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Wicked Needs (Wicked Bay, #5)

Page 11

by Cotton, L A

  “Fuck,” I choked. It was too much. Too good. Her little moans, the sound of skin on skin, her everywhere.

  “Devon, oh god... oh...” she buried her face in my shoulder, nipping and cussing. Her body convulsed around me, sucking me in, and I came hard. Gathering her hair in my hand and guiding her face back to me, I kissed her swollen lips again. “That was...”

  “I know.” I heard the smile in her voice.

  “You drive me wild, Macey Prince.”

  She didn’t reply but I wanted to believe what I saw in her eyes was the same emotion I felt.

  We helped each other get cleaned up and made our way back to my car.

  I still didn’t want the night to end, but Macey had to go home eventually. I hadn’t missed her sneak on her cell phone when she thought I wasn’t looking. She obviously didn’t want to talk about it, and I didn’t want to ruin a pretty perfect night. But as we reached the edge of Wicked Bay, the bubble we’d spent the night wrapped up in slowly began to deflate until I felt the distance between us grow.

  Macey played idly with my hand, keeping a physical connection between us, and I wondered if she felt it too. If touching me was her way of holding onto what we’d shared tonight.

  And if it was, what would happen when she had to let go?

  Chapter 15


  “What?” I growled across the island at Kyle, who hadn’t stopped staring at me since I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs for breakfast.

  “I don’t know.” He inclined his head, studying me. “You seem... different.”

  “Get over yourself,” I muttered, spooning another mouthful of cereal into my mouth.

  “Wait a minute.” He snapped his fingers, a sparkle in his eyes that made my stomach sink. “I’ve got it. You have that glow Laurie gets right after I make her—”


  “What? We’re all human. Sex is a—”

  “Oh my god, stop.” I balled up a napkin and threw it at him, feeling heat creep up my neck. “I am not having this conversation.”

  “So it’s true? You got laid? Oh, man, wait until I tell—” He swallowed, the color draining from his face as I jabbed my knife in his direction.

  “Don’t test me. I’ll do it.”

  “You’re not going to stab me, Mace.” His voice was tight, a contrast to the easy smile plastered on his face. “Even you’re not that crazy.”

  “Try me.”

  He was incorrigible. And I hated how easily he saw through me. But another part of me—the part that had come undone on the beach wrapped in Devon’s arms—couldn’t help but smirk.

  “You are so getting laid. Who is he? When can we meet him? Ahh, shit, Mace, Momma P and Grandma B are going to love this. They’ve been wanting you to get a boyfriend for—”

  “He is not my boyfriend,” I rushed out, internally wincing at myself.

  But he wasn’t.

  Was he?

  It had only been two days, and we hadn’t talked much after he took me to Jerry’s, too occupied with other things.

  I fought another smile.

  Damn Devon. He was turning me into one of those annoying lovesick girls. And it was going to get me into trouble.

  “A-ha!” Kyle snapped his fingers, his eyes alight with amusement. “So, you admit there is someone?”

  “Kyle.” I slammed my spoon down. “Stop twisting my words.” I gave off the appearance of being pissed, but really, on the inside, my heart was in my throat. Kyle finding out the truth was not an option. Because if Kyle knew, it wouldn’t be long before everyone knew.

  Before Rick knew.

  He pouted at me, giving me big puppy dog eyes. And damn him, I found my tough exterior crack slightly. “Fine,” I conceded. “If you must know, I had hot sweaty dirty sex with a football player last night.”

  His face paled as he began fake gagging. “Take it back, Sis. Take it back right now.”

  “You asked.” My shoulders lifted. “Now you know.”

  Kyle grabbed his juice and chugged it down, keeping his eyes on me. When he was done, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said, “This player, does he have a name?”

  “Yes, Dad. But not one I’m sharing with you.”

  “What school does he play for?”

  “How do you know he doesn’t play for your team?” My brow arched, and his jaw dropped open.

