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The Steel Tower (Dragons of Midnight Book 2)

Page 6

by Silver Milan

  “Well in any case, the vampire witch didn’t do this,” Mathis said. “There is no Death involved. The only affinity used was Earth.”

  “Who’s to say the vampire wasn’t strong in Earth as well?” Jett said.

  “When a vampire Siphons, Death taints every affinity he or she Weaves,” Mathis said. “So it wasn’t her. No, the person you’re hiding from me did this.” He glanced at Duncan and Connor, then back at Jett. “That woman out there, she’s not your mate, is she?”

  Jett didn’t answer. Other members of the pride began to gather in the yard.

  “Do I need to remind you that hiding any shifter from the testers is against the law?” Mathis said. “You may have been king once, but here you are only an Alpha. My word in this matter is law. You will hand over the shifter, or I will bind all of you in Air and forcibly conduct a search of your cabins and the outlying woods until I find her.”

  Jett flexed his arms, forming two fists. “I’m still king, as far as you’re concerned. Going against me would be a very bad idea, Witch.”

  Jett prepared to transform. If Mathis tried to bind him with magic, the witch would be in for the surprise of his life.

  Jett’s phone buzzed but before he could check it he heard a door opening, followed by the stomp of footsteps on wood. He glanced at the back of the cabin. Ariel stood on the deck.

  Cliff was behind her. “I’m sorry. She wouldn’t listen to me. I tried texting you a warning.”

  “It’s all right, Jett,” Ariel said. “I’ve decided. I want this. Let him test me.”

  Mathis glanced at Jett triumphantly, and then approached her. “Place your hands at your sides.”

  Ariel obeyed.

  Mathis slid the dragon bone tiara over her head. Once more Jett sensed the drawing of Strength.

  The gem on Ariel’s forehead flared a blinding bright, forcing Jett and the others to cover their eyes. And then it was gone.

  Jett blinked away the afterimage and saw that Mathis was looking at her in shock.

  The witch took a step back. “Impossible,” he hissed.

  “What?” Ariel said. She seemed worried.

  In three bounds Jett was at her side. He placed himself between Ariel and Mathis.

  “I haven’t seen a Potential with this much latent power in a long time,” Mathis said. “The imprint I detected in the yard was powerful, yes, but I never expected this… she is coming with me, without question.”

  “You’ll have to go through me, first,” Jett said. He surveyed the pride members below. They were ready to attack at his signal.

  He glanced at the oak trees bordering the yard and saw Flame peering from the boughs of one of them. Flame signaled that the other two White Swords were in position.

  Jett prepared to transform once again. This time, nothing would stop him.


  Ariel knew Jett was planning to attack. He had glanced at the tree line, and though she couldn’t see any of his White Swords she knew they were probably out there somewhere, ready to strike. And the pride members below were just as ready. Almost eager, even. The tension in the air was palpable.

  She couldn’t allow this. She had to stop him. If he attacked the witch, she and Jett would be on the run for the rest of their days.

  She rested a hand gently on his shoulder.

  “Jett,” Ariel said softly. “My dragon.”

  He turned around. His eyes blazed with golden fire.

  “You have to let me do this,” Ariel said. “We’ll find a way to be together.” She grabbed his tense forearm and massaged it. “Let go, my dragon. Let it go.”

  He gazed at her for several moments longer, but then the fire in his eyes receded and the tension eased from his shoulders.

  He opened his fist and glanced at the witch, a man he had told her went by the name Mathis.

  “Let’s say I allow her to go with you,” Jett said. “Can I come, too?”

  “No,” Mathis said. “We still have five more territories to visit, and after that we’re taking a private flight to Belgrade. Only Potentials can travel with me.”

  “But—” Jett began.

  “These are the rules,” Mathis said.

  “It’s been a while since I checked,” Jett said. “But I seem to recall that family members were allowed to stay in the guest wing of the Tower.”

  “That was allowed in the early days, yes,” Mathis said. “But we have too many of our own to house to even consider family members anymore. The Tower is for Wayfarers and their students alone.”

