Walking Through and Other Stories

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Walking Through and Other Stories Page 21

by Francine Fleming

  He glanced at her. “I bet you can sing well too. Let me see what I can play that we can sing together. Would you like that? To sing, I mean.”

  “Carlos, if music be the food of love, play on.”

  “Hmm, a woman who quotes Shakespeare, I love that.”

  They were both smiling as Carlos started a new melody. They sang together, love song, after love song. After a few songs, Carlos turned his face to her and said, “This last one is for you and very fitting.” He sang, “You’re once, twice, three times a lady and I love you”

  At the end of the song, he kissed her on her cheeks, and used his hands once more to wipe away her tears.

  “Thank you Carlos. I really enjoyed this.”

  “I did too. It was great having someone to play for again.”

  They returned to the sectional. She snuggled close to him and rested her head on his big, strong shoulder. She ran her fingers along his face, enjoying the softness of his smooth olive complexion. She closed her eyes, and smiled.


  Some hours later, Tricia opened her eyes to find herself in Carlos’ arms, and he fast asleep. She moved away and took a glimpse at her watch. Her movement stirred him. He opened his eyes and yawned.

  “Goodness gracious, look at the time. It’s after six. We must have slept for quite some time. Richard and Denise must be worried sick about me!”

  “I doubt that they’re worried, my sweet. They know you’re big girl now and your nephew would never have asked me to take you around New York if he didn’t trust me. I’ll take you home in a few minutes and pick up my car.”

  “That’s right; I’d forgotten that we took a cab last tonight.”

  As he left to retrieve their coats, Tricia sat there still not sure if these past few weeks were real or just one long beautiful dream. She muttered, “Lord, if it is all a dream, please don’t let it end yet. I’ve not had so beautiful a dream in a long time.”

  “Okay. Let’s go,” Carlos said.

  She snapped from her dream as he returned to the room. A soft smile appeared on her face as she looked, admiringly, at him.

  Carlos helped her into her coat and they headed for the door. As he turned the handle, she touched his shoulder and he turned to look at her. They gazed at each other for several seconds, and then he kissed her tenderly on her cheeks and neck. Even in her high-heeled boots he still towered over her. She tiptoed and this time, she kissed him on his lips several times. He wrapped his arms around her and it was in that moment that she felt the love he spoke of. It was then, she realized, that he really loved her and she knew, too, that she’d fallen in love again. She said a silent prayer. “Oh Lord, what shall I do? I did not mean for this to happen and I’m scared, so scared. Help me, Jesus.”

  Finally, she took Carlos’ hands in hers, looked up into his warm, brown eyes and with a tremor in her voice, said, “Carlos, thanks again for last night and all the other days. Being with you this unforgettable holiday season, your gentle ways and your kindness, have restored my confidence and my trust in men. You have given me a December to remember, and I will make this first day of 2005 the beginning of the rest of my life.”

  “You’re welcome Tricia, but it is I who should be thanking you for allowing me to be in your company, and for giving me one of the happiest New Year’s Eve ever. I’m so glad that I was available to pick you up from the airport that freezing night last month. When I saw you looking around for Denise and Richard, I knew I was going to enjoy your company. You looked lost, but so beautiful. I had a chuckle watching you walk around in those really high-heeled boots,” he said laughing, “but I liked you right away.”

  Laughing also, she replied, “I liked you right away too. So I guess, for both of us, it was “like at first sight.”

  Carlos held her hand all the way home in the cab and she was enjoying his touch. She loved being with him and knew she would miss him terribly once she returned to Canada.

  They exited the cab, and after paying the fare, he walked her to the door. Inside, he took Tricia into his arms and kissed her over and over again. She liked it, and responded with passion.

  “Good morning my sweet. I’ll see you later, at the ‘Robinsons’ for dinner. Now, try to get some rest.”

  “See you later. Please get home safely.”

  As she walked toward the kitchen, she noticed Denise already dressed for work. She was seated at the breakfast nook, sipping a cup of coffee.

  “Hey Auntie, must have been some night. Do you know what time it is, young lady?” she said laughing.

