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Taking Her Hard (Death's Door MC, 2)

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by Jenika Snow

  Taking Her Hard

  Death’s Door MC, 2

  Jenika Snow



  Taking Her Hard


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  Coming Next

  Free Book

  Excerpt: Blacksmith (A Real Man, 10)

  A Real Man Series

  About the Author

  TAKING HER HARD (Death’s Door MC, 2)

  By Jenika Snow

  Copyright © March 2017 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: March 2017

  Editor: Kasi Alexander / Lea Ann Schafer

  Cover Creator: Popkitty

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  She was his even if she didn’t know it.

  Vain had never been one for happily ever afters, true love, or the bullshit that comes with having an old lady. He cared for his club, was loyal until he bled, and that’s all he needed in life.

  But then Lizzy came into his life and all that changed. He kept his mouth shut, focused on the MC, and told no one about his feelings, least of all the girl he loved. When Lizzy left he didn’t need or want anyone by his side. She’d been it for him and he let her walk away.

  And now she’s back. Lizzy is young and innocent, and he’s too much of a bastard for her. She’s the sister of one of his biker brothers, and Vain knew going down that road would only lead to lines being crossed.

  But he wanted her, and he’d have her.

  With her life in the gutter and nowhere else to turn, Lizzy had no choice but to seek out her brother for help. It’s been years since she left the protection of the MC, and it’s all because she thought she didn’t want that life surrounding her. But the truth is she ran from her feelings for a certain biker.

  And then she sees him, the man she loves… Vain. When their feelings come out in the open, she doesn’t know how the end will look. Being with him could cause trouble for the other bikers, could cause a rift in their brotherhood. But for the first time in her life she feels good and wants to see the outcome, wants to be happy.

  Vain says she’ll be his, and Lizzy has no doubt that’s the truth. At the end of the day she can’t fight him… Because she doesn’t want to.

  Warning: The title pretty much guarantees what you’re getting yourself into. Rough, filthy, short, and totally over-the-top, this hero is all about making sure his woman is pleased in all the best ways. This is a drama free book, so enjoy the dirty ride.


  “You sure about this?” Ace stared at Lizzy, the worry in his eyes, the big brother in him coming out. He might be the VP of Death’s Door MC, but deep down he had a heart of gold. He was a gentle giant, at least with her.

  A few of the Cherries—girls that hung out around the club, sucked the Patches’ dicks, and hoped to hang on their arm for the foreseeable future—decided to come a little closer. They wanted Ace, and her big brother had no problem making them feel like queens for a few hours.

  “I’m sure,” Lizzy said and tossed her bag in the backseat of her car. “I don’t think this is the life I want to lead anymore, surrounded by the perpetual violence and danger the club brings.” She glanced to the side, seeing Vain, the Patch she was in love with, but whom she’d never told how she felt. “I just don’t think this is for me,” she whispered more to herself. One of the Cherries went over to Vain, and although Lizzy should have looked away, not wanting to see the groping, fondling, or making out, she was rooted to the spot, the sight.

  Vain leaned against the wall, the Cherry coming up to him, trying to touch him. But Vain glanced at Lizzy, held eye contact with her, and pushed the Cherry away. He said something to the club pussy, something that had the woman scowling and mumbling. And all the while he stared at Lizzy.

  I’ll never have him, never have what I want. Moving on is the best, the right move.

  She just hoped this ended up being the right path she was taking, because it didn’t feel like it. And trying to say she was leaving because of the violence, the danger of the MC felt like a fucking lie.


  Vain had never wanted a woman, never needed one in his life in that manner. If he couldn’t have Lizzy, he didn’t want anybody, and since she was no longer in his life—due to her own desire to leave behind anything having to do with the MC—he’d pushed anything that had to do with her out of his head.

  That’s a damn fucking lie.

  She had been young when she left, only nineteen, and he couldn’t fault her for wanting to spread her wings and experience the world. Hell, the MC life wasn’t for everyone, even if that’s all someone knew. But Vain had never stopped thinking about her, never stopped making sure she was okay.

  Yeah, he even knew where she’d been this whole time. Call it obsession, possessiveness, or hell, being a creepy motherfucker, but truth was he’d needed to know where she was for his peace of mind. If anything ever happened to her, he would lose his shit, slay anyone who got in his way, and make sure they knew it was because they’d put Lizzy in danger.

  He ran a hand over his face. Fuck, he was so far gone on her, even two years later, even though she was Ace’s little sister, even if she was so much younger than him, Vain still wanted her.

  Hell, he hadn’t even fucked a woman since she left. Two years of Vain having blue balls because the only woman he wanted was Lizzy. But he knew the club, his patched brothers, probably didn’t understand about the whole celibate part. They’d give him one hell of a ribbing if they actually found out. He was good at blending in, good at pretending, at acting like he was fine, like one woman didn’t have him tied in knots.

