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Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1)

Page 16

by Craig Gerttula

  She was naked, bonding with a catillian, about to view the restricted record of an unknown event to decide if awarding the Star of Terra, the second highest honor in the universe, was justified, as well as find out if Duke Zehman or Vice-Commander Daiyu was lying to her, with the ramifications beyond dire. If someone had told her she would be thrust into such a situation prior leaving Tidelia, she would have thought them mad, that she could never be placed into such a ridiculous set of circumstances. And, she would have been wrong.

  Finding little reason to dwell on the matter, she quickly composed herself, ignoring the questioning looks aimed in her direction from her impatient companions.

  “I, Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, take full responsibility for allowing Alutia Guard Lieutenant Lia'Sil and Lady Tiana to view this restricted record.” A beep acknowledged her declaration and the PDU projected a three-dimensional image of the interior of an oversized square room in the air before them.

  She was immediately reminded of the children’s design doll house projection she had once played with as a child, and the miniaturized representations of empty white rooms that she could manipulate by changing the color patterns, adding furniture and decorations, or even an imaginary family. Though there were many similarities to the miniaturized doll house, she realized, once the image fully cleared, that this definitely was not.

  Within the center of the projected room sat a restrained man on a circular dais, wearing a blue and white jumpsuit of a make that was standard for general crewmen of the NHA fleets. Surrounding him, seated behind tables arranged in a diamond formation, were three others in similarly colored attire that looked like standard NHA fleet officer uniforms, while a fourth wore a gaudy green noble doublet, obviously an NHA noble.

  The layout reminded her of an old style Admiralty Hearing, the thought calling forth another: This must be the enlistment trial Duke Zehman spoke of! She swung her gaze back to the Program’s sphere, which began to undulate wildly.

  “This is a formal request submitted by Terra Space Battalion Commander, Knight Captain Quinn, and accepted by the Program responsible for Earthling Recruitment and Enlistment Trials, and seconded by the Program responsible for general oversight of the Terra Space Battalion, for the rewarding of the Star of Terra, and all rights included therein, to TSB Lieutenant Trent, formally known as Trent Marcello. Does Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia acknowledge the receipt of this request?” Sasha listened with her eyes closed, letting the monotone words flow into her mind.

  Did any of the messages she receive mention this Trent, she tried to recollect, almost positive one of the assorted nobles mentioned him by name, but she just couldn’t remember exactly what was said.

  “I, Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, acknowledge receipt of the request to award the Star of Terra. I now await the evidence that TSB Lieutenant Trent...” she panicked when she forgot the rest of his name, use to only having to remember a single name when discussing non-nobles. Tiana jumped up and whispered into her ear, “...Marcello is indeed worthy of being awarded the Star of Terra.” She smiled her thanks to Tiana, who hopped back to her seat, a smug grin passing across her lips that Sasha knew meant she would be hearing about this “favor” again later.

  “Receipt acknowledgement logged. The case shall now be presented. Since this is a unique incident, records that are not directly involved in the event in question will also be included,” the Program explained as the image rotated closer, to hover just before the man seated in the center chair.

  Her heart screamed to escape as her chest tightened and her skin flushed, like she had just been thrown into a river of steaming hot water. She tried to steady herself. Her mind fogging over, like an outside source had invaded through her BC node, dragging her forcefully into the searing waters depth. But as the projection inched closer, seeming to sense her fluster, she found her resistance fleeting, replaced by a yearning to explore the murky depths

  What is this...this feeling? She wondered, having never before recalled its likeness. Unconsciously, she began caressing her smoldering skin, the cooling touch melding with the rushing water, blocking all sound but her quickening heartbeat, while making it harder and harder to breathe.

  It’s like I have fallen in-, the catillian’s squawk pulled her free from the depths of emotion that had overwhelmed her, scurrying from her leg to her bosom, bouncing excitedly as it too studied the man’s image.

  “Sasha? Are you alright?” Tiana asked, a knowing smile spreading across her lips.

