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Finding Home: A Club Dark Novel

Page 5

by Reagan Hollow

  “Ms. Carter, it appears that at some point last night you were drugged. I only brought you back here to make sure that you were okay.” Yea, I’m sure that’s why he brought me back here. I can’t think straight right now; my head keeps spinning and I still feel sick to my stomach. “Here, take these.” He reaches his arm out toward me and when he opens his hand I notice there are a few pills.

  “Hell no will I be taking anything else from a stranger!” Is this guy for real? He just admitted to me that I was drugged and yet he’s still trying to hand me pills.

  “Relax,” he says with a smirk on his face. “They are just aspirin. Right now, I’m pretty positive you have a pounding headache. If you would like to feel better, it’s best you take these and go lay down.”

  I reluctantly take the aspirin from his outstretched hand. “How about you just take me home, and we’ll forget this ever happened. I won’t even press charges.” He’s on me so quick I don’t even have time to process it. I feel his hands on my shoulders and my back pressed up against the wall, the look in his eyes tells me I made a big mistake with that comment. His face looks deadly, his body is coiled tight, and all I want to do is hide.

  “First, let’s get something straight here I did not drug you. I may run an underground sex club, but I assure you, I don’t need drugs to get laid.” The anger in his voice is clear. “Secondly, I’m not letting you leave here until I’m sure you have all of those drugs out of your system.” There is a sinister smile on his face and it causes my stomach to flip with fear. “After all, I do have a reputation to uphold and a business to run; the last thing I need is some chick bringing it all down because she couldn’t pay close enough attention to her drinks.” His grip on me is getting tighter and I feel pain radiate down my arms. “So, I suggest you get used to being here. Now take the damn pills and go get some rest.” With that, he finally releases the hold he has on me and storms out of the bathroom.

  I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until I released it. I crash to the floor in a very unladylike way. I can feel the flood of tears, but I don’t even have the strength to stop them. He’s right, though. How could I be stupid enough to let this happen? I’m usually so much smarter than this. I can’t believe I let my guard down, especially in a place like that and for what? So I can end up on some stranger’s bathroom floor ready to puke my guts out? Get ahold of yourself, Lacey, this was not supposed to happen. This was supposed to be a fresh start; a new chapter in my life and it’s not a good start so far.

  Standing up, I reluctantly walk over to the sink and grab the pills he left there. Call me stubborn, but I don’t trust him enough to fully believe he’s not behind this, so I pick them up and walk straight to the toilet and then watch as they flush down the drain. The room is still spinning, though, so I think I’ll at least take his advice and go lay down. It’s not like I really have any other options. I can’t exactly drive right now with the state I’m in, and I don’t exactly trust myself to not end up in a much worse situation. I mean it could be worse, right? I could be tied up right now or in a ditch somewhere. But he’s got another thing coming if he thinks he can just or-der me around. With that thought lingering in my head, I pass out again.


  I wake up with the biggest headache of my life. It takes me a minute to figure out what woke me from my blissful sleep until I notice a sudden dip in the bed as someone sits down beside me. I don’t even have the strength to be startled or the will to move away, but I do groan. “I guess you didn’t take the damn aspirin!” he states rather than questions. Thank you, Captain Obvious. Luckily he seems much calmer than he was when he stormed out earlier. A stupid moan is all I can manage in response to his question. He stands up quickly causing the bed to jostle me and then walks to the bathroom. Once he moves and I get my bearings, I turn my head and notice the clock on his bedside table reads a little after three in the morning. What time did I get here? How long have I been sleeping? It feels like forever but couldn’t have been long if it’s only three am.