  If he couldn’t have her, he didn’t want that happily fucking ever after.

  Besides, by now Lizzy probably had a husband, a couple of kids. Despite the fact he wanted her to be happy, his jealousy over some other bastard touching her pissed him the fuck off.

  He grabbed a wrench and started working on his bike, the Harley in pieces around him. Grease was spread along his hands and shirt, maybe even some on his face. He liked getting dirty under a motorcycle, though, liked having his hands up in the guts of a bike. He lost himself in it, his mind not constantly thinking about shit he had no control over.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  He heard Ace speaking somewhere close, and turned to see the Patch standing by the back door.

  “I know you don’t like this atmosphere, but you’re always welcome, Lizzy.”

  Everything in Vain stopped. He set the wrench down, sat up, and focused on Ace. The man was pacing now, obviously worked up.

  “And you’re sure you’re fine?” Ace exhaled and nodded. “Okay, good. You need me to pick you up?” A moment of silence passed. “Okay, well, I’ll be here when you get to the clubhouse.”

  Vain’s heart was racing, the muscle thumping hard against his ribs. Lizzy. Just
hearing someone actually say her name out loud had his blood pumping violently through his body.

  “What’s up, man?” Vain called out, being a nosy motherfucker. Ace glanced up and then started making his way over to him.

  “Shit, Lizzy is coming back to the clubhouse.”

  Vain had a death grip on the rag in his hand. “She’s okay?” God help anyone who hurt her.

  “Yeah, she’s fine. I guess she’s had a shit couple of weeks, and this last straw was her getting laid off.” Ace ran a hand over his hair. “I haven’t seen her in years. This is kind of weird, man.”

  Vain just nodded. He didn’t want to seem overly nosy, but he wanted to know what the fuck was going on. “What happened?” He started putting his tools away, waiting for Ace to say something. The Patch would either tell him it wasn’t his fucking business, or open up like a dam.

  “Aside from getting laid off, she’d been struggling with her rent, and is getting kicked out of her place. She also caught her boyfriend cheating on her.”

  Vain clenched his jaw tight enough he wouldn’t have been surprised if his teeth cracked. She had a fucking boyfriend. Hell, he hadn’t known that little fact, despite knowing where she was this whole time. Some things he hadn’t delved too deeply into. And one of those was seeing if she’d been dating anyone or even married to an asshole.

  Going in too deep concerning Lizzy and her life would not have been good for his sanity.

  “She’s on her way here?” Vain wiped the rest of the grease from his hands.

  Ace nodded. “She’s a couple hours out.”

  Yeah, Vain had known that.

  “Man, her life must really be crazy right now for her to want to come back into the MC fold, for her to even think about asking me for help.” Ace exhaled, the stress clear on his face. “I’m glad she called me, though. Not having her in my life has been pretty fucking shitty.”

  Yeah, Vain could relate to that. He could really fucking relate to that.


  Lizzy was back at the MC, the place she’d left because the violence, depravity, and overall fear that one day something bad would come of it all had filled her so thoroughly. It had been too long that she’d let her fear of the unknown consume her. What she’d never told him—or anyone, for that matter—was that she’d regretted leaving. Despite the fact she might not have seen her brother in far too long, she’d tried to keep in contact with him. Their monthly phone calls helped to make her feel less shitty about leaving.

  Although she could say she’d done it to better herself, that she’d set out to get her associates degree, that she’d accomplished something, Lizzy felt like shit. She missed her brother, the only family she had left. School had kept her busy, made actually driving the couple hours up north to see him hard, but they’d always spoken, always kept in contact.

  And now she was back.

  She pulled her car up to the gate that surrounded the MC. A man stood on the other side, one she hadn’t seen before. He opened the gate for her right away. Clearly he knew who she was, had been expecting her. As she pulled her car up the driveway, she saw Ace step out of the front doors. He looked exactly the same: longer dark hair, big body covered in denim and leather, his tattoos visible underneath it all. Once her car was parked and the engine was cut, she sat there for a second, listening to the sound of the vehicle cooling. Her luck these past couple of weeks had been hell, utterly disastrous. She’d expected her car to break down halfway through the trip, because that would have been the cherry on this shit sundae.

  Before she could get out of the car, Ace was opening the driver’s side door and helping her out. The way he looked at her told Lizzy he’d missed her. God, she’d missed him too. Ace pulled her into a big hug, his huge body smelling of leather, dark spice, and a hint of weed. She couldn’t help but smile at that. Being here had all these memories washing through her. Ace had always been the best big brother she could have ever asked for. Strong and loyal, protective and supportive, he’d let her go on her way, let her run.

  Which was exactly what she’d done.

  “You’re okay?” Ace asked.

