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You Are Mine (Bad Boy 9 Novel Collection)

Page 151

by Amy Faye

  A sound in the distance distracts me, but not enough for me to pull my lips from his. But then there’s a second sound, and I think I see someone from the corner of my eyes.

  I break the kiss and look back at the car, then I gasp. Loud.

  Blake’s fucking brothers were right there, watching us.

  “What the fuck?” I yell, sitting up. “Did you know they’d be here?”

  Blake looks back with wild, worried eyes, then his eyebrows furrow and it’s like I can see his aura and it’s bright red and angry. He almost seems to glow, or something. “No. I didn’t know they’d be here.”

  “We’re just here to find out why you’re going behind our backs! You can’t be dating someone without your family’s approval.” Seth sneers and wipes at his nose with his thumb.

  Blake just growls in response.

  “You have responsibilities, Blake. You have a duty, and this girl? This fling? She isn’t a part of that. You can’t just go around fucking whoever-”

  “You shut your fucking mouth,” Blake warns, pointing an accusing finger at him. “You watch what you say, Seth, or so help me.”

  “So help you what? Do you think you’ll win against all three of us?”

  From the looks of it, neither Lance nor Dante wanted anything to do with a fight. I don’t know why they listen to Seth and let him drag them around, but whatever reason there was was a shit one.

  I wonder if the only person who stands up to him is Blake.

  He steps up to Seth, who walks up to his brother, and when they meet Blake’s fist immediately greets Seth’s face. I swear I saw sparks come off from the punch. Like fireworks, or a lighter when you try to start it.

  Whatever it was, it was weird. But they moved too quickly for me to really dwell on that. Because Blake slammed his fist into Seth’s face again.


  As Blake threw his brother to the ground and hit him again, all I could do was scream. Blood was starting to pour from Seth’s left eye and his bottom lip. Still, Seth was just laughing. With each punch, he laughs a little more. Lance and Dante just stand back and watch. Dante’s face is in a state of horror.

  It was the last blow, the blow where I swear I saw sparks again, that finally makes Seth stop laughing. He gave a little groan and rolled over onto his side, which Blake let him do.

  Seth’s face was swelling and bleeding. It’s going to hurt for a long time. I almost felt bad for him.

  Blake looked up at the other two brothers with a snarl. I worried for a second that he might start hitting them next, but instead he just throws out his arms.

  “Do either of you need to have your asses handed to you?” He asks.

  “Nope,” Lance answers, crossing his tattooed arms. “We told him this was a dumb ass idea.”

  Blake stands and looks down at Seth. The tips of his silver hair has blood in it. “Well, you were right. I don’t want Cassidy to ever see you three without her permission again. Is that understood? You will stop fucking up the first good thing to happen to me in years.”

  Lance raises his eyebrows at that. So do I.

  “We will,” Dante said. His voice is soft. “We’re sorry, Miss.” He comes over and grabs Seth, pulling him up. Eventually, Lance helps him, and together they carry him to a red car that I only just notice is there.

  Watching as they pull away, I try to collect my thoughts. What am I supposed to say or do now? Blake just fought for me, I think. Or was he just fighting for himself? I can’t tell.

  I quietly step towards Blake and press a hand against his shoulder. He’s shaking, with adrenaline and probably rage, and he won’t look at me. His skin is so hot, too. His eyes look wet and glassy as he looks up with a sigh.

  Turning, he goes back over to our blankets and sits down, hunching over and putting his face in his hands. I simply stand over him, watching him. I don’t know what else to do. He doesn’t look like he’s crying. Just that he’s miserable.

  Should I ask him something? Should I try to comfort him? How do I even comfort someone after something like that?

  But eventually I stop feeling so scared and start feeling indignation. “So, do you want to tell me what that was all about?”

  He’s quiet for a long time still. Long enough for my feet to start hurting, so I sit down with him, leaning against him. He’s warm, and he stopped shaking at some point. Blake was clearly thinking of the best way to phrase what he needs to say.