  “You wouldn’t... they wouldn’t.”

  “I’ll pretend you didn’t say that.” I glared at him. “Besides, how do you know I wouldn’t? I’m a girl, I have needs. And plenty of guys are more than willing to—”

  “Okay, okay. Jeez, I’m sorry I asked.”

  Satisfied I’d gotten Kyle off my back for the moment, I returned to my cereal. But he wasn’t done, he never was.

  “You know none of them are good enough for you though, right, Mace?”

  His comment took me so far by surprise, I didn’t know what to say. All I managed to choke out was, “Thanks, I think.”

  Kyle stood up and cleaned up his dishes. Leaning back against the counter, mischief still glinted in his eyes. “I know you’re lying,” he said around a smug smile.

  When I didn’t reply, he continued. “I’ll find out the truth, Macey. One way or another.” His voice was light, but it sounded a lot like a threat.

  “Go away, you’re annoying.” I swished my hand at him pretending to be unaffected, even though his words had rattled me to my core.

  I SAW DEVON THE SECOND I climbed out of the car. He leaned against the building in dark wash jeans, ripped at the knees; his black shirt left open, sleeves pushed up, revealing a white t-shirt. His hair was damp, mussed up in his usual casual way, falling over his eyes a little. He was the complete opposite of the guys I was used to. Rick and Kyle’s friends. Mom’s friends’ sons.

  And I loved it.

  His lip curved up in a knowing smirk as he caught me very obviously checking him out.


  “What? Yeah?” My head whipped around to Kara and her brows furrowed.

  “I asked if you had a good weekend?”

  “Oh yeah, it was... okay.” Guilt tightened my chest. I didn’t like lying to her. She was the one person I trusted with my friendship. But I couldn’t tell her about this. Not yet. Not until I’d figured out what this was.

  We joined the stream of kids filing into school. “Hmm.”

  “Hmm?” I glanced around at Kara who was watching Devon’s retreating form.

  “That was so weird. I could have sworn Devon Lions was watching you just then.”

  “Me?” I swallowed, my palms clammy. “Why would he be watching me?”

  “Beats me. Maybe he’s trying to salvage his social life, you know after the whole Cat and Lo thing.”


  Her cheeks flushed. “Sorry, that was a mean thing to say. I just...” she let out an exasperated breath. “I still can’t get over what he did to Lo last year.”

  “What they did,” I corrected her. “You seem to have forgiven Caitlin easily enough.”

  “It’s different.”

  “Is it?”

  “Why are you getting so uptight about this?” We reached our lockers and Kara stopped to grab a book from hers.

  “I’m not,” I said with what I hoped was indifference. “I just think Devon got a hard rap for something we all know Caitlin orchestrated.”

  Kara frowned again, narrowing her eyes on me. “I thought you hated people like Devon Lions? Isn’t he like number one on your brothers shit list?”

  “Something like that,” I mumbled, uncomfortable with where the conversation was headed.

  “I’m just saying, when you think about it, things aren’t always as clear cut as they seem.”

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you defend anyone except your family and even then, it’s usually only Summer and Rick.”

  “I defe
nd you.”

  Kara gave me a pointed look that made me feel about two inches tall. “You’re a good friend, Macey,” she added noticing my grimace.

  “Funny because it sounded like you were saying I’m a shit friend.”

  “But you’re my shit friend.” She grinned, but it did little to soothe the sting of her words.

  “Who are you and what have you done to Kara Fentham?”

  It shouldn’t have been possible, but her grin stretched wider as she leaned in and whispered, “I did it. I had sex.”

  “What? When? And why am I only finding out now? Kara.” I grabbed her arm, pulling her toward the girls’ bathroom. “This is huge.”

  She yanked free, soft laughter spilling from her. “It’s not a big deal. It was with Shaun, obviously. And I don’t know, it was nice and comfortable, and he was a complete sweetheart.”

  Without thinking, I threw my arms around her and hugged her tight. “I’m so happy for you,” I said over the sudden lump in my throat.