  “Denise, it was really some night. I had the time of my life, and Carlos commented on the great time he had as well. I’ve so much to tell you. I can’t wait until you get in later, but first, why didn’t you tell me that he was the famous Carlos DaSilva?”

  Denise took another sip of coffee. “For us, he’s just Carlos, a very nice man and a good friend, and I didn’t think it was important.”

  Glancing at the clock Denise called out, “Richard, come on down, we’re running late. Remember, we’re taking one car today.”

  “Hey Auntie,” Richard said as he came running down the stairs. “Happy New Year.”

  He walked over and hugged his aunt and plopped a kiss on her cheek. “How was your date with Carlos? You wild one!” he teased.

  Tricia, smiling and as excited as a child, replied, “My time with Carlos was amazing. Dinner was delicious, and the show was delightful, funny and very entertaining. Times Square was magical, and I was in the company of the most interesting, warmest, and kindest man I’ve ever met. I had the time of my life!”

  “From the look on your face, I would say it was heavenly,” Richard responded. You’ve got to fill us in later, but we’ve got to rush off now.”

  “Richard,” Tricia scolded, “No breakfast, not even a cup of coffee?”

  “I’ll grab some breakfast from the cafeteria. See you later.”

  “Yea, see you later Auntie,” Denise repeated as she rose from the table. “We’ll have that chat later. Now, you get some rest.”

  “Bye kids!”

  “Don’t forget we’re having dinner at my parents’ this evening,” Denise said before closing the door.

  “I won’t forget, drive safely guys.”

  Tricia yawned her way up the stairs to her room and after showering, she collapsed into her bed and was asleep in an instant.


  Tricia awoke around eleven a.m. to the sound of her cell phone ringing. She rolled over rubbed her eyes to focus and grabbed it from the night table, thinking it was Carlos.

  “Hello,” she answered in her softest tone.

  “Hellooo Tricia. It’s Maaavis,” she drawled. Happy New Year!”

  “Happy New Year Mavis. How are you?”

  “I’m good, Tricia. How are you, and how was your night out with Carlos?”

  Tricia wondered how Mavis knew that she was out with Carlos, but just replied, “My night was wonderful Mavis, we…”

  “What’s going on between you two anyways?”

  “What do you mean, Mavis?”

  “C’mon Tricia, I’ve seen the way you look at each other. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you all Christmas day. As a matter of fact your eyes were on him the whole time too.”

  “Mavis, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. We’ve become friends. Is that a problem?’ Before Tricia could continue Mavis warned, “Be careful my dear cousin. He’ll break your heart.”

  “Break my heart? Why do you say that?”

  “Didn’t Richard or Denise tell you about his affair that caused his son’s death?”

  “What are you talking about Mavis? What affair?”

  “Tricia, Carlos cheated on Sylvia, and it cost Jonathan his life. I’m surprised Richard or Denise never told you. The man’s no saint. Like I said, he’ll break your heart.”

  Tricia’s heart pounded. She began pacing the floor and tugging at her hair. “For heaven’s sake, Mavis, I don’t know if I wa
nt to hear this. Not now, please!”

  “Well you’ve got to hear it some time. You’d better talk to Denise about it, that’s all I’m going to say.”

  “Damn it Mavis! I’ve got to go. I…”

  “Tricia, I just don’t want to see you hurt,” Mavis interjected. “Women throw themselves at Carlos all the time. Haven’t you noticed how darn handsome he is? And he’s mighty rich too!”

  Tricia raised her voice. Agitated, she said, “Mavis, It’s always about money for you isn’t it? Please, no more!”


  “Bye Mavis!”

  Tricia dropped the phone and ran to the bathroom, tears flowing like a river that had burst its banks. She was sick to her stomach. What had she gotten herself into? “I’ve got to speak with Denise as soon as she gets in.” she spoke aloud through sobs. She jumped back into bed. Her tears flowed and her heart felt heavy in her chest. The phone rang several times. Tricia ignored all the calls.