  “My family,” he starts. “Is one of those families that tangles people into its web and never lets them go. They’ll do a favor for you, or pull some strings and make something good happen. And once they do that, you’re tangled, and you owe them. You owe them your life. You owe them your womb, if you’re a woman. You owe them sex, or money. And everyone owes them respect.”

  He pauses and grabs at a glass of wine, still half full. He sips it, then hands it to me.

  “I’m expected to marry someone that I hate.” He says, looking at me to see how I’ll react to the revelation. I just raise my eyebrows and nod, encouraging him to go on and tell me more.

  “Someone that I’ve hated since I was a boy. She only ‘loves’ me for my money, and for the power being the oldest son in my family brings. Not only that, but she’s cruel and vindictive and manipulative. She’s not the kind of woman I want to settle down with, and the idea of her having control over children gives me chills. But I have to marry her, because I’m the oldest. I owe my mom and dad a legacy. One of their choosing. Of their making.”

  He looks at me, right in my eyes, and he looks like the saddest man in the world. I wish that I knew how to comfort him. “So what are you going to do?”

  “Resist them for as long as I can.” He shrugs. “Which might not be for much longer, since you probably feel betrayed by me. I can’t blame you. I should have been honest about being tied to someone, even if I hate her. And I should have warned you about my brothers, since I knew they would eventually try to come after you. I just didn’t know how quick they’d be.”

  “I don’t feel betrayed. If she’s as awful as you say she is, I can’t blame you for fighting that.” It’s true. I feel a lot of things, but betrayed isn’t one of them. Mostly I just feel sad that such a good man has so much fighting against his happiness.

  He touches my face, and kisses me gently. “I won’t marry her, Cassidy. I will only marry for love. I’ll only marry the right person.”

  My heart thumps against my chest. Is he implying I’m the right person? Because that’s ridiculous. I’m not the right person for anyone.

  “Is your whole family really this crazy?” I ask. “They can’t all be total nut jobs.”

  He laughs, finally, and the tension breaks a little. “There are a few that are good. Dante is a good kid. Lance can be, too, when he isn’t getting into trouble. But Seth, my mom, and my dad?” He shakes his head. “If I could have my way, you would never have to meet them. But unless you intend on leaving me, that isn’t an option.”

  He holds my hand tight.

  “Because unfortunately, we’re a package deal.”


  We don’t stay much longer at the cliff overlooking the park. It’s a beautiful spot, but the worry that the brothers might come back puts me on edge.

  Blake drives me back home. I hold his hand the whole way there, but we don’t talk. We just sit in silence, both of us trying to figure out how we’re going to deal with the mess we’re in.

  I still don’t know if I can deal with his family’s crazy. Blake is a great guy, but is he really worth the stress that his family will definitely bring? I just don’t know. I don’t think any man is worth that.

  But the idea of not being with Blake physically hurts. Every time I consider it, it’s like my chest burns with sadness. I don’t want to lose this man that I barely know.

  When he pulls into my driveway, I look out into the darkness for a second before taking a breath. “Do you want to come in for some coffee? It’s kind of a long drive, and y
ou’re probably wiped out after the fight.”

  He smiles. “That sounds great. I’d like that.”

  It doesn’t strike me as weird to have such a rich man in my tiny house until he’s actually inside and looking at my old furniture that my mom bought two decades ago and the carpet that wasn’t changed when she first bought the house.

  Still, I’m proud of the house. It’s my family home. Good and bad memories, they’re all important to me.

  “Your house is cute,” he says, spotting Dash on the couch and shuffling over to him. Dash sniffs his hand and then runs away.

  “You don’t have to lie,” I say with a laugh. “It can’t compare to what you’re used to.”

  He shakes his head. “That doesn’t mean I can’t recognize its charm.”

  I start the coffee pot and then go into the living room, sitting on the couch next to Blake. I lean against him, closing my eyes and relaxing into him. His smell feels like home to me now, more than these old couches ever could.