  “If I show you the bottle, will you trust that I’m not trying to hurt or drug you?” he asks as he holds up a bottle of Bayer’s Aspirin with an angry scowl across his face. At this point, he could give me dirt and I wouldn’t care as long as it got rid of the pounding in my head. I reach out my hand because forming words right now is not a possibility. He hands me the aspirin and a glass of water. I happily take both of them and a sigh of relief escapes my lips. After a few more sips of water, I hand the glass to him and lay down. I might as well try and get more sleep. What else can I do? I can’t function with a headache like this and he’s already told me he won’t take me home until he knows I’m better, so I’m going to need my strength if I’m going to be fighting my way out of here...


  Once again, I’m startled awake. This time, however, my heart is in my throat and the pounding in my head is intensified. I couldn’t have been asleep for very long yet I notice that there is now someone lying next to me in the bed and they seem to be out cold. The stranger next to me isn’t even the worst part. What has me panicking is that I now have handcuffs around my wrists and both of my hands are restrained to the headboard.

  “Go back to sleep, Ms. Carter, you are perfectly fine. The handcuffs are for your protection. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” As if that’s going to calm me down. I’m handcuffed to a bed with a man I don’t even know, whom I’m not even entirely sure isn’t the one that caused all of this to happen in the first place. “You do realize what you are doing here is illegal? If you are so innocent, then just let me go. I’ll call a cab and figure all of this out on my own.” I slide as far as I can with my hands bound so that I’m as close to the edge of the bed as I can get. The further I’m away from this man, the better. “There’s nothing that can be done about it this early. Now please, get some rest and I promise I’ll take you home tomorrow.” I can hear the frustration again, and frankly, I don’t care. He’s not the one now restrained to the bed. But I’ll indulge him, for now, but the second he takes these damn handcuffs off I am out of here.

  The next time I wake up, I can tell I’m alone and thankfully the handcuffs have been removed. There is, however, a note on the pillow beside mine. I’m tempted to not read it, but curiosity gets the best of me. Sitting up, I grab the piece of paper and begin reading it.

  “Good morning, Ms. Carter,

  I do hope you slept well last night. Depending on what was put in your drink, you may still be feeling a little off today. Therefore, I have placed two more aspirin on the table beside the bed. Please take them. You are welcome to have a look around and please make yourself at home. There is plenty of food in the kitchen if you get hungry. I should warn you, the front door is passcode protected so it will alert me if you attempt to leave. As promised, once I’m sure you are, in fact, going to be okay, you will be free to leave. If you wish, you may find me in my office in the room next door or in my gym downstairs.

  X Cory”

  Like hell am I staying here another minute. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Heading down the hall, I try his office first, but it’s locked. I try knocking and like a fool, I stand there for at least 5 minutes before I determine he’s not in there. The gym it is then.

  I make my way over to the stairs and can’t help but notice how big and impressive this place actually is. It’s like an old mansion ripped straight out of the 1800’s, only it’s been modernized. The staircase is grand and appears to be made out of cherry oak— the same as the wall paneling. Despite the overwhelming size of the house, it feels very homey which is unexpected given the vibe I got from him. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I feel lost and I’m not sure where I should go. As I turn to head in the direction of the front door, a man in a dark black suit appears out of nowhere, and I can’t help the scream that escapes my throat.

  “Oh no, Miss? I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” says the strange old man as he walks toward me. I t
ake two steps back toward the stairs; maybe I can make it back up to the room and lock myself in there until Mr. Lewis shows his face. He must see the fear in my eyes because he stops walking and puts his hands up apparently attempting to calm me. “Ma’am? It’s okay. There is no need to be afraid, I am Albert Olsen, Mr. Lewis’ butler. Although he likes to call me Al, you are welcome to call me Albert.” He talks to me really slow like you would if you were trying to talk someone off a ledge. That’s when I realize I may be overreacting a bit. I clear my throat and try my best to calm my racing heart. I feel like a fool once again. But I’m still a little weary as I approach the butler.

  “Good evening, Mr. Olsen...” my voice much lower than I intend it to be.

  “Call me Albert, I insist,” he says, flashing me what appears to be a genuine smile.

  “Right, Albert. I was just leaving. If you would be so kind as to get the door for me, I’ll be out of your hair.” There, I sounded pretty normal.

