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Memories with The Breakfast Club: Anticipation

Page 3

by Talia Carmichael

  He took out Dixon’s sandwich then grabbed his and leaned back against the loveseat.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” Dixon protested as he unwrapped his sandwich.

  “Then how did you mean it?” Reginald took a bite of his bagel.

  He hummed as the cinnamon bagel and strawberry cream cheese filled his mouth. Dixon went still beside him. Reginald looked at him. He inhaled as he met those intent stormy grey eyes. The need in them made Reginald want to do all sort of things. And none of them should be done in public. Well except for maybe one, if he could keep it tame. Before he lost his nerve Reginald leaned closer making it deliberately slow so Dixon could stop him if he didn’t want too. Dixon just watched him come closer. Reginald went in and he kissed him gently. Dixon opened and Reginald stroked his tongue into his mouth and the taste of his Sultry Strawberry tea filled him. Reginald swipe his tongue taking in that taste and what was uniquely Dixon. It was a heady rush. Reginald pulled back slightly before he got carried away. Dixon stared a small smile on his lips.

  “I guess you decided what to do about me then?”

  Reginald stiffened. He hadn’t, he’d just went with his baser instinct. Yet it had felt right at the time.

  “No, no, my geeky, sexy man. You kissed me and there is no going back.” Dixon smiled wide. “I’ll leave it up to you to decide when we’ll go out. Give you some time…for now. But I’m not a patient man when I want something.”

  Reginald couldn’t resist. He kissed him briefly again before sitting back.

  “Ok.” Reginald tried to still his racing heart. He was way outside what he was used too. “So fill me in more about the literacy program ideas you have.”

  Dixon did as he asked. They discussed that and many other things. All too soon there breakfast was done.

  “We’ll I need to get…”

  “Do you want to do the walkthrough with me?”

  He looked at Dixon askant.

  “I do a walkthrough of the entire place before it opens each day. It’s sort of a thing I do a check of the place and my connecting with it. Just a thing.” He shrugged. “I usually do it with Mario or by myself.”

  “Wouldn’t Mario mind?” Reginald bit his lip.

  He’s seen Mario and he’d even come into his bookstore often. The man had a serious thing for romance books. He didn’t want to intrude.

  “Nah. I’m sure knowing him, he expects me to ask.” Dixon rose. “He’ll probably do his own walkthrough. Come on.”

  Reginald rose. Dixon took their trash and put it in bag, then went to throw it in trash. He waited by the door. Reginald got up and went to him. They went outside and the into the hall. As they walked Dixon filled him in on the place and what they did. He already knew since he had been in the neighborhood when he opened the place. And heard what he was doing since. Many of Reginald’s customers spoke highly of Dixon and he was respected. As they went he saw that it was so much more than they knew. With what he was seeing he could imagine the time it took for him to do this. There was passion in his voice and that showed more than anything how much this place meant to him. Soon they ended back up at the front door. Reginald looked at his watch and was surprised it had been almost an hour since they started the walkthrough. Time had gone by so fast or maybe it was the company. Dixon opened the door for him.

  “I’ll see you soon.” Dixon spoke.

  It sounded like a promise. Reginald liked that.

  He went to him and stopped right before him. He looked at him then smoothed the few loose black strands back from his face. Then he rubbed his knuckles against the slight five-o’clock shadow.

  “Dinner tonight?” Reginald paused. “I know you work late. And this is my late night too. But can you take a lunch break so we can go to the diner or one of the restaurants?”

  “Yes.” Dixon smiled.

  He nodded and stepped back and walked outside. Reginald headed toward his store. He paused and looked back. Dixon was still standing in the doorway. He lifted his hand. Dixon did the same. He turned and hurried toward his store. He didn’t notice the other businesses he passed. He could hear them getting ready for the day. The scent of fresh baked goodies came from the bakery. He stopped and went around the side of the building to the back door. Reginald pushed the bell. The door buzzed and he knew he’d seen him. He pushed the door open and went inside.