  He leans his head down and plants a kiss on my head. That simple gesture lights a fire in me and I look up at him, then kiss him right on his lips. I feel his soft lips again and again, savoring their taste.

  I don’t know what comes over me, but I need him. Now. Here. I climb on top of him and pull my shirt off, throwing it over the coffee table. My bra comes off soon after, and then his mouth is on me, pleasuring my nipple with little flicks of the tongue.

  His hands press against my back, holding me close to him. I suck in air and giggle. “That feels good,” I say. “Keep doing that.”

  My eyes threaten to roll back, the pleasure was so strong. I want nothing more than to sit there and let him lap at my nipples, biting and licking them in all the right ways.

  But he isn't going to stop there, and that makes me giddy. I want him to throw me down, have his way with me. Just use me and get himself off without thinking about my needs or wants.

  A slutty emotion courses through me, one that overwhelms me. I start to unbutton my pants, then push away from him and stand up. Blake helps me to tug them down, then with his hands he spreads my legs apart. He gets down on the ground, in front of me, and looks up at me with those eyes before pushing my panties aside and dipping his tongue into my folds.

  I hiss with pleasure. I take in a sharp breath. Let it out, slowly. His tongue slides up, then down my folds. It prods my clitoris and sends warmth from between my legs to my stomach.

  My fingers tangle into his hair. Holding his head in place, I ride his face and just let myself enjoy him. He's sooo good at this.

  I gasp as an unexpected orgasm hits me. My knees wiggle and wobble and threaten to throw me to the ground, but Blake grabs me. He keeps me stable, with his mouth on my neck.

  His pants are undone. They catch on the way down his hips, catching on his growing cock.

  I wrap my hand most of the way around his cock once it's free, giving it an experimental pump. He twitches in response.

  "Get down on your knees."

  I'm a submissive girl by nature, but nothing makes me feel more submissive than having my face fucked. I love it. And so when a man tells me to get on my knees, I get down on my knees and I open my mouth and get ready.

  Once there, I pump his shaft again, enjoying its soft skin. My mouth opens wide, and the fat head of his uncut cock fills my mouth.

  He twitches again. I pull away for a second, but his fingers dig into my hair and hold me still. "You don't pull away. Not until I say you can."

  His cock presses into my mouth again, and I taste his salty precum and feel the silky skin against my tongue. My cunt is dripping at this point. I press a finger against my clit and find it much more sensitive than usual.

  Relaxing my mouth, I let him take control. He fucks my face until my eyes roll back and I cum, hard, and he nearly cums too.

  I feel almost numb from the stimulation, but I know I need his cum somewhere else. Not in my mouth. I need it in my womb.

  He pulls away from me, his fingers releasing my hair. I rub my sore head, looking up at him and hoping for orders.

  "Stand up and bend over in front of your window."

  My window is covered by thin fabric, but it's just enough that no one can really watch me being fucked. I lean over the couch, my knees on the cushions, and spread my legs out.

  From behind, Blake grabs my throat and pulls me back by it, making me press down on his cock. That's how he enters me, guiding me by my neck.

  "Fuck me," I beg. My whole body feels like heaven with him inside of me, stretching me. The words are breathy and desperate.

  He pulls me back harder, and fucks me rough. He just pounds into me, his lips pressing into the back of my neck. I'm a screaming mess, and then it stops. He pulsates. He spills his seed deep inside of me.

  And we collapse.

  Blake helps me onto the couch and then joins me, which is hard on such a small piece of furniture. But we make it work, holding each other tight.

  "You were incredible," he says.

  I bury my face into his chest, breathing in his scent. My arms ache from how tight I hold him.

  "Hey," he whispers. "I hope I didn't upset you. I kind of lost control of myself, but I don't want you to think that I just see you as a piece of meat or..."

  I laugh. "Oh, shut up. That was exactly what I needed. Don't be afraid to fuck me like that."

  Blake kisses me on the forehead and we cuddle for a long time still.

  “Unfortunately, I can’t stay,” he eventually says. “I have work in the morning, and it’s already pretty late.”

