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Her Alien Warrior Prince

Page 18

by Roxie Ray

  I grinned. “Oh, I can come up with a few ideas.”

  I undid his tunic, stroking his smooth, pale chest. He sighed contentedly, shrugging off the tunic and shivering with pure joy. “I will spend the rest of my life doing everything in my power to make you happy, Carly Love.”

  “You'd better, Blood Ruler,” I purred.

  He pulled my shirt off, tenderly fondling my breasts with his cold hands – my nipples hardened immediately, and he traced circles around the left one with his thumb, kissing the side of my neck. Goosebumps spread across my skin, and for a moment, I thought he might bite me.

  No, darling, he thought, nibbling gently at my earlobe. There will be plenty of time for that later. For now, your body must have a chance to heal.

  Fair enough, I thought back, reaching down to cup the bulge that was quickly forming in the front of his trousers. We'll just have to think up a few other ways to share fluids, then, won't we?

  Akzun slid my pants down my legs and pushed my thighs apart. He placed his hand between them, feeling how wet I was and licking his lips appreciatively. As it happens, I might just have a plan for that.

  He lowered himself on the bed until his head was between my legs and began to kiss my pussy hungrily. I inhaled sharply, tousling his hair, relishing the way he took my clit gently between his teeth and flicked his tongue against it. It felt thrilling and oddly dangerous, like playing with a razorblade – but I knew that I could trust him, that he'd never harm me.

  As he licked and teased me, he slid two of his fingers inside me, stimulating my perineum with his knuckles and quickly finding my G-spot with his fingertips. My breath was starting to come in thick, jagged gasps. I couldn't believe how good, how right, this felt.

  “Oh, Akzun,” I moaned, “just like that… yes, please...”

  He let out a low chuckle and nodded, his breath tickling my labia. His tongue continued its dance against my most sensitive parts, driving me wild with desire. His fingers kept pushing, pushing, until I saw stars.

  I couldn't take any more. I needed him. All of him. And what's more, I knew he could read those thoughts from me.

  But would he act on them?

  Or would he keep teasing me until I lost all control and exploded?

  Akzun snickered. Perhaps I will give you what you wish, if you beg for it.

  “Please,” I panted, “please, take me, fuck me… ”

  No. Do not beg me with your lips. Beg me with your mind, your heart. Beg me from the deepest parts of your soul.

  I'd never been so turned on before in my life. Please, Akzun, take me. Take all of me. Claim every part of me for your own. Make me yours. Your mate.

  He looked up at me, smiling, my juices gleaming on his lips, his chin. When you ask me that way, how can I possibly refuse?

  He rose and flipped me onto my belly in a single smooth motion, then positioned himself over me, raking his nails up and down my back. I twitched and moaned, pleading without words, savoring the feel of his hands squeezing my shoulders as he entered me from behind.

  After the previous times with him, I'd thought there was no way for him to drive himself even deeper into my pussy – but I was wrong. So wrong.

  He filled me so completely that he seemed to extend all the way into the pit of my stomach and beyond. I cried out his name over and over like a mantra, gripping the sheets and blankets so hard I could hear them tearing between my fingers.

  I was stronger now.

  Which meant he didn't have to hold back anymore.

  His cock slammed inside me like a battering ram, and I felt his breath against the nape of my neck, coming in hot blasts like a furnace. He was giving me everything he had, and I loved it. His pelvis slapped against my buttocks so fast and loud – thrusting, pounding, until my juices frothed thickly against the base of his shaft like sea foam.

  You are mine, Carly. And I am yours. Forever.

  I felt a radiant heat spread through my body like a star going nova, so intense and powerful that it felt like I would fly apart in a cloud of glittering debris. It was the most forceful orgasm I'd ever experienced, and I felt his a split-second later, gushing through me relentlessly as he called out my name.

  Then we were lying in each other's arms, holding on tight enough to make our arms ache.



  After we'd basked in the glow for a while, I said, “I don't mean to ruin the mood…”

  “Then don't.” Carly smirked, kissing the tip of my nose.

  I smiled, but it was tight-lipped. “I'm afraid I must, if only to ask for a description of the person who attacked you earlier. I know how traumatic the attack must have been for you, and I was so fixated on doing whatever it took to ensure the safety of you and our offspring – and making sure you understood the ramifications of my actions – but now that all that has been attended to… and Zark still hasn’t come across any solid leads…”

  She sat up, confused. “You mean… you didn't already know? When you didn't ask before, I assumed it was because you caught up with her.”