  She patted my back gently as if she was the one reassuring me. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re acting really strange today.”

  I realized where we were and detangled myself from her. “Can’t a shit friend be happy for her very sweet friend?”

  “You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?”


  Kara stomped off down the hall. I almost went after her, but then my backpack began to vibrate. Digging out my cell phone, I read the message.

  Unknown: Cut class with me? I know a place.

  I bit my lip, fighting a smile. I couldn’t help it. Glancing around, I made sure no one was close enough to see my reply.

  Me: We only just got here.

  Unknown: So?

  Me: So, we have class and we need to be careful.

  Unknown: You’re no fun.

  Me: And you’re cute when you sulk.


  His voice startled me, but I didn’t turn around. We were in the hall at school. The very crowded, very public hallway.

  I opened my locker to disguise the tint to my cheeks. “What are you doing?” I hissed, aware of him beside me. Not close enough that we looked like we were together, but close enough to stir up school gossip if anyone spotted us talking.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  “This can’t happen, not here.” Panic spread through me. Yet, something else lingered. Something I wasn’t familiar with.

  It was confusing.

  Everything about Devon, about my feelings for him, was confusing.

  “I know,” he said and even though I couldn’t see his face, I knew he was smiling. “Have a good day, Princess.”

  I waited for him to pass me, my heart beating wildly in my chest. When I finally left the safety of my locker, I let out a small breath. That was close. Too close for comfort.

  But it didn’t stop the smile that stretched on my face as I walked to my first class.


  Devon appeared in the door armed with snacks and soda. He’d invited me over to his house after school and although I should probably have said no, I’d thrown caution to the wind and said yes. Mom and Gentry were at work, Kyle had practice, and Summer was going over to Nick’s, so it wasn’t hard sneaking out without a Spanish inquisition.

  “You did?”

  Depositing the snacks on his desk, he retreated to the door, pushing it closed before stalking toward me. “I heard you’re hooking up with a football player. So, tell me, Princess.” He dropped down in front of me running his hands up my thighs. “This player, does he get you off good?”

  “He does okay.” I fought a smile.

  “Okay?” Devon’s hands curved around my ass, and in one swift motion, he yanked me to the edge of the bed. “It sounds like you need to kick his ass to the curb.”

  “Jealous?” I raised a brow, smirking at him.

  He leaned up, his mouth hovering over mine. “Over you? Always.”

  My hands reached out, twisting into his t-shirt, and then he was kissing me. Seven hours of being in the same building, passing one another in the halls, watching from across the cafeteria and not being able to talk or touch or do this.

  “Fuck, I’ve waited for this all day.” Devon couldn’t get enough of me. His lips sealed over mine again and again, his tongue exploring the deepest places of my mouth. I’d never been kissed like this. It was always drunken and clumsy and a precursor for something else. A wild blur of hands roaming and mouths touching that in the morning always felt more like a dream.

  But this was real. It was slow and unhurried, fast and needy. His hands wandered over my body, stroking and gliding, grabbing and kneading. His breath danced over my face as he kissed the corner of my mouth, my jaw, my neck. And I loved it.

  I loved the way he made me feel. The way his touch filled every dark place of my soul, blotting out all the bad.

  One of his hands worked its way into my hair at the back of my neck. He angled my face away from his. “I wondered if you’d run. If today when we got to school, you’d pretend like nothing happened.”

  His words hurt but I wasn’t angry. I’d done nothing but run from him. Even when I ran to him, part of me was still running away. Unwilling to let him catch me. But I wasn’t running now.

  I wanted to be caught.

  Chapter 16


  Macey stared at me, her lips slightly parted, her eyes dilated and brimming with lust.

  “I’m not running, Devon, I swear,” it came out soft. “But I’ve never done this before.”

  “This?” I leaned closer, brushing the hair off her shoulder and I pressed my lips to the skin there. She shuddered letting out a soft sigh. “You’ll have to remind me, what is it we’re doing again?”