  “But friends and family are allowed to visit?” Jett asked.

  “Again, that was true in the early days, but not anymore,” Mathis answered.

  Jett’s face darkened. “When can I see her then, Witch?”

  “During liberty time she is free to leave the tower for Belgrade,” Mathis said.

  “And how often will she be given liberty?” Jett asked, the suspicion obvious in his tone.

  “Apprentices have liberty time every three months,” Mathis said.

  Jett threw up his arms. “Three months! You expect me to wait three months to see her?”

  “The rules—”

  “I don’t care about your rules,” Jett said. “She’s not going if I have to wait three months.”

  “She’s a Potential,” Mathis said. “By Tower law, I can’t leave her here. As Alpha of this pride, you can’t deny me. Even if you were still dragon king, you couldn’t. You signed the treaty yourself. If she runs, she’ll be hunted for the rest of her days. As will those who abet her.” When Jett didn’t say anything, but merely stood there fumingand staring daggers at Mathis, the witch added: “The three months between liberties is for her own safety. Hunters roam Belgrade and the surrounding countryside, looking for easy targets. If we allowed our apprentices to leave whenever they wanted, they’d be too vulnerable. You’ll still be able to stay in touch. This is the Internet age. We have video messaging, voice calling, text—”

  “Video messaging,” Jett spat. “Voice calling. Poor substitutes for face-to-face contact.”

  Ariel could hear the pain in her dragon’s words. She felt it keenly herself, and she gripped Jett’s hand tightly, not wanting to lose him.

  “We’ll find a way to be together,” she repeated. But she couldn’t see how. Three months. It was insane. She couldn’t imagine not holding him in her arms, not feeling his touch, for that long.

  “You’ll have to work out between yourselves how you’re going to do this,” Mathis said. “I can recommend some lodgings in Belgrade, if you think it will help. At least you’ll be close to her.”

  “If I go, I’ll choose my own lodgings thank you very much,” Jett said. “Your recommended buildings will be well monitored, I’m guessing. I don’t need to be spied on by witches.”

  “It’s your choice, of course.” Mathis bowed slightly, extending his hands, and glanced at Ariel. “You have an hour to pack your things. I’ll be waiting for you in the SUV.”

  Mathis strode around the far side of the cabin and vanished from view.

  “And just like that my life changes,” Ariel said.

  Jett glanced at lion shifters. “You’ve all heard the news. Ariel is leaving. Nothing more to see here.”

  “You’re not really going to let her go, are you?” Cliff said.

  “If it’s what she wants, I have to.” Jett followed Ariel inside the cabin. Before he shut the door behind him he gestured toward the trees, and Ariel knew he was signaling his White Swords to stand down.

  “Say the word,” Jett told Ariel when the door was closed. “And we’ll send this witch back to his Wayfarer masters in chains. Or we’ll run, if you prefer the non-confrontational route. I’m fine with either.”

  “We can’t,” Ariel said. “Both options are out. You heard him. If I don’t go, we’ll be hunted for the rest of our days.”

  “I don’t care,” Jett said.

  Ariel sighed. “But I do. I can’t run from this. Remember how I
told you I felt like I was always running from everything? I want to face my destiny. If I’m one of the most powerful Wayfarers the world has seen, I have to take the training. Reach my potential.”

  Jett nodded slowly. “If that’s really what you want, I won’t stop you. But three months…” He tapped his chin. “Actually…” His brows furrowed mischievously.

  “I know that look,” Ariel said. “What are you up to, dragon king?”

  “The Steel Tower is only half an hour outside Belgrade,” Jett said. “If I move to Belgrade, I could sneak to your room on weekends.”

  “That might not be the easiest thing in the world,” Ariel said. “The tower will probably be extremely well guarded, you know.”

  “Oh I’m sure it will,” Jett said. “But that’s not going to stop me. Remember, I don’t have a collar anymore.”

  “So what, you’re going to reveal yourself to them in dragon form?” Ariel asked.

