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Hot Dates: Becoming a Shared Wife

Page 5

by McCurran, Kirsten

  “I like knowing all the guys out there want you, and sometimes I think about taking it further. I think about what would happen if we went further.”

  “How?” Was he saying what I thought?

  “I think about what it would be like if sometimes guys didn’t just look, but they approached you and flirted with you.”

  “You would like that?” It was not quite ordinary behavior for a husband and wife, but it sounded pretty harmless. I don’t want to brag, but I’ve held up pretty well and I’m used to being approached by guys when I’m out on my own. As long as no one is pushy about it, I’m flattered.

  “Yeah, it would be hot to see your sexiness through another guy.”

  Dave began to relax and I think he was relieved to be telling me all of this. He must have been bottling that up for a long time. I immediately thought back to that night with Lisa and Shane and how Dave just sat back instead of joining us. Dave was not just content to sit back and watch—it was like he preferred to watch. We relived that night a lot in our love making over the years, and sometimes it seemed that Dave was just as turned on by Shane touching me as Lisa doing it. Maybe more. I never analyzed it because I was just as deep in reliving those memories as Dave. He had seen me with another man and liked it. A lot. I couldn’t help but wonder…

  “What if it didn’t stop with flirting?”

  “You mean…”

  “Some guys can be pretty aggressive. They go for the body contact thing. Sometimes they’ll even try to kiss you if they’ve had enough to drink.”

  “That would be okay, I guess.”

  I thought he was only trying to sound reluctant. I could not see his face, so I pulled off his lap and sat beside him on the couch and took his hand in mine. “It would really turn you on to see me kiss another man?”

  “It would.”

  “It did, didn’t it. That night with Shane and Lisa.”

  Dave could hardly meet my eyes. “It did.”

  “Did that night start you thinking about this?” That had been over five years before. Had he been harboring this all those years?

  “Not really. Dana, I’ve always had some version of this fantasy. Back in high school, when I was on the baseball team, we were partying one night and I was hooking up with Maggie, and I noticed one of the other guys watching us. He saw that I knew he was there and didn’t stop, so he kept getting closer and closer, until he sat on the floor beside us and started touching her. We both hooked up with her that night, and seeing her with him blew my mind. I don’t think I’ve been the same since.”

  Maggie was a girl he’d dated for a couple years, but he did not talk about her much. We had never really discussed our past relationships. The past was the past. But now I wondered if we should have. What other kinky secrets were in my husband’s past? I had to ask: “Did you both fuck her?”

  “Oh no. She did jerk him off, though.”

  “So you’ve thought about me—other girlfriends—being with other men?”

  Dave nodded.

  “Why didn’t you ever say anything? You know I’m not a prude. You can tell me anything.”

  “I was afraid you’d think less of me. Maybe it makes me less of a man that I am turned on by the idea of you with another guy. And I don’t want you to think it means I don’t cherish you or love you. It’s not about that. I think it’s because I’m so into you that I want to see you like that. I know it sounds totally nuts. I know this isn’t normal.”

  “Stop it. I won’t have you beating yourself up. I know you love me. And nothing could make you less of a man. It is different though…”

  I kept using that word—different—because I didn’t want to use anything more judgmental. But I did not know how I really felt about it. I was not offended. I’m just not the kind of girl who is offended by that sort of thing. And I really didn’t question if Dave loved me. I took him at his word. But I could not fully understand it either. I would have been okay if he joined us that night and played with Lisa, but I really had no desire to see him with another woman, and I know I would be jealous if I saw him hooking up with some woman who picked him up at a bar. But I didn’t have to understand it to love him. I just needed to accept it. And I could do that. I even got my own thrill out of it, if I’m being honest. There’s always been a part of me that’s turned on by being naughty. The fantasy of acting out like that, a married woman who flirts with strange men, was exciting. I could not see myself going out and picking up a man, but if some handsome guy wanted to buy me a drink, who was I to say no?

  “Different as in ick?” Dave did look me in the eye now. He had to be sure I was not just humoring him.

  “No. Different as in, everyone has their fantasies, and who has the right to judge anyone else’s. And when I thought about it, it turned me on too.”

  “I could tell.” Finally, a smile.

  “You know I like to be bad.”

  “That’s one of the many reasons I love you. And I love it when you’re bad.”

  “I guess it’s a shame you weren’t there to see that guy flirt with me. You missed your chance.”

  “I am sure I’ll get another. Guys are always checking you out.”

  “Then next time I might have to play it up and give you a good story.” It sounded fun to go out there and flirt. I had not really done so in such a long time. I was not sure I remembered how. It was not a skill I needed any longer.

  “Maybe I’ll just hang back and watch you in action for a while.” That glint of excitement was back in his eyes.

  “That would be fun.”

  “We could even go out to do that.” Dave looked eager.

  I was dense. “What do you mean?”

  “Some couples—at least in stories I’ve read—play this game where the husband hangs back and watches while the wife gets picked up.”

  “No one really does that!”

  “I bet they do. The stories had to come from somewhere.”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you? You would like to go out and do this?”

