Walking Through and Other Stories

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Walking Through and Other Stories Page 20

by Francine Fleming

  At times they both moved to the music and smiles never left their faces. As the ball lowered, she suddenly found herself in his arms. Ba bum, Ba bum. Their hearts beating in unison drummed their own music.

  Five, four, three, two, one ….

  Their lips touched, and as he kissed her, on the stroke of midnight, life again flowed through her veins and found its way into her sleeping heart. She felt resuscitated, and her heart whispered, “I’m alive, so much alive. Thank you God.”

  The band led the thousands of revellers in Times Square in a chorus of Auld Lang Syne. In the background, the loud musical sound of honking cars, whistles and party horns sent their “Happy New Year” wishes into the cold night. In the excitement of the moment Tricia tightened her arms around Carlos’ waist. His lips again found hers and he showered her with gentle kisses. She inhaled deeply taking in the intoxicating fragrance of his cologne, and enjoying his arms around her. It had been so long since she’d felt a man’s touch, and it felt good. She realized that she’d missed that all these lonely years. Her response to his kisses was spontaneous and ignoring the crowd around them, kissed him with more passion than she had intended, and with a fervour that she thought had long died.

  Pop, crackle, bang, swwwwiiiish, weeeeeeeeeeee dot dot dot spuurrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh, poooooooooooffffffff A kaleidoscope of dancing colours burst into the air. As the fireworks lit up the night, light began once more to shine in her eyes.

  Suddenly Carlos released her waist and cupped her face in his hands while looking into her eyes, which were moist with tears.

  “Happy New Year, Tricia.”

  “Happy New Year, Carlos.”

  Her thoughts raced again. Something wonderful and unbelievable was happening to her and she wondered if Carlos could sense it. She would have given anything to be able to read his thoughts. After the music stopped, she secretly longed for an encore performance.

  As though reading her thoughts, Carlos gently took her hand in his and a warm flow of excitement again rushed through her. Her happy heart refused to be quiet. Pure joy, love and happiness entered into her body, fed her starved heart, and quenched her soul. They remained hand in hand, just taking in the entertainment and the excitement of the evening.

  Moments later, as the crowds began to disperse, Carlos placed her in front of him and with both hands around her waist, guided her through the crowded square without saying a word. They were leaving but she did not want the night to end, not just yet.

  They made their way through the crush of partiers, away from all the noisy chatter and music. Carlos moved his hands from around her waist and gently took one hand in his as they continued walking into the busy and cluttered street where dozens of taxicabs were waiting.

  “One thing’s missing from this night, Tricia.”

  “What’s that?”


  “Champagne? Where will we get Champagne at this hour?”

  “I know the perfect place…..Taxi!”

  They slipped into the cab without saying a word. She did not ask where they were going, and she didn’t care as long as she was still with Carlos, and her night was not yet ending.

  Carlos gave the driver an address. Tricia rested her head against the back of the carseat and closed her eyes, as Carlos took her hand in his. She kept her eyes closed, afraid to look at him. She was afraid that he would be able to look into her eyes and see right into her heart.

  “We’re going to my place. I hope you don’t mind. I have a bottle of Moet chilling and that’s what we need to really celebrate this night, and the beginning of a new year,” he said. She could hear the smile in his voice.

  “No, I don’t mind at all. I’m looking forward to that glass of champagne.”

  Carlos turned the key into the door of his penthouse condominium and upon entering they both removed their shoes. She took a few steps further in and a breathtaking scene greeted her. Tricia’s eyes widened.

  She gasped, imagining streams of daylight pouring through the soaring windows that offered a magnificent view of the city. In-floor heating welcomed her feet. Her eyes darted about the room to take in all that it had to offer, from the coffered ceiling to the wool rugs. As she followed Carlos in, she caught the faint scent of cedar. That, she deduced, must be the hall closet. The home had all the fine appointments of cutting edge design meets old world charm.