  “Not at all,” Jett said. “I’ll be very, very quiet. And I’ll have you as my eyes on the inside: you can tell me exactly where all their guards are. The timing of their patrols and all that. Yes. We can do this.”

  Ariel didn’t answer him. Instead she went to the room they shared and opened the closet. Jett fetched a backpack for her and put it on the bed. She began to fill it with her few belongings.

  “I feel like I’ve only just begun to settle in, and now I’m going to be ripped away from everything I know again,” Ariel said.

  “You told me you wanted this,” Jett said.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I do,” Ariel said. “I just... I guess I’m conflicted.”

  Jett wrapped his arms around her and peered into her eyes. Her soul. “You can still change your mind.”

  “I know.” She paused. “I do want this. I do. And I just want to say, for the record, you don’t have to come. If you don’t want to.”

  He gave her a pained expression. “How could you even tell me that? I’ve given up everything for you. I’ll continue to give up everything. Where you go, I go. The Wayfarers might have you during the week, but Friday and Saturday nights will be ours.”

  “What if I have a roommate?” Ariel said.

  “We’ll work around that.”

  She blew out a puff of air, sending a stray lock of hair flying to the side of her face. “I’m not sure how to tell you this without hurting your feelings… but… I don’t want you to be harmed, Jett. I could never ask you to sneak inside a tower protected by witches. But I also can’t stop you if you choose to. And don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see you more often than every three months, but I don’t want you to risk your life. What will the witches do if you’re caught?”

  “They can’t harm me,” he said confidently.

  But Ariel knew it was a bluff. If they managed to collar him, it would be all over.

  “Three months, while long, isn’t an eternity,” Ariel pressed. “We’ll find a way to manage.”

  “I’m sorry but that doesn’t work for me,” Jett said. “The only way I’m allowing you to go is if you agree to see me every weekend, even if it’s against ‘Wayfarer rules.’ Even if it means I have to sneak past behind witch lines. Because if you don’t agree, I’m taking you away right now.”

  “Fine,” Ariel said. “Stubborn dragon.”

  “You’re the stubborn one,” Jett said.

  “We both are, I guess.” She hugged him tight. “Oh my brave, valiant dragon. You don’t have to do this for me. You’re too good to me.”

  “Actually, I’m doing it more for myself,” Jett said. “I can be selfish at times, in case you haven’t figured that out, especially when it comes to my lioness. I couldn’t stand to be apart from you for three months. A week is going to be hard enough as it is. But I’ll find a way to manage.”

  She released him. “So, Belgrade. I’m actually going to Belgrade.” She couldn’t help the excitement that slipped into her voice.

  “You are,” Jett said. “It’s the closest city to the Steel Tower. Serbia is the domain of the witches, as is all of Russia and Eastern Europe.”

  “Serbia is more Southeastern Europe though, isn’t it?” Ariel said.

  “Well it’s still the domain of the witches,” Jett said. “Along with every country in between, all the way to Russia.”

  “I’ve never been there,” Ariel said. “Nor anywhere else in Europe. Or Russia. I have to admit I’m excited. Yet scared at the same time. Isn’t that strange?”

  “No,” Jett said. “I always feel that way when I’m starting out on a new path. Like when I first met you.”

  He kissed her, biting her lower lip.

  Ariel pulled away, but remained in his embrace. “I should finish packing.”

  Jett nodded toward the near empty closet. “You’ve almost packed all of the few belongings you own already. We have a whole fifty minutes to ourselves until Mathis comes for you. Why not put it to use?”

  “Wait, there’s one last thing you have to tell me,” Ariel said.

  “What?” Jett asked.

  “You say you’re coming with me,” Ariel replied. “But what happens to the rest of the pride? You’re the Alpha.”

  “I guess I’ll just have to step down,” Jett said. “It won’t be the first time I’ve abdicated a position of power to be with you.”

  “Alphas of Lion Prides can’t just ‘step down,’” Ariel said. “You know that. They’ve all sworn blood oaths to follow you.”