  “Her? You were assaulted by a woman?”

  She sighed. “Not just any woman, I'm afraid. You're not going to want to hear this, but – it was Torqa.”

  “What?” I jumped out of bed, enraged. “Torqa pushed you down the stairs?”

  “Yeah, after trying to filet me with some kind of silver knife.”

  “Why would she do something like that?” I started pacing the room furiously. “She's served Valkred loyally for decades! Why would she betray me now?”

  “Because she doesn't think you're serving Valkred. She told me everything – how she thought I was making you too weak to lead, how she felt she would be a better mate for you. She's been behind everything, Akzun. All of it. The attack on the Mana ship, the statue that almost fell on me, the thing with the gem mines…”

  “By the Succubi, it's all starting to make a terrible kind of sense,” I growled. “She had the access, the influence, to make all of that happen. The prisoner she was interrogating killed himself because he knew he couldn't inform us of her involvement… she was probably the reason his restraints were loose enough for him to seize the blaster. ”

  Carly stood up and went to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I'm so sorry, Akzun. I know how deeply you're affected by betrayal from the people you trust. You must be hurting a lot right now.”

  “Hurting? No. When I catch up with Torqa, though, it is she who will be hurting, and most severely. I will make her pay for what she's done. To repay her for her treatment of you, I will visit tortures upon her far beyond even her wildest and most sadistic imaginings.”

  She sighed. “I know, I know. You've got to go after her now, huh? And just when we were starting to have fun…”

  I thought for a long moment, and then took her by the hand. “Come with me.”

  I brought Carly to the screen room, and keyed in a set of commands. A holographic image of Zark's head appeared before us almost immediately.

  “Brother,” Zark greeted us warmly. “And Carly! I'm delighted to see that you've healed from your recent ordeal. Clearly, Khim's talents cannot be overstated.”

  “I'm afraid I have some rather disturbing news, Zark,” I said, not willing to waste a single moment. “Torqa was the one who attacked Carly.”

  He let out a low whistle. “By the stars. I knew she was jealous, but I had no idea she'd attempt something so brazen.”

  “It goes far beyond mere jealousy, brother. She has turned against us. It was she who attempted to derail the treaty with the Mana.”

  Zark's eyes widened, and he nodded slowly. “Of course. How could we have been so blind? Who else could have orchestrated all of these events? She was the most vocal opposition to the ceasefire… she thought it showed weakness, that it would invite other races to attempt war against us. She had motive, means, opportunity. In her own sick way, she probably thought she was proving her loyalty to you and the empire by trying to eliminate Ca
rly and push a decisive victory against the Mana. She always was a diabolical sort. In a peculiar way, one almost has to admire her for almost getting away with it all.”

  “I certainly hope your admiration won't prevent you from doing what you must in order to subdue her,” I said dryly. “Because as of now, apprehending Torqa and bringing her to justice is our foremost priority.”

  “Naturally. And I assume you're entrusting me with this task?”

  I smirked. “Who else? I must remain on Valkred, so that I may protect Carly and the child growing inside of her. One day, that child may grow up to forge the future of our empire.”

  “Very well, brother. I won't let you down. Do you happen to have any ideas with regard to where I should look for her? By now, she'll have heard her attempt on Carly's life failed, and she'll have fled the planet… the star system, too, for that matter. With her cunning and resources, she could be anywhere.”

  “She could,” I agreed, “but I believe I can suggest a good place to begin your search. Torqa is now a commander without an army. She'll need to find new allies, new cannon fodder for her private war against the Mana – and against us. Mercenaries, no doubt. Raiders. Hired scum. And where might she easily find and recruit such individuals?”

  “Cexiea,” Zark said without hesitation.

  “There, you see? Never mind what our mother used to say… you are smarter than you look.”

  “You're too kind, Blood Ruler,” Zark said with a grimace. “I'll begin my hunt for her at once.” The hologram shimmered, then blinked out of existence.

  “Are you sure you shouldn't go with him?” Carly asked. “I know how important this is to you.”

  I took her in my arms, kissing her. No, my love. I'm right where I'm supposed to be.