  “Yes, just a little woozy. Thank you for your concern, Tiana,” she responded, knowing immediately that Tiana had taken her reaction out of context.

  I was just surprised, that’s all, she told herself, looking again to the man who wasn’t anything special. He looked like a commoner, with an expression she could only call melancholic. His dirty brown hair was cut short and, strangely enough, slightly receding. He had a pronounced jaw and well shaped lips, which caused her to unconsciously lick her own. His nose was on the swollen side, but fit his face perfectly, unique, but commoner all the same.

  See? Nothing, she reaffirmed when the sensation she felt when she first beheld him didn’t return. But just before the image started to pull away, he looked up, eyes wide, directly into hers. They were a hazel green, slightly bloodshot and puffy, dragging her into the depths of his soul to show her something that frightened her, something that she had locked deep within herself, after the time of her greatest sorrow. Though this time, the sensation’s strength was muted, originating fully from her heart, and not from her BC node, as it had previously seemed.

  Before she could fully recover, the image of the man was replaced by another, who towered above the first, with a thick grey beard, and eyes that told of an age extended well beyond natural through genetic manipulation. It then moved on to an exotic woman with a birdlike appearance, who was probably shorter then Tiana, with eyes that told of hidden strength her dainty body did not. Next it moved to the man wearing the gaudy green doublet that, along with his noble perfect looks, made it apparent that he was obviously a noble. Finally, the image hovered before a very attractive young man, though not noble perfect, with a lieutenant insignia on his collar. The smug smile he wore on his lips reminded Sasha of the arrogant noble boys of her youth. She shivered off the layer of frost that formed on her skin at the memory.

  The image then returned to the all encompassing viewpoint, but now with five omnidirectional, two-dimensional displays being projected around its edge. Each displayed a differing view, providing close-ups of the five participants, allowing her to witness their reactions simultaneously. Sasha found her gaze attracted to the man in the center, even though she tried to resist its urge.

  The record began to play and the large man introduced himself as Knight Captain Quinn, then to her astonishment, Enlistment Candidate Trent Marcello was introduced as the man restrained in the center. As the gasp that escaped her lips faded, she realized her mind had unconsciously assumed that the attractive lieutenant was the one being nominated for the Star of Terra. She glanced at Lia'Sil, who shrugged, then to Tiana, who still had a lecherous smirk on her lips, neither having any additional insight.

  As the introductions continued, she found that the woman with the exotic appearance was none other than Vice-Commander Daiyu, while the noble was Sir Simwa, the man who was assaulted and honor had been tarnished. They finished with TSB Lieutenant Daniel, the attractive young man, who was in charge of Trent’s recruitment.

  The trial moved on and Sasha raised an eyebrow in disbelief when she heard that Trent had battled a krakllian during the first phase of his trial, then listened intently as Sir Simwa, quite arrogantly, spent time arguing over Sir Quinn’s use of the word bravery. She had an itching suspicion that the message she received from the vice-commander may be more accurate then the duke's, but resisted the urge to make a judgment based on feelings alone.

  After Sir Quinn raised his concern that Sir Simwa had not reviewed the record of the event in quest
ion, as required, a projected image suddenly appeared before each of the five participants. The image being projected for the ladies shifted a moment later, to a forested landscape with leafy green flora she didn't recognize, and a peculiar looking crisscrossing track cutting through the center. Surrounding a portion of the track stood dilapidated buildings, the local vegetation encroaching upon them, showing that they were more than likely abandoned.

  A disheveled man appeared at the edge of the projection, skipping merrily along with nary a trouble, when, a sight that everyone who grew up within the NHA knew from childhood stories, appeared beneath a stilted, cylindrical structure: a krakllian.

  “There really was a krakllian!” Lia'Sil exclaimed, seeming to have been as skeptical as she of Sir Quinn’s initial words. The three ladies gasped repeatedly as the man in the image, she realized to be Trent, charged the beast and a fight ensued.