  “You don’t sleep much, do you?” I ask.

  Untangling himself from my arms, he shakes his head. “About four or five hours a night, but that’s how I’ve always been.”

  “I usually get about six. My mom never understood how I could function like that. Oh! The coffee.” I stand up and run, ass naked, to the kitchen. The coffee is still somewhat warm. “Do you take it black?” I ask.

  “Yep,” he answers.

  Bringing the coffee to him, I sit down again. “So, I want to keep seeing you. I really do. But we need to figure out what to do about your family. I can’t live with the constant fear that they might come harass me at work or try to attack me.”

  “I know. And I think the best solution is for you to come with me to meet them. My mom and my dad, too. I want to convince them to accept you, and to hopefully get the other woman off my back.”

  “She must be pretty bad.”

  He pinches his bottom lip between his fingers, a sign I’ve noticed means he’s thinking. “You have no idea. Look, Cassidy, there’s no reason to think this meeting will go well. Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, we barely know each other. You could still walk away.”

  I think for a long time. I’ve gone so long just giving up at the first sign of trouble with a man. Being with Blake, it feels right. It’s like he’s a piece of my puzzle that I didn’t even know was missing.

  “If that’s the best bet, then that’s what we’re going to do.”

  He leans in and kisses me on the cheek. “I’ll schedule it, then. Will you be able to take off of work if you need to?”

  “Yeah, I have plenty of vacation time saved up. I’m never sick.”

  “Great.” He finishes his coffee, then gets dressed. I do the same and follow him to the door, kissing him goodbye.


  It takes a few weeks before I hear from Blake about meeting with his family again. Which isn’t to say that we didn’t talk, it was just mostly sexting and then meeting up to fuck.

  It isn’t until Wednesday three weeks later that I find out we’re going on a trip.

  Wednesdays are my favorite days, because I spend Wednesday nights with my favorite people in the world.

  “I’m off, Adam!” I chirp as I hit the front door of the museum. “You’ll be okay closing up?”

  “Of course, I’ve been doing this for 30 years. Go get to the library.”

wave and then step outside, and immediately my face hits something hard.

  A hard chest.

  And the hard chest belongs to Blake.

  “Oh!” I exclaim, laughing and stepping to the side. “Blake! What are you doing here?”

  He looks serious. “I got my family to agree to meet us. Can you get ready to go?”

  I rub the back of my neck and grimace. “Actually, I can’t. I’m volunteering at the library tonight and I can’t miss it. I can get ready after, though.”

  “You volunteer?”

  “Yeah! I bring some stuff from the museum to the library every week, do some show and tell, and then I help the kids pick out books to read. Apparently ever since I started doing this, grades have gone up a lot and interest in the sciences has really improved, so I don’t miss a day. Ever.”

  “That’s…” His eyes are wide. “That’s honestly incredible, Cassidy.”

  I laugh sheepishly. “Nah. But I do love it. Do you want to come with me? You might have fun.”

  “Hell yeah!” He says, taking my hand. “Lead the way!”

  I feel like a million bucks, walking down the street with my hand being warmed by his. “The library is just up the hill.”

  “What are you going to be showing them today?” He asks, eyeing the huge bag on my shoulder.

  I chuckle, giving him an evil grin. “Oh, you’ll see!”

  I send Blake to get me coffee from the Librarian break room while I set up what I brought with me. Once he comes back, his mouth falls open and a look of dread comes across his face.

  “You brought bugs?”

  Laughing, I take my coffee from him. “Spiders, actually. They’re some of my favorite things to show kids when they come into the museum. Every kid loves seeing a tarantula up close, and Betty here,” I pat the case for our tarantula. “She’s kind and gentle. She’s never bitten me, and I doubt she ever will. So I’ll carry her around for the kids to pet, or to avoid. Avoiding her is more likely.”

  The kids start filtering in, sitting on the ground in front of the low table where my spiders are placed. A few of them gasp as they notice what’s in the glass containers. I didn’t bring any that are dangerous, and their containers are well made.


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