  “I am terribly sorry, ma’am; I cannot do that,” he says, a frown replacing his gentle smile. “You must be hungry. I can show you to the kitchen and have Greta fix you something to eat if you like?” Okay, this butler has officially been put on my shit list. Right there beside Mr. Lewis. What the hell is up with all this you can’t leave bullshit. This guy has another thing coming if he thinks I’m staying here any longer.

  “No, thank you. If you don’t mind, I’m looking for Mr. Lewis, and I would appreciate it if you could please show me to the gym.”

  He gives me a brief nod before turning around and leads me down a long, dark, hallway I didn’t notice, hidden behind the stairs. The walls are completely bare and there is no lighting, which I find to be incredibly creepy. We reach a door at the end of the hallway and the butler signals for me to open it. Isn’t it his job to open the doors? Oh well, I think to myself before opening the door to find another set of stairs. How many damn stories is this place? “This set of stairs leads to the basement where you will find Mr. Lewis.” And with that, he turns and walks away. Great. Thanks, old man.

  Slowly, I make my way down the stairs because, again, there is no lighting and the last thing I need is a trip to the hospital because I can’t see what’s in front of me. That would, however, get me out of this house. Stop thinking like that, Lacey! This man has no reason to hold you here, and you are going to put your foot down and get him to release you, I think to myself. Apart from a steady thump-thump I can hear coming from somewhere around me, it’s pretty quiet down here. I finally reach the bottom of the stairs and notice that they open up to a large dimly-lit room. Glancing around, I don’t see much of anything until I spot a door at the far end of which I assume is where Cory is. Walking over to the door, I hesitate before opening it. Yes…I’m scared. This man wildly intimidates me. He’s dark, handsome, and mysterious, not to mention the fact that he’s basically kidnapped me and won’t let me leave. All character traits I do not need in my life right now. Suck it up, Lacey, I think to myself as I grip the knob and push the door open.

  I’m completely and utterly stunned in place by the sight in front of me. The thump-thump sound I heard when I was walking down the stairs… that would be the sound of a shirtless Cory running on the treadmill. For once in my life I am speechless, he’s like a Greek god standing before me. A man perfectly sculpted for my eyes only. He’s wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants and solid white Nikes. I can’t stop staring. All thoughts of getting out of this place have left me, although they’re still in the back of my mind, as I watch him pounding away. Every muscle in his body is alive as he brings each foot down to the beat of a speeding heart. Thump, thump, thump, thump. I can see the sweat rolling down his perfect six-pack abs, and I have this sudden urge to go lick it off. No Lacey, you can’t think like that. You are trying to get out of here, remember? Right!

  Clearing my mind and my throat at the same time, I get ahold of myself. Cory looks up with a devilish smile on his face and slows his pace. I can only manage about two seconds of eye contact before I drop my head and focus on anything that isn’t him.

  “Good evening, Ms. Carter, I’m glad to see you up and moving around.”

  Ugh, why can’t he address me by my first name? These formalities are starting to get annoying.

  “First of all, my name is Lacey. My mother was Mrs. Carter, and she’s dead. Secondly, I would like to go home now, please.” See, I can be nice. He only looks at me for a second, then he proceeds to get off the treadmill and grabs his water. Despite the fact that I’m incredibly pissed right now, I can still admire the fact that this man is HOT and once again, my pulse is racing. I seriously do not need this right now. I am so lost in my own mind and thinking about how sexy this guy is that I don’t realize I am zoned out until I look up and find him standing right in front of me. I’m pretty sure I have completely forgotten how to breathe.