  “Oh no,” Sasha gasped, her heart screaming for Trent to stop, to not challenge that most dangerous of species, for if he did, she felt as if her heart would shatter. Again, she couldn’t fathom her involuntary response, or the feelings that were beckoned forth as she witnessed the battle unfold. Thankfully, neither Tiana nor Lia’Sil noticed, both engrossed by the unimaginable event being displayed before them.

  When the battle finally concluded, Trent had not only survived, but was able to force the injured krakllian to flee, even with the grievous wound he sustained to his arm. Before she had a chance to recover, her heart still racing and her full body blush still obvious, the projection returned to the trial.

  A verbal battle ensued between Sir Simwa and the three TSB officers, but quickly ended with Sir Simwa as the losing party. The discussion then turned to Trent's recollection of the fight and she was a little concerned about his nonchalant attitude towards alcohol use, noting to herself that she would need to scold him, before quickly discarding the thought, wondering where it had originated in the first place.

  “Your Grace, can we pause the record?” Lia'Sil interrupted, just as Trent’s account of the battle with the krakllian ended. The image froze.

  “Please query any questions,” the Program responded. Lia’Sil looked to Sasha, who nodded for her to go on.

  “Is the battle with the krakllian the reason Trent is being recommended for the Star of Terra?” Sasha panicked when she recalled that was the official reason for the displaying of this record, not so she could find out who was lying to her.

  “TSB Lieutenant Trent’s actions during phase one of the enlistment and recruitment trial are not the reason for the recommendation of the Star of Terra. Decision to include based on the requirement of character in the formal guidelines for the rewarding of the Star of Terra,” the Program answered.

  “So let me get this straight. TSB Lieutenant Trent is presently going through the recruitment process to join the Terra Space Battalion...and the first phase is to battle a krakllian with your bare hands?” Tiana asked with disbelief, showing she had been listening more intently then the embarrassed Sasha.

  “For native adult Earthlings, yes, they must face a dangerous species such as the krakllian to prove they have the mental fortitude to adapt to required changes,” the Program replied.

  “What would have happened if he failed?” Sasha asked with trepidation.

  “He would have been destroyed,”

  Sasha could swear she heard a hint of emotion in the Program’s monotone response, but realized it was most likely her mind’s projection. Curious, and frightened by the idea of what may be taking place within her new duchy, she wanted to know more.

  “How many people die during phase one?” she questioned without thinking, realizing as she voiced it that it really wasn't important. The Program seemed to consider before answering.

  “99.9765% are terminated during the first phase.” Sasha gasped, realizing the TSB had been recruiting for hundreds of years and the numbers killed during that time would be staggering. She looked to her companions, who both sat stone faced, though their eyes told that they too understood what that meant. The Program, taking their silence as approval to continue, restarted the record.

  Sasha paced restlessly around the sofa as she listened intently to Trent discuss his latest love interest. For reasons she couldn’t begin to fathom, she found the entire affair bothered her immensely. Unbridled anger erupted to the surface as he delved deeper into his time together with this woman named Samantha, but was extinguished when he explained how the relationship ended. Tears began to well as she felt his utter sadness, her heart screaming to jump into the projection itself and hug him close. Thankfully, she was able to resist the urge, both for the tears and the inexplicable need to embrace him. Then, as the rollercoaster of emotions continued, anger again took over as she listened to Knight Captain Quinn read a report that had apparently ended Trent’s life on Earth, all because of that fickle woman, who Sasha could only think of as a follower of the traditionalist paramour belief. Lia’Sil raised her hand to interrupt just as it looked like Sir Simwa was about to speak. The image froze.

  “I'm a little confused at the point of this. It seems cruel to subject him to recalling these memories,” Sasha couldn’t agree more with Lia'Sil’s statement, and waited attentively for the Program’s explanation.

  “Phase two of the enlistment trial was established to test the bonds of the candidate to their past life. Candidates are presented with a simulation similar to, or an exact replica of, a time in their life when they were happy or content. If they fail to realize, or refuse to accept, this fabricated reality, they are disposed of.”

  “How many candidates fail phase two?” she asked, no longer caring if it was irrelevant.

  “86.79% of candidates who pass phase one, fail phase two.”

