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Cowboy Control [Carnal Cowboys 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Jane Jamison

  Raven came out the door and started down the steps. She was so pretty with her long, luxurious hair and her just-right curves. The smile she wore tugged at his heart, making him happy and sad at the same time. The only time she smiled like that was when she was riding or in bed with them. He’d thought those were the only things that gave her real happiness. Not buying land for a mega-corporation.

  “Looks like the time to choose is here.” But how could they ever choose between their love for her and their love for their home?

  “This is bullshit.”

  Clint was out of the truck and storming his way over to Raven before Hale could stop him.

  He shoved his shoulder against the door and slid out, already in a run after his brother. “Hold up, man.”

  Raven stopped short of her car. “Hi, guys. I didn’t know you were coming into town today.”

  “Good thing we did.” Clint towered over her. To her credit, she held her ground against the angry man. “Looks like you’ve finally gotten your way.”

  “Take it easy.” He grabbed hold of Clint, but his brother jerked his arm away.

  “Clint, will you give me a minute to talk?”

  “What the hell for, Raven? So you can tell us how much this damn super mall’s going to help Garner? Or how you’re making people’s dreams come true? You can’t buy dreams.” Clint poked his finger close to her face. “You’ve destroyed a town. How’s that make you feel? Have you called Daddy Dearest to tell him you’ve done his dirty work?”

  Her smile died a quick death. In its place came a glare that would’ve put any other man on his knees. “Back off, Clint. You don’t have any right talking to me like that.”

  Hale tried to put himself between them, but Clint forced him out of the way again. “Damn it, man. Slow the hell down.”

  “Fuck that. I want her to know what she’s done. I want her to know she’s ruined people’s lives. That she’s wiping out generations of hard work.”

  Raven came at him then, ramming her hands against Clint’s chest. He stepped back with Hale along with him. The girl was stronger than he would’ve imagined.

  “Go fuck yourself, Clint. I don’t have to explain myself to you.” Her green eyes blazed. She whirled, her long hair flying. By the time she made it to the car, Richard had her door open. She slid into the backseat.

  “Get back here, Raven. Stand up to your damn father. Hell, stand up for yourself.”

  Hale’d had enough. He slammed his hands into his brother’s chest much the same way Raven had done. Clint stumbled backward. “Knock it off. I don’t give a damn what she’s done. She’s still our woman. The woman you promised to protect.”

  Raven’s car backed up then turned toward the road. As it drove away, she stuck her arm out one window and shot them the finger. A quick flash of pride hit him. She was in the wrong, but damn, how he loved her spirit.

  Clint’s fury dissipated in a long, hard breath. “Damn it.”

  “Yeah. Damn it. What the hell were you thinking attacking her that way?” He didn’t care what Raven had done. He would’ve never come at her the way Clint had.

  Clint ran a hand over his head, knocking off his cowboy hat. “I— Damn. I don’t know. I guess I just lost it.”

  “You sure as hell did. And maybe her along with it.” Hale watched the trail of dust behind the car settle to the ground. “I understand why you’re mad, but don’t take it out on her. Not ever. If you do, I’ll lay you out flat. That’s a promise.”

  Clint’s groan was filled with anguish. “And I’ll let you do it, too. I fucked up but good.”

  “Yeah, man, you did.”

  But had Clint fucked up so much they couldn’t fix it? What good was saving the ranches and the town if they lost her?

  “Hale, Clint, hang on.” Martin strolled out of his office. “I need you to help me spread the word.”

  “About what?”

  “Clint, easy. Don’t take it out on him.”

  Clint nodded, his jaw clenching, but he moved away. “You handle it.” He headed back to the pickup.

  “Spread the word about what?”

  “Raven Ronnell’s calling a town meeting tomorrow night at seven.”

  “What for?”

  “Can’t say. She made me promise to keep my mouth shut.”

  “Has she bought all the ranches she needs?”

  “Like I said, Hale, I’m sworn to secrecy. But tell everyone you see, okay? I’ll make some calls, too.”

