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The Billionaire's Secretary (Billionaire's Series Book 1)

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by Love, L. J.

  “I know it’s difficult, but we’re going to have to start at the beginning. Did you sell Xaoping information or not? Step on any toes over there or with any of the clients? And what’s the deal with Tsang Wei anyway?”

  “I didn’t spy on anyone and I certainly didn’t sell inside information. When I first heard about the deal, I went straight to Tsang Wei to broker our own deal. It wouldn’t do for Xaoping to gain so much power in the region. As you probably know, I can be a disturbingly honest and straightforward person. The Chinese tend to hate that, they think it’s impolite.”

  “What about you, Aaron? Do you know anything about this?”

  “There’s nothing black or red on the books about it yet, Aurora. As Dad keeps pointing out, I only crunch the numbers.”


  Aurora returned to her rooms at Morrison House, exhausted from the emotional afternoon at Guyton Estate. A large envelope was waiting for her, along with the Samsung Galaxy 10 tablet she had ordered and the background information on both Xaoping Exports and Tsang Wei Electronics. For whatever reason, Aurora’s instinct told her there was more to that connection than the obvious and she was determined to follow that hunch. She pushed open the room door and placed the items on the bed before using the remote control to switch the television on and find the nationwide news channel.

  The Alpharetta Chief of Police was standing on the steps of City Hall, answering questions from a slew of reporters about the case. They wanted to know why Alan hadn’t yet been taken into custody and if it would have been the same if he wasn’t rich and from an affluent family. Aurora rolled her eyes. Of course, they would ask that. They wanted to know why Alan Guyton had tampered with company information in Hong Kong. Were they planning a hostile takeover? Again, of course they thought so. She angrily switched the television off and turned to the large envelope that had arrived from the Alpharetta office. There were newspaper articles, photographs, telephone records, interview transcripts and of course, the D.A.’s preliminary report and their evidence log.

  What Aurora didn’t find were the search warrants. The police had searched the firm’s offices, Alan’s car and penthouse apartment and supposedly gathered a wealth of evidence against him. She checked the evidence log again. Yes, there it was. Flash drives with allegedly stolen information from both Chinese companies had been found. The question was: where were the warrants for the police to conduct those searches? She picked up her cell phone and pressed the speed dial button for Rebecca.

  “Hello?” Rebecca answered.

  “Hi Rebecca, it’s me, Aurora.”

  “Oh. Hi. I didn’t even look at the caller I.D. I’m buried in paper right now trying to find more information on the case.”

  “That’s great Rebecca,” Aurora replied. “But I think I may have something big right now.”

  “Really? What is it?”

  “I got your envelope, but I don’t see any copies of the police search warrants. Didn’t you find any?”

  “Oh, hold on one second.”

  Aurora listened as Rebecca rummaged through paper on the other end of the line.

  “Aurora, I don’t know how to tell you this, but there aren’t any warrants among the papers the D.A.’s office sent over.”

  “That’s what I thought, Rebecca. Listen, it’s one of two things going on here. Either there was something wrong with the warrants they got or they didn’t have any to begin with. Either way, all their evidence is dismissible. Call the D.A.’s office again and ask them to send you a copy of the warrants. If you don’t get them in thirty minutes, let me know and whenever they do arrive, go over there and ask to see the originals. I’m going to need full color, high definition pictures of those warrants.”

  “Okay, Aurora. Will do.”

  “Thanks Rebecca, Talk to you soon.”

  Aurora lay back against the pillows and smiled up at the ceiling. She couldn’t believe her luck. There was obviously something the D.A. was trying to hide and if that threw out their precious evidence, then the case could be easily overturned. Alan had nothing much to worry about now, and neither did she.

  Chapter Four

  Aurora delivered the good news over dinner with Mr. Guyton and his sons that night. The old man was extremely pleased that the plan she had devised and explained to them in their meeting that evening had borne fruit.

