bit of tease, a flash of forbidden flesh, and they were more than happy to pay her.

  She almost laughed at that. She could hit him betwe
en the eyes with an ax handle and never break his concentration on her. He worked a claim out at the edge of Chloride Flats, where the richest silver strike in New Mexico still brought in prospectors and others itching to get rich. The town struggled to put up enough buildings to house them all. Most of the miners lived in tents, and the largest of the structures in town were adobe or two-story wood frame saloons and bawdy houses.

  Just sitting in her parlor was a treat for a man who camped with sand fleas and biting gnats in a tent that likely leaked like a sieve when it rained.

  “Why, thank you kindly, Miz Marianne,” he said. Clem held out his glass in such a way that she had to bend over to refill it.

  Marianne played the game well. She enjoyed this, bending so her rump was in the air just a little so she could shake it. Her bodice slid down a little more, giving Clem a decent view of the deep, shadowy canyon between her breasts.

  “Oh, my, I am being so bold. Will you forgive me?” She pulled up her blouse in such a way that it tightened across her breasts, showing her penny-sized nipples through the cloth.

  The miner didn’t miss this part of the show either. She sank down beside him on her mama’s sofa and considered ways of moving him to the only other item of furniture in the room where he could spill all the tarantula juice he wanted. She had taken the fainting couch in payment from the Silver City carpenter rather than take his last silver dollar. For a town where silver flowed like a river, too many were living on the edge of poverty.

  As she was.

  “Oh, I am suddenly dizzy,” she said, taking two exact steps back, being sure the fainting couch was under her and then flopping back. She theatrically lifted her arm to cover her eyes even as she flapped her skirt.

  “Are you all right, Miz Marianne?”

  “I am taken faint and need to be revived,” she said, drawing up her skirt even more until she exposed her leg past the knee.

  “You want some of this here whiskey?”

  “I need more than that, Clem. I need a man who can massage me so the circulation returns to my limbs.”

  “I don’t rightly know how to do that.”

  “It’ll come naturally to a man like you.” She hiked her skirts even more to reveal snowy white thighs and the fact that she wasn’t wearing any undergarments. Flapping the cloth a bit caused a small breeze across her privates. To her surprise, she was getting wet.

  It wasn’t because of Clem. She enjoyed the buildup to the actual act of the miner being on top of her, pumping furiously until he was done. Too few men she had ever found took the time to be certain she was enjoying the sex as much as they were.

  Too damned few, but there had been some.

  Clem wiped off his dirty hands on his flannel shirt and then knocked back all the whiskey to get some Dutch courage. This was a man who risked his life mining silver, would wrestle a grizzly and win, and he was afraid of a slip of a girl like her. Marianne needed the money he had to offer for her favors, but she also reveled in the power over the socially inexperienced and how she controlled them.

  The miner dropped to his knees beside the fainting couch and hesitantly touched her calves. Marianne recoiled.

  “Did I hurt you? I didn’t mean no—”

  “You sent a shiver of anticipation throughout my entire quivering body, Clem. More. Do it some more.” She lounged back and hiked her feet up to the edge of the fainting couch, then spread her knees lewdly to give him a sight he wasn’t likely to find again anywhere else.

  He licked his lips, rubbed at his bushy mustache, and moved closer. His callused hands made her shiver as he parted her thighs even more. His mustache tickled as his face came closer. And then all hell broke loose.

  The front door crashed open and slammed so hard against the wall it rebounded.

  Marianne struggled to get her feet under her, but Clem was in the way.

  “Git yer face away from her pussy or I’ll thrash you good and proper!” The threat came just before a deep-throated roar like a mountain lion ready to attack.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Clem flopped back and sat heavily on the floor to the side of the fainting couch, giving Marianne a chance to pull down her skirts and try to stand.

  A hand more like a ham hock shoved her back. Marianne’s arms windmilled as she struggled to keep her balance. She lost the fight and sat heavily on the couch, staring up at Lester Carstairs.

  “You can’t bull your way into a lady’s house like this!”

  “Lady?” Carstairs spat. The dark, viscous gob hit Clem on the shoulder and spattered onto his cheek.

  This infuriated the miner. He surged to his feet, hands balled into fists.

  “You cain’t talk to her like that. You think you can bully ever’body in town, but it’s time somebody stood up to you!”

  “Clem, no!”

  Marianne’s warning came an instant too late. While the miner was declaring his intentions, Carstairs reared back and unloaded a punch that came from a mile off. His huge left fist crashed into Clem’s belly. The miner grunted. But Carstairs was already delivering an uppercut with his right. This connected solidly. Clem’s eyes rolled up in his head, and he crashed backward, falling stiff as a board.