  “Auntie Tricia, are you alright?’ It was Denise calling out to her. “Carlos called the house a few minutes ago. He is worried sick about you. He said he’s been calling you all day and got no answer. I didn’t bother to disturb you when I came in. I thought you were just tired. We’re going out to dinner have you forgotten?”

  “What time is it?”

  She heard Denise’s voice on the other side of her bedroom door. “Four twenty Auntie. Dinner’s at six thirty”

  “Goodness, I’d forgotten. Denise, do you mind if I skipped dinner?”

  “What’s wrong? Are you getting that nasty flu bug?”

  “Please come in, I need to talk with you. Oh Denise, why didn’t you or Richard tell me that Jonathan’s death was the result of Carlos’ affair?” She turned her face toward her pillow and sobbed.

  “He’s told you!”

  “No, Mavis did!”

  “Oh that gold digger and her gossipy mouth. Four divorces have taught her nothing!”

  Denise sat on the bed next to Tricia and gently caressed her back. “Auntie.” She spoke in a soft, caring tone. “Carlos is a wonderful, loving man who made a mistake and paid a high price for it. He’s a good man. Richard and I would not have matched you up. We purposely made ourselves unavailable so you two would be together. We hoped you would fall in love with each other, because we love you both dearly and we know that you are both warm, caring, decent people who deserve a second chance. Talk to him, give him a chance to explain.”

  “But why didn’t he tell me?”

  “I guess because it’s still so difficult for him to talk about, and especially to you, who I believe he cares for. I do know him though, and I do know that he would have told you when he felt the time was right. Talk to him, ask him about it, and all that’s bothering you, but don’t torment yourself.”

  “No, youtell me Denise! I need to know, now, and I can’t talk to Carlos, not for a while at least.”

  “Auntie, Carlos loved his wife Sylvia very much, Richard and I know that. One had only to be in their presence to see that. After this whole awful mess, he felt the need to confide in Richard and me. He didn’t want us to hear it through rumours, and twisted stories and all that and trust me, there were many. As I said, he loved Sylvia very much but somehow he got involved with a younger woman. It was a short affair, I think he said it lasted only three months. He felt guilty and broke the affair off, but, it was one of those fatal attractions. The woman refused to go away, and one day called the house and spoke with Sylvia. She lied that she was pregnant and that Carlos promised that he would divorce Sylvia and then marry her. Of course, you can understand how Sylvia felt. She confronted Carlos when he got home, and they got into a terrible, loud argument. Sylvia got out of control, sobbing wildly and pounding on Carlos’ chest. Jonathan arrived during the argument, and could not handle seeing his mom so hurt. He got back into his car and just sped recklessly onto the highway, until his car slammed into a guardrail, overturned and burst into flames. The police said he had to be going at least one hundred and twenty miles per hour. He was lucky that no one else was hurt during the accident.”

  “Oh no, Denise, how terrible for them all!”

  “Of course, we were all devastated. Richard lost his best friend, and Sylvia, Carlos and Christina had a rough time for a while. Things got better for Christina and Carlos after they all got counselling. Sylvia, however, could not get over the loss of her son, and died one year later. Carlos carried guilt for a long time, but Christina has been very supportive to her dad. I think she understood him better than even Sylvia did. They have remained very close. So now you know Auntie, but I’m sorry you had to find out this way. I think I will have a chat with Mavis. That woman should learn to stop gossiping.”

  “Denise, how did Mavis know that I was out with Carlos?”

  “She called the house to wish us all a happy New Year, and I told her you went on a date with Carlos. I’m now sorry that I did.”

  “It’s okay Denise, I just wondered how she knew.”

  Tricia stopped crying. Denise phoned Carlos and told him that Tricia was not feeling well and wanted to rest.

  “Denise, please give my apologies to your parents, but I just don’t want to be in the company of anyone today. I know I’d be poor company anyhow, and I can’t face Carlos today. I feel awful, just awful. Please explain to Richard also.”

  “Sure. I know you feel awful right now, but it will get better. Mom and dad will be disappointed, of course, but I’ll tell them you’re not well. They will understand.”

  “Denise, I don’t know if I’ll ever understand men. How can you cheat on someone you love?”

  “That’s the million dollar question.”