  “So when will you know for sure?” Alan asked nervously.

  “You’re so preoccupied with saving your damn ass right now, aren’t you little brother?” Adrian said sarcastically. “It might be helpful to all of us if you would act a bit more responsibly, both professionally and privately.”

  “Stand down, Adrian,” his father commanded. “We all know what an annoying prick your brother can be. Don’t go turning into one yourself.”

  Adrian scoffed. He hated being the brunt of his father’s poor humor. Instead of responding he turned his attention back to Aurora.

  “I’m sorry the weekend started out for you like this. As you get to work with us boys more closely, you’ll get used to Alan being a bit of a pain in the ass.” She smiled at the quip and he continued. “So, when will we know for sure that the case will be thrown out?”

  “Well, unfortunately, Alan will first have to turn himself in to the police. He’s technically a fugitive and under that surmise, we’re all breaking the law. I’d suggest that he do it here in Hamilton. Bermuda law enforcement is bound to be more lenient and should be easily satisfied with him handing over his passport. We’ll post bail and then wait for the charges to be dropped.”

  “Excellent,” Andrew concluded, raising his glass. “When we get back to Alpharetta, I think I’m going to explore getting you more involved in the legal aspect of the business. You’ll make a damn fine lawyer someday, Precious.”

  “She’s damn fine, alright!” Alan commented, staring Aurora in the eye, then winking before he looked away.

  She blushed and turned away just in time to catch Adrian’s look of total exasperation. She rolled her eyes and continued to immerse herself in the fabulous meal that was on the table.


  It could be that I drank too much wine, Aurora thought to herself when she stumbled the second time as they left the restaurant. It was late and even the media had given up on a chance to ambush them after dinner. A few photographers attempted shots, but bulky security guards kept well placed between them and the departing group. Alan had his arm around her waist the minute they had stepped through the restaurant door and Aurora knew what that meant. He was in the mood to celebrate and that always meant trouble.

  Mr. Guyton invited her back to the estate for a nightcap before one of the driver’s would take her back to her hotel.

  “I’m really thankful that you took care of everything so well, Precious. I hope you’re getting to understand how much confidence I have in you.” Before she could reply, the old man continued speaking. “Alan and I have reviewed this situation with Xaoping and Tsang Wei and I think he’s right about what could happen. We’ll probably meet on it when we get back to Alpharetta. If we don’t move, we stand to be eliminated from the game over there.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  They sat in the warmth of the entertainment room, sipping brandy while the boys took turns at the billiards table. When Mr. Guyton turned in for the night, she joined Alan to watch Adrian thrash Aaron at 9-ball.

  “Thanks again for allowing me to help, Alan. I’m glad it turned out so well,” Aurora replied. She was trying her best to be as professional around him as possible so as not to evoke anymore of his older brothers’ wrath. Keeping her eyes fixed on the desk, she checked that she had all her things and turned to the three men.

  “Sirs, I bid you farewell. I’m heading back to Morrison Place for the night,” Aurora announced.

  Alan came up beside Aurora again, standing uncomfortably close to her. She picked up her handbag from the table and turned to face him, taking a step back.

  “I thought perhaps I could ha
ve changed your mind about leaving tonight, but it seems I’m going to have to do some convincing.”

  “I really can’t stay Alan; I never think it appropriate for the staff to sleep under the same roof as her bosses and besides, there isn’t anything more that I can do on the case until tomorrow.”

  “Technically, I’m still your client,” he said as his finger ran down her arm from her shoulder to her wrist. She was on fire, but couldn’t tell if it was Alan or the alcohol.

  “No, you’re not and in any case, I’m off the clock.”

  “That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say. If you won’t stay, can I come with you?”

  Aurora looked up to see Adrian Guyton giving her a look of contempt from across the room. It sent a shiver down her spine. She reached into her pocket discreetly and took another step back from Alan, offering her hand in farewell. He took it and palmed the card she held, shaking her hand and nodding in agreement. Aurora turned and walked out of the room, leaving the Guytons to their game.