  She pulled back and looked into his face. “I’ve been better, but overall I’m good.” Even with everything that had happened—losing her job, her house—she was at least glad she had someone she could count on.

  “Well, let’s get you inside. We’ll get you a room and talk about what all’s going down.” Ace started leading them toward the clubhouse. She knew he probably thought there was more going on than she’d told him, but truth was she hadn’t been with any guys sexually, so there was no complication there. She’d gone to school, tried to make a life for herself away from the MC, but here she was again, back “home.” It wasn’t that she didn’t like the MC. She did, cared for the Patches within it too. They were like family, albeit a very hard-core, filthy-talking, dangerous one.

  And it was the latter that had made her go.

  And here I am, not sure where else to go. Not having any other place to go.

  Once they were in the back office, she shut the door and stared at her brother’s back. Ace turned around, his focus on her, the worry clear on his face.

  “Before you say anything, I’m fine, and me coming back really had nothing to do with serious trouble.” She knew he would be wondering about that anyway, trying to see if she’d been from him.

  He stayed silent, maybe reading her, trying to see if she was lying. The thing with the MC was they always thought the worst, always figured something else was going down if a person needed help. And although she needed help, it wasn’t that kind of trouble she was in.

  Ace turned around and walked over to the window. His cut had the MC patch sewn on the back, the leather worn, showing age. Death’s Door MC was a known hard-core MC. They didn’t take shit from anyone, and unless someone was a fucking idiot, they didn’t mess with the club. Her mother and father had been affiliated with the MC but hadn’t actually been in it. And when the drug addicts Ace and Lizzy had called Mom and Dad skipped town, it was the club who had looked after them. It had been Ace—being much older—who had watched over her. That had been a long time ago, far longer than she even wanted to remember.

  She didn’t say anything, because she didn’t know what to say at the moment. Would Ace feel some resentment that she’d left in the first place? He hadn’t been happy about it, wanting to protect her, keep her close. But this had been about her and where she wanted to go in life.

  “You’re sure you’re good; no really bad shit going down?” he finally asked, turning around to face her and giving her this worried look.

  “Aside from my luck being shit, I’m okay.” And she was.

  He exhaled and nodded. “I won’t lie and say it isn’t damn good to have you back.” She couldn’t help but smile at his words. “You’re my baby sister, and having you back in the club, even if it’s only until you get back on your feet, is exactly where I want you to be.”

  She nodded but dropped her gaze to the floor. “I don’t know how long I’ll have to stay, but eventually I’ll keep moving on. I want to finish school, get a job away from this town.” She lifted her head, and the warm smile Ace gave her went against the physical appearance of this hardened biker.

  “Well, you’re welcome here for as long as you want, but I know you want to be free, and I support whatever you decide in the end.” He embraced her, his huge body making her feel small. He was a big brother in every sense of the word, and although he was rough, raw, and did dangerous and violent things that made her cringe, he was a good man at heart.

  “Come on, I’ll show you were you can stay without any of these drunk fuckers trying to bug you tonight.” Ace grinned down at her. “Although I’m sure a lot of the guys want to see you at some point, catch up.” He ruffled her hair like he used to do when she was younger.

  Once she was in the spare room and Ace had left her to get settled and rest, Lizzy breathed out. She was exhausted, and her mind was running
a mile a minute. After she lay back on the bed, she closed her eyes and tried to clear her head. Truth was, even though she felt like crap because of her circumstances, all she could think about was Vain.

  Lizzy thought about her reaction when she’d seen Vain, the emotions in her that had been so intense, so powerful. She cared about him, although she’d never admitted it to anyone. Even after she’d been gone, Lizzy had thought about Vain and wondered how her life would have been if she’d told him how she felt, that she actually loved him. But knowing he lived a dangerous life in the MC had always had her keeping her mouth shut.

  But she could have sworn when he looked at her, saw her standing there, something had flickered across his face. Or maybe Lizzy had just made herself see what she wanted? It wasn’t like Vain had ever shown her that he wanted her. He was older, undoubtedly experienced in being with a woman, and here she was an inexperienced virgin.

  She closed her eyes and tried to get some rest. She didn’t know what the future held, but it was nearly impossible to not want to tell Vain how she felt, especially with him being under the same roof.

  Lizzy was here, so close to Vain that he could have walked the few steps it would have taken to get to her and embrace her. Fuck, he wanted to do that. He wanted to pull her into his arms, hold her tight, and admit that he’d always wanted her. He wanted to tell her she’d been the only one he wanted … would ever desire.

  It didn’t matter if he’d never actually said anything to her, never told her what he wanted. She was his girl. Vain would be lying if he didn’t admit he wanted to just walk up to her and throw her over his shoulder before carrying off to his room.

  Man, he’d fuck her so good and hard, and claim her so thoroughly she knew who she belonged to.


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