  Richard and Denise left for dinner and Tricia slept until the next morning. Her cell phone and the home phone kept ringing. She took no calls and she ate nothing. Early the next morning, she called the airlines and was able to book a flight, without penalty, that same night. She had to take the red eye, but she didn’t care. She just could not stay one more day in New York.

  “This is an emergency!” She had almost screamed at the ticket agent. “I have to be back in Toronto. Tonight if possible!”

  She asked Richard to tell the family that she had to leave earlier than scheduled, and that she would connect with them all once she was back in Canada.

  “I must forget Carlos, and the sooner the better!” she’d snapped to Richard and Denise when they told her that she was making a mistake, and that she should at least give Carlos a chance to explain all to her.

  “Please don’t go like this.” Denise pleaded. “Talk to Carlos. You both need to be happy again, and I promise you, in spite of the affair, he’s a good man, he really is.”

  “Denise, I can’t talk to him now; maybe in time, but not now. I just wish he’d trusted me enough to tell me. Hearing it from Mavis was awful.”

  “I’ll drive you to the airport,” Richard volunteered. “But I really wish you wouldn’t leave like this.”

  “Oh no, Richard, it’s a late flight and you have to be at work early in the morning. I’ll take a cab.”

  “You’ll do no such thing. I’ll take you, and no argument! I’ll be worried about you all night. Please. I’ll feel better!”

  Richard rose and threw his arms around his aunt. He hugged her tightly.

  “Thanks Richard, I really needed that.”

  Tricia sat, frozen, on the airplane that was taking her back to Toronto, feeling as empty as she had when she left one month before. Tears slid down her cheeks. She was glad it was a short flight.

  The evening of January 4th she checked her cell phone and saw that there were two voicemail messages from Carlos. She listened with dread to the first message she heard. “Tricia, how are you? I spoke with Richard and he’s told me that you are back in Canada. Please call me. I’m very worried about you.”

  Hearing his voice was painful. Thankfully, there was no one around to see her tears. She checked the second message, her heart pounding. �
��Hey Tricia, it’s Carlos again. Richard told me why you left so suddenly. Sweetie, I’m so sorry. I know you are hurt and also angry with me, but at least give me a chance to explain. I can’t be happy if you’re not. I love you, I really do. Please call me.”

  She knew that she could not speak with him, not yet. She decided to text him. “Carlos, I don’t even know what I’m feeling at the moment. I, too, value your friendship, but I can’t talk to you, not yet. I need time, and will call you when I’m ready.”

  Days after her return home, Tricia still felt numb and sick. She could not eat or sleep and tossed and turned for nights. When she did eventually fall asleep, it was intermittent. She missed Carlos, very much, and wished that she never knew about that fatal night, or the affair.

  “Tricia, you don’t look yourself. You’ve dark circles under your eyes and you’ve been very quiet since you returned from New York. What’s wrong?” her co-worker and friend asked.

  “It’s nothing, Merle. I just haven’t been sleeping. I think it’s menopause.”

  “Yeah, could be. You and I are both taking a pause from men.”

  “Tee hee hee!”

  “Oh my, so glad I could make you laugh.”

  Tricia eventually saw her doctor, who prescribed sleeping pills. They helped with her sleep, but not the ache in her heart. The only bright spot in her life now were her conversations with Katrina and Kirk, who gave her day-to- day accounts of their vacation in St. Lucia, including Jennifer’s wedding.

  One day when they visited Katrina commented on how tired she looked.

  “Partied too much in New York,” Tricia responded.

  “So, did you meet anyone special?” Katrina asked.

  The question caught her off guard and she stumbled for an answer. “Katrina I met lots of people. New York is a big place.”

  “Okay, mom,” Kirk chipped in. “We know when you’re stalling. That will be a “yes.” Katrina, no more questions now. Mom’s not ready to talk about it, yet.”

  Tricia smiled. “You know your mom so well,” she said.

  That night she prayed, “Thank you God for not allowing Kirk and Katrina to realize how miserable I am right now. Oh why did I fall in love with him? God, I miss him so much. Help me, Father!”


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