  “Fine. We’ll be there.”

  “Make sure you are.” Martin pulled out his cell phone and strolled back to his office.

  Yeah. We’ll be there. No doubt about it.

  Chapter Eight

  Raven’s nerves were frayed as she watched the citizens of Garner flood into Kat’s Down Home Kountry Kitchen. Her future rested on how the meeting would go. She tried to keep a pleasant smile going, but it wasn’t easy. Not with every person shooting her go to hell looks.

  They’re here.

  Hale and Clint came into the room, sucking all the oxygen from her. They were more handsome than they’d been the last time she’d seen them. Even Clint with his fury still got her wet. They had on their usual jeans and rolled-up sleeve shirts, but they could’ve put any man dressed to the nines to shame.

  If they’ll listen this time, I’ll have a chance.

  Voices floated around her. None were directed at her, but they were definitely all about her. The people took a seat or gathered around the counter.

  Martin Herant came on stage with her. He lifted his hands, signaling for quiet. “Listen up, folks. I think everyone’s who’s going to come is here by now, so let’s get started.”

  “Get what started?” Mrs. McMichaelson stood up. She was a widower, but with the help of hired hands, she still managed to run a sizeable ranch. “Why are we here? We all know what’s happened. She’s got her land, and soon enough, we’re all going to be putting up with traffic and strangers. Lord knows what’ll happen once that damn mall is built.”

  “Mrs. M. is right. Just tell us, lady, when can we expect all hell to break loose?”

  Others around the stout man who’d spoken clamored their agreement along with their dislike of her and Ronnell Corporation.

  “Now hold on. Give Ms. Ronnell a chance to talk.”

  She couldn’t wait for Martin to get them under control. Taking a step forward, she lifted her hands. “There’s not going to be a mall.”

  As though she’d dropped an actual bomb, the silence after the explosion of her statement was deafening. Then the clamor began again as the people looked to each other for answers.

  “What are you saying, Raven?” Clint stalked down the middle of the crowd. They parted for him like subjects bowing before their king. And stayed parted as Hale came up behind him.

  “You heard me. Ronnell Corporation won’t be building a mall anywhere near Garner.”

  “What are you talking about?” demanded Clint.

  He could demand anything he wanted as far as she was concerned. If she was lucky, he’d soon be demanding that she get on her knees in front of him once they returned to the ranch.

  “I withdrew my offers for all the ranches.”

  At first, the crowd seemed confused, but it didn’t take long for them to start cheering. Clint and Hale, however, remained silent.

  She raised her hands, once again calling for quiet. “I put down payments on the ranches, but the sales hadn’t gone through yet. I pulled out of the purchases.”


  She met Hale’s gaze. “Because, after seeing what life here is like, I can’t stand the idea of a mall ruining Garner. I don’t want to see your homes gone or your lives disrupted.” She slid her attention to Clint then on to the others. “I get it now. What you have in Garner is special. It may have taken me a few days, but I finally get it.”

  “What about your father? He’ll just send someone else to buy the ranches.”

  “He’ll try.” She ha
d to make them understand. They were the ones who controlled their fate. “But he can’t make you sell.”

  “Some of us had no choice. Nothing has changed that.” Holter Lenning was one of the few people not smiling. “I still have medical bills to pay.”

  “No, you don’t. I already paid them.”

  His jaw went slack, along with a few of his neighbors’. “I don’t take charity.”

  “It’s not charity. Instead of selling your land, I want you to lease it to me.”

  “What for?”

  “Because I think there’s oil there, and I want a piece of it. Maybe you noticed a few men on your land yesterday? Those men were checking for the possibility of oil. All the tests haven’t come back yet, but I’m willing to bet on there being a good reserve. If you’ll lease the oil rights to me, we’ll find out. So you see? It’s not charity at all. You and I are going to make money without you having to lose your home.”

  “What about the rest of the ranchers who wanted to sell?” asked Clint.