  “You usually come by later. When the first of my wares are coming out of the ovens.” Chase Farrell said not looking up from dough he was kneading.

  “I’m not on my usual schedule.” Reginald went over and took a seat on the stool that faced him.

  It was close enough to speak with him and see what he was doing but keeping out of the way.

  Chase glanced at him surprise on his face. “Really. What happened?”

  Reginald spilled it all from the time he saw him this morning to now. Chase continued to work as he listened. Once he was done Reginald put his hand under his chin and rested his elbow on the metal table.

  “So you finally actually talked to him.” Chase wiped his hands on a towel. “I told you Dix was easy to talk with.”

  “Says the man who comes into his place of business frequently.”

  “What can I say I lure them in with my goods.” Chase smiled devilishly making his hazel eyes twinkle.

  “You are so wrong. Making an innuendo of your baking.” Reginald stared at one of his best friends. “Although you do sell really good goodies.”

  “I know.” Chase winked and came over to stand beside him. He leaned against the table by his side. “So you have a date with Dix. That’s a start.”

  “Yeah.” Reginald smiled. “I have a date with Dix. Oh god I haven’t been on a date in…I can’t remember when.” He frowned. “I’m so out of things. Help.”

  Chase laughed and leaned down kissing him on the forehead. “You’ll be fine. Just be you.”

  “I can do that.” Reginald said.

  “Ok. Then, let me get you something sweet to eat.” Chase straightened. “Then we can plan for this literacy thing. I’ll help.”

  “You will.” Reginald smiled.

  He’d hoped he would but hadn’t wanted to push.

  “You taught me to read all those years ago.” Chase smiled gently. “You saw what no one else did right after meeting me in college. That I was good and memorizing things and could not read. That I was paying others to read for me so I could get by. I was so good I made it into college and planned to do the same. That is until this lanky man who thought he was so smart told me to stop being lazy and learn to read. You got me to get tested so I found out I wasn’t stupid. That I was dyslexic and just needed the right tools to learn. So yeah I know what some people might be feeling and I could offer them an after. Tell them the struggles and maybe give back.” He shrugged. “I already volunteer and offer some baking classes at the center so people know me already.”

  “Yes. Please that would be awesome.” Reginald thought of how Chase didn’t tell anyone of his issues with reading. “Are you sure you want to let all those people know?”

  “I’m not ashamed of my difficulties I had learning. That it still takes time for me to sometimes get stuff.” Chase rubbed his hand over his light blond hair that was pulled back from his head in a high ponytail.

  When he wasn’t working Chase tended to wear his hair loose so it fell around his face to about mid-back.

  “If I can help someone who is struggling and ashamed to admit it I will.” Chase went to get the sweet he promised.

  Reginald watched his friend and was so proud of him. As Chase bustled around the kitchen he thought of Dixon and their upcoming date. He was looking forward to it. It was only an hour out of each other’s day but next time he’d set it up for longer.

  Look at me already planning for a next time. He already knew once wouldn’t be their only date. At least that he accepted. The rest of it he’d take as it came.

  “I feel faint.” Reginald placed his arms on the table then his
head against them.

  “It’s just hitting you that you’re going out with someone. And it isn’t something you planned or expected.” Chase sounded closer; then his hand smoothed over his black hair he had tightly braided. “You haven’t thought through each and every scenario and you like order so it is freaking you out.”

  “Yes. You know me too well.” Reginald said not lifting his head.

  “And I know you’ll find a way to talk yourself out of it.” Chase leaned closer. “Don’t. Let it play out Reggie.”

  “I’ll…try.” That was all he could agree too.

  “That’s good.” Chase patted him once more then walked away.

  Reginald kept his position and thought of later. He smiled again but was still nervous. He’d need to accept that for now.

  Hours later Reginald still wasn’t calm but he was excited about his date.

