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You Belong With Me

Page 23

by M. R. Joseph


  That son of a bitch always had the last word.


  New BEginnings

  Weeks after Tommy's death turned into a few months. Casey had not heard from Carter. She had spoken with Jane and she had told Casey that he was getting better each day. He no longer blamed himself for Tommy's death and he was seeing a therapist. He had a month to month lease on an apartment in Brandon. Jane had said that he wasn't sure what his next steps would be. The sales of their album had sky rocketed because of Tommy's untimely death and Carter was laying low. Carter and Jake didn't like that they were reaping the rewards of their friend's death. It didn't sit well with them. Casey asked Jane not to tell Carter they spoke. It was just uncomfortable. Casey was busy with work and Lyla had sold her home and moved in with Casey until after the baby was born.

  Lyla's pregnancy was moving along nicely with no complications. She was seven months along. Carter kept in contact with her. He checked in with her every week to see how she was feeling. Carter and Jane were sent a letter from Tommy's lawyer and it stated that the two of them were to come in his office for the reading of Tommy's will.

  Carter was very surprised that Tommy even had the sense to have one drawn up. They sat in the office as the lawyer told them what the will stated.

  "Well, Mr. London, it appears that Mr. Lingetti had several good investments that have made considerable amounts of equity. It states here that it is all to be put into your name. Mrs. London there is one in particular that Mr. Lingetti wanted you and your son Domenic to have. The net worth of it is in the sum of $500,000 to be shared equally. It also states here that you are named the beneficiary of his estate so all of his saving are left to you." Jane looked bewildered.

  "I don't understand. Why me?"

  "Well, Mrs. London, it says here for his mother Jane London and his brother Domenic London. His saving are an estimated $1.2 million dollars. Apparently, he was awarded a large sum from his parents life insurance when they passed."

  Jane and Carter turned to look at each other in confusion.

  "He saved it all. That sneaky bastard." Carter gave a slight chuckle.

  "Mr. London, from what it says here, he also had a specific account of royalties from the sale of your album and his payment from the tour you were on. It is worth one million dollars and all future royalties are in your name."

  Carter stared at the man and wondered if he had made a mistake.

  "You can't be serious?" Carter asked.

  "I am very serious, Mr. London. Mr. Lingetti was a wise business man and made many good investments. I am sorry for your loss but I truly believe it was Mr. Lingetti's focus that you and your family were well taken care of."

  The lawyer had them sign some papers and made it all legit. They headed to downtown Clearwater for lunch at their favorite place.

  "How are you feeling about all this, mom? Tommy just made you a very wealthy woman. You can retire now."

  Jane rested her hands in her lap and looked up at Carter.

  "You know, honey, there was always a part of me that had hope for Tommy. I knew he was capable of many things. But this, it just blows my mind that he would do this for me."

  "Mom, you took him in and gave him a home when he didn't have one. When he lost everything he ever loved. You were his angel of mercy and he loved and appreciated you beyond words."

  Jane began to cry and reached for a napkin and dried the corners of her eyes.

  "Mom, I have made a decision. I'm giving my half to Lyla and the baby. If Tommy had known she was pregnant, he would have included her anyway. I have a ton in savings and my own investments are doing substantially well. I get a royalty check every month and over the past few months they have been larger than life."

  Jane grabbed Carter's hand and squeezed it.

  "Baby boy, he loved you so very much and he was so proud of you and what you did for him. I don't think I could be any more proud of you right now. Lyla and that little baby are blessed to have you."

  He gave her a tight lipped smile and began pushing around the food on his plate.

  "So tell me mom, what did Casey have to say the other day when you talked to her?"

  Jane's eyes got wide and she tried to get a response out but she was startled by his question. She relaxed and thought about how well her son knew her.

  "How did you know we talked?" she asked.

  "I'm your son and I know all of your facial expressions. Before this shit show came into play, you would talk with her and your face would light up. I saw it last week and I just knew. I haven't seen you smile like that in a while."