  He wasn’t angry any longer. Instead, a look of admiration filled his face. “If they still want to sell, then I’ll push the sales through again. I’ll buy them, but not for my father. Then I’ll break the land up into smaller ranches, more affordable ones that others can buy. You’ll be gaining neighbors, not a parking lot.”

  She wanted them to understand, but she had another situation to handle first. “Please, if you have more questions, give Martin a call, and we’ll schedule a time to meet tomorrow. Until then, rest assured that your homes and your town are safe.”

  “What about your father, Raven? What’s he going to say?” Hale’s mouth twisted upward into a soft smile.

  “I’ll handle my father.” She stepped off the makeshift platform and started toward her men. If they didn’t want her, she’d still save the town.

  Please. I need you.

  If pleas could be seen in the eyes, then they’d see hers.

  “Are you okay, sugar? Going up against your father will be rough.”

  Sugar. Damn, how I like the name.

  “Yeah. But I can handle him.”

  “You seem pretty sure of yourself, babe.”

  She placed her hand against Hale’s chest. His heart was going as fast as hers. “Trust me, guys. I’m in control.”

  Clint chuckled and put his mouth close to her ear. “Nah, sugar. At least not in the bedroom.”

  The crowd was busy talking among themselves, oblivious to what was happening between the Yager men and her.

  “Is that so, Clint?”

  “Damn straight it is.”

  She arched an eyebrow and fisted a hand in both of their shirts. “Prove it, cowboys. Control me, if you can.”

  Her squeal went unnoticed in the noise around them. Before she could think, Hale was pushing her toward the door.

  * * * *

  They started at the front door. Raven couldn’t decide what part of their clothing to pull off first, so she started yanking on everything. Clint and Hale had it easier, two against one, as they rid her of her jeans and T-shirt.

  Kisses flew fast and furious as one man then the other pressed their mouths to hers. When one didn’t have her mouth, the other was busy moving his tongue and hands down her body, caressing her breasts, her butt and slipping in between her legs.

  “Bedroom.” She could barely get the one word out, much less more.

  “No. Here.” Hale tugged her toward the couch.

  “Yeah. Here,” agreed Clint.

  Feverish words mixed with short gasps of air and low moans. They half pushed her, half carried her to the large sectional couch. By the time they put her on her back, she was naked and reaching for their cocks. Clint had his jeans shoved to his ankles and was frantically trying to get them off over his boots. She giggled and took hold of Hale’s zipper to slide it down.

  “Damn it.” At last, Clint had no other option except to fall onto the couch and work his boots off. His shirt soon followed to the floor.

  Chiseled steel.

  Bronze stones.

  Muscled flesh.

  There were many ways to describe their bodies, but the best was simplest.


  Hale stripped as fast as he could until, at last, they were next to her, glorious in all their nudity. Her chest rose and fell at a faster rate than it had while struggling to get their clothes off. Somehow they took her breath away and made her pant all at the same time.

  For a moment, they stared at each other, taking their bodies in, like those who appreciated looking at fine pieces of art.

  She met Clint’s gaze and repeated her earlier challenge. “Control me, if you can.”

  He laughed. “No problem, sugar.” He tapped his brother on the shoulder. “Let’s do this.”

  Why did they back away? She sat up, perplexed. “What’s going on?”

  “Just listen and obey,” ordered Clint.

  “And if I don’t?” She wanted to test them. She tingled with anticipation. Only with these men could she really let go. Only with them could she rid herself of the weight of responsibility she’d labored with all her life. Only with these men could she be herself.

  “You will.” Hale pushed the coffee table farther away from the couch. “On your knees, sub.”

  She thought about denying him, thought about pushing the limits. But the part of her they’d awakened through sex and domination wanted to give in to them. She craved the release, the pleasure she’d receive by giving them joy. Keeping her gaze on them, she went to her knees in front of them.

  “Good, sub.” Clint took a step closer, putting his large, curved cock close to her face.

