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Maddie Ann s Playground

Page 3

by Mackenzie Drew

  “So? At least he doesn’t fall all over the place and act stupid.”

  “No, he doesn’t do that; he just yells his head off at my mom and makes her cry. Then she takes it out on me,” Jennifer added.

  “Claire…,”Mike yelled from the mudroom. “I need you to bring me a towel.”

  “Hang on a sec, Jen.”

  Claire got up from the couch, grabbed a towel out of the hall linen closet, and took it to her dad. “Mom’s out on the patio getting drunk with the neighbor. Can you please talk to her? Every time I bring Jen over, she embarrasses me.”

  Mike wiped the sawdust off his red face and stepped inside the kitchen. “Let me clean up and I’ll have a talk with your mother.”

  She nodded and walked past him. As she stepped back into the living room, Barb staggered in.

  “Have a seat, Claire. I have something to tell you,” she said, stumbling over every word.

  Claire watched as Barb weaved her way back to the living room. She pulled out a small footstool from under a side table and plopped down. “Did you get what you needed for the party?” she slurred.

  Claire started to say something but stopped when Mike came in from the kitchen and slid into the recliner beside Barb. He looked evenly at Claire. “You and Jen go upstairs, please. I need to speak to your mom in private.”

  She nodded, rose, and pulled Jennifer to her feet.


  Claire figured she needed something exciting to talk about to take her mind off her parents. “I know you hate Mitch, but don’t you think you’re too judgmental?” Claire asked, digging in her chest of drawers for nightclothes. “You hardly know the guy.”

  “No! That guy makes my skin crawl. There’s something dangerous in his eyes,” Jennifer replied taking her nightgown out of her bag. “And I can’t believe now that you know about his family that you still like him.”

  Claire flopped across the bed folding the body pillow under her chest. “I doubt his mother’s a witch. Because the town says so, you believe them? That’s not fair, Jen. He deserves a chance. Anyway, you take the first shower while I heat up the pizza.”

  Jennifer sighed and headed for the linen closet. “Believe me, Claire, it’s not a myth. Mitch’s family has plenty of paper trail to reveal their identity and where they come from. I hope you believe me, before you find out the hard way.”

  She heard the shower turn on in the other room. To help Claire better understand the history of Old Creek, she got up to head to the computer, when a piercing scream startled her. Jen! She sprinted to the bathroom, grabbed the doorknob, but it wouldn’t open. Claire tried harder. She gripped the knob rattling it back and forth, and side to side, but it still wouldn’t budge. “I’m coming, Jen. The door’s jammed,” she yelled.

  “Hurry, Claire….”

  Claire heard something bash against the shower wall. “Just a minute, hang on,” she cried. Claire had to get in. She kicked the door, bashed it with her fists, but it refused to pry loose.

  “Oh, God…,” Jennifer shrieked.

  Claire heard a loud commotion on the other side of the door. The sound of heavy glass shattering. A heavy thud and a moaning sound. As Claire leaned into the door with her shoulder, it suddenly opened and she rushed into the bathroom. Claire saw shards of glass from the shower door scattered on the floor and found Jennifer cowering in the corner. “Jen, what happened?” she asked as she leaned over and turned off the water. “Are you hurt?”

  Jennifer looked at her with terror in her eyes. “I don’t know Claire, the man from the lake pushed me.”

  Claire wrapped a towel around her, took her into the bedroom, and sat her on the bed. She sat down at her dressing table next to the bed and took Jennifer’s hand. “Jen, this imagined fiend from the lake has taken a toll on you. There was no one in the bathroom but you. It’s your imagination.” Claire squeezed her hand. “Jen, look at me.”

  Jennifer raised her head and screamed, “He’s in the mirror, Claire; he’s in the mirror!”

  Claire whirled around and saw nothing but her own reflection. When she turned back, Jennifer was hiding her face in a pillow. Claire moved over next to her and pulled her to a sitting position. Blood dripped from her nose.

  “Oh my God, you’re bleeding,” Claire said and jumped up to get a box of tissues from across the room.

  Jennifer swiped her hand under her nostrils. “I’m bleeding badly.”

  Returning with the tissues, Claire wiped the blood from her upper lip. “Hold this while I get a washcloth.”

  As she headed for the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of her father coming up the stairs and hurried to shut the door before he could see the blood. Damn, what’s going on? she wondered.

  When, she returned to the bedroom, Jennifer looked normal with no signs of blood on her face. Claire stopped in her tracks. “Where’s the blood?”

  “What blood?”

  “Your nose was bleeding. What the hell?”

  “Are you crazy? My nose wasn’t bleeding. Where’s the pizza? I’m hungry.”