  “I’ll talk to them after you’re gone,” Jett said. “I’ll let you know what happens. But I’ll be flying out to Belgrade, one way or another. Don’t lose your sat-phone, kay?”

  “Losing my phone would be the worst thing to happen to me,” Ariel said. “Second only to losing you.”

  She leaped up slightly and wrapped her legs around his hips, tightening her arms around his broad back. “Take me, dragon king. Let’s not waste the short time we have left.”

  Jett mashed his lips against hers, his tongue dipping inside teasingly.

  “I’ll take you,” Jett said between kisses. “And then I’ll be counting every day to the weekend, when I can have you again.”

  Ariel came up for air. “You’re flying out right away?”

  “As soon as I’m done talking it out with the pride, I’m out of here,” Jett said.

  “Wait, the witch did say he still had five more territories to visit…” Ariel said.

  “Oh yeah,” Jett said. “I guess that means you might not be leaving right away. You’ll just have to keep me updated. Once you’re en route to Belgrade, then I’ll be out of here.”

  “I’m still not sure whether I should be happy or scared,” Ariel said. “On the one hand, I want you there so badly. On the other…”

  “I told you, the witches can’t do anything to me,” Jett said. “Hell, they’ll never even know I’m there. I’m a dragon. Stealth is my middle name. So be happy.”

  Ariel forced a smile and continued kissing him. Jett was probably right. Things would work out. They had to. Jett would sneak past whatever security the witches had. He wouldn’t get caught.

  And as her dragon continued to kiss her, his erection pressing into her through his jeans, she actually believed it.


  Mathis waited an extra ten minutes over the hour, and when still the lion shifter hadn’t come to the parking lot, Mathis began to suspect he had been duped. He would report this betrayal to his superiors, and trackers would be sent out immediately. The dragon king would rue the day he crossed the witches. Jett’s own people would help hunt him down.

  But then the shifter appeared at the edge of the parking lot, holding the hand of her dragon. Jett kissed her one last time and whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

  Mathis yearned to hear what they were saying. Yearned to know what love was again.

  He shook his head. Love like that is a rare gift, known by only a precious few...

  He had known love like that once, a long time ago, when Gwendoline had resi
ded in the Steel Tower during her mandatory year of training. As first year apprentices sharing almost all of the same classes together, they had quickly become close friends. And then more than friends.

  He had felt so complete with her. Like he could do anything with her at his side. But as he grew in power day by day while she remained at the same low level, he began to realize what they had wouldn’t last forever, and that she would be expelled when the year came to a close.

  He made plans to run away with her before the year was out, but two weeks before their planned flight, something happened that would change things between them forever.

  She left the Steel Tower without him, parting on bad terms, and he never saw her again until a few days ago.

  He had never really stopped loving her. He had told himself that he no longer cared for her, that she was nothing to him, but seeing her again only revealed those thoughts for the lies they were. There was so much he wanted to know about her. Had she taken a mate? Was she married? Did she still feel anything for him? And most importantly, could she forgive him?

  When I get this latest batch of Potentials delivered, I’m taking some time off. I’m going to make things right between Gwen and I. Somehow.

  The shifter finally finished her tearful farewell with the dragon, and she slowly walked away from him, one hand still joined with his. When she reached the limit of her reach, she let her hand fall away, repositioned her backpack, and continued on her own. Jett scowled at Mathis the whole time.

  When she reached him, she said: “So what now? I just get in the SUV and we go our merry way?”

  “Something like that,” he told her. “I’m Mathis by the way.”

  “I know,” the shifter replied.

  “And you are?” Mathis said, realizing he hadn’t yet asked her name.

  “Ariel,” she said.

  He inclined his head slightly. “Pleasure to meet you, Ariel.”

  “I’m not sure I can say the feeling is mutual,” Ariel said. “But I am looking forward to learning some lion magic, I admit.”

  He had to smile at her naivety. “You’ll be learning a bit more than that. If the only ‘magic’ you’ve ever seen has been from that weakling you call a witch in your own pride, you’re in for a bit of a surprise.”


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