  Her hands shook with the effort to keep from reaching out and stroking it. “Please, sir. Let me touch you.”

  “With your hands or your mouth?”

  How could she choose? “With both.”

  He shook his head, yet she could see his passion. He wanted her to use both but would delay gratification for her and for himself. “Hands only. Stroke me.”

  She cupped his balls then encircled his cock with her other hand. He was so warm, so smooth, and so manly. Her hand barely fit around his thick length.

  Hale eased next to her. “Suck my cock.”

  She leaned over and let him guide his cock inside her mouth. A cock in one hand and one in my mouth. Lust roared into her. And, although they were giving the orders, a sense of power came over her. She was in control as much as they were. Each of them would gain happiness from the other’s dominance and submission.

  She closed her eyes, savoring their masculine scents. Their aromas were similar, but each had a slightly different edge to the smell. Clint’s was spicier while Hale’s was musky. They tunneled their fingers into her hair, each taking hold of her as they possessed her with their cocks.

  Needing to taste both of them, she began moving from one to the other. She’d pull on Clint’s cock and release it then quickly take Hale’s inside. If they’d wanted her to stop alternating between them, they would’ve said so, but their moans told her they were both pleased.

  Stronger, thicker, longer, their cocks grew. She tasted pre-cum from Clint then turned to swipe her tongue over the tip of Hale’s shaft and compared the flavors. Their massive legs were fleshlike granite, four beams leading upward to hard-packed abdomens. Brown pecs rested on broad chests that radiated outward to tree-sized arms. She sighed, blowing air over Hale’s cock.

  Clint eased out of her grasp but didn’t turn her hair loose. “Lean over the coffee table, sugar.”

  Although Hale groaned his complaint, he didn’t stop her. She twisted around then put her body over the table. Her breasts pushed against the cool surface, and her hair fell forward, covering her face and restricting her vision.

  She was about to ask them what they were going to do when the first strike of a hand against her ass had her jolting forward, pummeling her, the sting driving through her flesh to find its home in her pussy. She’d barely managed to drag
in a good breath before another spank flashed against her other butt cheek.

  “You like getting spanked, don’t you, babe?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And we like spanking you, sugar.”

  Two more spanks came simultaneously. The double strikes sent stinging sensations over her skin. She could easily imagine how pink her skin was.

  “Please, sirs, spank me some more.”

  They were in control, but even though she’d begged, she’d gained the right to tell them what to do. Spank after spank came until the ache from one cheek spread into another.

  “Let’s add something different.” Hale spanked her ass again. “Stay put.” He moved away.

  She obeyed him. Why shouldn’t she when Clint had leaned over her to run his cock along her spine?

  “I’m going to fuck your ass, sugar. Long and hard. Do you want that?”

  “Yes, please, sir.” She pushed her butt higher, trying to encourage him to take her.

  “Take a breath, babe, and let it out.” Hale was back.

  A sharp stab came next, biting into her flesh. She let out a small cry and twisted around to see what he was using.

  He held up the short whip. Feathers decorated the tasseled end. “A whip?”

  “I’ve heard it gives a different feeling than the flat of my hand.”

  “Remember to say red if you need to,” added Clint.

  She bit her lower lip. The whip hurt more than their hands, but it also gave her more of a thrill. “Green. I’m green.”

  She’d barely turned back around before the slicing zing of the whip struck again. As soon as it was gone, Clint added his palm to the other butt cheek. They spanked and whipped her again and again, alternating between the two.

  “I want more.” Clint grabbed hold of her hair again. “Turn around and sit on the table.”

  She did as he ordered, sucking in a short breath when she put her throbbing bottom on the smooth surface. Clint and Hale sat on the edge of the couch, the whip tossed to the side. They’d never looked so hungry, so ready to claim her.

  “Spread your legs, babe.”

  Using both arms, she slipped her hands over her stomach, her tits plumping as she squeezed her arms against them. She kept her attention on their faces as she pulled her pussy lips apart then dipped one finger between them.


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