  “If you were up for it. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

  My head was still mostly in fantasyland. I had not been talking about doing anything for real, except maybe me stringing some guy along at the bar. Going out with the intent to flirt with strange men was a whole different thing. It would be naughty. And a little dangerous. And sexy. The fantasy made me hot, but I didn’t know if I could really do it. Dave looked so excited I felt like I had to at least think about it.

  “I don’t know, baby. Maybe you should give me some of those stories you read so I can think about it,” I suggested. Dave looked so excited I thought he was going to jump up from the couch right then and grab some. He must have had them on hand. I asked, “How many of these stories have you read?”

  Dave looked chagrinned. “More than a few.”

  * * *

  Dave was as good as his word. First, he sent me links to a couple stories on a website full of free dirty stories. He knew I liked to read stories on that website, so it made the introduction easier, but I did not read that subject matter on my own. When I realized their “Loving Wives” section was really about cheating wives, I moved on and mostly read things in the “Romance” and “Group Sex” sections. That night with Lisa and Shane had left an impression on me, and reading stories about other couples doing those things turned me on.

  We had never done anything like that after our night with Lisa and Shane, but it was not like we made a conscious decision not to. We would have if it came up, I suppose, but one night had not converted us into swingers. It was not something we were going to seek out for ourselves. Our friends later in life just weren’t as adventurous as Lisa and Shane. And it was not something I felt I needed to do. It was just fun to think about.

  The stories I read weren’t bad, but they got hotter when I imagined Dave and I in the characters’ places. When I told my husband that I’d enjoyed the stories he recommended, he sent me
some ebooks for my Kindle. Dave sent me something called Rediscovering Danielle, and its sequel, Just Watch Me, which he said were a perfect example of how he felt about his fantasies. I’ve always thought of erotica as a women’s medium, but both of these books were written by a man and told from a man’s perspective. My eyes were opened. I finally had some insight into why Dave was excited by the idea of me and another man. I asked him if he felt like Dean, the husband in the book, and he said mostly.

  “That guy is pretty conflicted about seeing his wife with other guys and I didn’t feel any of that seeing Maggie, or when I watched you and Shane,” he explained.

  “You might feel differently if we really did this. Both of those nights just sort of happened to you. If we went out and did this, it would be planned, it would be intentional. There would be no excuses afterward.”

  “I didn’t need any excuses. I was perfectly fine with everything that happened—both times.”

  “Okay. The other thing is that both times this happened to you the other guy was a friend of yours, someone you trusted not to push it. If we go out and I just meet someone, he’ll be a stranger. He’s not going to care about being too aggressive. The situation won’t totally be in our control.”

  “I think that could make it even more exciting than before.”

  “And scarier.”

  “I don’t want to put you in a situation where something bad could happen, or you do something you don’t want to,” Dave stressed. He had been clear about that all along. He didn’t want me to ever do anything just for him. I had to want it too.

  “I’m confident I can handle myself. I’m just saying, this isn’t going to be like that night in the cabin. It’s going to be a totally different animal.”

  Dave bought my confident front, and I was glad, because in reality I was frightened. Not frightened enough not to try it—and the fear was a turn on, if I’m honest. But what I said was true. We would not be in complete control of what happened. Another person would be involved—someone we didn’t know and who would not know about our game. He would have his own agenda, which would probably be to get laid. If I met a guy I liked and ended up in a compromising position I was going to have to stop things at some point. It had been a long time since I had been on a date and had to tell some overly amorous guy to back off. And those were mostly fumbling, teenage boys. A horny, grown man was going to be harder to control.

  “So you really liked those books? The stories turned you on?” Dave asked.

  “You know I did,” I said, putting my hand over his where it rested on my thigh. It was late and the kids were in bed. He liked quizzing me about my favorite parts of the stories when he fooled around. He loved having me fantasize it was another man fucking me while I came—something that made him cum even harder than I did.

  “I loved reading about how Dani totally gave herself over to their game. The part where Dean got to watch her with her lover was the best.”

  “It was, but we’re not talking about going there. We’re just talking about going out and seeing what happens. Maybe a little flirting, but I don’t know what else is going to happen. I know I’m not ready to just go all the way.”

  “I know.” Dave’s hand moved higher on my thigh, pushing under the oversized t-shirt that I used as a nightgown. I was not wearing panties, so he was about to feel how excited talking about playing made me.

  “And I want you close. I want you there. I didn’t understand what Dean got from it when he didn’t get to see it.” I rubbed the bulge in his boxer-briefs.

  “I can and I can’t. I mean, I want to see everything I can, but I know that’s going to be difficult. Someone might want to get you a little more private.”

  “You’re going to be okay with that?”

  “I think so, as long as I get all the details.”

  “We’ll worry about that when the time comes, I guess.”

  “So we’re really doing this?” he asked eagerly.

  “We’ll give it a try.” There it was. I really agreed to go out and do this. Dave touched my pussy and I was finished talking. I pulled him over on top of me.