  The library housed a floor to ceiling bookcase. Tricia wandered over to get a glimpse of his taste in literature. There were several early editions of Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, William Shakespeare and many others in the hall of literary giants. Tricia could not help but to run her fingers across the keys of the white baby grand piano which stood proudly in the room. She turned around and a sumptuous leather sectional in a warm chocolate hue beckoned her. Two accent chairs in a two-tone chocolate flanked the slate fireplace and a large Picasso painting hung over the mantelpiece. She could not help but notice the wooden coffee table, its tempered bevelled glass top adding to the room’s ambiance. Both the coffee table and the two end tables resembled a chest with pull out drawers.

  Tricia walked a little further into the home and found herself in the formal room which was just as exquisite. A beige fabric sofa and loveseat dressed the room. She was about to peruse further, when Carlos followed her into the room.

  “Magnifico,” she whispered. “Carlos, your place is absolutely beautiful. I love your choice of colours.”

  “Thank you. After the two deaths, I no longer wanted to live in our home. It was too large and held too many memories. Christina helped me choose this place.”

  As he spoke, he took her coat and with Tricia following closely behind him, walked to the hall closet where he hung both their coats. As they continued walking to the room her eyes first saw, Carlos said, “Welcome to my favourite room. This is where I do my thinking and reading.”

  Tricia stood, her eyes again darting around whole area, still in awe of the beautiful, yet very masculine décor.

  “Make yourself comfortable, please.”

  Tricia sat on one end of the leather sectional and Carlos sat next to her.

  “Did you decorate all this yourself?”

  “No, my sister helped quite a bit.”

  “It all looks so professional. Your sister did a great job,”

  “That’s because she is a professional decorator. You may have heard of her, Ginette Da Silva. She’s featured in quite a few magazines, in the USA and throughout Europe.”

  “Ginette Da Silva is your sister? Oh my goodness, you are that Carlos Da Silva, the famous architect! I now realize why your name seemed so familiar! I read about your family some years ago in a home decorating magazine. If I remember correctly, you were all in the business of designing and decorating homes, mostly for the rich and famous.”

  “You are correct. Papa, my grandfather, started a modest company but it has grown to be known worldwide. Papa and dad are both deceased, and of course Jonathan. Gina, Christina and their spouses, along with some partners, now carry on the business and it has really grown. They moved it from New York to New Jersey just recently.”

  “Yes, I remember that it was, what the article called, a ‘family business.’ Goodness gracious, I am in the company of a famous person!” She spoke quickly, almost out of breath.

  “Tricia, slow down, please!”

  She cupped both of her cheeks, shook her head from side to side and continued without catching her breath. “I can’t believe this whole day. Carlos pinch me, please, because I must be dreaming! Why didn’t you tell me all this?”

  He laughed. “Well, first my dear, I couldn’t pinch you without feeling your pain. So, instead I’ll just confirm that you’re not dreaming. Secondly, I never mentioned anything because I figured you would find out soon enough, and I didn’t think it was important.”

  “My goodness, I can’t believe I kissed Carlos Da Silva. What’s more, I can’t believe that Carlos Da Silva kissed me! Denise and Richard have never men
tioned any of this to me. Now I really need that drink.” she said laughing,

  He smiled casually. “Yes let’s get that champagne, after all it is the reason you are here.”

  Carlos wandered over to the wine cooler as Tricia allowed her eyes to wander around the room once more, smiling as she did so. The whole evening was like a beautiful dream, like Cinderella at the ball with Prince Charming.

  Pop!! The noise startled her and Tricia came down from her cloud. Carlos returned, smiling, with a glass of champagne in each hand. She stood, reached out and took a glass from him. They crossed their hands and their glasses clinked as they touched each other.

  “To a beautiful and exciting woman,” Carlos said smiling. “Happy New Year, Tricia.”

  “Happy New Year, Carlos, and thank you for making the start of my new year a very memorable one.”