  Chapter Three

  My dearest Claire,

  I bet you thought I’d never get around to e-mailing you. Sorry for the delay; it’s just, I wasn’t sure of what to say to you. I’m used to dating the cheerleaders, but not a rebel like yourself. Please don’t take that personally. You’re a beautiful girl, and intelligent. As I sit here typing this letter, I realize how lucky I am to have a friend like you, which reminds me of what you’ve agreed to do for me. Claire, please understand, I’d ask someone else, but I know how much this means to you. Seeing how you like doing daring things, I knew the cemetery would be right up your alley. Remember, be at Old Creek at midnight, and tell no one about our secret. Be full warned; the graveyard is not your average graveyard. It has an evil sense about it and if you’re not careful, it will kill you…

  If you can pull this off, and prove to me that you went inside, I will be all yours. The way it works, my darling Claire, is simple. I love a challenging woman, one who’s willing to risk her life for me. You have to work for it; otherwise, I’m not interested. Don’t let me down, Claire. I yearn to run my fingers through your long blonde hair and kiss your soft pink lips. Remember, this is our little secret.

  Yours truly,

  Mitch Styles XOXOXOXOX

  Claire glanced at the letter once more, then towards the entrance to the den in case Jen came downstairs. She’d woken earlier than Jen and left her upstairs sleeping. She tried to pry herself away from the desk, but she wanted to read the e-mail over and again until she memorized every single word. Mitch meant that much to her and being so love-stricken, she failed to notice the insincerity of the words he had written. I will do anything you want me to do, doll, she thought and smiled. Whatever it takes to be in your arms, I am willing to sacrifice anything, even myself.

  As she turned her attention back to the screen, she was oblivious to a shadow lurking past her.

  “What are you reading, Claire?”

  She jumped. Her fingers could not move fast enough to click the screen off. Taking a deep breath, she spun around on the chair and saw Jennifer standing behind her. “Oh crap, you scared me,” she said placing her hand over her chest. “I thought you were an intruder.”

  Jennifer reached down and grabbed the mouse. “You’re avoiding the question. Who sent you the e-mail?”

  Claire’s face heated up. “Excuse me? Why do I have to tell you?” she asked, slapping Jen’s hand away. “It’s private.”

  Jennifer tore her hand away from the mouse and flopped down in a recliner. “Is it that dirty that you’re ashamed to let me read it? You’re having sex, aren’t you?”

  Claire leaned back in the chair, propped her feet up on the stool and frowned. “Are you out of your mind? No, I’m not having sex. Is there something wrong with having an e-mail buddy to write to?”

  “Oh come on, if you’re not messing around, then why all the secrecy? And since when do you have an internet fling? You’re
not ugly, so there’s no excuse for this. Only homely people have cyberspace love affairs because that’s all they can get.”

  Claire crossed her arms. She gazed into Jennifer’s eyes and licked her dried lips. “Man, you’re such an opinionated person. I can’t believe how poorly you judge people. Did you ever think the person I’m conversing with just might be lonely? Or that they’re too shy to meet anyone in person?” she asked.

  Jennifer rolled her eyes and leaned forward. “Just tell me who the letter’s from and I’ll drop it. Otherwise, I’ll hound you until you break.”

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you? Ooh, you make me mad sometimes. Not everything I do in my life has to involve you. And besides, maybe I want a little privacy, for Pete’s sake.”

  The swivel chair snapped upright. Claire shot to her feet and headed for the kitchen. She ignored Jennifer’s foolish comment and scrounged for something to eat. A blueberry muffin caught her eye.

  “Will you talk to me?” Jennifer asked sinking in a captain’s chair at the kitchen table.

  “Can you not insult me? I’d enjoy your company much more if you’d keep your trap shut and lay off my back about my e-mails.”

  Claire poured herself a glass of OJ and went back to the den to watch a little television. Jennifer stayed right on her heels. “Fine, Mitch sent me a damned e-mail. Gawd…does that make you happy?” she snapped, annoyed.

  Jennifer sat down next to her and pushed the mute button on the remote. “Are you serious? You’re talking to Mitch Styles through e-mail now? But why? He’s not good for you, Claire. He’s not good for anyone.”

  “What the hell are you trying to imply?” She set her orange juice down on the end table and pressed her back against the cushion in the chair. “I know what this is about; you’re jealous of me aren’t you? You can’t have a guy like Mitch, so you have to make me feel bad because I’ve finally found someone who understands me. That’s it isn’t it?”

  “Did I say anything when you dated Cole? No and why didn’t I? Because he was good for you. And what about Ryan McAllister. He was a good guy too, but you didn’t like him, because you said he couldn’t kiss worth a damn. Now, tell me I’m lying and I’ll kiss your butt.”

  Claire clicked the movie off and sucked down the rest of her drink. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear you say that, because if I don’t, I’ll regret it,” she said going up to her bedroom in a hard rush.

  Jennifer walked in behind her and slammed the door. “What, you wanna fight because the truth hurts? Come on, Claire, I know you, and you’re not like Mitch or the bitches he screws. You’re better than that.”

  “Just drop it! For the rest of the day until the party, I don’t want to hear his name mentioned again. Got it?” she shouted.

  Jennifer turned to face the window and sighed. “Fine, I’ll leave it alone, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Claire stood behind her making ugly faces like a six-year-old. She had enough of her friends’ opinions. She wanted to do what her heart told her to do. Leaving Jennifer alone in the room, she went downstairs.