  “Okay, Lacey,” he says with his face just inches from my ear. Hearing my name spoken so softly from his lips causes my stomach to clench. Oh no! I’m in trouble. He steps in closer, and suddenly I find the door at my back. “I would like to let you in on a little secret,” he says as he moves the hair across my shoulders and onto my back. “You are the first person that has ever been drugged in my club. I take these things very seriously.” By now, he’s turned me around and is whispering in my ear. I’m not entirely sure why I haven’t stopped him yet or why my body seems to be leaning into his. Feeling his hot breath across my neck and his hand wrapped around my hair…I’m not sure I’ll ever want him to stop. Which terrifies me to the bone. I have this instant attraction to this man. My inner turmoil is screaming that I can’t trust him, not after last night. But my body doesn’t seem to get that memo. “I’m sure you can understand why your safety is my number one priority at this point.” He kisses the side of my neck and it takes everything in me to think of something coherent to say.

  “You don’t even know me.” I’m breathless and a little light headed, I’m sure the effects from the drugs are still lingering. “Why don’t you pull the security footage?” I say feeling my thoughts scattered. I turn back around to face him, getting ready to push him away from me.

  “We have,” he says and I instantly lock up. All of my attention on his next words. I’m almost certain he can hear my heart racing and feel the rapid inhales of breaths entering my mouth. “Only all the footage has been erased from the moment you walked into my club.” And with that, I pass out. Will this ever end?

  Chapter 5

  I couldn’t have been out for long because when I come around I’m still on the floor of the gym. Of course, I’m not alone. Two very strong arms are wrapped around me and my face is pressed against his very naked chest. Shoot me now, just go ahead and get it over with because I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life. And I’m almost positive that Cory now sees me as weak. Well, fuck what he thinks.

  I feel a slight rumble in his chest as he softly laughs, “You are going to give yourself a concussion if you continue to pass out on me like this.”

  Ha, very funny. I push off his chest and give him the sternest look I can muster considering I’m sprawled out on the floor. “I’ll have you know, this is not a normal thing for me; it’s just that a lot has happened…” I trail off, not finishing my thought because the look he’s giving me it too much. What is wrong with this man? One minute he’s laughing at my expense, the next he’s looking at me like he’d devour me in seconds.

  Cory jumps to his feet then lowers his hand to help me stand. “Have you eaten yet?” he asks, all traces of the look he had in his eyes before, gone.

  “I’m not hungry,” is all I can say before he gently pulls me to my feet.

  “Come with me,” he begins to drag me along, not even giving me a chance to protest. He leads me up the stairs, through the dark hallway, out the main corridor and into the kitchen. We’re the only ones in here, but it smells like a feast was just cooked. Cory walks me over to a bar stool at the counter. “Have a seat,
please,” he instructs. I only do as I’m told because I can’t seem to get my legs to quit shaking, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

  He walks around the counter to the oven and removes two plates; the most delectable scent I’ve ever smelled permeates through the air and immediately my stomach rumbles. Chuckling, he sets a plate down in front of me. There’s half a chicken breast sitting on top of some linguine noodles and some kind of creamy sauce spread across the top with a lemon wedge on the side. Whatever it is it smells so fantastic.

  “This is Greta’s personal recipe for Parmesan Crusted Chicken and it also happens to be my favorite,” he says with a goofy grin. And for a brief second, I forget about everything that has happened recently— why I’m here in the first place, and just stare at this beautiful man sitting in front of me. Shake it off Lacey.

  “It smells great, thank you,” I say as I take a bite trying to be nice. Anything to distract me from this man who has yet to put a shirt on.

  “Mhmm.” A slight moan escapes my lips, and I’m not the least bit embarrassed by it. I honestly can’t help it. I don’t think I have ever had home cooking this good before. At least, not since I lost my mom. The chicken is so tender and moist with just the right hint of garlic and butter. I can’t quite pinpoint the flavor of the sauce as I’m sure I’ve never tasted anything like it before.

  I look up from my plate and notice Cory is just staring at me, watching as I savor my food and leaving his plate completely untouched. I feel my cheeks growing hot from embarrassment.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to stare, you’re just adorable when you think no one is paying attention.” Great, as if I’ll be able to finish eating now.


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