  * * *

  All that was left was to make it happen. Agreeing that we would go out and try this game was one thing, but making the plans for it to happen was another. We had to find a babysitter, probably an overnight one, we had to pick a place, and finally, I had to decide what I was going to wear. We usually go with grandparents or my sister when we need an overnight sitter, and it was over a month before we could arrange a night out. That gave me a lot of time to think about what we were going to do, but I tried not to dwell on it. I was afraid that if I thought about it too much I was going to be too scared to do it.

  With babysitting arranged, we had to pick a place, and we both decided that any of our usual haunts were out. While we were not regulars at any of the local clubs or bars, there was too great a chance of running into someone we knew if we did this close to home. How could we explain what I was doing talking to some strange man while Dave sat on the other side of the bar? We used our adventure night as an excuse to investigate a new casino and entertainment complex that was a little over an hour away. We had been meaning to get over there, but with busy schedules and the kids there was just never the time. Dave gave me one more chance to back out before he booked a room, and I just shook my head.

  Dave’s mom asked where we were headed when we dropped the kids off and we told her about the casino, just not what we planned on doing once we got there. I had to force my cheerful smile. Beneath that smile I was a buzz of nerves and insecurity. I’m not a flirty twentysomething on the make anymore. When I look in the mirror I see a mom—okay, a cute one, but a mom nonetheless. Was it presumptuous to think I was just going to sit down at a bar and men were going to flock to me? I could not count on every man who sees me being as into me as Dave.

  The casino-hotel did not exactly bring Vegas to mind, but it was very nice. The lobby was full of marble and rich colors and expensive-looking touches. I stood fidgeting off to the side with our luggage while Dave checked us in. We had more bags than you’d expect us to carry for an overnighter, but I could not decide on what to wear before we left. Upstairs, the room was not quite as nice as the website made it appear, but it had a nice fluffy king-sized bed and a big bathroom counter to spread my beauty aids out on, and that was all we needed. Dave tried to pull me onto that bed as soon as the door was closed. He was already rock hard and nothing had happened yet. I decided to tease him, and pushed him away. He was more than frustrated, but returned my smile when I told him I was someone else’s pick-up tonight—not his. To rub salt in the wound, I stripped down to bra and panties in front of him before closing the bathroom door.

  I found Dave was ready when I came out of the bathroom. I wasn’t close. He sat in the chair in the corner staring at his phone, but not really looking at it. I could tell his mind was somewhere far, far away. He was handsome in a dark blue shirt and black slacks. If I was a single girl, I would have picked him up. And I was going to be a single girl for the night, but I wouldn’t be picking up my husband. Not until the end of the night.

  Dave looked up from his phone and grinned. “You look ready for some fun.” His eyes lingered on my pert breasts and my freshly-shaved pussy. I usually kept a little landing strip down there, but I shaved for Dave on special occasions. And this more than qualified.

  “Do you think I should just go down to the casino like this?”

  “You wouldn’t have to wait long for a hot guy to find you.”

  “I should at least do my hair and put some make-up on.” I laughed. “It’s time to help me pick out a dress.”

  Before I could begin modeling for my husband there was a knock at the door and he told me he’d ordered something from room service. I hadn’t even thought about dinner and with so much on my mind I didn’t know if I could eat anything anyway. There was another knock and Dave told me I should get the door.

  “I’m a little underdres

  “I don’t think so,” he said. He took a discarded shirt from the bed—he was not sure what to wear either—and held it out for me to slip into. I humored him. It would be a nice warm up for what was to come. I buttoned the front, but Dave stopped me and released some of the buttons. I shot him a look that said, Really? He just grinned and gestured toward the door. Only three buttons held the shirt closed and it only fell just low enough to cover my ass. It gaped open when I moved so I was very careful when I answered the door.

  “Room service,” said the twentysomething Latino who waited with the cart. The second word caught in his throat and he barely choked it out.

  “Please, come in.” I smiled and stepped aside.

  The boy had to step past me to get into the room and couldn’t help brushing against me. He was short, but built. Not unattractive, but not really my type either—though he looked handsome in his smart uniform. He froze when he saw Dave sitting back in that chair and I nearly ran into him.

  “Where, uh, do you want it?”

  I stepped around him and sat on the foot of the big, king-sized bed, crossing my legs. I know I flashed him and he seemed to sway on his feet. This was a lot of fun! “You can put it on the dresser right there,” I told him, leaning forward when I pointed. He just couldn’t help himself and stared down at my tits for a good five seconds before turning to move the tray from the cart to the dresser. He looked over at Dave apologetically. He was probably worried that big husband was going to kick his ass.

  “Uhm, you need to sign for this,” he croaked.

  “Of course.”

  I brushed against him again as I took the pen and receipt from him. His cock pressed through those polyester uniform pants into my bare leg and his gaze was locked down my open shirt. I made sure to add a generous tip, though I felt he’d had one already. He just managed to look up when I handed the receipt back to him. He kept staring at me and it seemed like he was not going to leave, so I finally told him, “Thanks.” He snapped out of it and hastily excused himself.


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