  They both took a few sips of the champagne before flopping down again on the sectional. Carlos placed his glass on the coffee table that was so perfect for the décor of the room. He took the glass from her trembling hand and placed that on the table also. She looked at him, a bit confused, but not for long, as he moved closer to her, placed one hand under her chin and placed his lips fully on her mouth.

  He kissed her gently, quietly, over and over again. She sat there, almost frozen, eyes closed, as she tried to process the events of the past several hours. Her mind went back in time and she started to cry.

  “What’s wrong my sweet, do I kiss that badly?”

  “Oh, no! It’s just that I was remembering another New Year’s Eve quite the opposite of this one. I was six months pregnant with Katrina and was forced to spend the night alone, while my husband chose to be out partying with his friends. That night I had a scare and…”

  “Shhhhhh, Tricia,” Carlos said as he placed his fingers on her lips. “No tears tonight, and no bad memories. That’s over my sweet. Tonight, let’s just think about good things. It’s a new day and a new year. Let the past stay in the past, where it belongs. Losing Jonathan and Sylvia has taught me two things: to live in the present and love without regret. After all the present is all we’ve got, isn’t it?”

  “It’s just that this New Year’s Eve has been so much fun. I never imagined when I booked this trip that it would turn out so well. I’m really happy and I’m sorry for crying.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Just don’t cry anymore, or I’ll have to keep on kissing you to dry the tears.”

  “Ha! Ha! Ha!”

  “Great, I made you laugh, now isn’t that much better?”

  He took his hand and wiped the tears from her eyes as she smiled.

  “You have a beautiful smile.”

  She did not respond, but rested her back against the cushions and relaxed. Carlos moved closer to her. So close she could hear his breathing as he took her hands in his.


  “Yes, Carlos.”

  “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  “Oh Carlos, please don’t do that!”

  “Why? Is it because my love can’t be reciprocated?”

  “Oh no, Carlos. I do have some feelings for you, but I don’t know what they are. You know, I’ve just recently been divorced and even before the divorce, my ex and I lived like strangers in the same home for years. You’re the first man I’ve actually dated since then. I do enjoy your company and I’m embarrassed to admit I love your kisses and the way I feel when I’m with you. I’m not sure if it is because I’ve not been with a man in such a long time. Or, that I’m caught up in and being influenced by all the love and happiness that this beautiful season seems to stir in so many of us. I just know it is a very vulnerable time for me, and perhaps even for you.”

  “Tricia, everyone has been telling me that it’s time to start dating again. Christina worries about me being so lonely and has pleaded with me several times. ‘Dad, please be happy, find someone to love again. For God’s sake, dad, have a life.’ However, I did not feel I was ready, and never thought I could love again. That’s until I met you. My dear, you’ve changed all that. I haven’t been this happy in a long time. You make me laugh, and each night as I lay in bed I think about you, and I re-live all that we did during the day. There is something very special about you, and I’ve so enjoyed these past few weeks with you. I’m not ashamed to admit that I find myself looking forward to seeing you. Tricia I want you in my life. I need you in my life.”

  “Carlos, I do love being with you too, but my marriage has caused me so much pain. I think I’m afraid, really afraid to trust again. We also have another problem. We live in separate countries and while you’re retired, I’m still a working gal. It’s common knowledge that long distant relationships seldom work.”

  “Well, then we’ll have to prove everyone wrong and make this one work, and really Tricia, you’re a mere ninety minutes or so away. I can hop onto an airplane and be with you in a couple of hours, that way we can see each other at least every weekend. So, that isn’t long distance.”

  “Carlos, would you do that for me? I mean hop onto a plane every weekend? That’ll cost a fortune!”

  “Tricia, my sweet, what good is money if you can’t use it to make someone happy and oneself at the same time? Maybe sometimes you could come to me in New York. How about that? Your children are grown and away from home, so there’s nothing to hold you back now, is there?”

  “You have all the answers, don’t you?”