  “Claire…is that you?” she heard her mother yell from the kitchen.

  “Be right there.”

  The arguing woke her mother and now she’d have to hear her moaning and complaining. Did it ever end? “Yeah, what do you want?”

  Barb stood by the stove cooking some eggs and bacon. “Why were you and Jen arguing? You two roused the entire house.”

  “We started a stupid argument over Mitch Styles. Jen doesn’t like him and she doesn’t want me to like him either,” Claire said taking a seat at the table. “I know she’s just jealous.”

  “Wait just one minute young lady. Mitch Styles is nothing but a hoodlum. I can’t stand his mother, Rachael, and I heard she’s into witchcraft.”

  The oak chair skidded behind her as Claire rose from the table. She pressed her knuckles against the laminate tabletop and pinched her eyes. “Don’t tell me you believe that crap, too? Come on mom, that’s BS and you know it.”

  Barb placed the spatula on the pan and whirled around. “Are you sassing me, Claire Rene? You have no idea about the Watson clan. Well, I do, and I know what old man Clayton Watson did when I was a kid. Anyway, I had better never catch you near Mitch Styles. Is that clear?”

  Claire shot Barb a nasty look as she walked out of the room.

  “We’re not done talking, young lady. Get your butt back in here.”

  “For what, so you can insult me some more?”

  “No, so I can tell you the truth about that sorry-ass family,” Barb said scrapping the eggs off onto a plate. “Everybody knows about their dead body junkyard out at Old Creek Cemetery.”

  Anger mounted in Claire. She plopped down on a chair and slammed her elbows atop the table. “Start talking, because I don’t have much time to listen to your horror stories.”

  Barb jabbed the fork into a piece of bacon and sat down. “You’ll either make time to hear me out, or you can forget the party.”

  “That’s so not fair, mother. Why do you hound me like this? For fun?” she asked picking at a splinter of wood on the table.

  “What’s not fair? That I worry about you? You’re seventeen, Claire, and I know how teenagers get into trouble. Whether you choose to believe me is up to you. I’m just looking out for your best interests.”

  Just as Claire started to say something, Jennifer walked into the room. “What’s going on?” she asked pulling up a chair. “I could hear you two from the bedroom.”

  Claire leaned back in the seat and stared into her mother’s eyes. “Mom thinks we have a body snatcher living in our town and unless I believe it, I can’t have the party.”

  Barb finished the last bite of her food and shoved the plate aside. “Back in the seventies when I was growing up, Old Creek was nothing like it is today. There were stricter rules for us to abide by. Anyways, I remember it like it happened yesterday— Whitney Shawls was last seen walking through the neighborhood over on Brighten Street

  and Clayton Watson just so happened to drive by. A woman claimed she saw him nab the little girl and the next time anyone laid eyes on her, they found little pieces of her body outside the cemetery grounds.”

  “Okay, but what does this have to do with, Mitch?” Claire asked pushing her hair out of her eyes.

  “It has everything to do with him. He’s a Watson and they’re barbaric people,” Barb argued.

  Claire rubbed her hands up and down on her face to ease the tension. “Fine, I’ll leave Mitch alone if that’ll make you happy,” she mumbled, not meaning a word of it. “But you need to let me live my own life and stop trying to protect me all the time.”

  Barb sipped on her coffee and lightly tapped Claire’s arm. “Baby, you’re only seventeen. Besides, it only takes one slip-up for your life to be over. Be careful and choose your friends wisely. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “She’ll be all right, Mrs. Barton. I promise to keep her in line,” Jen said and giggled. “We don’t hang around the wild kids.”

  “You’ve got that right. Well, partly right. You forgot to tell her that Josh Bramel keeps bodies in his basement,” Claire replied dragging Jennifer off the chair.

  Barb tossed the dishrag into the sink and chuckled. “Get out of here, smart ass. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, your dad and I are going to a Halloween bash out at the country club this evening. I figured you’re old enough to hold down the fort. We trust you.”

  Claire smiled. “Sure mom. You guys go have some fun.”


  As 7:00 p.m. rolled around, the house filled with high school kids and young adults from nearby colleges. Making their way back to the patio, the music played loud and the girls stood in a dark corner watching as their friends danced.

  Approaching the front door in full costumed regalia, Barbara and Mike readied themselves to head off to their celebration. Double-checking to make sure everything appeared well placed for the party, Claire went to see her
parents off.

  “Have fun,” Barb said, kissing her on the cheek.

  “Yeah, we will. There are plenty of people here already,” she replied.

  “Well, don’t make a bunch of noise, kill one another or do anything to distract the neighbors. We will call you around 10 o’clock,” her dad interjected.

  Claire rolled her eyes and hugged him. “I know, Dad, I know.” She watched her parents stroll down the sidewalk arm in arm, dressed in costumes. As they got in the car to leave, she waved. Her smile slanted. A sick feeling churned in her stomach. She’d waited forever for this moment to arrive and now she was having second thoughts.


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