  "You know, son, your face used to light up when someone just spoke her name. Have things changed?"

  "You never give up, do you, woman?" He said in a flustered but amused tone.

  "Nope. I don't give up on the ones I love."

  He struggled with the urge of asking his mother how Casey was. They sat silent for a bit until the curiosity got the best of him.

  "Well, are you going to tell me how she is or are you going to sit there?"

  Jane laughed.

  "Well, I was going to sit here because she really didn't want me to tell you we talked. Every time we do, she naturally asks how you are."


  Jane let out a big sigh.

  "Carter, maybe you need to be the one to ask her that. I'm not going to be the go between. All I can say is, it's just never too late.

  The day after the meeting with the lawyer, Carter met Lyla for lunch and he explained his plans for Tommy's inheritance to her. She was more than shocked and was eternally grateful. Once she had the baby, her plan all along was to buy another house. One preferably with a yard. It was a quick lunch and Casey's name was never brought up.

  At work the following month, Casey's co-workers had all decided to attend a Breast Cancer Benefit at one of the hotels in Bell-aire. Casey saw that Laura Reid was the chair person and right away any thoughts of attending went out the window. Not that she didn't like Laura. She was sweet to her but she also knew she would see Jordan there. It would be inevitable. After a long shift, Casey made her way home to find Lyla whipping them something up for dinner.

  "Oh God, that smells good. You spoil me, Ly."

  "Hey you work some long ass days, sister. You deserve this. Oh and this came for you today."

  Lyla held a pink envelope in her hand and on the back was the address stamp of Mrs. Laura Reid.

  "Open it. Now." She demanded.

  "Ugh. Do I have to? I already know what it's for. Everyone at work is going and they gave Laura Reid my name."

  "Fine give it to me." Lyla snatched it out of her hand and Casey dove across the table to get it back.

  "Hey now. Don't fuck with a very pregnant woman. I can get real moody. I am 3 weeks away from giving birth."

  Lyla opened it and Casey went to the refrigerator for a beer. She took a long drink of it as Lyla read the invitation and shook her head.

  "Well, Cinderella, I'm guessing you may be seeing your old Prince Charming there."

  Casey rolled her eyes and started to set the table for dinner, ignoring Lyla's statement.

  The next week was the benefit. It was semi-formal so Casey had gotten a short, coral colored cocktail dress for the occasion. It was bare on one shoulder and it had a long, flowing sleeve on the other. Lyla did Casey's hair in between her annoying Braxton Hick's contractions she was having that day.

  "You look gorgeous, Case. The color is stunning on you."

  "Thank for doing my hair, Ly. I dig the sleek, low, side ponytail on my bare shoulder."

  "OHHHH. Fuck!" Lyla said through clenched teeth."That one freaking hurt."

  "Ly, maybe I shouldn't go and just stay home with you."

  Lyla got up off the couch and pushed Casey through the door.

  "No way, woman. You need a nice night out. Besides, you will keep your phone on you at all times if I need you. The hotel isn't that far away from the hospital so I
'll be fine."

  "If you say so. Love you." Casey gave her a peck on the cheek.

  She made her way to the hotel in Bell-Aire and met all her co-workers at their assigned table. They talked and sipped on champagne and picked on exquisite appetizers. She looked around several times nervously to see if she could spot Jordan but she never did. She thought he may have been away on business. Casey needed to use the ladies' room so she excused herself and made her way there. She reapplied her lip gloss and exited. Still adjusting herself as she exited the bathroom without looking up, she crashed into someone.

  "Oh God I am so...." She looked up to see who she crashed into. It was Jordan.

  "Casey? Wow. It's so good to see you." He gently kissed her on the cheek. "You look fantastic as always."

  Jordan was always such a gentleman and Casey thought about the fact he was being so nice to her after she had broken his heart. She was happy to see him, though a bit nervous.

  "It's so good to see you too, Jordan. How have you been?"