  “Your date is here.” Brendan Farrell—Chase’s brother and the assistant manager for his bookstore—said as he came in where he was unpacking merchandise.

  Brendan had sent him back here away from customers saying he was freaking everyone out. His customers were used to him and Reginald knew he wasn’t acting at all like himself. He dropped the books he was holding.

  “Damn it.” He got to his knees and picked them up.

  Brendon laughed. “I’m just gonna go back to the front. “

  “You could help.” Reginald lifted his head then smiled. “Oh…hello.”

  Dixon came in and balanced on his legs as he squatted before him. Reginald looked at the play of muscle of his legs and licked his lips. Dixon picked up the books he had dropped. He held them out to him. Reginald accepted them and rose. Dixon did too. Reginald put them on the cart then glanced at him.

  “You’re here for our date?”

  “Why does that make you look so freaked out?” Dixon came to him slowly.

  “I don’t do this.” Reginald admitted.

  “What?” Dixon stopped before him. “Date?”


  “Whew that’s good to know. Neither do I.” Dixon held out his hand. “We can figure it out together.”

  Reginald looked at his hand then placed his in it. Dixon pulled him close and then lead him out the room.

  “So where do you want to go for dinner?”

  “I brought dinner for you.” Dixon smiled. “Figured we wouldn’t waste the time we have for dinner waiting at a restaurant to be seated, served and so on. Got food from the Spanish restaurant.”

  “I don’t recall you and I being there at the same time.”

  “One of the few places we didn’t overlap.” Dixon walked down the hall toward his office. “I figured if you had eaten there as I have they know your favorites. So I asked and they gave me suggestions. Now we can enjoy the hour or so of good food and each other’s company.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  And it did. At his office he looked in the open door and saw the food was all set up. He also noted the drinks and the box with the logo of Chase’s bakery.

  “You’ve thought of everything. I assume one of my employees let you in so you could set up.”

  “Yeah. I wasn’t sure if they would or know of me but they seemed to.”

  “I told them about you.” Reginald said. “I’m close to my employees and some of them are family by blood and choice.” He paused. “And this is an anomaly since I don’t date.”

  “Me too.” Dixon laughed. “With the way my staff and those at center acted you would have thought it was momentous for me too.” He smiled slyly. “Because it is.”

  Reginald tried not to read too much into it. He went to the table and Dixon was there and pulled out the chair for him. He sat and when Dixon sat across from him he was suddenly calm. He was going to see where this went.

  “Show me what you have.”

  As Dixon did he appreciated that he had thought dinner this way so they could have more time together.

  Dixon sat across from him and showed him. Then they ate, talked and got to know each other. The hour went fast but he appreciated each moment. Reginald walked him out. At the door he paused.

  “I invited you to dinner yet you paid for the meal.” Reginald pointed out.

  “Have dinner with me again.” Dixon said. “Next time you can pay.”

  “I wanted to ask something.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “I overheard Tyler speaking with you. Well some of it before the noggie. The gist heard was you don’t let your family and friends help the center with financial donations like you would a stranger.”

  “I let them donate to a certain extent.” Dixon protested.

  “You hear that. You said to a certain extent.” Reginald frowned. “Why do you put strings on what they are allowed to donate and not donate?”

  Dixon thought about it then. “I don’t really have an answer to that.”

  “I think it’s a not wanting to take advantage of them but that is not what you are doing. Do you ask them for money or donations?” Reginald said.

  “No.” Dixon rubbed his hand behind his neck then lowered it. “No I don’t ask for that.”

  “Then think about why you have an issue with them donating funds to the center.”

  Dixon inclined his head.

  “Ok. How about tomorrow night for our next date?” Reginald stared at him with those violet eyes. “I don’t have to work late.”

  “Me either.” Dixon rocked back on his heels. “So how about we go wild and have dinner and a movie?”

  “Sounds good to me.” He paused. “But I do get kinda passionate about movies.”

  “Another thing we have in common. Things are adding up.” Dixon liked that.