  “Devon... I’m serious.”

  I pulled back searching her eyes. “What are you hiding, Macey Prince?”

  I knew she was guarded. I knew she found it hard to let people in. So what was it she was trying to tell me?

  Macey’s walls went straight back up. Her gaze hardened as she pushed my chest lightly trying to get away. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

  “Hey, hey.” I refused to budge, taking her hands in mine. “No running, remember?”

  “Are we crazy? Maverick hates you. He’ll never accept you, Devon. And he’s my brother, he’s...” she trailed off.

  “This is your life, Macey.” I glided my finger underneath her chin, tilting her face back to me. I wouldn’t let her hide from me, not when we were about to have that conversation. “You can’t always live in his shadow.”

  “And what about you, Devon? You make it sound so easy.” Her voice was cold. “Why aren’t you applying for college?”

  “What?” My eyes widened. “How do you know I’m not—”

  “It doesn’t matter how I know; I know. Is it because of your dad?”

  “It’s complicated.” I rocked back onto my haunches and stood up. Five minutes ago, I was ready to explore every inch of her body. Now Macey was looking at me like I was dirt on her shoe, all while I had no fucking clue how we ended up here.

  “So you think it’s okay to lecture me about my family when you won’t stand up to your own?”

  “I don’t even know what’s happening right now,” I admitted feeling winded.

  “You’re a hypocrite, Devon. I heard you playing your guitar. Heard you sing. You’re good. Better than good, you’re amazing. So why aren’t you pursuing music after you graduate?”

  “You care about my plans, Macey? Or are you too ashamed to be with a guy who’s going to end up in construction for the rest of his life?” Now I was pissed. It was juvenile, and I still didn’t quite know what the fuck was happening; how we’d gone from hot kisses to having our first proper fight, but I couldn’t help but bite.

  “I... that’s not what—”

  “Save it. Maybe you should leave.” This was not how I imagined the nig
ht going. I wanted to spend some time together as a normal couple doing regular things. Watching a movie. Fooling around on the couch. But now everything was out in the open, I didn’t feel much like hitting the rewind button.

  “Devon, I—”

  “What... you’re what? Sorry?” I glared at her, frustration and anger rippling up my spine. “This thing between us, I want it to work, but I won’t be your punching bag, Macey. That’s not—”

  She flung herself at me, kissing the words right out of me. “I’m sorry,” she breathed, peppering kisses over my mouth, the line of my jaw. “I told you I’m no good at this.”

  “And you think I am?” I pressed my head to hers inhaling her in, forcing myself to take a breath to process what had just happened. “My track record consists of precisely two girls. Caitlin and Lo. And we both know how that worked out for me. So trust me when I say, I’m as scared as you.”

  “You are?” Her voice was small.

  “Fuck yeah. You’re Macey Prince. You’re strong and beautiful and I’m not going to lie, a little terrifying. You walk into a room and everyone looks. I walk into a room and no one notices.”

  “I notice,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, but only because you know how good I am with these.” I wiggled my fingers between us earning me a stiff poke in the ribs.

  “You can’t say stuff like that to me.”

  “Why?” My mouth lingered at the corner of hers. Macey leaned in instinctively, but I held back so we were suspended somewhere between touching and not.


  “Because what, Macey?”

  “Because it does stuff to me.” Even so close to her I could see the flush to her cheeks.

  Macey Prince was a blusher.

  And I loved it.

  I wanted to learn all the ways I could bring that color to her cheeks. Kissing her. Touching her. Telling her my deepest darkest secrets. Sharing my hopes for us with her.

  “Stuff? You’re going to have to be a little more specific.”

  With a playful groan, she grabbed my hand and dipped it underneath her skirt. Heat radiated from her center, but it wasn’t enough. I needed more. I dragged the material up her thighs until I could slip my fingers inside her panties. Macey’s body clenched around me as she cried out, “Oh god.”


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