  Alan arrived at The Morrison about an hour later and walked confidently past the front desk to the lobby elevator. When he knocked on her door, Aurora opened it and let him in. As soon as the door was closed, he put a hand behind her head and drew close to her tasting her lips tenderly, but confidently. Aurora couldn’t stop her body from responding to Alan’s touch.

  Instinctively, she ran her fingers through his hair, making sure to rake her fingernails along his scalp. As if on cue, a moan of desire erupted from Alan’s throat and filled her mouth. She swooned at the sound. Clearly, they knew how to please each other. They sank slowly to the couch and ravaged each others bodies for hours. As soon as he had recovered, Alan looked over at Aurora and smiled.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked dreamily.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “About the first time we met at the office.”

  “Oh yeah? What about it?”

  “You were so damn hot in that pants suit and those killer heels. I wasn’t even sure that you knew how hot you were. I took one look at those amazing tits and I knew I’d nail you one day. It was just a matter of time.”


  “You heard me. And damn, Aurora, you’re an awesome lay. Definitely worth the wait.”

  “Alan Guyton! You’re being rude. Apologize this instance.”

  He didn’t say another word. He just leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, got dressed and left. As the door closed behind him, Aurora felt used. The only thing he could have done to make her feel worse at that moment was to leave a few hundreds on the nightstand.

  Chapter Five

  It had taken all morning for the D.A. to fax the warrants to her office and when Rebecca had requested to see the originals, the usual smokescreens had been mounted. Once Aurora received the photos on the tablet she was using, she knew that the documents had been quickly patched together entirely for their benefit. There had been no legitimate warrant for the searches or at least she was sure there was none for the search of Alan’s car or office that turned up the prosecution’s evidence. She turned her attention back to the evidence log, scanning it earnestly for what could be the last piece of the quick dismissal case she was planning in her head.

  Aurora couldn’t help but laugh out loud when it didn’t appear on the list. There was no record of testimony or proof that Alan had transacted any of the information they claimed that he had in his possession and having the information alone was no crime at all. It was suddenly clear to her that the D.A.’s key evidence was now completely circumstantial. Again Aurora called Rebecca to cross check her findings. She wanted to be sure before she went over to Guyton Estate to deliver the news.

  “No, Miss Aldridge, according to the records, there was no evidence that directly linked him to transacting the information. They wouldn’t even have confirmed that he knew anything about it if they hadn’t found it during the search. They didn’t even have any witness testimony to that effect. It’s really weird that they didn’t make the decision to interview some people about it.”

  “Or maybe they did,” Aurora said, “but the results didn’t tell them what they wanted to hear.”


  The reporters were again camped outside the gates when Aurora pulled up to the estate. It seemed the propaganda campaign launched by the Hong Kong police was working and the media just weren’t ready to cut the Guyton’s a break. At least the paparazzi had gotten bored and evacuated the trees.

  As she pulled up, Aurora could see that Adrian and Aaron had decided to make an appearance. She endured her walk of shame with dignity and refinement. After all, no one knew about what had transpired between her and Alan the night before. Or so she hoped.

  “Good morning, Aurora,” Adrian said politely when she had climbed the stairs and set foot on the enormous portico.

  “Adrian,” she replied, extending her hand courteously.

  They made their way straight into the bright drawing room and Adrian motioned the chair opposite Andrew, indicating that Aurora should sit there, before taking his seat. Alan and Aaron perched themselves like a matched set on the sofa like two spectators at a tennis final. As if on cue, Liz came in with a tea tray and set it down in front of Aurora and left. Silence fell over the room as she poured tea into five beautiful china cups. Suddenly Andrew cleared his throat.

  “So Aurora, Adrian says you have good news?”