  The pair started to walk towards the ballroom again.

  "So, I know this may be a little awkward but I read about Carter's band mate. The one I met at Beach Bums. It's such a tragedy. I'm very sorry for your loss. And Carter's as well."

  "Thank you. It was a huge shock and yes, a very big loss."

  "So, um how are things going with you and Carter?"

  She felt her cheeks flush and she briefly pulled her lip in. "There uh.. is no me and Carter."

  Jordan stopped in his tracks. He touched her arm to hold her back from walking. "Casey, I'm sorry. I really am. Even though what happened to us, happened because of him, I would never wish any pain for you. I hope you know that."

  Casey touched the cheek on his handsome face and gave him a toothless smile.

  "That's because your mother raised a class act, Jordan. Some girl is either damn lucky or one will be damn lucky to have you."

  He stepped a bit closer to her so their faces were only inches apart. "I wish you were that damn lucky girl, Casey. I always have."

  Jordan traced her bottom lip with his thumb. She looked up at him and he inched closer to her face.

  "I'm sorry. I just...Casey I don't think I ever stopped..."

  Jordan was interrupted by the ringing of Casey's cell phone. She broke her gaze away from Jordan and fished the phone from her bag. The caller ID said it was Lyla so she answered it.

  "Ly? You ok?" Casey asked quietly.

  "No, I'm not fucking ok, Case. My fucking water broke and my fucking contractions are five minutes apart and I'm wet and messy and I'm alone. I need drugs, and my mommy." She started to sob.

  After all the yelling, Lyla calmed down and blew her nose.

  "OK, ok Lyla calm down. Everything is ok. Go take a quick shower. You will be fine. Put a maxi pad on to catch any more of the amniotic fluid and I am going to grab a cab and I'll be home in fifteen minutes. OK."

  Lyla sobbed into the phone. "Hurry, please."

  Casey threw the phone into her bag and looked up at Jordan.

  "I have to go. Lyla is in labor." Jordan looked at her confused as Casey began walking fast towards the exits.

  "Labor? You mean baby labor? I had no idea." Jordan said anxiously.

  "Yes. Labor, labor. It's Tommy's baby. She found out right before he died and he never knew."

  "Oh, wow. Well, no cabs, my car is right out front. I'll give you a lift to pick up Lyla, and I'll take you guys to the hospital."

  She smiled and turned to hug him as they made their way to Jordan's car. Jordan drove fast to Casey's house. Lyla was on the front porch supporting her back with one hand and her suitcase with another. Casey and Jordan flew out of the car to help her navigate her way down the steps.

  "It's about fucking time, Casey. Jordan? What are you doing here?" Casey shook her head in annoyance.

  " Never mind. Long story. I'll tell it to you later. I need my Converse."

  Lyla swung her arms from around her back. Hanging off her finger were a pair of Casey's black and white Converse.

  "Oh, thank God! I hate heels. Let's go."

  They helped Lyla in the car and made their way to the hospital. When they got there they went to Labor and Delivery and a nurse was waiting for her. Casey was her labor coach and she had to fill a few forms out. Jordan waited for her in the waiting area. After the paperwork was done, Lyla's doctor checked her and she was already seven centimeters. Casey went into the waiting room to tell Jordan about Lyla's progress. He was sitting there reading a newspaper.

  "She is seven centimeters and they gave her an epidural, so she is comfortable."

  "That's good. How are you?"

  "I'm fine. Jordan thank you for driving us, but you don't have to stay. Lyla's parents are on their way and hopefully they will make it in time."

  "I want to if that's ok."

  She smiled at him. "Of course. Thank you Jordan. I appreciate you being here."

  He strolled up to her and put his hands on her shoulders. She looked up into his big brown eyes.