  As soon as I stepped into The Vein, the ugly voice of Nos assaulted my ears, rising above the music and chatter: “Welcome, gentle-beings, yes, yes! Welcome one and all! You seek pretty things for sex, yes? You seek sweet blood to feed upon – mmm, yum yum, tastes good! Makes you big and strong, yes? You have money to pay, much rula for Nos? Then come, make an offer, make a bid, make yourselves happy! Go home with a new plaything, yes? Lonely no more! For tonight is auction night!”

  Well, damn. I sure picked the wrong night to come looking for Torqa. It'll be difficult to find her in all the crowd and commotion of the auction – and hard to focus, too, with all these pretty blood slaves on display. Plus, the sound of Nos hawking his wares is enough to make me want to puke up every drop of blood I ever drank.

  Then again, perhaps this was the best night to search for her. After all, every lowlife in the surrounding twelve star systems tended to show up here on auction night. Some actually came to purchase slaves, but most used the auction to conduct other business unnoticed. Krote pirates, Mana smugglers, ex-pat Valkred bounty hunters and Drekkir hired guns… they all buzzed around eagerly like flies on shit, looking for their next chance to make a quick rula or find their next fix of adrenaline (not to mention any of a dozen other addictive substances).

  If Torqa wanted to collect a squad of unsavory characters, this would be the best place for her to do it. And the auction would provide the best cover for her, since she was now one of the most wanted outlaws in the galaxy.

  But I could damn well guarantee that no one would be looking for her as diligently as I was. And not just because of the mission Akzun had entrusted me with.

  No, it was because of the book. Because of Respen, that smug fucking Lunian prick. Because of the horrible secret Torqa and I shared – and the curse that went along with it, one that would chip away at me piece by piece unless I found her in time to stop it. Even Akzun knew nothing about that. And if I succeeded, I could fix all of this so he'd never need to.

  I tried to find Torqa’s scent, but it was impossible. Too much smoke and sweat, too much bad food and bad breath all around. My eyes cut through the shadows in the corners of the room, searching, but I couldn't find her.

  If I started asking around, the clientele here weren't likely to give me straight answers – one or more of them would probably tip her off that someone was looking for her. I was disguised so she wouldn't see me coming, but now what? Plant myself at a table, start knocking back the booze, and wait for her to appear?

  “Yes, yes, take your seats, esteemed guests, take your places!” Nos announced, gnashing his teeth excitedly. “Time for auction, yes! Big buying! Big spending! Offer up the right price, and all that you desire can be yours for the asking!”

  Suddenly, a single scent cut through all the others in the room, digging itself firmly into my brain like a Hykkyan brain parasite.

  Human. Female. Intoxicating.


  I shook my head. What was wrong with me? First Akzun loses all control of himself over some Earthling female, and now this? Was there some hereditary disease that was only just manifesting in us both, making us swoon over Earth girls beyond all reason? I had a job to do, damn it. I couldn't let myself be led astray, no matter how tempting she might be, no matter how…


  I saw her at last, and she was beautiful.

  Long brown hair. Magnificent blue eyes. A tall, powerful, athletic frame. She was standing on the stage behind Nos, waiting for the patrons to bid on her, to claim her.

  I couldn't let that happen. I didn't know why, but I couldn't bear the idea of anyone else having her.

  She was mine.

  I stood up and strode over to the stage, ignoring Nos’ outraged cries, and threw the woman over my shoulder. But if I thought she’d go willingly, I was sorely mistaken.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” she demanded immediately, pounding my back with her fists. “Put me down, asshole!”

  “Take your hands off her!” Nos chimed in, trying to block my path as I headed for the door. “You bid on her, you win, then you have her! Until then, she is merchandise! Not to be touched, no, not to be handled before purchase!”

  The woman was still pummeling my shoulders, but I could barely feel it past the tingling thrill that was seeping through my veins.

  “A quarter of a million rula,” I snarled, pushing past Nos. “At least ten times more than you'd get for her at auction. Be sure to send the bill to Akzun, care of the Valkred Empire.”

  Get ready for book 2 in the Warriors Of Valkred Series, Stolen By The Cursed Alien!

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  Stolen By The Cursed Alien

  Get ready for book 2 in the Warriors Of Valkred Series, Stolen By The Cursed Alien!

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  Her Alien Warrior Prince

  Warriors Of Valkred: Book 1

  Roxie Ray

  © 2019


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).




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