  “Until tomorrow then.”

  “Yes.” Dixon pulled Reginald to him and kissed him.

  Reginald leaned against him and Dixon held him kissing him thoroughly. He put his hands on his shoulders and Reginald smoothed them over his t-shirt. He hardened at his touch. He pulled back and Reginald blinked those violet eyes glazed.

  “Tomorrow.” Dixon touched his cheek and walked out.

  As he went down the street he glanced back and saw Reginald standing in the doorway watching him. He lifted his hand and Reginald did the same. Dixon turned and walked back to the center.

  Chapter Three

  When he arrived he went in and Doyle—his brother— was passing by. He went by then stopped and backed up. Doyle came to him and stared. Then he grinned and shook his head.

  “Looks like someone’s dinner went well.” Doyle pushed back his hair from his face. His braid was loose.

  “It did.”

  “That grinning like that looks good on you.” Doyle patted him on the shoulder.

  “I know.” Dixon watched him. “Where are you off too?”

  “Zach is here with the rest of the systems.” Doyle ran his hand through his hair. “We’re just figuring out where to put them.”

  “I didn’t get a chance to tell you today.” Dixon looked at him. “About the computers…”

  “I know Dix.” Doyle sighed. “You’re pissed that Zach is donating the computers and getting the computer program set up. The event in a few weeks was for that but now you can use those funds for something else.”

  “I’m not mad.” Dixon touched him on the shoulder. “I’m grateful for it. Now I know why you had those rooms cleared. You had this planned before you told me.”

  “I did.” Doyle said. “Time to stop being so pigheaded; and let people who care about you help out. My funds should be as acceptable as anyone else’s. I shouldn’t be limited from giving to any cause I want even if it’s owned by you. Hell I donate more to other centers and charities than my own brother will let me.” Doyle breathed deep and clenched his fist.

  “Ok. I get it. I’m sorry.” Dixon thought of all the years he’d not let him donate as he wanted too. As Reginald had pointed out it was his thing. It was his hang-up of not taking advantage.

  Hell he did it
with his other friends too. Thinking on it now it had been stubbornness and his problem; with not wanting to be seen as taking advantage, he realized he would need to apologize too many of his friends. And he’d need to accept it if they wanted to help and donate.

  Doyle looked at him shocked. “Man what got into you?”

  “Someone told me some truths.” Dixon smiled. “He’s a stranger sort of. Well I’ve known him for years by passing by. We had one date and well now I’m looking forward to more.”

  “Ahh…Reggie.” Doyle smiled. “He’s a smart man.”

  When he had mentioned the date earlier, Doyle had said the same thing. Many of the staff, volunteers and patrons of the center said the same. Dixon was surprised that so many seemed to know him so well. Yet he didn’t. It was something he planned to rectify. Starting with dates and will see how it would go.

  “Let’s go I want to tell Zach thanks.”

  He walked toward what would be the computer center. Doyle fell into step with him and they were silent as they went. In the doorway he saw Zach in the arms of his partner Sam Stein. The two men looked so comfortable with each other. He really wanted that. Zach noticed him and the shy man pulled away from his partner.

  “Dix.” Zach went to the computer he looked like he had previously been working on. “I’m wor…”

  “Thanks, Zach.”

  The man looked up startled. “For what?”

  “For doing all this.” Dixon gestured to the computers in the room and toward the large rooms on either side of this one. “This wouldn’t have been possible; not to this extent, without your donation. And as someone recently told me I tend to not let friends help as I would others. So thank you friend.” He held out his hand.

  Zach smiled and came to him and shook his hand. Behind him he saw Sam smiling.

  “Now, Sam let’s let these two get back to work.” Dixon thought of earlier. “Where is the help you had earlier?”

  “They are on a dinner break.” Doyle said. “They should be back shortly.”

  “Ok.” Dixon said. “Sam I need to talk to you about how the self-defense classes are going.”


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