  “You have no right!”

  “I got a right. I’m layin’ claim to you, whore. You’re the purtiest in town, and you’re mine now. Mine and nobody else’s ’cuz you got what I want!” He stepped forward, hands reaching for her.

  He froze at the sound of twin hammers cocking on a double-barreled shotgun.

  “You touch my ma and I swear I’ll kill you where you stand.”

  “You don’t want to get my blood all over your ma, now do you, boy?” Carstairs turned to face his diminutive attacker.

  “Run, Randolph, go!” Marianne cried to her twelve-year-old son.

  But the boy pressed his lips together in grim determination and aimed the shotgun straight at Lester Carstairs’s chest. The shotgun was almost too heavy for him to heft and the barrels swung about in tiny circles. Marianne saw what was happening but her son didn’t. Carstairs wasn’t a man who scared easily. More than one man in Silver City had pointed a six-shooter at him and lived to regret it—or had even died because of such folly. He wouldn’t have any more compunction about killing a boy than he would a gunfighter.

  The shotgun strayed the barest amount from dead center on his torso, giving Carstairs the chance to step up and bat it away. His powerful fingers closed around the blued barrel of the ten-gauge and yanked. Randolph couldn’t hold on.

  “I ought to turn you over my knee and whup your ass, boy,” Carstairs said. He grabbed for Randolph, but the boy had gotten over the surprise of losing his shotgun.

  As Carstairs immediately found out, this wasn’t the boy’s only weapon. As he grabbed for the boy, Carstairs let out a howl of pain and jerked away. Blood gushed from his hand. Randolph had cut him with a small knife. Waving around the short-bladed knife made Marianne think of David and Goliath. But outside of Biblical stories, might made right. Carstairs would take any amount of punishment to get the boy now.

  Marianne drove forward, her shoulders crashing into the backs of Carstairs’s knees. The man cried out and fell over her. By the time he got himself upright, she had the shotgun trained on him. It didn’t waver in her grip.

  “I don’t know what my son’s loaded this with. I hope it’s buckshot since that’ll tear a hole the size of my fist in your belly and make you beg for dying,” she said.

  “You wouldn’t—” Carstairs screeched in fear as Marianne pulled the first trigger. The fainting couch exploded in a welter of wood splinters and cotton stuffing.

  “Damn, I missed. I won’t this time,” she said.

  “I’m goin’,” Carstairs said. “But you remember this. You’re my whore. I take what I want.”

  Randolph lunged and tried to cut Carstairs again, but Mar
ianne held him back. She followed the man all the way out the door. Only when she heard a horse trotting off did she sag down, shaking.

  “You shoulda killed him, Ma. I would have, but he—”

  “You’re twelve years old,” she said sternly. “You don’t go killing grown-ups. And where’d you get that knife?”

  “Billy gave it to me. It was a gift.”

  “He show you how to cut a man, too? Don’t answer that.” Tears ran down her cheeks, but she wiped them away. “Fetch some water and see if you can’t wake up Clem. He got more ’n he bargained for tonight.”

  “Do it yourself. I don’t want anything to do with your johns.” Randolph ran off, sobbing.

  “Randolph! Wait!” But it was too late. The boy had disappeared into the darkness, probably to spend the night with that friend of his, William McCarty.

  She leaned against the shotgun and decided it was probably for the best. She didn’t like having to sell her body to keep her son fed and clothed, but she’d do whatever it took to raise him right. It was a shame he had to see her with any of her customers.

  Marianne picked up the whiskey bottle and dabbed some of it on her fingers. Waving this under Clem’s nose caused the miner to twitch. When he opened his lips, she poured a little of the potent liquor in. He choked, gasped, and his eyelids shot wide open.

  “It’s all right, Clem. He’s gone.”

  “Did he—”

  “No, he ran off ’fore he could get around to that.”

  “You and him, you his woman like he said?”

  “Never.” The vehemence of her denial convinced Clem.

  “I’m feelin’ kinda woozy, Miz Marianne.”

  “You go on, Clem, and get some rest. I’ll be here for you when you’re ready.”

  “All I got’s a greenback dollar,” he said, fumbling in his shirt pocket. She pressed her slender fingers against his.

  “Nothing happened. You keep it. Or go buy yourself a half bottle of rotgut with it.”

  “I took up your time, Miz Marianne. Don’t seem fair not to pay you somethin’.”

  “What’s not fair is Lester Carstairs,” she said, guiding the miner to the door. She closed it behind him, seeing that it had to be repaired. Carstairs had kicked it in and broken off the latch.


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