  “Yes, that’s quite true, Mr. G.,” she replied, turning to face the old man. “Yesterday when I got back to my hotel the copies of the D.A.’s documents on the case had already arrived from Alpharetta. It seems the police searched your car and office without valid warrants, Alan. Didn’t you check them?”

  “Well, they had one when they came to the house and they did show it to me, but I didn’t have an opportunity to scrutinize it.”

  “You mean the officer didn’t give it to you before entering?”

  “No, he kind of just flashed it and when they asked for the car key and where it was parked, I just assumed it was included in the warrant for them to search that too.”

  “Wow,” she said, leaning back into the chair and crossing her legs.

  Adrian’s eyebrows shot up in appreciation when he saw the five inch Christian Louboutin high heels she was wearing and the sexy arch of her foot in them. As he looked up again, their eyes met and she flashed him an admonishing look.

  “The warrants were not legal. They weren’t signed by a judge. It seems they were in a hurry to catch you off guard and they couldn’t convince the judge there was just cause to search, so they just went ahead anyway, thinking that no one would check.”

  “So what does that mean for us?” Alan asked.

  She was still mad at him for the night before. But she was a big girl. She’d been warned repeatedly about him and she had still decided to sleep with him. She shouldn’t have been surprised at all and now she was taking her medicine like a woman.

  “Well, it means that none of the evidence is admissible. Rebecca and Mr. Caplan are going to the judge’s chambers with the D.A. this afternoon to spring the bad news on them and get the case thrown out.”

  Andrew put his hand over his heart in sheer relief and Aaron hugged his brother excitedly. When the clamor was over, they all returned to look at Aurora. The look on her face sobered everyone in the room instantly.

  “There’s more, isn’t there?” Adrian asked.

  “Yes, there is.”

  “Well, go on,” Alan snapped impatiently.

  “The invalidity of the search warrants throws out the evidence, but it doesn’t give us a definite mistrial. Of course, that’s what I’ve asked Mr. Caplan to shoot for in chambers today, but if it’s not declared a mistrial, then double jeopardy doesn’t apply.”

  “They’ll be able to start the case against me all over again?” Alan said.

  “Yes, they will,” Aurora confirmed, “and this time they would already know about your secret
weapon. Me.”

  “Well, aren’t you full of yourself, Miss Aldridge,” Adrian said sarcastically. Aurora looked at him for a moment and they both burst out laughing. It was obvious that he knew she’d slept with his brother. It was also obvious that he didn’t approve, but he wasn’t going to hold it against her either.

  ‘What are you two laughing about?” Alan asked.

  “The fun part,” Aurora said, turning to look him square in the eye.

  “Oh, the fun part. Hmmm, I wonder what that could be.”

  “It’s the part when you get to go to jail, little brother. Go pack a bag!”

  Aurora burst out laughing again at the look on Alan’s face, then she said, “Hey, Adrian, how about that drink now?”

  Alan didn’t like being the brunt of Aurora’s jokes. He sat in a corner chair and seethed the entire time, knowing that the Hamilton police would be showing up any minute to take him off to the central booking station. It was Friday, which meant that the longer they took, the more likely it was that he would be spending the weekend in jail.

  After a few drinks, Andrew announced that he wanted to meet with everyone briefly before lunch. Aurora decided it was as good a time as any to relieve herself and freshen up a bit. She walked out into the spacious hallway and crossed the foyer toward the powder room door. As she stood at the sink looking into the mirror, the door opened and Alan stepped inside, locking the door behind him.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I just thought I’d come get a quick version of that stuff you gave me last night. They are incarcerating me today, you know.”

  “Alan, don’t be stupid. You know that won’t ever happen again after how you treated me last night.”

  She wasn’t saying the words that Alan wanted to hear, so he decided to stop listening. Instead, he grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back while he used the weight of his body to pin her against the vanity. With one hand he pulled a hand towel from the rack and shoved it deeply into her mouth. He grabbed a second one and tied her wrists securely.


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