  When this is all over I'd really like to finish our conversation. I missed you Casey and I'm hoping," He paused, "I'm just hoping there may be a second chance for us. I can't stop thinking about you. You are in my thoughts constantly." He grasped either side of her face and his fingers touched the edges of her hair. He rubbed the tips slightly against her scalp. "I'm sorry it ended the way it did between us. I have distanced myself from my father and we have a better understanding of what we both want out of our lives and I want you, Casey. I always have." He leaned in and captured her lips with his gently. As his mouth was upon hers a ding from the elevator behind them was heard. They broke their kiss as the sound of footsteps inched closer to them. They heard a voice say from behind them,

  "Well, isn't this cozy."

  They turned to see it was Carter, and Jane stood beside them.

  "Carter!" Casey said surprised. "What are you doing here?" She stepped away from Jordan.

  "Lyla called me to tell me she was in labor but my phone was on silent and I didn't hear it. What's going on here?" He swayed his hand back and forth between her and Jordan. Casey wiped the kiss from her lips.

  "I don't think that's any of your business," she replied in a cross tone.

  Casey crossed her arms over her chest and stood there uncomfortably.

  "You both are all dressed up. Did you guys have a hot date or something?" His blue eyes were blazing and burning holes into Casey. "It's so nice that you two kids could work things out. You make such an adorable couple." Carter said sarcastically.

  "Carter!" Jane said sternly. "Casey, how is Lyla?"

  "She is fine. She is almost to eight centimeters last time I checked."

  Carter crossed his arms, nodded his head and smirked.

  "Last time you checked? You left your best friend to come make out with your boyfriend? Classy, Case. Did you take him into the broom closet and have your way with him?"

  Casey lunged for him but Jordan held her back. Jane tried to hold Carter back but he went towards her with fire in his eyes. He flung his arms to his sides.

  "What, Casey? What are you going to do? Draw blood on my face again? Give me even more wounds than I can stand? You want to rip my heart out again?" He banged his fist on his chest. " Go ahead. There's nothing left in there anyway. It's empty."

  Jordan spoke as he still had a grasp on Casey's arm. "Casey, Carter's right. Maybe you should get back in there to check on Lyla."

  Carter began laughing uncontrollably.

  "Do me a favor, Richie Rich, why don't you take your Armani suit wearing ass out of my sight. Don't you dare mutter my name and stay away from Casey."

  Jordan straightened his back and walked up to Carter so they were eye to eye. This action caught Carter by surprise. "Why don't you back off, Mr. Rock and Roll? I was agreeing with you because I had Lyla's best interest at heart. Let's get something straight, Casey can make her own decisions if she wants me to stay away from her. I did
n't let her go, but I didn't fight for her either. I have learned from my mistakes. I intend to try and rectify it. She's worth fighting for. My suggestion may possibly be for you to stay away from her." Jordan stepped away and went back to where Casey was standing. Jordan Reid stepped up to Carter London. Carter had no idea he had it in him to do so. Jordan looked at Casey who was shooting daggers at Carter.

  "Casey, I think I'm going to go so you can be with Lyla. I'd love for you to call me after the baby is born and you are all settled. Please give her my best wishes for a safe delivery."

  "Jesus Christ, why do you have to be so fucking polite! I have loved her for nine God damn years, and then you step in with your charm and your fat wallet and all hell breaks loose."

  Jordan went towards Carter with closed fists and fury in his eyes. " You're a complete ass Carter, you know that?" Jordan said to him. Jane stepped in front of Jordan. She shielded Carter even though she knew he was wrong. She turned to face him.

  "Carter! Stop it right now, boy! Your best friend's girl is in there having his baby and he is not here to witness it. This is about Lyla, not about you and Casey and this...this love triangle or whatever it is, so pipe down now!" She pushed against his chest hard. Carter backed off and Jordan stopped moving.

  Jordan stalked towards the elevator. Before the doors closed he pressed the hold button.

  "You let her go, Carter. Years of loving her doesn't make up for that. Casey, call me when you are ready. We have a lot to talk about." The elevator doors closed and Jordan was gone.


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