  “Not really, but I do know that I want you in my life and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

  “Carlos, this whole night has been so romantic and I’m so happy being here with you, but it is also a lot to process. May I sleep on it?”

  He looked straight into her eyes, and she could see disappointment in his, as he spoke in a quiet voice, “No pressure, Tricia. When do you leave for Canada?”

  “In six days. On the seventh.”

  “Goodness, so soon? I guess I’m going to have to make full use of the next few days.”

  “I guess so. Time does fly when one is having fun, so they say,” she replied.

  “Okay, my sweet, how about dinner the night before you leave? That’ll give you more time to think things over. I’ll make reservations and call you with a time to pick you up. In the meantime, let’s enjoy the next four days. Are you okay with this?”

  “Sounds like a great plan. You know, I’m really going to miss this place.”

  “Is that all you’re going to miss?”

  Tricia kissed his cheek as she replied, “and you too, silly!”

  He returned her kiss and whispered, “I’ll miss you too, very much. Now, let’s finish off that champagne, shall we? Are you hungry?”

  “Now that you’ve mentioned it, yes I am.”

  “What would you like? I could order in a meal, or I could make you a ham sandwich. That’s about it.”

  “I’m tired of ham. How about pizza?”


  “Yes, pizza! I haven’t had any since I’ve been here, and I’ve always loved New York pizzas, but can we order in food at this hour?”

  “Sweetie, this is the city that does not sleep. What toppings would you like?”

  “Pepperoni of course, with double cheese, hold the onions, and the rest is up to you.”

  He smiled. “Okay, pizza you shall have.”

  Tricia hugged him as she replied, “thank you.”

  Carlos placed the order and returned to the sectional. Tricia snuggled closer to him, and they chatted as they waited for the pizza. During their conversation Tricia discovered that one of Carlos’ hobbies was to sketch and paint.

  “One day I hope to show you my creations, which Christina thinks are worth displaying,” he said.

  ‘Oh, I’d love to see them some time!”

  They continued chatting until the security buzzed that the pizza had arrived. Deliveries were not allowed to the penthouse floor so Carlos went down to retrieve it. Tricia closed her tired eyes and sat back on a cushion
on the chair until he returned. She took a couple of bites and remarked. “This is delicious, and thank you for ordering a thin crust. I’d forgotten to mention that.”

  He gave her a teasing wink. “See how well I know you already?”

  “It could be that you’re a mind reader. I have to be careful around you,” she replied, laughing.

  They ate most of the pizza and finished off the whole bottle of champagne.

  Tricia asked to be excused and headed for the powder room to freshen up a bit. When she returned, Carlos arose from the sectional, took her hand in his and guided her towards the piano. He sat on the bench and started running his finger across the keys. She stood over him, listening to the sound he was making on the piano.

  “What are you playing?”

  “Nothing special, just warming up and thinking of what I should play. You can say I’m making love to the keys.”

  “Okay lover boy, don’t let me stop you then.”

  Amidst loud laughter, he exclaimed, “Cheeky devil!”

  “I warned you. Didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did. Do you play any instrument?”

  “No, but I’ve always wanted to play one.”

  “It’s not too late to learn. Perhaps I’ll get the opportunity to teach you.”

  “Perhaps. Do you play anything else?”

  “Yes, the guitar.”

  “Gosh, you’re talented.”

  He started to play and Tricia instantly recognized the song, but did not anticipate what came next. Looking straight into her face, his rich mellow voice tugged at the strings of her heart as the caressing lyrics of the song flowed from his lips.

  “You are so beautiful to me. You are so beautiful to me. You’re everything I’ve dreamed of, you’re everything I need. You are so beautiful to me.”

  Carlos motioned for her to join him on the bench. She did, but remained silent, as he raised one hand from the piano and ran it along her left cheek, wiping the teardrop that had rested there.

  Her heart spoke. “How can I tell him that he’s everything I’ve dreamed of, and everything I need? Help me Jesus!”

  “You’ve a beautiful voice,” she finally managed to say.


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