  “What was Trent's simulation?” she pushed, though she was uncertain if she actually wanted to know.

  “TSB Lieutenant Trent was presented the time before he discovered his lover’s betrayal. He was able to see through the fabrication within the set time limit to successfully pass phase two,” the Program responded without question. Sasha sighed, letting the query about exactly what happened die on her tongue.

  The image unfroze a moment later to Sir Simwa exclaiming that he believed the fabricated report over Trent's version, stating the traditionalist view that only the “elite” should ever be taken seriously. Though TSB Lieutenant Daniel contradicted him, seeming to toy with the noble, like Tiana would incessantly do to her, while reminding him of the Program’s truth protocol. Sir Simwa, as Sasha expected, didn’t believe him either, leading to Trent, quite magnificently, Sasha noted, lying about respecting the arrogant noble, setting off the Program's truth protocol.

  Sir Simwa lost all semblance of composure, claiming that Trent was garbage and should be disposed of, calling an end to the trial while drawing his laser arc and aiming it at Trent. Sir Quinn dove over the table, crashing into Sir Simwa the moment he fired, the discharged laser bolt barely knocked off course, striking the back of Trent's chair to send it and him flying. Trent rolled to safety, but the chair crashed into the unlucky Vice-Commander Daiyu while she rushed to Trent’s side, knocking her motionless to the floor.

  This can’t be real? It felt like what she was witnessing wasn’t reality, but an acted narrative, like those that had been popular during the pre-NHA period. But the sight of blood pooling by Vice-Commander Daiyu’s head, and the desperate struggle taking place between Sir Quinn and Sir Simwa, screamed of nothing but reality, no matter what her mind told.

  “It’s over,” Lia’Sil’s words touched her ears as if they traveled from a great distance, “there is no way Sir Simwa can overpower Sir Qui-,” her words cutoff when a wild-eyed Lieutenant Daniel dove towards the two combatants, knocking Sir Quinn off balance in the process. Sir Simwa grasped at the opportunity, regaining control of his laser arc. Finding only a single clear target, the unconscious Vice-Commander Daiyu, he took aim, a maniacal smile spreading upon his lips.

  Then, with
out any concern for himself, Trent dove across the floor, barely reaching Daiyu before Sir Simwa fired. The laser bolt sizzled through the air, straight at where Daiyu had been a moment before, to strike Trent, who had pushed her clear with all his might.

  Tiana shrieked and Sasha gasped in horror, covering her eyes to hide from the gruesome sight, but unable to resist peeking through her fingers. The image zoomed to provide a close up view of Trent's heroic action, but also presented the grisly scene of his arms being disintegrated to just above the elbow.

  The record continued to play, though Tiana no longer watched, her head buried in her knees as she sobbed, while Lia’Sil, though her eyes were open, had turned so pale Sasha wondered if she had not actually passed out in place. Sasha felt the same way, wanting to look away from the gruesome scene, demand the record cease. But she had to watch.

  She let a calming breath fill her lungs and lowered her hands just in time to witness Sir Simwa knocked unconscious by Sir Quinn, who then rushed to Trent's side. A dazed Lieutenant Daniel soon followed, then hurried out of the scene, returning with what appeared to be a medical kit. The moment they began administering first-aid, the image faded and the Program's sphere once again started to undulate.

  “I guess that answers all our questions, Your Grace. Sir Simwa was definitely responsible, no matter what he told Duke Zehman,” Lia'Sil stated, having come to the same conclusion as Sasha.

  “Is he alive? Did he live?” Tiana questioned through the tears.

  “TSB Lieutenant Trent was in stable condition when the Programs were requested to keep additional information about his status restricted,” the Program replied.

  “Why is it restricted?” Sasha's asked, her tone like ice.

  “It was deemed appropriate due to security concerns. The Programs agreed and his current status is restricted.” Sasha wanted to demand the information, but stopped herself, realizing that since the request for the Star of Terra was not delivered as postmortem, he had to be alive. Plus, something just didn’t add up.


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